Obama opposes Minnesota same sex marriage ban
President Barack Obama’s campaign on Monday said it was opposed to a constitutional amendment in Minnesota that would prohibit same sex couples from getting married.
Rep. Baldwin calls for House to vote on ‘Buffett Rule’ tax for millionaires
Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) on Monday urged leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives to bring her legislation to the floor to enact the so-called Buffett Rule.
Police mysteriously lose video of Megaupload raid
Video footage of a police raid on the home of Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom is missing, and authorities claim they’re not quire sure what happened to it.
Radiation from Japan found in kelp off U.S. West Coast
Radioactive iodine was found in kelp off the US West Coast following last year’s earthquake-triggered Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdown, according to a new study.
Minnesota GOP unable to pay rent for headquarters
The Republican Party of Minnesota was unable to pay rent for its headquarters in St. Paul for several months due to its “precarious” financial situation.
Atheist group: ‘Jesus Christ is a myth’ banner theft is a hate crime
An anti-religious banner at a city park in Streator, Illinois was stolen on Saturday, and the atheist group that placed it there claims that the theft was a Class 4 felony under Illinois’ hate crime laws.