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Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) released ads against his top two Democratic rivals in his recall election, blaming them for job losses that are much more likely the fault of his own policies and the national policies of his party before Barack Obama came to office. During his tenure, Wisconsin has the worst record of job creation of any state, yet Walker is blaming Tom Barrett and Kathleen Falk for their records in Milwaukee and Dane County, respectively. It's difficult to see how those local governments would've been able to create jobs in the wake of Walker's terrible policies on the job front, but that's the approach the governor has taken.

"For Scott Walker to attack anyone on jobs loss is not just shamelessly hypocritical, it's comically absurd," Barrett's communications director, Phil Walzak, responded in a statement. "Under Walker's failed leadership, Wisconsin lost more jobs last year than any other state in the nation."


Falk's communications director, Scot Ross, called the ad "desperate," saying in a statement, "Under Gov. Scott Walker, Wisconsin lost more jobs than any state in the nation last year. In contrast, Kathleen Falk balanced 14 straight budgets with a self-imposed landmark spending cap and during her tenure, her county grew nearly 30,000 jobs -- the most in the state. Kathleen’s unmatched record of bringing people together, finding solutions and getting the job done is why Scott Walker has resorted to attacking and distorting her record."

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The Paradox of Mobility in America

We’re a species that has gotten around; we’ve wandered, pioneered and migrated to every corner of the world. The spear tip of technology is how we can get somewhere else: the wheel, the sailboat, the rocket. In short: we’re movers.

We are now as mobile as we’ve ever been as a culture. Our phones are not tethered to any particular location. Our keepsakes, like photos and letters, are all saved on devices smaller than your average drugstore paperback. The bitter visual of a breakup – the splitting up of a couple’s CD collection – no longer exists since you both have copies of the same MP3s. Your computer fits comfortably in your lap – everything else is in your pocket. We now have the ability to go anywhere and bring with us more things utilizing less space than at any other time in human history.

We have the ability – the freedom – to roam more now than ever before. And yet our upward mobility is standing still.

Jason DeParle in The New York Times wrote in January this year, “Countries with less equality generally have less mobility.” And as Occupy Wall Street successfully pointed out the top one percent “earn” nearly a quarter of the nation’s income. While they have enjoyed an increase in wealth and a decrease in taxes, the rest of the country has seen a flattening of their prospects. The U.S. ranks near the bottom in income inequality and therefore upward mobility.

Time noted, “The Pew Charitable Trusts' Economic Mobility Project has found that if you were born in 1970 in the bottom one-fifth of the socioeconomic spectrum in the U.S., you had only about a 17 percent chance of making it into the upper two-fifths.”

Americans have mobile phones with immobile socioeconomics. Put that in your made-in-China travel mug and sip it.

Why is this so? There are many factors and usually when there is an issue with many factors it means there’s a partisan divide as to its “true” solution. Former Senator, former presidential candidate, Rick Santorum mentioned the lack of upward mobility but subscribed boilerplate Republican cure-alls like deregulating businesses and cutting taxes for corporations. Arguably if that helped upward mobility – we’d have upward mobility.

President Obama also talked about this fact earlier this month. “It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everyone who's willing to work for it – a place where prosperity doesn't trickle down from the top, but grows outward from the heart of the middle class,” said the President to a Florida audience.

He continued, “By gutting the very things we need to grow an economy that's built to last – education and training; research and development; infrastructure – it's a prescription for decline."

The real solution is probably in the middle – which is often ever so slightly to the left of President Obama’s positions.

Conservatives, like the government-helicopter-hopping, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will say it’s the safety net that has made us lazy waiting for government checks. But countries with a better current mobility rate (most of the industrialized world) will note their social safety net is what makes mobility possible for the lower classes.

One thing which is supposed to ensure you’ll do better than your parents is getting a better education. However, tuitions are rising, grants are shrinking and student loans are becoming a plague of post-collegiate living. College is no longer the class-lift it once was.

This is where we are as a nation: Your Android can go anywhere with you … just probably not into the upper middle-class.

Labor News and Notes Round-Up

Ah yes, the infamous left-wing conspiracy, and that librul media! I don't blame Mittens for getting upset.Think of all those damned media socialists like Sean Hannity, Joe Scarborough, Bill O'Reilly, Pat Buchanan, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee, G. Gordon Liddy, Laura Ingraham, Fred Hiatt, Matt Drudge, Charles Krauthammer, Michelle Malkin, William Kristol, Phyllis Schlafly, Brit Hume, S.E. Cupp, Howard Kurtz, David Brooks, Peggy Noonan, George Will, Kathleen Parker, Neil Cavuto, Michael Medved, Dana Loesch, Dennis Miller, Michael Savage, Michael Reagan, the recently deceased Andrew Breitbart, Erick Erickson, Mike Allen, Tom Donahue, Ann Coulter, Paul Gigot, and John Stossel - oh, I can't go on.

Every single time you turn on the TV or radio, it's just another damned communist hippie.

And all those extreme librul organizations that fund their subversive propaganda: the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Koch Family foundations, the John M. Olin Foundation, the Scaife Family foundations, the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, Adolph Coors Foundation, the Cato Institute, the Hudson Institute, the Hoover Institution, the Heartland Institute, or the Manhattan Institute.

Speaking to a right wing radio host Tuesday, likely GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney repurposed a phrase from Hillary Clinton, citing a "vast left wing conspiracy" brewing in the media and liberal advocacy organizations to derail his campaign.

Romney was making an appearance on Breitbart TV and was asked by host Larry O'Connor whether he was ready to take on "the media and these nonprofits groups that are working together."

"There will be an effort by the quote vast left wing conspiracy to work together to put out their message and to attack me," Romney said in response. "They're going to do everything they can to divert from the message people care about, which is a growing economy that creates more jobs and rising incomes. That's what people care about."

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Mike's Blog Round Up

Yeah, Mitt Romney, it really is cool that you have a psycho like Ted Nugent as a surrogate. How's that working out for you?

Goblinbooks: What to say when you finally have to sit your child down and tell them all about the military industrial complex.

Bucket of Kisses: The misogyny toward Megan Draper on Mad Men still rings true.

Bastard.Logic: Christian Zionists love Israel, but American Jews just aren't buying it,

FreakOutNation: It's time for the U.S. to face up to the real entitlements killing our economy - out-of-control spending on the military and surveillance.

Round-up by William K. Wolfrum; send tips to mbru [at] crooksandliars [dot] com.

Open Thread

Open Thread below....

C&L's Late Night Music Club With Bob Mosley

Crossposted from Late Nite Music Club
Title: Gypsy Wedding
Artist: Bob Mosley

Here's some biker soul from Moby Grape's Bob Mosley. Got a favorite about a wedding or getting married?

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Anyone remember the talking heads over at Fox showing the same outrage over drunken Dick Cheney shooting his hunting buddy in the face? Didn't think so. Fox proves once again that they can find a reason to crank up the feigned outrage machine over almost anything as long as you're a Democrat.

From Think Progress -- Fox News Guest Attacks Hillary: It’s As If She Was Auditioning For ‘The Jersey Shore’:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is having quite a month. After a photo of her spawned its own internet sensation, new images from a nightlife hotspot in Colombia that show Clinton sipping on a beer and dancing have ignited a fresh wave of gossipy commentary.

The New York Post ran one photo on its front page under the banner headline “Swillary,” apparently upset that she imbibes the same liquid as much of the rest of humanity.

But perhaps the best reaction to the shocking news that Hillary Clinton can have a good time goes to Nile Gardiner from the Heritage Foundation, who appeared on the Fox News show Your World with Neil Cavuto to attack Clinton for “embarrassing” herself:

Hillary Clinton is a public servant, she’s out to serve the American people, to advance U.S. interests. And I think that conducting herself in this way, as a senior U.S. official on the world stage, doesn’t advance American interests in any way. In fact its downright embarrassing. It’s as though she’s auditioning for the sixth series of Jersey Shore rather than representing America on the world stage as the Secretary of State.

As Adam noted, they did bring in GOP strategist Dee Dee Benkie who defended Clinton and said she ought to be allowed to have a few beers after work and unwind if she wanted to. Uncle Rupert just gave us a taste of the kind of stupidity we'd be in for if Clinton would change her mind and ever run for president.

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A conservative Fox News contributor insisted on Monday that President Barack Obama had a "disdain" for women that he learned from his "Marxist" father and "communist" mentor.

Fox News contributor Sandy Rios, who is vice president of the conservative political action committee Family-PAC Federal, told host Sean Hannity that Obama did not disagree with CNN contributor Hilary Rosen's assertion that Ann Romney had "never worked a day in her life."

"His father was a Marxist, his mentor was Marxist," Rios explained. "The Marxist theory on women is that they should work just like men. There's a total dripping disdain for women who stay at home and take care of their children. ... This is not an accident. This is what they believe. They hold people like Ann Romney and others of us that have stayed home with our children in complete disregard and disdain."

"That is not what Barack Obama believes," Democratic Fox News contributor Kirsten Powers disagreed. "You don't know what you are talking about. You're making up stuff."

"Frank Marshall Davis was a communist, that was his mentor," Rios replied. "His father was a Marxist."

As Slate's David Weigel noted last year, "Obama's past and philosophy makes it very clear that he only read up seriously on socialism and Marxism when he got to Columbia."

"There is no evidence that Obama ever read his father's economic papers; if he did, it's unclear how dense tracts about the problems of post-colonial Kenya would have influenced his thinking about American urban/class politics and economics."

And contrary to Rios' claims, Obama has spoken out against Rosen's remarks, saying it was "the wrong thing to say."

"It’s not something that I subscribe to," the president told WCMH-TV in Columbus, Ohio last week.

(h/t: The Political Carnival, Media Matters)

Will Eric Holder hold these people accountable? Because at the very least, none of the people who took part in this coverup should still have jobs. Maybe they're infected with the same disease I've seen in cops through the years: "Hey, if this guy didn't do this particular crime, this is payback for all the times we didn't catch him."

To think that a man died to protect their reputation. Just unthinkable:

Justice Department officials have known for years that flawed forensic work might have led to the convictions of potentially innocent people, but prosecutors failed to notify defendants or their attorneys even in many cases they knew were troubled.

Officials started reviewing the cases in the 1990s after reports that sloppy work by examiners at the FBI lab was producing unreliable forensic evidence in court trials. Instead of releasing those findings, they made them available only to the prosecutors in the affected cases, according to documents and interviews with dozens of officials.

Not the defense attorneys, mind you. The prosecutors, who were then supposed to tell the defense. Right.

In addition, the Justice Department reviewed only a limited number of cases and focused on the work of one scientist at the FBI lab, despite warnings that problems were far more widespread and could affect potentially thousands of cases in federal, state and local courts.

As a result, hundreds of defendants nationwide remain in prison or on parole for crimes that might merit exoneration, a retrial or a retesting of evidence using DNA because FBI hair and fiber experts may have misidentified them as suspects.

In one Texas case, Benjamin Herbert Boyle was executed in 1997, more than a year after the Justice Department began its review. Boyle would not have been eligible for the death penalty without the FBI’s flawed work, according to a prosecutor’s memo.

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