Links for you. Science:
Fence Is Behind an Explosion of Life in a Wild Corner of Hawaii (a similar thing happened in Long Island when fences excluded deer, and the endemic flora thrived in those enclosures)
Scientific retractions increasing exponentially
The best peer-reviewed scientific figure ever
Illumina Fends Off Roche’s Hostile Bid
How We Nearly Lost Discovery
I Used to Have Ann Romney’s Life. I Had it Easy. (must-read. One thing that many people really don’t get is what rich people’s lives are like–not celebrities, but rich, mostly anonymous people)
Evangelical tribalism and the Protestant ethic (Or, Max Weber doesn’t live here anymore)
Here’s some waste we can cut
Conservatives hating on young people for being young
CSI Centerville
Apple iPhone Will Fail in a Late, Defensive Move: Matthew Lynn (from 2007; jeepers)
US missed state’s bright job growth, report finds: Federal revisions of 2011 data faulted
The Jig Is Up: Time to Get Past Facebook and Invent a New Future
Mitt Romney, American Parasite: The Presidential candidate’s years at Bain represent everything you hate about capitalism (my takes here, here, and here)
Neal Stephenson on Science Fiction, Building Towers 20 Kilometers High … and Insurance
Sometimes, When “All the Facts are In,” It’s Worse: The UC-Davis Pepper-Spray Report