By Bob Plain on April 18, 2012
First Gary Sasse, former head of RISC, backed income tax increases on the wealthiest Rhode Islanders. Now he’s admitting that state aid cuts contributed to the financial struggle the poorest cities are experiencing. Is Sasse becoming a progressive, or are things just that bad in Rhode Island? Why is Anthony Gemma afraid of the media? “I’d [...]
Posted in RI Progress Report | Tagged Anthony Gemma, citigroup, cvs, Gary Sasse |
By Bob Plain on April 17, 2012
Instead of bemoaning Tax Day, we ought to celebrate it as a national holiday. It’s the day we chip in to pay for the services we all rely on to live our lives. After all, who among us doesn’t benefit from taxes? Anyone who drives certainly does. Anyone who likes to spend a hot summer [...]
Posted in Economy, Featured | Tagged Elizabeth Warren, Taxes |
By Carolyn Mark on April 17, 2012
April 17 is Equal Pay Day, a date that symbolizes how far beyond the end of 2011 and into the year 2012 women must work to earn what men earned in 2011. Equal Pay Day was established by the National Committee on Pay Equity in 1996 to raise awareness of the persistent gender wage gap [...]
Posted in Civil Rights / Liberties, Featured, Women | Tagged Civil Rights / Liberties, equal pay, now, women |
By Bob Plain on April 17, 2012
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse has said all along that it would likely take several votes before Democrats could break the hold that Wall Street special interests hold over their republican counterparts and such seems like the fate for the Buffet Rule, which was successfully filibustered Monday on its first vote on the Senate floor. “I’ll keep [...]
Posted in Buffett Rule, Congress, National News | Tagged Buffett Rule, Congress, Obama, whitehouse |
By Samuel G. Howard on April 17, 2012
It was interesting to me to learn about the article by Paul Farhi in the American Journalism Review called “Flunking the Test“, which blows apart typical reporting on education as essentially taking so-called “reformers” views at face value. Mr. Farhi points out that not only is the idea of an “crisis in education” false, (recalling arguments advanced [...]
Posted in Education | Tagged education crisis, Education Reform, failing schools, journalism, public schools |
By Bob Plain on April 17, 2012
Happy Tax Day, says Ted Nesi. Meanwhile, our own Tom Sgouros uses the occasion to report that the Tax Foundation says Rhode Islanders have the second lowest tax burden in the region. Speaking of Tax Day, this from Ocean State Action: “Years of misguided tax policy that benefit Rhode Island’s highest income earners have starved [...]
Posted in RI Progress Report | Tagged bob flanders, calista gingrich, Central Falls, tax day, too big too fail, Unemployment |
By Bob Plain on April 16, 2012
Treasurer Gina Raimondo and Providence Mayor Angel Taveras have joined the calls for payday lending reform efforts, and both will participate in a roundtable discussion on the issue. “The time has come to protect Rhode Islanders from the economic threat of predatory lending,” Raimondo wrote to the Senate committee that recently took up a bill [...]
Posted in Economy, Rhode Island, State House | Tagged payday loans, Rhode Island, state house |
By Tom Sgouros on April 16, 2012
Did you know you live in a low-tax state? According to the Tax Foundation, average taxes per person in Rhode Island are lower than in any other northeast state besides Maine, and lower than Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Delaware, and Virginia. Each year, you see, the tribunes of wealth and privilege who run the Tax Foundation [...]
Posted in Taxes | Tagged tax equity, Taxes |
By Samuel G. Howard on April 16, 2012
Having attended Anthony Gemma’s news statement in Providence’s Prospect Terrace Park, I’ll say this right off the bat: I went expecting a more polished candidate than appeared in 2010. I was disappointed. Let’s get to the big part of it right away: fleeing the conference almost as soon as he was done. By 6:21 pm [...]
Posted in Congress, Elections, Featured | Tagged Anthony Gemma, CD1, David Cicilline, Democratic Primary |
By Bob Plain on April 16, 2012
Mayors Don Grebien, of Pawtucket, and Leo Fontaine, of Woonsocket, write an op/ed together in today’s Projo about their lawsuit against the state that contends that RIDE should move quicker to bridge the giant funding gap that exists between the affluent suburbs and the poorer inner cities in Rhode Island. It’s an issue that we’ve [...]
Posted in RI Progress Report | Tagged Anthony Gemma, arts, boston marathon, Buffett Rule, fontaine, grebien, patriot's day, pawtucket, Woonsocket |
By Bob Plain on April 16, 2012
After a solid week of Democrats making Sheldon Whitehouse’s Buffett Rule bill the biggest legislative priority in the country, the Senate today will take up the proposal. Seems as if the efforts may pay off as a new Gallup Poll shows that 60 percent of Americans support it. Today’s vote is a motion to proceed [...]
Posted in Buffett Rule, Congress, National News | Tagged Buffett Rule, Congress, fair share, Obama, tax equity, whitehouse |
By Samuel G. Howard on April 15, 2012
Dark clouds hung over Providence’s Prospect Terrace Park as businessman Anthony Gemma, lately of Mediapeel, said, in a roughly 15 minute speech, that he would bring “change” and “new ideas,” while redefining what service meant for the office of U.S. Congressman. While the congressional hopeful spoke, supporters looked on, and a quartet picnicked despite [...]
Posted in Congress, Featured, Politics | Tagged cd 1, cicilline, Congress, doherty, gemma |
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