I am not under the delusion that this diary will draw universal acclaim; there may be a few Kossacks that disagree with me -- well, maybe more than a few. As the title suggests, I am calling into ...
by Tim DeLaney
0 Recs
A certain amount of hyperbole has to be allowed all sides in politics. but Romney's charges this week that Obama spent too much time at Harvard doesn't pass the laugh test. This charge makes as much ...
by tjwalker
0 Recs
If you haven't heard by now of National Review editor John Derbyshire's handy tips for white teenagers (linky here ), well, here's a quick sample:
Before voting for a black politician, scrutinize ...
by Cartoon Peril
1 Recs
Seriously, go. Now...
The Rude Pundit's Almanack 2012 Edition
Lee Papa
“A tornado of a writer….a child of Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor and Hunter S. Thompson.”
by Clive all hat no horse Rodeo
2 Recs
Yesterday, I bought more home school books. I found a really great book on the rules of phonics that contained drills and memorization games. I found another book of word games to teach Latin and ...
by GreenMother
1 Recs
Welcome to J Town!
A place to hang out, promote posts, check on the weather (and brag about yours!) and waste spend a little time. Bring your music, your news stories, your life stories, (a photo ...
by JanF
22 Recs
Surprise! The latest job numbers aren't as good as had been hoped/expected, and all of a sudden there's doom, gloom - and cheering from the Right Wing. What could be the matter? Why aren't ...
by xaxnar
1 Recs
Welcome! " What's Happenin'?" is a casual community diary (a daily series, 8:30 AM Eastern on weekdays, 10 AM on weekends and holidays) where we hang out and talk about the goings on here and ...
by joanneleon
19 Recs
I just learned that one of my dearest friends and mentors died Thursday night. Bernard Rapoport, or B as he loved to be called, was deep into his 90s but still was handing out money from his ...
by Michael Lux
5 Recs
A follow up of some things I have learned.
First off you have no government, law, or constitution. Only the bankster mafia has a government. Know from day one you are dealing with pure evil, that ...
by wageslave
1 Recs
I got up to do my morning blog reading, logged in to Daily Kos and saw Dem from CT's front page pundit round-up with this nugget from Gallup .
Black Americans' views differ dramatically from those ...
by Denise Oliver Velez
91 Recs
Late last night, Republican legislators in the Michigan legislature passed a new bill, to be implemented with immediate effect, to change the name of the City of Dearborn to the City of Dearconceived.
by Obama Amabo
10 Recs
The second part of my title did not describe my homeschooled student. It described me. I never, ever thought that I'd homeschool either of my children.
My daughter, my oldest, used to beg me to ...
by Lily O Lady
4 Recs
The New York Times reports that NBC has fired the producer who edited the audio of George Zimmerman's 911 call to report Trayvon Martin walking while black and wearing a hoodie, saying that it made ...
by eXtina
10 Recs
First we were talking about a second Great Depression. Then that didn't happen, so we talked about a jobless recovery. Then that didn't happen, so we talked about a double dip recession, then that ...
by coolelegans
3 Recs
I apologize for the short diary.
No. I don't . The reason i don't is because sometimes power does not come from long explained and informational discussions. Ask anyone I know (if you're ...
by funluvn1
1 Recs
Good morning once again to the home repair/improvement folks and anyone else who shows up.
Too much to write about and no time to do it. Life is full, most of it good.
We did lose the chickens to ...
by claude
16 Recs
Hello again painting fans.
by boran2
13 Recs
Good morning, and jeez, it's quiet around here. Welcome to Saturday Morning Garden Blogging.
After Denver started April with a record high temperature of 84° on the April Fool's Day, on the 3rd ...
by Frankenoid
51 Recs
GUS (Gave Up Smoking) is a community support diary for Kossacks in the midst of quitting smoking. Any supportive comments, suggestions or positive distractions are appreciated. If you are quitting ...
by effervescent
11 Recs
Like many governors, Maine Gov. Paul LePage issues a weekly radio address. It being a holiday weekend, today's address is short and focuses on Easter, arguably the most important holiday for ...
by Spud1
0 Recs
Despite what Clear Channel wants you to think , the national grassroots effort to boycott Rush Limbaugh’s sponsors is working in its own quiet way.
Actually, the effort has been more about ...
by jjoncapecod
48 Recs
Who needs it, really? What does it mean to forgive someone, and why is forgiveness important?
I grew up un-churched, a heathen, so my faith-structure is weak. But I still have a belief in a higher ...
by Melanie in IA
9 Recs
In a sweeping rebuke to judicial activism, the Supreme Court has issued a divided opinion striking down the nation's controversial Constitution law. The recent law, passed in a flurry of liberal ...
by Troubadour
19 Recs
is the title of this NY Times column by Charles Blow , to which I would like to direct your attention. Blow begins his piece simply but bluntly: The case of Trayvon Martin is producing another O.J.
by teacherken
9 Recs
In what world can they come up with:
We respect you, but you are not worth as much as a man?
You will be the incubator for your rapists child is a sign of just how concerned we are about your ...
by LaFeminista
53 Recs
This is the last in a series of three related op-eds defending the Affordable Care Act. They are a "Daily Kos Exclusive," because the major papers wouldn't print any of them.
After this, I go back ...
by Ptolemy
6 Recs
since it has been more than a week since I last saw my students - spring break began a week ago Friday.
Yet I have not been totally out of touch from them - some have emailed me, as did several ...
by teacherken
10 Recs
Good Morning MOTleyville
MOT is here every morning at 6:30 AM
April 7th in History.
1652 - The Dutch established a settlement at Cape Town, South Africa.
1712 - A slave revolt broke out in New ...
by eeff
6 Recs
I have been,
so far,
at least three men:
For a long time,
I was the man taking care of Pam,
my first wife,
who was born disabled.
I spent thirty years as that man.
During the last six years
of ...
by bigjacbigjacbigjac
7 Recs
The other day, I was watching a show on Discover Channel called "Preppers". It scared the daylights out of me. No, not because the people on it are nuts. Not even because a lot of it is unrealistic. ...
by ladijules
9 Recs
These are three images sent to me by my girlfriend (we'll call her L). At about 10:30, she sent me a text informing me that there was a very small, very hungry, cat outside her house. She ...
by Travis Arbon
17 Recs
The Obama camp need a catchy phrase for audiences to chant at political rallies that will appeal to the younger voters as well as others who might latch on to scatological humor. The campaign also ...
by Focusers
1 Recs
There have been several diaries lately about bees, colony collapse disorder, and pesticides. In the comments of one of the diaries, several people mentioned wanting to plant things that bees like. ...
by FourthOfJulyAsburyPark
3 Recs
I thought you were one of the good guys, Keith. I knew you had a big head, but I thought you really gave a damn and I gave you a lot of credit for that and for helping get Rachel her show. But ...
by Anton Bursch
62 Recs
My house is full of family members at this moment. Normally I live alone in a big house and to be honest it is nice to have a house full of people. My fridge is full and I am going to cook tomorrow ...
by webranding
9 Recs
My wife's great-grandfather, James Hughes, fought in the battle of Shiloh, April 6 and 7, 1862. The oldest of seven brothers and one sister, James was the only one born in Ireland before his parents ...
by HaroldPaul
26 Recs
I weep for them. The "Frozen Seventy Two" . I really do.
The chief executives of General Motors, AIG, and Ally Financial had their 2012 compensation packages frozen for a second year in a row by ...
by jpmassar
7 Recs
This is the District that votes Representative King into Office.
"A Jury awarded Rick Bertrand $231,000 in damages late Friday after finding that his opponent and the Democratic Party committed ...
by Flecked Carbon
3 Recs
As an artist he was dismissed for his prolific productions. His attention to detail was something to be appreciated.
Thomas Kinkade , the "Painter of Light" and one of the most popular artists in ...
by Horace Boothroyd III
44 Recs
Please read and follow instructions before opening. Or consult your physician.
This is a noncontroversial topic, no flame zone.
SPOILER WARNING: A latenight gathering for non-serious palaver that ...
by MTmofo
7 Recs
OND is a community feature �on Daily Kos, consisting of news stories from around the world, sometimes coupled with a daily theme, original research or commentary. �Editors of OND impart their own ...
by JML9999
29 Recs
The GOP here in Missouri has turned into a royal mess, with the caucuses unraveling at the seams and the Republicans pointing fingers at each other. In one county, Nodaway County, a group of Ron ...
by Eternal Hope
26 Recs
Honest Mitt.
This derisive nickname needs to spread far and wide into the media until it sticks. It needs to become a household phrase as common as Slick Willie or Tricky Dick.
Mitt Romney has run ...
by Luhks
3 Recs
Here it goes...
Long walks on the beach are for suckers. I prefer short sprints from the cops. I'm the funniest guy you ever met, even when I'm not joking. I'm the most romantic person you never ...
by EZlivin87
0 Recs
March 30 was Land Day in Israel & Palestine. The following videos show protests at Qalandia, East Jerusalem, & Nabi Saleh.
by Friendlystranger
2 Recs
This week, on KFTK's The Dana Show and on her blog at Big Government, TeaNN "contributor" Dana Loesch falsely accused Van Jones of being a "cop-killer supporter, a Marxist, and a 9/11 Truther" while ...
by JGibson
11 Recs
A recent article at the Atlantic explains why the Democrats running against the conservatives in the Supreme Court is a good strategy.
When I think of Bush v Gore, Citizens United, and now ...
by caliberal2001
5 Recs
The first order of business is a Big Welcome and Thanks for popping into Top Comments tonight to share these great comments, jotter’s Picture Quilt and all that delicious Top Mojo ...
by bronte17
31 Recs
Today, Rush said Federal Agents were taking away the lunches of schoolchildren their mothers had packed, replacing them with what Michelle Obama wants them to eat. I hope they wore their flak vests.
by tkirkland
7 Recs
In an economy with very few bright spots, earlier this year we heard some great news out of Detroit.
DETROIT (AP) — General Motors earned its largest profit ever in 2011, two years after it ...
by FiredUpInCA
16 Recs
Hi again beer lovers! Happy Friday!
by esquimaux
5 Recs
I've been trying to find better housing. I can't sleep in the city there is just too much noise for me to stay or get asleep. I thought I had found the place. I can afford it. It is rural. And most ...
by Horace Boothroyd III
62 Recs
War OVER Women; About 848,000,000 results
War ON Women; About 1,080,000,000 results....that's billion with a B
I will stake my swagger cane on it, somewhere on K Street Brilliant Minds have been at ...
by Old Lefty
4 Recs
Well, we just finished our family's Passover Seder, and in honor of the day, I've decided to publish (for the first time) a short story here at Daily Kos on one of my more memorable Passover ...
by The Troubadour
39 Recs
Love songs are a huge part of popular music, and have been since liturgical music lost its primary place. I certainly shall not try to cover centuries worth of love songs, but rather just give a ...
by Translator
15 Recs
Welcome to the Team DFH Freaky Friday Music party.
Because Team DFH operates more or less like a herd of cats, this diary series doesn’t actually have a formal name but we’re here on Friday ...
by triv33
22 Recs
This thing about women just won't go away. It really isn't going to go away. No amount of denial or rationalizing is going to make it go away. This contraception thing is a big deal. A very big deal.
by JDWolverton
5 Recs
This is the first time I've written two diaries in one day, but it's worth it here.
Last night there was a good diary about Olbermann's lawsuit against CURRENT TV:
by Timaeus
9 Recs
Hanskey asks “How come governors get presidential nominations more often than people in other offices?”
That's a good question, and political scientists have been talking about it for decades. ...
by Ponder Stibbons
5 Recs
The cover of the May issue of Oprah Magazine shows a 21-year-old Oprah being hugged by today's Oprah. (Oh, it's cute :D)
Oprah at 21 and Oprah ...
by SoCaliana
14 Recs
Chief US Judge for the Minnesota District Michael J. Davis has ruled that Minnesota's DOMA law does not apply to legal marriages entered into by transgender individuals and that therefore a union ...
by rserven
142 Recs
I'm a former fundaloon turned moderate believer, turned progressive believer turned atheist.
It just occurred to me an hour or so ago that this is Good Friday, the day Christian tradition ...
by JTinDC
21 Recs
Neo Nazi's are patrolling the streets of Sanford, FL because white folks are scared.
Schoep, whose neo-Nazi group is based in Detroit, tells Riptide the patrols are a response to white residents' ...
by Clytemnestra
121 Recs
Knowing how to track severe weather on your own is a crucial part of keeping you and your family safe year-round. The best tool to use in your quest for severe weather information is the United ...
by weatherdude
52 Recs
On Tuesday night, Jerome Corsi held a seminar in Morristown, New Jersey; in which he pushed his so-called evidence that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery. His arguments appeared to sway Morris ...
by Christian Dem in NC
17 Recs
(Published earlier today)
Every conservative who reads the National Review needs to contact the owner, publisher, editor, or chief idiot in charge of that execrable waste of bandwidth and pixels ...
by Bill Schmalfeldt
260 Recs
If you are not guilty and not even charged with a crime why do you need a defense fund?
Why can't he rely on the same public defenders many Black families have to depend on to keep their children ...
by Horace Boothroyd III
15 Recs
Ever since Barack Obama became president of the United States, the leaders of the Republican party have fervently proclaimed the mantra ‘America is broke’ and because of this, the nation needs ...
by SkepticalPartisan
4 Recs
On February 26, 2012 in The Twinlake Estates subdivision located in Sanford, Florida, a seventeen-year old boy went to a local convienience store and purchased candy and a can of iced-tea. He spoke ...
by franklyn
0 Recs
Ever since the death of William F. Buckley National Review has been degenerating day by day from a magazine for Conservative intellectuals (believe me at one point in time it wasn’t an oxymoron), ...
by Shawn Russell
8 Recs
Haida Gwaii ("Islands of the People") is a an archipelago off the northwest coast of British Columbia. There are two large islands and about 150 smaller ones, with a total land area of 3,931 miles, ...
by Cartoon Peril
45 Recs
by James L
4 Recs
Sometimes, a video is worth a thousand words:
Then again, there's really only one word to use for Mitt Romney: fraud.
by Jed Lewison
22 Recs
I have been an Educator for 2 years and a student for a lot longer. Rebublicons and those who wish to make a profit off of our public education system have been in full force using standardized ...
by thoughtspitter
4 Recs