MITS Altair 8800 based on the Intel 8080 CPU was sold as a kit through hobbiest magazines. It became an instant hit and is considered the first marketable home PC. The operating system was written by a new company called Microsoft.The Altair 8800 Kit Site
Bill Gates founds Microsoft in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
The United States Apollo 18 docs wit the Soviet Soyuz 9 spacecraft with Russian cosmonauts and American astronauts shaking hands.Apollo Soyuz Link up
Construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System begins
NASA launches the Viking 1 planetary probe toward Mars.
1975 Toys & Gadgets
Pet Rocks - Advertising executive Gary Dahl came up with idea while compliaining about how hard it was to care for pets. He sold them for $3.95 along with a funny instruction manual. Thought the fad lasted only from April to December 1975, it made Dahl a millionare. The Pet Rock Story.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Mr. Olympia 1975
Racko, line your numbers up
Wombles and Womblemania peaked in 1975 with dolls, tv shows, songs, bands, mascots, music and movies. Womble history at wiki