Eyal Press, author of the new book Beautiful Souls, describes a contentious debate within the Israeli army. Plus: The moral hero who is also kind of a jerk.
Michael Brendan Dougherty and Jamelle Bouie discuss why there is so much open racism online. Plus: How did Trayvon Martin's killing become a partisan issue?
Bill Scher and Matt Lewis debate the political fallout if the Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act. Plus: How Justice Kennedy could save the law.
Michael Brendan Dougherty and Corey Robin, author of The Reactionary Mind, discuss how the idea of struggle shapes conservative thought. Plus: Conservatism and violence.
Ann Althouse wants you to ignore the opinions of constitutional scholars and examine legal arguments yourself. Plus: Are we too emotionally involved in the Trayvon Martin case?
Jonathan Haidt, author of the new book The Righteous Mind, explains why conservatives understand liberals, but not vice versa. Plus:Politics as religion.