I heard your comments about the president: We have a president who I think is a nice guy, but he spent too much time at Harvard, perhaps," said Romney."
"Or maybe not enough time working in the ...
by teacherken
4 Recs
The Mojo Friday Postgame is a statistical analysis of the Mojo Friday diary that is posted every Friday morning at 10:30 a.m. ET. For further info please check out Jez's 'Official' "Mojo Friday ...
by woodtick
8 Recs
Itzl want to share his blooming gardens with you.
by Noddy
3 Recs
While the Department of Justice probe of Sheriff Joe Arpaio , and a cornucopia of federal, state, and local investigations of Sheriff Paul Babeu , have grabbed most of the dirty-laundry headlines in ...
by Mother Mags
1 Recs
Come on, Mitt. Do you support Scott Walker's repeal of the Wisconsin Equal Pay Enforcement Act? (Jim Young/Reuters)
The Obama campaign is not cooperating with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's evident ...
by Laura Clawson
3 Recs
Commentary: African American Scientists and Inventors by Black Kos Editor, Sephius1
Otis Boykin proves that, while education is important, it is not the only thing that defines your future. Boykin ...
by Black Kos
26 Recs
"Conservative commentators." "Commerce." "New Deal." Only if you pretend Barack Obama never uttered those three phases this week can you manufacture a controversy in which the President ...
by Avenging Angel
0 Recs
Disclaimer: I in no way support Mitt Romney. I do not want him to win. I support Team Blue all the way.
However, as a matter of curiosity, this diary focuses on what strategy Willard Mittinghouse ...
by NerdKaiser
0 Recs
And this time it's Barack Obama who's part of an "Islamist" conspiracy to destroy freedom...
From a seventeen minute video interview on "Politichick" (no, I'm not kidding, the entire video is below:)
by Bill Prendergast
7 Recs
By Chris Lilienthal, Third and State Right now in Harrisburg, there is a debate going on over whether the state should make more cuts to schools, universities and protections for our children and ...
by ThirdandState
1 Recs
"Attack their strength" is the signature - it's been the core of Rovian strategy through the W years. Kerry didn't see it coming, never came up with an effective response - his campaign considered ...
by erratic
4 Recs
Jezebel covers it just fine.
Stop Antichoicers From Keeping Cecile Richards off TIME’s ‘Most Influential’ List
You're probably aware that TIME magazine annually asks its readers to determine ...
by chipmo
4 Recs
Recently a parent, approached Earl Dobsin, the community relations director of the the Rockford, IL public school 205 district , in regards to the endorsment of the Salvation Army by the district ...
by NationalAtheistParty
2 Recs
by Shawn Russell
6 Recs
Now that the big settlement talks with the banks are over, and most of the reporters have gone home, not very many people are paying attention to what is going on in the financial fraud task force, ...
by Michael Lux
2 Recs
It smells like roses rising above a rotted system. It looks like Occupy in the springtime. It resembles thousands taking part in direct action trainings. It feels like the frenetic sharing of info ...
by scorpiorising
4 Recs
You remember the Welfare Queen, don't you? The welfare queen stereotype (circa 1976) is a picture that some white Americans have in their heads about black women.
The Welfare Queen lived very ...
by Avila
13 Recs
Bass Harbor Head Light
Maine People's Resource Center (pdf). 3/31-4/2. "Registered Maine voters in likely voter households." MoE: ±3.1% (no trendlines):
Matt Dunlap (D) : 12
Charlie Summers (R) :
by David Jarman
4 Recs
Duh. It's so obvious, I can't believe no one has brought this up before.
by occams hatchet
8 Recs
Cross posted at MEGA-DITTOS!!! The Tea Party Cult .
Also, please see our "Kickstarter" campaign .
How about some love folks. I've been a member here since 2005, and I recently did something a ...
by Conceptual Guerilla
6 Recs
Unfortunately, Romney cannot pick his company to be his Vice President, so he will most likely pick the next best thing - one of his own. It really matters not who it is, they have planned to ...
by laserhaas
1 Recs
Jackson Women's Health Organization The forced-birther law now on Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant's desk awaiting his eager signature will probably close the state's only abortion clinic. But it won't ...
by Meteor Blades
39 Recs
Mitt Romney's support among Republicans is lower than President Obama's job approval rating among all Americans (Photo credits: Reuters and White House)
Here's President Obama's approval rating ...
by Jed Lewison
20 Recs
Treyvon Martin. The name alone is sparking much controversy. I can't understand why , since the murdered black kid didn't do anything wrong on the night that he was murdered. Neither can I ...
by darkpower
4 Recs
Today's edition of my ongoing community-building diary series, "Houston, Texas news you can use" is going to be a little looser and more eclectic. As some of you who've been reading along lately know,
by fab 3
3 Recs
Limited Government, Free Markets, Federalism, Voter Suppression, Shoot First, End Collective Bargaining...
Now that the real political agenda of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is ...
by Joan McCarter
6 Recs
Those of you who already either know me or know of me know that I am a massive pootie person. We have just moved into an apartment and now have a pootie, named Princess Ashley; however I grew up ...
by triciawyse
54 Recs
Holiday had been right about the tension. One of the first people I meet scans me up and down and looks at my notebook. “Write something down for me,” he says. “Get the fuck out of here.” He��
by chaunceydevega
111 Recs
And you may have been, unless you check your phone bill carefully and then take action.
This is an ALERT to the Community to ...
by SeaTurtle
17 Recs
This post was written by Danny Feingold, communications director for the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy. A slightly different version appeared earlier today on Frying Pan News .
It’s ...
by The Frying Pan
16 Recs
No, that title isn't hyperbole. There are actual, real Nazis that are in Sanford and are preparing to "white citizens in the area who are concerned for their safety." They are itching for their ...
by AoT
25 Recs
I saw this on twitter, but not on here yet.
(CNN) -- A Navy jet crashed Friday into some apartments near Virginia Beach, Virginia, sending flames and thick black smoke into the air, a military ...
by ClapClapSnap
9 Recs
Find. Fix. Ask. Make . These are important survival skills. I know. I say that a lot. But really, every skill you develop is important to your survival. The more skills you can develop, the ...
by Noddy
17 Recs
Small Businesses Stuck With Unjustifiable 8% Rate Hike, 30% Increase Over Last 24 Months Says Department of Insurance
The California Department of Insurance has announced that Aetna is imposing an 8%
by Consumer Watchdog
6 Recs
In yet another "sternly written letter" Dave Jones, the impotent-by-law Insurance Commissioner of California criticized Aetna
California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones on Thursday criticized ...
by jpmassar
28 Recs
33 CE - Ye almighty Chocolate Bunny came out of his cave three days after being nailed to a plank. Upon seeing his shadow, he began laying chocolate eggs.
325 CE - A bunch of old men wearing ...
by agnostic
4 Recs
Coca Cola, Pepsi, Kraft Foods ... who's next ?
Here's the letter we'll send to the leadership of corporations that support ALEC , on your behalf. You can add a personal comment using the box to the ...
by jamess
16 Recs
This ain't no homeless shelter, it's the Vatican. (Jean-Christophe BENOIST/ Wikicommons )
Last month the Catholic ...
by Scott Wooledge
66 Recs
In an interview on CBS This Morning George Zimmerman's lawyer Hal Uhrig invoked "shaken baby syndrome" in his client's defense:
by jrooth
16 Recs
Tom Barrett
Unions really want to beat Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in the upcoming recall election. But first there's the question of the Democratic nominee. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and former ...
by Laura Clawson
4 Recs
This month Frying Pan News is presenting personal recollections of Los Angeles' April 29-May 4, 1992 explosion, an event that has been called everything from a riot to a rebellion. The following ...
by The Frying Pan
2 Recs
A stampede seems to be on the way as more and more groups break ties and dump ALEC. Intuit, Inc. (maker of Quicken and QuickBooks accounting software) told the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) ...
by Bekah
97 Recs
In March, Argentina's Supreme Court issued a decision clarifying a woman’s right to obtain an abortion in all cases of rape. While this is an enormous achievement, ensuring that rape survivors are ...
by RH Reality Check
2 Recs
Charlie Rose, always in contention with Joe Lieberman, Newt Ginhrich, and David Brooks for the World's Smuggest title, carried all sorts of water today for the Zimmerman camp, lobbing softball ...
by Kalkaino
4 Recs
I don't see where anybody here has picked up on this choice news nugget.
In the words of TPM's Josh Marshall, Current TV has gone "thermonuclear" in response to Olbermann's lawsuit:
Current ...
by Timaeus
12 Recs
Nothing more to it... Just felt like getting the quote out there.
by Mithras Angel
1 Recs
David Brooks retains credibility among the villagers and the totebaggers by clothing his hard-core rapacious views in ovine* camouflauge, quoting philosophers and social scientists who miraculously ...
by Upper West
20 Recs
“I’m not doing well.” On the phone my mother sounded breathless and weak.
I was concerned. Though she is nearly 104, she has been in fine physical and mental health. “You do sound under the ...
by zwerlst
18 Recs
This was spray painted on the side of an Ohio State University Center for Black Studies.
"Long Live Zimmerman"
by Vyan
79 Recs
Put this one under dramatic irony. The Coal Industry has launched an ad which uses Occupy Wall Street to symbolize unrealistic thinking. This while promoting "Clean Coal" which is ... not real.
by DSWright
10 Recs
Hello, all. Last week, I put up my humble and earnest defense of the ACA, which had been rejected as an op-ed by America's finest newspapers. This week, I figured I only had a fish wrapper left on ...
by Ptolemy
10 Recs
Sadness overtook me as I read rexymetorite’s articulate discussion of the financial burden buying textbooks places on most college students. One everlasting hope offered to reduce this cost is ...
by Old Gray Dog
9 Recs
Procter and Gamble continues to support ALEC, a corporate-financed membership organization for conservative state legislators that promoted such laws as Stand Your Ground and laws that restrict ...
by NY Writer
17 Recs
The Daily Bucket is a place where we post and exchange our observations about what is happening in the natural world in our neighborhood. Bugs, buds, birds - each note is a record that we can refer ...
by PHScott
17 Recs
Did the Republican National Committee fix the nomination process for Mitt Romney? Even neutral Republicans are saying that the fix was in months ago for a candidate that most Republicans don't like.
by jpeterson2012
1 Recs
Oh noes, what has he done?
Obama played 23 rounds of golf between January and October of 2009 before inviting a single woman to his foursome,
Good grief I think I'm going to faint.
The joys of ...
by LaFeminista
16 Recs
It's much, much worse in Michigan than we even realized
Last night, Rachel Maddow broke a huge story that has been happening since Republicans took over in Michigan in 2011 and has gone completely ...
by Eclectablog
308 Recs
Romney is not only good at contradicting himself, he also contradicts Obama, perhaps he or his people should do a little homework?? Throughout the primary campaign, Mitt Romney has done nothing but ...
by jladeau
1 Recs
It doesn’t make sense that George Zimmerman has gotten so much protection from the Sanford Police, the Florida State Attorney, and the Republican mass media. They’re all fighting his arrest and ...
by MrTrueLiberal
3 Recs
Genealogy & Family History ...
by raina
12 Recs
It's Good Friday. As someone who was went to church every Sunday, attended a parochial school and was VERY Christian before I started asking tough questions, I'd like to take a look at Easter, my ...
by madame damnable
2 Recs
When it comes to contested Congressional seats, few districts in the country have changed hands more often in recent years than IN-09 . This Southern Indiana district was once a safe Democratic seat ...
by Dragon5616
27 Recs
Homeland Security / Police State, Plain & Simple or Dark & Devious?
I am not exactly quiet. I am frequently not polite. I buck the system. I question authority, all authority. I despise the NDAA. ...
by LJ Lassiter
1 Recs
“Ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive. Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength.” – Sun Tzu , “The Art of War”
As I indicated in “A Messaging ...
by MessagingMatters
5 Recs
Welcome to dawsonary (user_id 339322) who registered at 2012-04-06 04:59:51 EDT, the most recent of 120 in the preceding 24 hours.
Yesterday 174 Kogs published 213 posts of which 200 were ...
by jotter
20 Recs
Want the scoop on hot races around the country? Get the digest emailed to you each weekday morning. Sign up here .
by David Nir
4 Recs
In a popular and widely-shared post yesterday composed by NPR entitled " Obama is the Best and Worst President ," NPR featured the work of (and stole the title from) our very own Troubadour.
In ...
by The Troubadour
81 Recs
I was perusing through the "hiddens" this morning (usually lots of fun) and checked out the status of a couple of users to see if they were still officially around by the time I read their comments. ...
by GoGoGoEverton
4 Recs
Just caught this at TPM (via PBS Newshour Politics mailing list link):
Netroots Nation Won’t Have RightOnline To Kick Around Anymore
Didn't see this mentioned here yet, so this is one of those ...
by highacidity
13 Recs
Democrats controlled the redistricting process in Arkansas during the most recent round of apportionment, but unfortunately passed a map that is likely to lead to Republicans holding all 4 of the ...
by sawolf
6 Recs
I spent most of Wednesday afternoon reading up on Kathleen Vinehout, in part because she’s the Democratic gubernatorial challenger I find most compelling, in part because a blogger I very much ...
by MaryRW
13 Recs
The Obama campaign takes seven of Mitt Romney's attacks on President Obama and exposes each one of them as transparent lies in this 84 second, must-watch video:
From time to time, all politicians ...
by Jed Lewison
126 Recs
The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one :
A Washington lawmaker has been drawing thousands of dollars in disability payments each year while leading efforts to eliminate benefits the state ...
by Richard Cranium
26 Recs
Kathy Nickolaus, or more appropriately known as the World's Worst Clerk Ever, has stepped down from her role in administering elections, and instead will spend her time focusing on other areas of ...
by slinkerwink
149 Recs
Rush Limbaugh called the president a "thug", which only proves he's running out of descriptive nouns. How long before he's down to "bludger", "gonoph", or "snakesman"?
by thefarleftside
1 Recs