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"Slut" Firestorm Sends Limbaugh Into Crisis Management Mode

March 22, 2012 5:00 pm ET by Oliver Willis

Rush LimbaughIn the wake of his misogynistic and sexist comments about Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke, Rush Limbaugh has lost advertisers and affiliates.

According to Limbaugh, this hasn't affected his business, and he claims that advertisers are still beating down the door to be on his show (despite a memo circulated by syndicator Premiere Radio Networks listing advertisers who specifically are asking to be excluded from Limbaugh and other controversial shows).

A closer look at the issue debunks Limbaugh's rhetoric.

The New York Times reported on March 13 that Premiere had lost "less than $2 million in revenue" as a result of pulled advertising, according to "a person with knowledge of the company." In the same article the Times reported that Premiere had told affiliates in an internal memo that they could pull barter ads that they are usually required to run in exchange for the program -- a major source of revenue for the company. Industry publication Radio-Info.com described the move as "unusual." The reported loss of revenue would have occured before any barter ads were pulled and within the two week period between Limbaugh's comments and the Times article.

Limbaugh also faces the loss of affiliates owned by Cumulus Media Networks, whose CEO said the ongoing controversy would be "very helpful" to the planned national launch of a radio show for Mike Huckabee. Huckabee's brand of talk is being sold as "more conversation and less confrontation." One of the stations that dropped Limbaugh in response to his comments has already said it will begin airing Huckabee's show when it premieres next month.

While he's publicly scoffed at the notion that the reaction to his misogyny is having an impact, he's quietly hired an expert in crisis management to handle the fallout.  

Brian Glicklich has been acting on Limbaugh's behalf since at least March 8. Glicklich is a former vice president at Premiere Radio Networks, and currently heads the firm How Handy Is That, which specializes in reputation and crisis management and "gadfly defense." He previously worked as counsel to a firm that provides crisis management to clients like David Copperfield and Paris Hilton. Glicklich also has an extensive relationship with Glenn Beck, and is thanked in the acknowledgements of several of Beck's books.

The website for Glicklich's firm, How Handy Is That, describes his work:

My clients often find themselves under attack from outside advocacies or pressure groups. Sometimes these groups are little more than an individual Gadfly with strong digital organizing knowledge. Often, my client has previously underestimated their opposition, to their detriment, before calling me. 

Effective management of these situation is based on a multiplex analysis of the opposition's business and reputational influence power, the strength of our position vis a vis our opposition, opposition research for motivation and weak spots, and a number of other factors. 

Glicklich's Twitter account, which had been unused for a month, came back to life on March 15 and began promoting defenses of Limbaugh. Coincidentally, Limbaugh began using his official Twitter account on the same day. Politico noted, "Rush Limbaugh is mobilizing his army of dittoheads: on Twitter."

Facing an advertiser revolt, loss of affiliates and revenue, along with negative public relations and a challenge to his prime position on the airwaves, Limbaugh is fully engaged in an effort to push back on the story.

But in public, he insists that his listeners didn't think his comments were "that big of a deal to begin with."

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      • Author by DAWUSS (March 22, 2012 5:27 pm ET)
        22 5
        And they'll claim he was either taken out of context, or they'll try to justify his comments.
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        • Author by cas3135 (March 22, 2012 8:37 pm ET)
          1 11
          The comments made were not taken out of context , the comments were in response to a 30 year making statements . Those comments were intended to spark the firestorm .
          The questionable habits of this woman were brought to light by her , therefore open to public opinion.
          At some point people other then Limbaugh have made comments , are they to be boycotted ?
          The beauty of boycotting is that it goes both ways , and those sponsors that chose that route , have lost business . They admitted it openly !
          So capitalism is a beautiful thing , embrace it rather than railing against it !
          Report Abuse
          • Author by BABS724 (March 23, 2012 3:13 pm ET)
            5 1
            cas3135 -- did you even listen to Ms Fluke testimony, or are you just a ditto-head? Your comment
            "The questionable habits of this woman were brought to light by her , therefore open to public opinion." is completely erroneous and further you state that "boycotting goes both ways". Can you give me any kind of proof that Limbaugh listeners are boycotting the boycotting businesses--or is it more ditto-head speak from your idol?
            Report Abuse
            • Author by mari2jj (March 25, 2012 1:46 am ET)
              Obviously this person is clueless about the facts of what exactly Miss. Fluke even said. To jump to these conclusions one has to have no concern about being honest in one's dialogue and further, a great commitment to support the misogyny of the hatemonger, Rush Limbaugh. He is the one totally responsible for the mess he is in and I must say, it is a joy for me to see that the rule of acceptable use of our public airways is working. Keep up the pressure on this guy so he learns his lesson. Obviously so far, he just trudges on in his Messianic delusion.
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          • Author by juliajayne1 (March 22, 2012 9:05 pm ET)
            20 3
            Post Rush's apology. I saw a Rush apology that in no way apologized in any legitimate way.
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              • Author by juliajayne1 (March 22, 2012 11:03 pm ET)
                The ATTACK of the PEOPLE ATTACKERS! Be afwaid, be vewy afwaid!
                Report Abuse
              • Author by Ratu01 (March 23, 2012 12:14 am ET)
                15 2
                There is a massive difference between what Rush said and comments made by Liberal commentators/comedians. For a start WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME A LIBERAL COMMENTATOR/COMEDIAN EVER ASK A PRIVATE CITIZEN TO POST SEX TAPES ONLINE SO THEY CAN WATCH??.

                That is false equivalence. This is so creepy and filthy and that's why advertisers fled in droves.
                Report Abuse
              • Author by habodabi (March 23, 2012 2:10 am ET)
                2 1
                Report Abuse
              • Author by penfan (March 23, 2012 6:00 am ET)
                I see someone forgot to uninstall their Beta Siri.
                Report Abuse
              • Author by kamrom (March 23, 2012 7:24 am ET)
                "biggot" is a word invented in 13th century france, to mock people from england/wales/etc. who would apparently say "By god!" a lot.

                And now you know. If you were curious.
                Report Abuse
              • Author by NiceguyEddie (March 23, 2012 7:45 am ET)
                16 2
                We've all read Rush's apology. It's nonsense.

                He's apologized for two "poorly chosen" words, disappearing a three day onslaught, including 46 seperate attacks, and acting as if his overall point was still a valid one. He used mysoginistic language, to express a mysoginistic viewpoint. He has NOT apoligized for it, and to this day instists that he's done very littel wrong - and he's been saying and doing cr@p like this for YEAR; DECADES even, going back to his postinbg a picture a picture of the "White House Dog" - a then 13-year Old Chealsea Clinton.

                I don't care much about Imus (count me as a Howard Stern fan) but HIS comment was more akin to "poorly chosen words." He WASN'T making a political point when he said then, and, oh yeah... HE WAS KICKED OFF THE AIR FOR AWHILE over it!

                Ed Schultz... What he said did surprise me. And I
                was like "Wow, he should be ashamed of that!" And the difference being? He actually WAS, and acknowledged it being profoundly WRONG.

                Bill Maher is a bit of a @$$h0le, and everyone knows it. Many Liberals (including this one) find him entertaining, but he doesn't speak for the Left, Liberals or Democrats (he's not even a deomcrat!) the way Limbaugh speaks for the Right, Conservatives and Republicans. And what's more... What exactly did Bill Maher say that was THIS offensive? What, just because he criticizes religion? The difference is that they're is some legitimacy, some bit of truth to what he says. Limbaugh was a personal attack resulting from the fact that he had nothing else to go with.

                And MADDOW? REALLY?! What comments does SHE need to apologize for? WTF?

                So no, you're wrong. I can evry easily write off a lying, hateful scumbag like Rush and accept the others, without a scrap of hypocrisy, becuase they simply did not do remotely the same thing, in the remotely same way for remotely the same reasons. We're comparing apples and canoes here.

                Imus got what he deserved - and maybe deserved more. Schultz apologized genuinely and Maher and Maddow aren't anything like Rush in this regard. (If you find Maher that offensive, seriously, the problem is with YOU being way too sensitive about things.)

                Report Abuse
              • Author by Johaely (March 23, 2012 8:51 am ET)
                6 1
                Trying to read your poem(?) has given me a headache. What i can pick up from it is that you don't seem to differentiate three very different words and that we should forgive Rush because of his complete non-apology (which is pretty much worthless to since he went back to attacking women and Fluke after he "apologized").
                Report Abuse
            • Author by freedomnumber1 (March 24, 2012 6:20 pm ET)
              Well i have to tell you when she said it cost $3000 for birth control over a 3 year period, the first thing i thought of was my god it cost me about $400 over 3 years and my friend pays nothing because she gets it free from planned parenthood, so the only thing we could come up with is she flys to Hawaii to purchase her birth control or she has to pay to have sex.

              With the fact that she goes to Georgetown and at graduation she will began earning minimum $160,000, she now changes her story to say that its not her but for the poor. She is doing this for the poor..She may not be a s---, I don't know and I don't care because she is worse in my opinion, she is nothing but a fraud and a liar and I can't stand a liar. She makes me want to vomit with all her 1st poor me then i care attitude, she could care less about the less fortunate, she's just a spoiled rich kid with a political agenda.
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          • Author by crazymonkeylady (March 22, 2012 9:57 pm ET)
            There is freedom of speech. And it goes both ways. If you don't like what someone says, you have the right of expression and to voice objections. And one way is to boycott. It's the American Way.
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          • Author by ILikePizza (March 22, 2012 10:06 pm ET)
            17 1
            I neither justify or take them out of context.
            They were wrong.
            Rush apologize and admitted they were wrong.

            How much do you have to drink to type this and imagine it makes sense? When I read it "Cops" immediately came to mind. Rush didn't apologize until it was too late, until it became clear that his terribleness wouldn't be paid for.

            Can you not forgive Maher, Rush, Imus, Maddow, Schultz, Hannity, ...

            What did Rachael Maddow do? And when did a Democratic representative apologize to any of them?

            or do you just want to stifle the speech of those with whom
            you disagree?

            This is how the outrage peddlers corral the simple minded like you. They sell you jingoes, jingoes like the "liberals are stifling our speech" when all we're doing is participating in the free market of ideas. C'mon, put your man pants on and say something interesting.
            Report Abuse
              • Author by eweston8542983 (March 22, 2012 10:58 pm ET)
                13 1
                Nice strawman and authenic rightwing giberish.

                Accept not imitations.
                Report Abuse
              • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 11:41 pm ET)
                Have you not principles?

                Talk you not like an actual human being?
                Report Abuse
                • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 11:44 pm ET)
                  [Talk you not like an actual human being?]
                  Oh hell, is "egb" just Yoda on a bender?
                  Report Abuse
          • Author by historygeek001 (March 23, 2012 9:00 am ET)
            10 1
            egb, you're tacitly approving of Rush's 9+ hours of attacking Fluke despite pretending otherwise. Rush has a 20 year history of attacking women, none of the other people you name has anything like that. Rush lied about what Fluke said. He "apologized" for two words out of hundreds. You're lying yourself when you claim otherwise. Look up "authoritarian follower" and figure out that until you at least gain the integrity to stand up and admit your own beliefs that nobody will respect what you say. You're already a proven liar.
            Report Abuse
            • Author by freedomnumber1 (March 24, 2012 6:25 pm ET)
              My dad was democrate and he listened to Rush all his life and I used to listen to him with my dad and since my dads death, i still listen to him everyday on the way to work and unless he is attacking women in his last half hour only, then I've missed his woman bashing for the last 30 years, I must be listening to a different Rush than you guys, oh i bet you never listen to him someone just told you that, cuzz it is not true.
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      • Author by mediadoesmatter (March 22, 2012 6:10 pm ET)
        15 2
        Now he's on Twitter? Twitto-heads.
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        • Author by mstrjcksn (March 22, 2012 11:42 pm ET)
          yeah, the whole twitter thing is rather amusing.

          "why hello there, I'm rush limbaugh. Have you heard about using the internet? It's astounding. ALMOST as astounding as the new iPad's screen. (which, by the way, is better than my 1080p iMac display, its high definition and everything) The internet. So, if you're not on it, ask your kids. Maybe they are. It's like a big library in the sky. If you took me, your host, and put me up there and connected all the wireless connections, then it would be the internet. The internet is great, its like me. It's big, its powerful, and you love it. I'm going to tell you how to sign up. All you need to do is go to your cable company. No, first, make sure you've got electricity. We here at the EIB network have had it for a while now. After that, call your cable company. You can send them a letter too, if you want. So give them a call, and ask to be set up with an "All inclusive plan!" and mention my name, RUSH, if you want free doughnuts. They also have kool-aid, if you prefer that. Then, they'll set it up for you, and you can just pay a little bit every month, just like buying access to the ditto-cam. This way, you can get the latest updates on me, whenever you need them, over the internet. Amazing, how things work these days. And it looks like that's all the time we have. Its amazing how these things go by so fast. You know I'm the BEST talk show host ever, because, look how fast that 3 hours went. Tomorrow we'll get into how to set up your wireless computer. You can move it around, and go anywhere in your house to use it. It's wireless. People. It's wireless. And the dems don't want you to know this. They want it all for themselves. Don't forget to call the cable company, and get your doughnuts. You know, I was just surfing the internet, on my iPad the other day, when I got an email from LifeLock. It said I had a "MAGENTA ALERT!" So, I checked it out. Turns out, it was my ex-wife. She took my credit card to buy access to the internet, on my dime. Well, thanks to lifelock, my wallet is safe! Turns out it was only my ex-wife, and I was able to handle it, just like I handled her, back when we were married. You need the uranium plan today. Go, buy it. Buy some internet first, if you need to, but get the uranium plan. It's radioactive, just like me, and I'll tell you, it'll keep your money safe from baddies, and crazy iranians, and ex-wives, and the NAGs."
          Report Abuse
        • Author by Who_knew (March 22, 2012 8:56 pm ET)
          20 3
          Rush has no mind to speak of, and neither do the moronic ditto heads who regurgitate limbaugh's daily diatribe of bullsnot, hate, lies, and some damned lies.

          Seeing as you brought up the other people, if you've ever listened to Rachel Maddow's show you would realize how badly rush has been lying to you. DOCTOR MADDOW is intelligent, polite, well researched, and ethical. Having listened to limbaugh for years, I can tell you that he is NONE of the things to which I've seen attributed to Rachel.

          Most of all, limbaugh is NOT funny, he's mean. Only morons, sociopaths and fools find limbaugh enjoyable.
          Report Abuse
          • Author by egb (March 22, 2012 9:03 pm ET)
            Doctor Maddow is an ideologue and presents no facts OR
            only those facts that support her lazy conclusions.
            (Zinn and Myers did that a lot!)

            Rush is nasty to ideas he hates. Maddow is about attacking
            people - she cannot deal with issues. Even I can challenge
            any of her 'thinking' on Social Security or Medicare.

            Ed, Ph.D. Physics
            Report Abuse
            • Author by Brabantio (March 22, 2012 9:09 pm ET)
              14 2
              Just today Limbaugh called Obama a "jackass". How is that dealing with "ideas"?

              And I hope you're not claiming Limbaugh isn't an ideologue. By all means, post your definition.
              Report Abuse
              • Author by egb (March 22, 2012 9:27 pm ET)
                2 20
                Rush used the "jackass" term because Obama used it.
                You knew that, right?
                Report Abuse
                • Author by Johaely (March 23, 2012 8:56 am ET)
                  5 2
                  Limbaugh really loves to use that extremely childish justification "He said the word! (even if the word was in an extremely different context *Magic Negro*)
                  Report Abuse
                • Author by Brabantio (March 23, 2012 3:28 pm ET)
                  Yes, what difference is that supposed to make? How about Limbaugh calling him "man-child"? How is that addressing issues and not attacking a person?
                  Report Abuse
                • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 9:50 pm ET)
                  I see a little silhouetto of a man.
                  Scaramouche! Scaramouche!
                  Will you do the fandango?
                  Thunderbolts and lightning,
                  Very very fright'ning
                  Report Abuse
                  • Author by egb (March 22, 2012 10:56 pm ET)
                    99.999% of Americans have no clue what you are talking about.
                    We are safe!
                    Report Abuse
                    • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 11:25 pm ET)
                      13 1
                      I dunno, Queen was pretty popular. Maybe you're the one who's confused.
                      Report Abuse
                    • Author by Boswell (March 23, 2012 1:13 am ET)
                      4 1
                      yo maroon, the song in on TV every day for a Vegas hotel fer cristssake!
                      Report Abuse
                      • Author by Brabantio (March 23, 2012 3:26 pm ET)
                        And in "Wayne's World". I don't think I was the only one who saw it.
                        Report Abuse
                  • Author by Boswell (March 23, 2012 9:46 am ET)
                    3 1
                    personally I would have gone with Frank:

                    What's the ugliest part of your body?
                    is it your nose?
                    is it your toes?
                    I think it's your Mind!
                    your mind,
                    your mind...
                    Report Abuse
                    • Author by theegrobe (March 25, 2012 3:13 pm ET)
                      I am gross and perverted, obsessed and deranged, I have existed for years,but very little has changed. I'm the tool of the government, and industry too for I am destined to rule and regulate you. I may be vile and pernicious, but you can't look away. I make you think I'm delicious with the stuff that I say. I am the best you can get. Have you guessed me yet? I'm the slime oozin out from your a.m. right wing hate radio.
                      Report Abuse
                • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 10:12 pm ET)
                  [Are you principled?]

                  Absolutely. I firmly believe in telling the truth, and backing it up with evidence.
                  I also believe letting provable lies go unchallenged is as bad as lying myself.
                  I'm living UP to these principles RIGHT NOW.
                  Report Abuse
                  • Author by egb (March 22, 2012 10:59 pm ET)
                    Truth: How do you know what you think is the truth
                    is really the truth? What if a Ph.D. in Economics disagrees with you?

                    Are you the "truth" authority?

                    How about just discussing facts that everyone can agree with. All the facts, not just those that that support your views. I'm betting you don't do that.
                    I do or I try very hard to do that.
                    Report Abuse
            • Author by Conchobhar (March 22, 2012 9:10 pm ET)
              16 1
              You'd have done better to have gone for a couple of courses in logic.
              How is telling Sandra Fluke that he wants to see a video of her having sex being "nasty to ideas?" And while you're at it, provide a link to Rachel Maddow attacking a person in anywhere near the vitriolic manner that Rush used against Ms. Fluke for three days.
              Report Abuse
                • Author by Conchobhar (March 22, 2012 10:08 pm ET)
                  17 1
                  You "can't tell" very far, egb, just as you can't provide any specific examples of the hate that you say you find, either here or on Rachel's show. And blaming your inability to use logic on me and MMFA isn't even worthy of a kindergartner.

                  You yourself said, on this thread, "quotes provided upon request." Well, I'm requesting them. Provide. And make it a good one--one that matches Rush's blatant lie that "Ms. Fluke said she's having so much sex she can't afford her birth control."
                  And while you're at it, try to prove to me, logically, that this quote is attacking an idea and not a person.
                  Report Abuse
                • Author by Conchobhar (March 22, 2012 10:12 pm ET)
                  11 1
                  Conchobhar: [MMFA is incompetent in blogging. I can help, if only they would ask. I am very cheap -- i.e. free!]
                  Really? You can't come up with a link, and it's MMFA's fault? Pitiful.
                  Report Abuse
            • Author by congero6189599 (March 23, 2012 3:43 pm ET)
              Doctor Maddow is an ideologue and presents no facts---egb or Ed, PH.D in Physics

              This is the guy who uses the myth of welfare queen. lol.
              Report Abuse
            • Author by yoiksaway (March 24, 2012 3:38 pm ET)
              "Ed, Ph.D. Physics"--egb

              Why is the sky blue?
              Report Abuse
          • Author by jonimacaroni1 (March 22, 2012 11:30 pm ET)
            5 2

            He's clearly not interested in being a part in any fair debate. He's a troll, doing exactly what the Urban Dictionary says trolls do.

            Stop being drawn in by his troll posts. Mock him, then ignore him!!!!!!! Don't keep feeding him! That's what he wants you to do!
            Report Abuse
            • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 11:43 pm ET)
              I'll ignore him when I'm done mocking him. He's not done being a retard, so I'm not done mocking him.
              Report Abuse
              • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 11:46 pm ET)
                He's actually very mockable. It's like watching a broken toy motorboat go in circles.
                Report Abuse
              • Author by jonimacaroni1 (March 23, 2012 11:19 am ET)
                There were people in this thread trying to interact with him as though they could reasonably expect to get a reasonable and responsive answer from him!

                But even without that, he wanted your attention, he wanted you to keep giving him attention, and so while it might satisfy you to continue to mock him, it continues to satisfy him too. Making trolls happy isn't a good strategy, even if it makes you happy, because it's also making the troll happy.
                Report Abuse
                • Author by psp (March 23, 2012 12:49 pm ET)
                  STOP FEEDING THIS /PA/TROLLER.

                  She's clearly not interested in being a part in any fair debate. She's a /pa/troller, doing exactly the Urban Dictionary says /pa/trollers do.

                  Stop being drawn in by her /pa/troll posts. Mock her, then ignore her!!!!!!! Don't keep feeding her! That's what she wants you to do!
                  Report Abuse
          • Author by freedomnumber1 (March 24, 2012 6:42 pm ET)
            Now that is a joke because Rachel Maddows is the biggest brain washing hysterical show out there. She is a total nut case and she makes up 2/3 of what she says, she just makes me want to laugh but because i believe in freedom of speech, she can spew all the hatred she wants. She has shown she is only out for herself, she wouldnt even come the aid of a person who was her supposedly friend and mentor. She is not even in Rush's league, she has no intelligence, and because she didnt call fluke what we all thought, doesnt make her polite and i dont think she has ever researched anything, its all make up.
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        • Author by crazymonkeylady (March 22, 2012 10:06 pm ET)
          Nicely rationalized, dude. If puns are profane, i feel sorry that there is no humor in it for you.
          Report Abuse
        • Author by Johaely (March 23, 2012 8:56 am ET)
          Do you afford the same respect to the people that speak their mind and Limbaugh mercilessly attacks simply because said opinion is not the same as his?
          Report Abuse
      • Author by Who_knew (March 22, 2012 8:48 pm ET)
        Your words are truth!!
        Report Abuse
      • Author by Who_knew (March 22, 2012 8:57 pm ET)
        YOU sir, you speak the truth!!
        Report Abuse
    • Author by sundog (March 22, 2012 5:16 pm ET)
      39 1
      One of the amazing things to me is that I can't post Limbaugh's comments on the web site of our local AM station that broadcasts him. It's too obscene and offensive for their censors when I describe what THEY THEMSELVES broadcast into my home. I honestly think exposure is all it will take to finish off Rush. The argument makes itself when people here what he said.
      Report Abuse
      • Author by Imbecile (March 22, 2012 5:26 pm ET)
        13 1
        And people say irony is dead.
        Report Abuse
        • Author by Dem02020 (March 22, 2012 8:21 pm ET)

          But hypocrisy is alive, as the radio station's language/text filter refuses to allow a word to be posted on its website, a word that the radio station itself airs on the radio.

          Of course it is rush limbaugh who used that word, and it is the radio station who aired him using that word, and so that makes them the hypocrites, when they filter that word from their web page...

          By the way, I cannot use the word myself in this comment, as Media Matters also filters it out and refuses to allow comments containing that word, despite that word appearing above, in the title to this item.

          Report Abuse
          • Author by egb (March 22, 2012 8:54 pm ET)
            Seems like you are changing the subject.

            Skip the 'words'. Every one knows the two words used.

            WHAT IS YOUR POINT?

            Local radio stations can have less skilled people running
            operations. Don't give up on your local radio station just
            because of one poor decision. Also, please don't change the
            Report Abuse
            • Author by Dem02020 (March 22, 2012 9:26 pm ET)

              The subject is was and will continue to be, what rush limbaugh said.

              Report Abuse
            • Author by Bronwyn (March 23, 2012 3:44 am ET)
              egb, Rush sort of apologized for those two words. He did not apologize for every time he LIED by saying Ms. Fluke said, claimed, admitted, by her own admission, she was having so much sex........... She never mentioned her sex life. But Rush spent three days claiming she did.

              you wrote "A lie is a lie." lets start with yours. "Sandra Fluke is a welfare queen who wants other people to pay for her pregnancy avoidance pills." and "Sandra Fluke is a welfare queen...." "...she wants free stuff for pregnancy avoidance." and "No thinking person doubts she was on the side of free pregnancy avoidance pills or was fighting a Roman Catholic University to force them to pay for them."

              (1) She was not asking for free anything. She pays her insurance premium. Each student pays their Insurance premiums.
              (2) It's not free, their Insurance premiums are paid and the prescription should be covered.
              (3) She did not ask or try to "force" the GU to pay her Insurance premium.
              (4) She did not ask the tax payers to pay her Insurance premium.

              She is not asking or expecting free anything. She and the other students pay their insurance premiums in good faith and expect to get coverage for that payment.

              Report Abuse
      • Author by BDA (March 22, 2012 5:39 pm ET)
        11 1
        Morality, decency, offensiveness... They mean nothing to radio stations playing limbo. All that matters is that they can charge premium rates for their ad slots.

        If!!! all of this does blow over, there will be little impact on the limbo empire. Money is all that matters and if morons will continue to listen to his tripe, then the advertisers will return and the stations will forget this whole unfortunate event.

        The only way to stop limbo is to reduce the number of listeners. But as long as 25% of Americans still believe Obama is a Kenyan born Muslim, then I am not holding out any hope.
        Report Abuse
        • Author by Dem02020 (March 22, 2012 8:26 pm ET)

          All you have to do is identify the corporate sponsors of rush limbaughs radio show, and then refuse to do business with those companies.

          That's all, there's nothing more you should do and nothing more you'd want to do and nothing more really that you can do...

          That's all there is to do, and that's enough.

          Report Abuse
          • Author by MidnightWriter (March 22, 2012 9:23 pm ET)
            Are you wrong?


            You've shown that with every post you've offered.

            Run along, phony. Let the grownups discuss adult things in peace.
            Report Abuse
              • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 10:03 pm ET)
                What in God's name does any of that Dadaist word salad have to do with Rush Limbaugh being a creepy misogynist?
                Report Abuse
              • Author by Johaely (March 23, 2012 9:02 am ET)
                Could you write like a normal human? My head hurts trying to read your tripe.
                Report Abuse
              • Author by Johaely (March 23, 2012 9:03 am ET)
                Any excellent scientist or engineer can create
                a much better Social Security solution or a Medicare/Medicaid solution with minimal or zero (!!) government involvement.

                You are aware that Medicare and Social Security are not scientific problems, right?
                Report Abuse
          • Author by Imbecile (March 22, 2012 9:37 pm ET)
            When you say things like this:
            AND read the comments from responders like yourself over
            the past 5 years has produced more hate per week than Hannity,Bork,Limgaugh,Levin combined.

            it is impossible to take you seriously.
            Report Abuse
          • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 9:54 pm ET)
            Rush apologized for his inappropriate 2 words

            Right, he apologized for 2 words, even though he also said she was having sex in 6th grade, was having so much sex it was a wonder she could stand up, demanded that she post videos of herself having sex onlne, and kept insisting she wants taxpayers to pay for her birth control and was testifying about how much sex she was having, both of which are false. He lied about her multiple times and indulged in a creepy, rapey fantasy about her and acted like the only thing he had to apologize for was inappropriate language. And spare me the "NO U!" What has MMfA said that compares to calling a woman a prostitute and demanding that she post sex videos?
            Report Abuse
            • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 10:07 pm ET)
              "egb"'s explicit aknowledgement that Rush ONLY "apologized" for 2 words is kind of a tacit endorsement of everything ELSE Rush said, isn't it?
              Report Abuse
                • Author by dommanno3075 (March 22, 2012 10:45 pm ET)
                  You're a liar. Period.
                  Report Abuse
                • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 10:46 pm ET)
                  So you're OKAY with that whole "she's been having so much sex since the sixth grade she should post in on line for my amusement" thing Rush went on about at length?
                  Because you sure as hell haven't condemned THAT part of his 3-day rant, HAVE you?
                  Report Abuse
                  • Author by cst (March 23, 2012 12:00 am ET)
                    Still no response from "egb" about this.
                    Wow, he really WON'T condemn that part of Limbaugh's rant, will he?
                    Report Abuse
                    • Author by Imbecile (March 23, 2012 10:05 am ET)
                      No, and we'll never get them. These people are trained to--every once in a while--make the nebulous comment that Rusty isn't always right, but neglect, every single time, to ever identify one instance in which they rebuked his words.

                      They don't rebuke his words because they aren't allowed to. Those tepid "Rusty is sometimes wrong" comments are supposed to placate us into thinking these trolls are reasonable people after all. But if you ever ask them, "name something specific about what you think he was wrong," you will never get a response.

                      People like egb won't type a single word that wasn't typed for them by someone else. They aren't paid to type their own thoughts.
                      Report Abuse
          • Author by Johaely (March 23, 2012 9:02 am ET)
            Rush apologized for his inappropriate 2 words.

            Because it was the words people had an issue with, right? Not the outright lies, slander, abusive attitude or misogyny. It was the fact that he used two words.
            Report Abuse
            • Author by cst (March 23, 2012 9:53 am ET)
              Actually, Rush apologised for the two words that were quotable in headlines. If he had it to do all over again, he'd find less obviously vulgar euphemisms that meant exactly the same thing.
              Although maybe not, as that would require him being more skilled with words than he actually is. (Remember, this is a man who came up with the term "feminazi" a quarter-century ago, and is STILL running on the fumes...)
              Report Abuse
        • Author by Conchobhar (March 22, 2012 9:20 pm ET)
          Are you an idiot? Or is the Hannity inclusion a joke or Freudian slip?
          We're not talking about only "two words."
          Rush spent three days attacking a private citizen, who'd had the temerity to use her 1st Amendment rights in a way he hated, in the most obscene and mendacious terms. He lied about her testimony, which you would know if you'd had the independence of thought to read what she actually said. Then he used those lies as a basis for a stream of obscene, personal attacks.

          I challenged you above to provide a link to anything Rachel Maddow has ever said that approaches Rush's lie that "Sandra Fluke said that she's having so much sex that she can't afford her birth control."

          Report Abuse
          • Author by MidnightWriter (March 22, 2012 9:26 pm ET)
            I vote for idiot.

            You'll notice he's included Hannity on his list of evil, evil liberals.
            Report Abuse
    • Author by ThomasJH268 (March 22, 2012 5:30 pm ET)
      3 1
      Not just Cmdr Pill Popper but every member of FOXPAC
      Report Abuse
    • Author by garak99 (March 22, 2012 5:35 pm ET)
      4 1
      Limbaugh's followers will follow him no matter what
      Report Abuse
      • Author by FormerRepublican (March 22, 2012 5:57 pm ET)
        They can follow him into the wilderness with Glenn Beck!
        Report Abuse
          • Author by Imbecile (March 22, 2012 9:43 pm ET)
            You seem to be of the same intellectual calibre as our long-debarted celebrity posters jimmy, magcynic, Dr. Bone Fixer, etc.

            These people are easily identified by their laughable adherence to the absolute dumbest positions ever. Such as: Rush Limbaugh is a great American who speaks his mind freely but Rachel Maddow is somehow a liberal parrot, Hannity does not advocate dishonesty and vitriol, blah blah blah blah blah.

            It's as if you guys are just trying to play a joke on us, by acting deliberately stupid. Actually, it's as if you guys are actually plants designed to make Republicans look dumber than a box of rocks. I would think this, if I didn't deal with actual, real-life Republicans who behave the same way.
            Report Abuse
          • Author by dommanno3075 (March 22, 2012 10:50 pm ET)
            You have no right to my business as a customer. You earn that privilege only as long as you satisfy my needs. If you support evil people like Limbaugh, you are no longer satisfying my needs, and I will take my business elsewhere.

            And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
            Report Abuse
    • Author by j238 (March 22, 2012 5:39 pm ET)
      Rush' lies and insults should have triggered an advertiser boycott twenty-five years ago. It took an incident like this to make it happen.
      Report Abuse
    • Author by fantagor (March 22, 2012 5:50 pm ET)
      11 1
      Rush has the racist, sexist, angry white male demographic locked down, and he's not about to mess it up by behaving like a decent human being.

      Report Abuse
    • Author by FormerRepublican (March 22, 2012 5:56 pm ET)
      10 1
      Limbaugh is "dead man talking." He just won't admit it yet.
      Report Abuse
    • Author by Tardacus (March 22, 2012 5:58 pm ET)
      According to Limbaugh, this hasn't affected his business, and he claims that advertisers are still beating down the door to be on his show

      and we all know that rush wouldn`t lie or exagerate.
      Report Abuse
      • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 7:38 pm ET)
        I honestly wish I could believe your last paragraph. But maybe first you can explain how MMFA's posting of rush's words VERBATIM is "hate-filled bullying", but Rush's three-day long, insult-laden , deliberate and calculted LIE about Sandra Fluke's testimony is "infinitely better" because, although he REFUSES to retract the actual lies, he admits that he shouldn't have used two SPECIFIC words.
        Is that VERY SPECIFIC enough for you?
        Report Abuse
          • Author by Brabantio (March 22, 2012 8:13 pm ET)
            11 1
            What posts, from what "contributors"? Individual posters? Those that get anywhere near Limbaugh's level of bile are often banned, if not marginalized by the majority here.

            And why would you compare anonymous people on the internet with Limbaugh? How about a comparison between posters here and on right-wing sites? That would make sense.
            Report Abuse
            • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 8:20 pm ET)
              7 1
              Yes, go dig up the worst thing you can find said by a poster on this site, and we'll compare it to the worst thing said by one of Rush's fans. (For the record- THEY never apologise).
              Report Abuse
              • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 8:25 pm ET)
                6 1
                And then maybe you'll FINALLY explain how Rush's "I shouldn't have used the words "Sl@t" and "pr2stit@te", but I'm standing by the vulgar insinuations about your love life, and I'm NEVER going to admit I lied about your actual testimony" counts as an APOLOGY.
                Report Abuse
                  • Author by juliajayne1 (March 22, 2012 9:21 pm ET)
                    Erat in quod's name are you attempting to demonstrandum? That you're a Rush enabler? Lol! Yeesh, dude.
                    Report Abuse
                  • Author by Conchobhar (March 22, 2012 9:26 pm ET)
                    You didn't answer cst's challenge. Explain how apologizing for TWO WORDS in a nine hour rant of lies and character assassination counts as a genuine apology.

                    I challenged you above to provide links to anything Rachel Maddow has ever said about another human being that even approaches the obscenity Limbaugh unleashed on Ms. Fluke. Since you said above, "quotes upon request," get moving.
                    Report Abuse
                      • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 11:27 pm ET)
                        What do Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have to apologize for?
                        Report Abuse
                        • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 11:49 pm ET)
                          [What do Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have to apologize for?]

                          not being Jay Leno, apparently...
                          Report Abuse
                      • Author by Johaely (March 23, 2012 9:20 am ET)
                        Sandra Fluke is a welfare queen who wants other people to pay for her pregnancy avoidance pills.
                        She came to GU knowing the GU policy and went into
                        a personal mission to change the university.
                        Her motivations are pretty obvious to any who can think about it.

                        Here is the proof that Limbaugh lied. She said none of that. Have you actually even read her testimony? Here it is. It's four pages long and can be read in 10 minutes. No where there does she mention her sex life. Nowhere there does she say she want free birth control.

                        Rush was inappropriate. He recognized that and apologized.

                        No he didn't. Saying what was essentially "I'm sorry for the words i used but i was right" and also saying "I was acting like [a liberal]" is not apologizing. An apology implies contrition.

                        Maddow has attacked people (not issues) for her entire media career. Do you watch her? Are you saying she never mentions names and only discusses issues?

                        THIS ISSUE IS BECAUSE LIMBAUGH ATTACKED A PERSON! Maddow does not "attack" people. She may make fun of them, but slander and defame them? No. She is one of the few pundits who not only makes sure to research what she's saying, but also corrects herself if she was wrong about it.

                        Of course she mentions names. It's not one or the other. It's both. That's how you journalism.

                        Rush apologized
                        Maddow never apologized
                        Schultz never apologized
                        Imus did
                        Maher - NOT!
                        Stewart - NOT!
                        colbert - NOT!

                        In order
                        -No he didn't
                        -For what?
                        -Yes he did. He also went on a voluntarily unpaid suspension (if you are talking about his jab Igraham)
                        -Yes he did. And unlike Limbaugh actual seemed honest about it.
                        -But then again Maher is kind off a d0u(#3. He also is on a premium subscription channel.
                        -For what?
                        -For what?

                        Progressives are immoral and have no principles that any American can recognized --- other than the
                        END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS. No one knows what the "END" for progressives is. Do you?

                        Yes progressives have the intellectual depth of Cobra Commander. We will take over the world just because.
                        Report Abuse
                  • Author by Imbecile (March 22, 2012 9:46 pm ET)
                    I don't think QED means what you think it means.

                    For the record, it doesn't mean, "LOL I'm right!"
                    Report Abuse
                  • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 9:57 pm ET)
                    Shorter egb: Oh dear, someone asked me to back up my statement. I didn't prepare for this.
                    Report Abuse
              • Author by Imbecile (March 22, 2012 9:47 pm ET)
                What a surprise, over an hour and he is unable to locate any of the supposed bullying, most-hateful-in-the-world-evar! comments he claims saturate this site.
                Report Abuse
      • Author by Jollymon (March 22, 2012 7:51 pm ET)
        13 1
        egb, I will take your post seriously if you show me where in Sandra Fluke's testimony she talked about her sexlife as Rush claimed.

        For bonus points please provide evidence of an anchor from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or any of the other news station publicly berating and insulting a private citizen for three days.

        I'll wait...
        Report Abuse
        • Author by egb (March 22, 2012 8:21 pm ET)
          1 17
          Sandra represents the "Reproductive Rights" organization
          at GU. As such, she claimed to speak for them.
          Her message was for contraception and she used her friends
          with real medical problems to further her mission of "free contraception" [which she thanked the government for in her
          opening statement].

          No thinking person doubts she was on the side of free pregnancy avoidance pills or was fighting a Roman Catholic University to force them to pay for them. The 'ovarian cysts' issue was tangential to her mission.

          Fortunately for her, the ovarian cyst issue is actually relevant.
          Had she focused on the needs of her friends with real health issues, she would have won her argument with 90+% of Americans.
          Unfortunately, Ms. Fluke is a 30 year old freshman in dealing with real issues of health or maybe even real issues.

          Ms. Fluke never said
          What she did do is thank the Obama Administration for giving
          them to her and then went on a mission to explain why that 'gift'
          was wonderful using issues that were totally irrelevant to the subject of the Congressional hearing. The subject of that hearing
          was the legality of the HHS ruling. Ms. Fluke, a 3RD YEAR LAW STUDENT, mention zero legal issues zero constitutional issues.

          Ms. Fluke is a 3rd year law student. She will be an excellent tort lawyer someday, but logic, law and morality are not her strong points just like John Edwards.
          Report Abuse
          • Author by Brabantio (March 22, 2012 8:27 pm ET)
            11 1
            Who the hell uses the pill in order to be promiscuous? This isn't 1950. Even if her goal was exclusively sexual, wouldn't it indicate a committed relationship?
            Report Abuse
            • Author by jonimacaroni1 (March 22, 2012 11:51 pm ET)
              There was a blog posting from a guy associated with CNS (used to be Christian News Service until they tried to disguise their rightwing leanings by changing it to CNS) who 'calculated' that someone who was spending $1000 a year ($3000 over 3 years in law school) on birth control pills could use thousands of condoms for the same price - and therefore, in order for birth control pills to be the cost-efficient pregnancy-prevention method, one would have to be having sex about 3 times every day.

              It's the same failed argument that Rush made - that women use birth control pills paid for by their health insurance provider instead of using condoms they'd pay for themselves because it'd cost too much to use condoms as compared to the pills.

              It's a totally ridiculous argument. No one uses the pill instead of condoms because it'd be less expensive to use the pill! No one.
              Report Abuse
          • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 8:28 pm ET)
            6 1
            OOOH, John Edwards! He's irrelevant to the topic, but I have so LITTLE to back up my arguements, I'll just thrpow him in there!
            Wheras you'll notice the REST of us are STILL TALKING ABOUT RUSH.
            Report Abuse
          • Author by Jollymon (March 22, 2012 8:31 pm ET)
            6 1
            egb, I see in your long-winded diatribe, you still failed to answer my two simple questions. I will give you another try. Perhaps you need to re-read my original post before you spout out another response meandering around the point.
            Report Abuse
          • Author by woodstock (March 22, 2012 8:31 pm ET)
            "She will be an excellent tort lawyer someday, but logic, law and morality are not her strong points just like John Edwards"
            You play that card? Is that you Rush?
            Report Abuse
          • Author by MidnightWriter (March 22, 2012 8:31 pm ET)
            We already offered you links that show Georgetown University students pay for their health care insurance in full.

            They're getting nothing for free. They pay for their health care coverage. And, for women, the recent changes in the health care insurance mandates will include the option of receiving contraceptive coverage. And that coverage can include contraceptive medications for the treatment of ovarian cysts.

            That makes her points quite relevant--unlike your unfounded guesses about her morality.

            Report Abuse
          • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 8:31 pm ET)
            [Had she focused on the needs of her friends with real health issues, she would have won her argument with 90+% of Americans.]

            SHE DID. It was your hero Rush who changed the topic to sex.
            Report Abuse
            • Author by egb (March 22, 2012 11:17 pm ET)
              Sorry, I read her testimony, saw her smile to her friends behind her and recognize a welfare queen when I see one.
              She was on stage to win the future for the "Reproductive Rights" group for which she was president and as a member had no concerns for ovarian cysts. Were I wrong, her testimony would have been very different.

              She was manipulated by Nancy to try to embarrass the House
              committee. Nancy SOOOO much wants to be 'speaker' again.
              Sandra is so naive that it is almost sad.
              Report Abuse
              • Author by Conchobhar (March 22, 2012 11:24 pm ET)
                You have answered my first question. You are an idiot.
                Report Abuse
                • Author by jonimacaroni1 (March 22, 2012 11:53 pm ET)
                  3 3
                  He's a troll, looking to irritate posters here. Every time you reply to him, he gets excited. Stop feeding the troll.
                  Report Abuse
              • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 11:29 pm ET)
                You can identify someone as a "welfare queen" by the way she smiles?
                Report Abuse
                • Author by Johaely (March 23, 2012 9:28 am ET)
                  You see when a welfare queen smiles you can see this glint in their eyes that looks like a cross dressing man in black face saying "Imma get yo' money".
                  Report Abuse
                  • Author by bilbo_dies (March 23, 2012 9:37 pm ET)
                    I always thought you could tell a "welfare queen" when she smiled because of the glint off of the gold tooth that was bought with "out tax money".
                    Report Abuse
                    • Author by bilbo_dies (March 23, 2012 9:38 pm ET)
                      Shoot. That should be "our tax money".

                      Good ole typing dyslexia.
                      Report Abuse
          • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 9:56 pm ET)
            The 'ovarian cysts' issue was tangential to her mission.

            Then why was it the primary focus of her testimony, O Amazing Mindreader?
            Report Abuse
          • Author by keppie (March 22, 2012 11:49 pm ET)
            Ms. Fluke was testifying about a recognized unintended effect of an employer intentionally choosing substandard insurance coverage for so-called "moral" reasons. The unintended effect is the suffering of women and girls who need the medication for medical conditions. Since employers don't make medical decisions, they need to cover the whole class of medications when prescribed.

            Nothing she said should earn her any public rebuke for immorality, even from those who disagree with her. That is what is so outrageous about Limbaugh's statements.

            And she isn't begging for her school to pay for her birth control. Students pay every dollar toward their insurance coverage, there is no contribution as there would be from an employer. The school simply serves as a channel to purchase group coverage (at a good price, as the students are young). Ms. Fluke simply believes these medications should be COVERED under what she is already paying for. How is it that somehow became a handout?

            I am hearing impaired. Very few insurance plans offered by employers cover new hearing aids. A few years back I asked my employer if, when considering a new plan, they could see if they could stretch the budget to include such coverage. The answer was, unfortunately, no, but I was not reviled for asking. Nobody stated I was asking for a handout. Nobody called me any bad names because I had trouble affording hearing aids. If I were to be asked to testify about the necessity of hearing aid coverage before Congress, I would do so gladly.

            So why would Ms. Fluke deserve such treatment because she supports the coverage of a category of medication? And for something that is being deliberately excluded for religious reasons rather than additional coverage that is more expensive.

            Report Abuse
          • Author by congero6189599 (March 23, 2012 3:49 pm ET)
            What hearing were you listenening too? Preganacy avoidance pills? lol. Is this 2012 or 1220?
            Report Abuse
      • Author by Brabantio (March 22, 2012 7:59 pm ET)
        1)Saying Limbaugh is a liar isn't much of an argument against MMfA's posts which call out Limbaugh's lies.

        2)What inflammatory comments is MMfA supposed to apologize for? They do offer corrections when they are due. Does Limbaugh?

        3)Palin and Bachmann are criticized for their stupidity and insanity, respectively. Are all Republican women mistreated? If not, then it must be about behavior. What would you say about the treatment of Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi on right-wing sites?

        4)Are we talking about MMfA or posters? And this place is remarkably polite compared to right-wing sites like the Blaze.

        5)Funny how everyone who disagrees with the "socialist" agenda makes comments which can be easily classified as dishonest or, well, hateful.
        Report Abuse
          • Author by juliajayne1 (March 22, 2012 8:37 pm ET)
            Your fake outrage is noted.
            Report Abuse
          • Author by Brabantio (March 22, 2012 8:42 pm ET)
            7 1
            I've been here since 2005. I've read a few comments and a couple of articles as well.

            Your assertions are noted, but I'm going to call for evidence that MMfA (that's the site) has said anything that comes close to Limbaugh's three-day rant about Fluke.

            As for individual posters, again, it's idiotic to compare anonymous people on a website to someone who has a national audience. It's like saying an off-color joke is inappropriate at a bachelor party because you wouldn't say it during a eulogy. And since all your offering is your word, I can simply say right-wing posters are worse. Now where do you go from there?
            Report Abuse
              • Author by MidnightWriter (March 22, 2012 9:29 pm ET)
                7 1
                Okay, enough of the nonsense.

                I'm flagging this idiot as a troll. I encourage others to do the same.
                Report Abuse
                • Author by juliajayne1 (March 22, 2012 11:20 pm ET)
                  Boy howdy is he a troll! Lol!
                  Report Abuse
                  • Author by juliajayne1 (March 22, 2012 11:22 pm ET)
                    But that little prepared computer application he's using needs some work to make it look like an actual, thinking person is posting. Yikes.
                    Report Abuse
                  • Author by aBeck in 10-O-C (March 23, 2012 2:53 am ET)
                    You are probably right, JJ. Arguing with an enigma is futile. But "it" is such a deliciously entertaining kind of irritation that I haven't felt since "Bobby Jindal fan" was providing similarly snotty "Sermons from the Mount" and arrogantly waiving his awesome credentials in our faces. And just as BJfan, he provides enough material for a mind-bending book-length psychological profile of delusional superority complex. Every word he writes is self-contradicting nonsense. This is a lunatic who thinks he is channeling Aristotle. Can't we keep him around for just a few more days?
                    Report Abuse
                    • Author by Bronwyn (March 23, 2012 4:11 am ET)
                      Every word he writes is self-contradicting nonsense.
                      and couple of my y favorites "Attacking people is moronic and evil!!!! (IMO)" and "All people attackers seem to lack principles." "A lie is a lie."

                      He types those sentences then proceeds to call Ms. Fluke a "welfare queen" a number of times and then tells lie after lie about her.

                      I love his/her "I am one of those excellent scientists/engineers." and "Ed, Ph.D Physics."

                      LOL! Did those degrees come from Glenn Beck Chalkboard University or Glenn Beck Earn Your Degree From my Radio Clown Show?
                      Report Abuse
                      • Author by aBeck in 10-O-C (March 23, 2012 8:56 am ET)
                        Bullseye Bronwyn!

                        He hooked me early in this thread with:
                        "All people attackers seem to lack principles."

                        And then he goes on to a lengthy, convoluted defense of Limbaugh--alpha "people attacker"--as a man of principle.
                        Yeah, that was was Cupid's arrow through my irony loving heart.

                        From that point on I sat here enthralled as we witnessed a textbook case of narcissistic personality disorder unfolding...one chapter at a time.
                        Report Abuse
                        • Author by Bronwyn (March 23, 2012 9:36 am ET)
                          A, (I'm calling you A 'cause it kills me to call you the B word) I've concluded that the initials egb stand for echolalia,gaumless,bavardage.

                          Now, to be honest the b could stand for breedbate - someone looking for an argument, or bampot - idiot, or bodewash - cow dung. But for sure that that phony degree he is gasconading about is in Eccrinology - the study of excretion.
                          Report Abuse
                          • Author by aBeck in 10-O-C (March 23, 2012 10:43 am ET)
                            Uhm, don't sweat the B word thing. I live with it.
                            E pluribus unum
                            Report Abuse
                            • Author by Bronwyn (March 23, 2012 11:56 am ET)
                              Yikes, the second paragraph about the "b" was for 'egb' not about your name.

                              I meant it kills me to call you Beck 'cause of that idiot Glenn. But if that is your name I am so sorry!
                              Report Abuse
                      • Author by Chief Bromden (March 25, 2012 8:51 am ET)
                        LOL! Did those degrees come from Glenn Beck Chalkboard University or Glenn Beck Earn Your Degree From my Radio Clown Show?

                        Hillsdale College of Tealiban Knowledge. Just look at their spokespersons.
                        Report Abuse
                • Author by jonimacaroni1 (March 22, 2012 11:54 pm ET)
                  I agree - everyone should tag every one of his posts as trolls.
                  Report Abuse
                  • Author by highlyunlikely (March 23, 2012 1:55 am ET)
                    I was wondering who our latest crackpot reminded me of, and then I thought of it: the Iraq spokesman. During the early days, speaking for Sadam himself. Remember him? Full of bogus bravado making grandiose claims in stilted language.

                    At least he wasn't a native English speaker so I cut him some slack. Can't say the same for egb.
                    Report Abuse
              • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 9:38 pm ET)
                4 1
                [Attacking ideas is excellent because it requires people
                to think and consider all the facts. MMFA, over the past
                4 years, has not done that ]
                Yeah, all of those VERBATIM QUOTES of lies and hate-mongering by the Right do NOTHING to back up the arguement that right-wing media is full of lies and hate-mongering.
                GROW UP, little boy.
                Report Abuse
              • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 10:00 pm ET)
                What the f-ck are you talking about?
                Report Abuse
              • Author by dommanno3075 (March 22, 2012 10:56 pm ET)
                I've been reading MMFA articles for too long to document to the young, uneducated and too lazy to do the research what MMFA is about.
                Translation: I've got nothing.
                Report Abuse
              • Author by Brabantio (March 23, 2012 5:16 am ET)
                We can't argue 'posts'. HELLO!!!!??????
                That is the point.

                MMFA is about attacking people.
                [There may be Right wing sites that do the same.
                They are equally bad, if they exist.]
                You're the one that cited individual comments. What is your point, if we "can't argue 'posts'"?

                MMfA criticizes behavior. I haven't agreed with every article they've ever done, but their batting average is pretty solid. And in case you didn't figure it out on your own, to admit that you're unaware of the nature of right wing sites establishes that you had no basis for your comparative claims above ("@MMFA is one of the most hate filled, bullying sites in America.
                One only has to look at the progressives comments on this site to prove my assertion.")
                Report Abuse
          • Author by MidnightWriter (March 22, 2012 8:42 pm ET)
            You might be able to impress us more if you were to offer a quote of an actual example of the "hate" you're accusing this site of pushing instead attempting to impress us with your knowledge of Star Wars.
            Report Abuse
            • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 9:49 pm ET)
              [attempting to impress us with your knowledge of Star Wars.]

              If "egb" is the same kind of STAR WARS fan as he is a Limbaugh fan, he probably freaks out when you point out where Lucas stole HIS ideas from, too.

              Report Abuse
          • Author by dommanno3075 (March 22, 2012 10:54 pm ET)
            You have not read the MMFA comments. Nor have you read many of the MMFA articles. Hate is too numerous to mention from
            If you look at what MMFA and their readers have said
            Cite the articles. Cite the comments. The burden of proof is on you - it's your claim, after all.

            Put up or shut up.
            Report Abuse
      • Author by juliajayne1 (March 22, 2012 8:27 pm ET)

        You're farkakt. No more elegant way to say it.
        Report Abuse
        • Author by juliajayne1 (March 22, 2012 8:31 pm ET)
          Oh, and you sound like a bot. No talking points indeed. Pfft.
          Report Abuse
      • Author by Dem02020 (March 22, 2012 8:28 pm ET)

        Why can't I boycott rush limbaughs corporate sponsors if I want to?

        Report Abuse
          • Author by juliajayne1 (March 22, 2012 8:42 pm ET)
            5 1
            Oh hush, Rush enabler.
            Report Abuse
          • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 8:43 pm ET)
            Your definition of "hate" really just seems to be "anyone who points out when conservatives are lying".
            Report Abuse
          • Author by Brabantio (March 22, 2012 8:43 pm ET)
            Are you brave enough to support anything you say? It seems unlikely.
            Report Abuse
          • Author by Dem02020 (March 22, 2012 9:24 pm ET)

            Thank you for permitting me to boycott rush limbaughs corporate sponsors, appreciate it.

            Report Abuse
          • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 10:01 pm ET)
            Once again, what have any of those sites said that's comparable to what Limbaugh said?
            Report Abuse
      • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 10:06 pm ET)
        the Big 4 of Hate Sites

        This is so ridiculous it made me literally laugh out loud. Sorry, Stormfront, you didn't make the cut. You're just not as scary and hateful as f--king Alternet. Dude, seriously, did you troll all of those sites and get told you were a moron? Because that doesn't make them "hate sites".
        Report Abuse
        • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 11:42 pm ET)
          [Sorry, Stormfront, you didn't make the cut.]

          Poor Stormfront. They try so HARD...
          Report Abuse
      • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 8:06 pm ET)
        8 1
        [Someday someone with a gun is going to take matters into their own hands and put Rush out of existence. I am not condoning this, merely predicting it. He is going too far, and some nut will take action.

        I sincerly doubt it; if you look at many of the posters here, as much as Rush irritates him, they're not OBSESSED with him. (Look at how many request that the site put transcriptions under the clips, because they literally find him too irritating to listen to for extended periods of time). People who hate Rush don't want him DEAD; they want him to be called on his BS.
        It's FAR more likely one of Rush's FANS (you know, the people who PROUDLY declare themselves "Dittoheads") will try to kill one of the subjects of Limbaugh's rants (Two words: Byran Williams).
        Report Abuse
        • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 8:17 pm ET)
          OOPS! Obviously I meant BYRON Williams, the crazed Glen Beck fan... not BRIAN Williams, the crazed NBC newsman. ( The former totally accepted Beck's nonsense as gospel truth,wheras the latter has a team of fact-checkers ).
          Report Abuse
      • Author by Dem02020 (March 22, 2012 8:31 pm ET)
        11 2

        Hey can somebody from Media Matters take that comment down, as an obvious shill plant who wants to make it look like someone on these comments threads wants rush limbaugh shot... take that comment down please.

        Report Abuse
        • Author by juliajayne1 (March 22, 2012 8:47 pm ET)
          10 1
          I flagged it also Dem02020 for inciting violence. Now, I'll go check out scooter's other comments. BRB
          Report Abuse
          • Author by juliajayne1 (March 22, 2012 9:03 pm ET)
            Ah well, didn't find much. scooter51 seems to have just made an unfortnate comment above. Usually he posts very truncated, one line stuff. Although he does seem to really hate Rush. But then there's a lot to hatre about Rush, since Rush, himself, is a big ball of hate.
            Report Abuse
          • Author by Dem02020 (March 22, 2012 10:15 pm ET)

            Look down just a few comments below ours, and you'll see this "egb" character jumping on the "shoot rush" comment.

            Report Abuse
        • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 8:41 pm ET)
          [You win the HATE contest hands down.]

          Play fair; why don't we go to Rush's fans, suggest Obama be shot... and then wait to see if any of THEM ask for it to be taken down.
          You know... after half of them give it a thumbs-up, of course.
          Report Abuse
          • Author by villabolo (March 22, 2012 9:05 pm ET)
            I agree with CST.

            However, believe it or not, Rush's demise would not really have an enormous impact in the Conservative Twilight Zone. Don't ask me why; that's just my intuition.

            On the other hand...
            Report Abuse
              • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 10:09 pm ET)
                What? How does it mean that?
                Report Abuse
              • Author by dommanno3075 (March 22, 2012 10:59 pm ET)
                "rush's demise" would mean that the left can control the views of the right.
                If we could do that, we would have, a long time ago.
                Report Abuse
              • Author by OMGWALegb (March 23, 2012 1:11 am ET)
                Yes, you moronic little troll, that is what I want.

                There, is that what you want to hear.

                Have you principles?
                Report Abuse
            • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 10:17 pm ET)
              I can find, today, "kill ..." statements
              on all your sites (DailyKos,MMFA,MoveOn,AlterNet).

              Then find them and link to them or shut the f--k up.
              Report Abuse
              • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 11:40 pm ET)
                You have 20 minutes, EST, to not be full of crap. Waiting with bells on.
                Report Abuse
            • Author by dommanno3075 (March 22, 2012 11:02 pm ET)
              Rush is smarter than progressives and has no site!
              Like this: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/?

              Elitists are ALWAYS wrong.
              Then you're the elite-est of them all.
              Report Abuse
              • Author by cugagcmu805031 (March 22, 2012 11:38 pm ET)
                Only a real tool would believe that someone who doesn't have a degree or training in anything would be "smarter" than those who do! Even Limbaugh's mom said he flunked every class he took in his one year of college. Talk about being delusional! Based on this comment by egb, it's too easy to see why Limbaugh has such control over people like him/her. Only weak-minded, insecure people need someone else to tell them what to think/do. It's sad, because these are the same people who are telling everyone else how "exceptional" our country is. It would seem that a really exceptional nation would have a majority of people living in it who could think for themselves, and who wouldn't depend on intellectually-challenged, fear-filled azzzezzz to tell them what to think.
                Report Abuse
        • Author by Brabantio (March 22, 2012 8:47 pm ET)
          4 1
          It's clearly possible that an acceleration of divisive rhetoric without consequences could drive someone to take individual action. That statement does not advocate such action, whether you agree with it or not.

          Take a logic class, please.
          Report Abuse
            • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 10:10 pm ET)
              Says the guy whose posts are all incomprehensible free verse poems about how mean we are.
              Report Abuse
            • Author by fantagor (March 23, 2012 1:50 am ET)
              I reread his post several times, and it's the epitome of clear, concise communication; grammatically impeccable, unlike your piecemeal copy and paste babble.

              Report Abuse
    • Author by PoDrunk (March 22, 2012 7:54 pm ET)
      It is obvious that Rush is a mouth piece for the Repub's. Although I don't agree with him, I will defend his right to free speech. If we try to regulate his freedom of speech, regardless of how ridiculous he is, who will regulate our speech tomorrow? Since we know that our ideas out weigh his bigotry, we have nothing to worry about.
      Report Abuse
    • Author by Nihilist (March 22, 2012 9:19 pm ET)
      7 1
      so who's still advertising on lumpy? NAMBLA?... couldnt happen to a worser guy....
      Report Abuse
        • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 10:13 pm ET)
          Progressives support NAMBLA, you know that, right?

          Evidence? Nah.
          I will pay for Rush's/Rachel's/... right to speak.

          You don't pay for someone's "right". I have no idea what this means or why you put a random ellipsis in it.
          You would kill Rush's only.

          Where does it say that in the post you're responding to?
          You are the one who should silence yourself and learn
          from human history, the Greeks and our founding fathers.

          I don't think they said anything about Rush Limbaugh.
          Are you completely ignorant?

          Says the guy who still clearly has no idea what Sandra Fluke's testimony was about.
          Report Abuse
        • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 10:24 pm ET)
          6 1
          You know, "egb", you're really becoming a bore. If your NEXT post doesn't actually produce some actual EVIDENCE that backs up your claims that people on the left are SOOO much worse than Rush, I'm just going to assume you CAN'T DO IT, and start ignoring you.
          Seriously. One link. one quote. NOT a rambling dissertive rant, about how bad "WE" are, just a piece of evidence.
          I mean, you OBVIOUSLY have nothing better to do with your time; why NOT do the legwork to back up your words? It HAS to be better than coming off like a fool and a liar because you're too lazy to prove your words, right?
          Or you can just slink off into the shadows and pretend YOU got bored. Either way's fine with me, as long as you quit dodging the issues.
          Just put up or shut up.
          Report Abuse
          • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 10:30 pm ET)
            Just put up or shut up.

            this clearly
            by fascists progressives who are fascists like Bork and Maddow
            to shut down egb's
            which means you are A HATE SITE like
            MoveOn, DailyKos and Alternet which
            are the only sites I am allowed to access in the home.
            The oyster owns a fine wristwatch
            But he will not show you unless you sing.
            Are we not men?
            Report Abuse
            • Author by fantagor (March 23, 2012 1:57 am ET)
              Darkness falls
              The oyster still awaits a dirge
              from a broken future
              Time escapes backward into
              the squandered past.

              Report Abuse
          • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 11:12 pm ET)
            Gosh, I wonder who gave me a thumbs down and then ran away without actually responding to my comment?
            Report Abuse
              • Author by phlcstgan (March 22, 2012 11:24 pm ET)
                Report Abuse
              • Author by Conchobhar (March 22, 2012 11:34 pm ET)

                You've consistently refused to back up any of you wild claims with either evidence or logic, and blamed others for your own inadequacies.
                I don't know what you mean by 'dealing with', but someone as mentally challenged as you've proven yourself to be should have no mentoring contact with any young person. God help any kids who are exposed to you.
                Report Abuse
                • Author by juliajayne1 (March 22, 2012 11:43 pm ET)
                  I'd agree with you if I thought this "person" was anything but an unmitigated phony and liar. He doesn't have a PhD in anything. He's not a mentor. He hasn't heard vile filth from Rachel Maddow or anyone on any site he's listed. And yet he's here, as a defacto enabler of a misogynist. That tells me of his character, or lack thereof.
                  Report Abuse
                  • Author by Conchobhar (March 23, 2012 11:11 am ET)
                    Well, he's lying about so much that it's reasonable to think he's probably lying about the PhD. However, one of the dumbest people I ever worked with had a doctorate. (Great legs though. Ex-Rockette)
                    Report Abuse
                • Author by cugagcmu805031 (March 22, 2012 11:44 pm ET)
                  EXACTLY, and as someone who taught high school for 33 years, I endorse your comment 100%. Uninformed, biased, hate-filled, bigoted, misogynistic people have no idea of the negative impact they can have on young minds.
                  Report Abuse
              • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 11:40 pm ET)
                Blatant cowardice and absurdity; you accuse others of wrongdoing and provide NO evidence. The ONLY logical conclusion is that you CAN'T back up your claims.
                It's like you've accused me of stabbing you, but have no evidence that I've touched you; indeed, you won't show anyone the wound. You just DEMAND that I somehow prove I didn't stab you, and ask everyone to take your word that it happened.
                You know, if someone tried that in a court of law, they'd not only be laughed out of court... they'd probably be sent for psych. evaluation.
                Report Abuse
              • Author by Brabantio (March 23, 2012 5:28 am ET)
                You both seem to want someone else to
                do your home work. I deal with some inner
                city 8th graders that have the same attitude.
                Damn lazy black kids. What can you do, huh?

                Seriously, as stated, your accusation requires your evidence. Assuming your opinion is genuine, you clearly have some experience here which has shaped it. Nobody knows what that is until you cite it.
                Get off your rear ends and learn both sides of
                all issues. THEN, AND ONLY THEN, EXPRESS OPINIONS
                Having admitted above that you are unaware of hateful rhetoric on right wing sites, you have no business challenging anyone here.

                Report Abuse
      • Author by theegrobe (March 25, 2012 3:31 pm ET)
        The 1 thumbs down you got must be from a nambla member that doesn't want to be associated with rush.
        Report Abuse
    • Author by plasmaborne4rel (March 22, 2012 11:42 pm ET)
      While claiming Rush Limbaugh's free speech was being infringed upon Christian Right Wing Nut Jobs were trying to get JCPenny to fire Ellen DeGeneres. So much for respecting a Corporations choice of spokesperson.
      Report Abuse
    • Author by Meremark (March 22, 2012 11:49 pm ET)

      egb is for Brian Glicklich, Esq., in (secret disquise) Professor Backwards-style.

      egb = talent on hire from the Temp-troll Agency. An undergraduate snitch.

      Look, Glicklick -- if that's your real name: Lamebrain is a dead man talking. Give it up, it's over.

      Your mission is to limit who falls into the black hole vortex of Lamebrain's gravitas'ed self-destruction, you're not supposed to try to shove others into it.
      Yeah, chain your guy Beck on a bling chain around Lamebrain's neck -- that's real smart. Not!

      Abandon stupid, all merc trolls who enter here. And talk to the headlined topic: Crisis Management Mode. That's how endings begin.

      Get your 'job' oblivion on.

      Just, the business of the ad biz stops paying the ransom demands of Lamebrainers holding America hostage. pffffft! Here before, now he's gone.

      Report Abuse
      • Author by cst (March 22, 2012 11:54 pm ET)
        STILL think he's really Yoda on a bender.
        Report Abuse
      • Author by LittleFuzzy (March 23, 2012 12:46 am ET)
        I tried egb=extremely gullible bigot on the Dana Loesch thread on March 20th.

        I find it interesting that First Amendment defenders all consider criticism and challenge to be attempts to silence. It must be a reaction to their own inability to back up anything that they say.

        Report Abuse
    • Author by leftout1234 (March 23, 2012 9:44 am ET)
      Remember there's still a thing called FREE SPEECH!!!!!
      He has the right to say whatever he wants!!
      Report Abuse
      • Author by cst (March 23, 2012 12:16 pm ET)
        But he doesn't have the right to be paid a fortune to say it.
        And his sponsors have the right to take their dollars elsewhere if they think he's a bad investment.
        Report Abuse
      • Author by phlcstgan (March 23, 2012 2:20 pm ET)
        He doesn't have the right to a radio show. If that's part of free speech, I've been a political prisoner all my life.
        Report Abuse
      • Author by bilbo_dies (March 23, 2012 9:56 pm ET)
        Remember there's still a thing called FREE SPEECH!!!!!
        He has the right to say whatever he wants!!

        Actually the first amendment "prohibits the making of any law abridging the freedom of speech". It does not give him the right to say anything he wants, that is what libel and slander laws are all about. (amnong others)
        Report Abuse
    • Author by ORACLE (March 23, 2012 10:53 am ET)
      He deserves to be taken off the air for that one. Just my opinion.
      Report Abuse
    • Author by wsayscoupgood (March 23, 2012 12:19 pm ET)
      Everything is fine ,says Limbaugh just ask my crisis management crew. Really it's all good. And now a word from the Ad Council...Oh even the ad council is objecting..Ok Well lets all enjoy a moment of absolute quite...really we don't have enough quite around here. I experience silence quite often when I unplug my hearing implants....really it is very nice. So Ditto heads enjoy the quite time that used to be filled with our turncoat advertisers.
      Report Abuse
    • Author by glenn113@comcast.net (March 23, 2012 12:45 pm ET)
      Keep up the good work! When you have O'Reilly and Hannity railing about it you'r making a dent in right wing hate speech and right wing propaganda. I just donated also.
      Report Abuse
    • Author by wsayscoupgood (March 23, 2012 1:18 pm ET)
      Over the years I have listened to Limbaugh even tried to call in and realized that was futile. Eventually I made the ultimate and definitive choice to not listen to this creature anylonger and for the most part excluding blowups like this, I admit this is a very serious incident for Limbaugh and it should be. Hopefully this will be the nail in the cofin for this clown. Over the years I would often think about the genocide that occured between the Hutus and Tutsis in Rawanda. One of the stories about that tragedy that alwasys facinated me was how hate radio played a very large part in creating the atmosphere that allowed the obscenity of genocide to rear it's ugly head once again. I actually went back and read some of the transcripts from the radio broadcasts that encouraged the Hutus to kill the Tutsis. Essentially Limbaugh does the same thing. He demeans and diminises the humanity of humans he disagrees with. Now could that lead to a genocide in this country? I can't say that but I do klnow this....Someone had to throw the first stone on Krystal Knacht and that first stone was thrown way before a physical stone shattered glass on November 9 1938. It was hateful words shattering a heart,a spirit, a human being. It was hateful words making it OK to think of your neighbors as "Others"
      Report Abuse
    • Author by Mr Blifil (March 23, 2012 1:40 pm ET)
      If he had an army of "dittoheads," they'd have been defending him on Twitter already. Twitter's sole reason to exist is to give people the chance to say "ditto" whenever they want.
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