Job Opportunities in Today’s Economic Climate

Grabbing today’s best job opportunities, in these trying economic circumstances, requires knowing where in the country they’re going to be and what skills will be needed to get them. Another factor will be the kind of jobs sector — industrial or service — that is creating the most jobs. It’s a fool who denies manufacturing is greatly diminishing as an economic force in the USA. Just a casual look at the domestic car companies proves this point, sad to say.

Manufacturing jobs have been vanishing at a steep rate since the beginning of this new century. And over the last year, the loss has been stupendous. It’ll never be the case again when the so-called “Detroit Three” car companies dominate car production around the world. Sadly, two of them are in danger of bankruptcy and possible liquidation.

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Air Conditioning And Climate Change

The winter of 2010-2011 has been particularly harsh and most people cannot wait for summer. The thought of buying anything too cool down after this frigid inclement winter is the farthest thing from most consumers minds. That being said, spring is already upon the calendar door and will soon be followed by the summer conditions of the three Hs; Hazy, Hot and Humid. To battle these conditions air conditioners have for many Americans become a way a life. Still there are others who view them as a luxury item.

With climate change on the forefront and El Nino patterns of extreme weather patterns across the country and the globe; it is important to moderate building temperatures when possible. Especially for those adversely affected by temperature extremes and air quality issues, an air conditioner can be as important of a regulator as taking medicine. This is most important for those who suffer from lung, heart and blood pressure issues, as extreme heat can be life threatening. For these people, air conditioning becomes more of a lifeline and less of an extra comfort.

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