[For the full story on these transcript excerpts, see
Part 1 of our exclusive special series at Mother Jones.]
Closing night address by Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox News
As introduced by Fred Young
Koch Brothers' 2011 Summer Seminar
Ritz-Carlton Beaver Creek Resort - near Vail, Colorado
Transcribed from audio recorded June 27, 2011
Transcription by Emily Levy for The BRAD BLOG
KEVIN GENTRY [Emcee]: … Okay, on the count of three: one, two, three, shhhhhh. That's pretty good. One, two, three, shhhhh. [audience quiets a bit] Even better. Okay, thank you all. We know you really are an energetic bunch. You're engaged in this conversation, this is great. And by the way, we get a lot of feedback that a lot of good things come from these conversations. Little conspiracies happen between some tort reform and Arizona or some new state-based effort starts up on the east coast because somebody sat besides somebody else and we really encourage that. And this year more strategic even than the, uh, [inaudible]. So, one two three, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Thank you. [Kevin laughs] A semi-housekeeping item. I know that this is weighing very heavily on your minds, many of you. That is, how else can be give more effectively? And… [laughter and talking] …so if you have those doubts and anywhere in your mind, you're like, I just wasn't clear enough, I just didn't know what to do. You can call, you can call me any time. I won't always answer the phone, but you can call us always. But also, really, we really appreciate anything that you can do, we can put to good use. And there is anonymity that we can protect. There are just a lot of ways we can help you achieve the goals we laid out today. I'll end at that.
I'm going to turn it over to a dear friend, Fred Young, for the purposes of an introduction. Fred is a long-time fighter, freedom fighter, in this movement, from Racine, Wisconsin. Former owner of Young Radiator. As part of our efforts last year, in 2010, I was on the road for [TN?] in Wisconsin, here at one of Americans for Prosperity's last minute kind of get out the vote tours. And I went to an event in Racine, Wisconsin, and met up with Fred. It was sort of a Tea Party AFP event designed to help in the Congressional races. And Fred was kind enough to lend me a sweatshirt because I wasn't actually prepared for Racine, Wisconsin in November. So Fred, let's take it away, please. [applause]
FRED YOUNG: Not too bright, Kevin. [some laughter] On behalf of our…is this the hot mic right here?...Alright…I think I'd like to take advantage of the opportunity to thank a few people here, you know, but we don't have a lot of time and so I'd appreciate if you'd cooperate with our methodology. I'd like to have some applause, but could it be just one clap? Can you do this now? One, two, three [audience claps once in unison]. Alright. Certainly Charles [Koch], we appreciate very much what's happened here, you gather us together over these many years, give you real recognition, please clap [single clap, laughter]. And David [Koch]'s played a very important role, likewise, as the head of Americans for Prosperity and it'd be great if you'd give him some recognition, too. [single clap, scattered laughter]. And I'll just conclude this by saying that Kevin and the staff and all the folks who have made this possible, it's a well-oiled machine, and it's certainly a secure one, from my observation [big laughter]. Let's give some recognition to the staff that put this on. [Single clap, scattered laughter, audience chattering].
Good evening. Indeed, my name is Fred Young. I'm a retired businessman and a former owner of a manufacturing company which served the automotive industry, and I attended my first Koch seminar in January of 2004, which I offer as an endorsement of what I think is the effectiveness of this group over the years of doing this, especially for the people who are here for the first time. This is, especially now in these times that we're facing, this is an effective outfit and I hope you'll stay with us.
During the prime of his TV show, Freedom Watch, it's an honor for me to introduce this, our speaker this evening. Andrew Napolitano attended Princeton as an undergraduate and then Notre Dame Law School. In 1987 he became Judge Napolitano on the New Jersey Superior Court, and eventually became that state's youngest life-tenured Superior Court judge. Additionally, he served 11 years as an adjunct professor of Constitutional Law at Seton Hall Law School. He resigned his judgeship in 1995 to begin a private practice and pursue other interests. His time since then has certainly not been wasted. In 2000-2001 he starred in his own TV show called Power of Attorney. From 2006 to -10 he cohosted a talk radio program on Fox News Radio with Brian Kilmeade titled Brian and the Judge. He was and remains senior judicial analyst with Fox and Fox Business News. His incisive intellect, wide base of legal knowledge particularly regarding constitutional matters, along with his bombastic presentation and personality [scattered laughter] --- and Judge, I mean bombastic in a good way [some laughter] --- made him such a popular contributor that he now has his own Libertarian talk show, Freedom Watch, on the Fox Business Channel. As the saying goes, check your local listings for date and time.
Judge Napolitano refers himself, we researched it, as a pro-life libertarian, which according to my little further research is also sometimes called a libertarian conservative, not to be confused with social conservative or neoconservative, or there are so many different types of conservatives that exist. In the 2008 Presidential Election he was mentioned, hopefully, as a possible running mate for Ron Paul. He has been one of the few people with enough enthusiasm and power of opinion capable of sitting in for Glenn Beck when he's been on hiatus. Glenn himself allegedly asked that Judge Napolitano be his replacement when he leaves Fox to begin his own station, which is imminent.
Amidst all of these responsibilities he has managed to pen five books. I might add, Judge, all five are on my wife's Kindle. She's a big fan. Including Constitutional --- I'm going to read these titles because they're very informative as to who you're going to be listening to this evening --- Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws. The Constitution in Exile: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land. A Nation of Sheep. Dredd Scott's Revenge: A Legal History of Race and Freedom in America. And Lies the Government Told You: Myth, Power, and Deception in American History. He has been published in many papers, too numerous to mention, but the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, are on the list. As a frequent viewer of Freedom Watch, I confess that I'm pleased to be making an introduction before he speaks and not having to take the stage afterwards. He's a tough act to follow. And the nice thing about the show, Judge, you never have to ask, "Now, Judge, tell me how you really feel." [some scattered laughter]
The march toward freedom starts now. This is Freedom Watch. Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome the always informative and always entertaining Judge Andrew Napolitano…
[applause, whistling]
ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Thank you very much. Thank you, Fred. Thank you so much. And now for a little bombast. [scattered laughter]
[NEXT: "I'll tell you how I got my job at Fox" and "The right to shoot at the government."]
[For the full story on these transcript excerpts, see
Part 1 of our exclusive special series at Mother Jones.]