The plight of the introvert

Susan Cain, author of the new book Quiet, describes how the deck is often stacked against introverts.

The danger of following one’s conscience

Eyal Press, author of the new book Beautiful Souls, describes a contentious debate within the Israeli army. Plus: The moral hero who is also kind of a jerk.

Is Katniss a post-apocalyptic Sarah Palin?

Anthea Butler and Julian Sanchez examine The Hunger Games through a political lens. Plus: Trayvon Martin is not an allegory.

Is the economy finally back?

Bryce Covert and Derek Thompson evaluate the recovery. Plus: Why does the wage gap between men and women persist?

Is the Internet making us racist?

Michael Brendan Dougherty and Jamelle Bouie discuss why there is so much open racism online. Plus: How did Trayvon Martin's killing become a partisan issue?

Iran has “swallowed” Iraq

Ben Birnbaum describes his interview with Iraqi opposition leader Ayad Allawi. Plus: No Iran strike this year?

If Obamacare falls, does Obama win?

Bill Scher and Matt Lewis debate the political fallout if the Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act. Plus: How Justice Kennedy could save the law.

Richard Dawkins is not enough

Do secularists need better public advocates? Sarah Posner and Paul Waldman consider. Plus: Obstacles for atheists.

The conservative struggle

Michael Brendan Dougherty and Corey Robin, author of The Reactionary Mind, discuss how the idea of struggle shapes conservative thought. Plus: Conservatism and violence.

Will the Syrian rebels turn to terror?

Joshua Landis anticipates the Syrian resistance turning to jihad and insurgency. Plus: Should the US attack Syria?

Are colleges fueling inequality?

Glenn Loury and David Grusky debate whether higher education protects the affluent from competition.

A demagogic campaign?

Will a Romney-Obama contest be a debate of ideas or a clash of demagoguery? Bill Scher and Matt Lewis consider.

Choose your own judicial adventure

Ann Althouse wants you to ignore the opinions of constitutional scholars and examine legal arguments yourself. Plus: Are we too emotionally involved in the Trayvon Martin case?

Liberals don’t get it (but conservatives do)

Jonathan Haidt, author of the new book The Righteous Mind, explains why conservatives understand liberals, but not vice versa. Plus: Politics as religion.

Does multiculturalism create self-segregation?

Conor Friedersdorf and Reniqua Allen discuss a tension in promoting diversity. Plus: Being the only black person in the room.

Stopping “stop and frisk”

Glenn Loury and John McWhorter discuss the controversial police tactic. Plus: Why the Trayvon Martin case is different.