Fish Food
(A Sprinkling of Things we Think you Ought to Know…)
Politico Takes It Personally – In a Breaking News alert this afternoon, Politico emails news that the Justice Department plans on filing suit against Apple computers over eBook pricing. It’s important to note that their breaking news email came in WELL before anyone else did. I don’t suppose it had anything to do with the fact that Mike Allen and Evan Thomas have a new eB0ok called “Inside the Circus.” We can’t help but wonder if they are taking it personally.
Red Versus Blue – Livingsocial has a unique deal available this week that is distinctly Washington D.C. It’s a chance to enter a Republicans versus Democrats dodgeball tournament later this month. Teams of 8 will be split up according to party lines and they will unleash their fury upon each other. Considering how competitive this town is, we fully expect lost teeth and bloodshed. Just make sure to leave NJ Gov. Chris Christie and filmmaker Michael Moore at home. This is dodgeball, after all. No need to have easy targets out there.
Cooper Can’t Handle Pussy – If you watch one thing today, watch this video of CNN’s Anderson Cooper. He is doing a story on Dyngus Day. It’s a Polish-American Holiday that takes place after Lent with some very strange rituals. Included is one in which men sprinkle water on women and women rub men with the branches of a pussy willow. Cooper finds this story so “stupid” that he can’t contain his laughter and giggles uncontrollably, much like a 7-year-old schoolgirl. The episode culminates in a snort. You cannot miss this. Watch the video below.