Sony Walkman     Voyager I     VisiCalc     Legoland Space     Trivial Pursuit     Star Wars action figures     Boba Fett

1978 Seventies history
movies & celebrities
books & comedy
cars & races
gadgets & toys

ar   ar
1970s Gadgets

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1979 Technology & Gadgets



Sony Walkman 1979The Sony Walkman - A welcome death blow to the obnoxious ghetto blaster as we turn ever inward. The device was built in 1978 by audio division It was invented by Nobutoshi Kihara as a perk for then Sony co-chairman Akio Morita who wanted to listen to opera during his many trans Pacific trips. It cost a hefty $200 at the time. The Walkman story.



Voyager picture of Jupiter and moons 1979


Voyager I photo enters the Jovian system and takes pictures of Jupiter and its moons Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. Voyager also discovered faint rings about the gas giant. Voyager Photos.

visicalc 1979


VisiCalc - The first spreadsheet computer application is credited for making the computer into a serious business tool. Invented by Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston it was written for the Apple II but soon was available for the PET, the Atari and the IBM PC. Visicalc.


orange line

1979 Toys & Gadgets



star wars toys of 1979The 3 3/4" Star Wars action figures from Kenner replaced the old 8" standard allowing the smaller figures to fit into vehicles. The Star Wars line became one of the most successful movie licence properties of all time holding firm until the middle 1960's. Boba Fett from the upcoming movie The Empire Strikes Back led the line and was the top toy of 1979. The Star Wars Toy Page.




Trivial Pursuit 1979
Trivial Pursuit -
A board game where advancement is gained by answering questions about popular culture on cards. It was invented in Montreal, Canada by Chris Haney and Scott Abbott. The Trivial Persuit History.




Legoland space 1979

Legoland Space
featured many new pieces to create 200 sets of plans for astronauts and spaceships. LegoLand!


year that was


1960 History
1960 Music
1960 Television
1960 Movies
1960 Books
1960 Gadgets
1960 Sports
1960 Cars

1961 History
1961 Music
1961 Television
1961 Movies
1961 Books
1961 Gadgets
1961 Sports
1961 Cars

1962 History
1962 Music
1962 Television
1962 Movies
1962 Books
1962 Gadgets
1962 Sports
1962 Cars

1963 History
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1963 Television
1963 Movies
1963 Books
1963 Gadgets
1963 Sports
1963 Cars

1964 History
1964 Music
1964 Television
1964 Movies
1964 gadgets
1964 Books
1964 Sports
1964 Cars

1965 History
1965 Music
1965 Television
1965 Movies
1965 gadgets
1965 Books
1965 Sports
1965 Cars

1966 History
1966 Music
1966 Television
1966 Movies
1966 gadgets
1966 Books
1966 Sports
1966 Cars

1967 History
1967 Music
1967 Television
1967 Movies
1967 gadgets
1967 Books
1967 Sports
1967 Cars

1968 History
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1968 Movies
1968 Television
1968 gadgets
1968 Books
1968 Sports
1968 Cars

1969 History
1969 Music
1969 Movies
1969 Television
1969 gadgets
1969 Books
1969 Sports
1969 Cars

[work in progress]

1950 History
1950 Music
1950 Television
1950 Movies
1950 Books
1950 Gadgets
1950 Sports
1950 Cars

1951 History
1951 music
1951 Television
1951 Movies
1951 Books
1951 Gadgets
1951 Sports
1951 Cars

1952 History
1952 Music
1952 Television
1952 Movies
1952 Books
1952 Gadgets
1952 Sports
1952 Cars

1953 History
1953 music
1953 Television
1953 Movies
1953 Books
1953 Gadgets
1953 Sports
1953 Cars

1954 History
1954 music
1954 Television
1954 Movies
1954 books
1954 Gadgets
1954 Sports
1954 Cars

1955 History
1955 music
1955 Television
1955 Movies
1955 Books
1955 Gadgets
1955 Sports
1955 Cars

1956 History
1956 Music
1956 Television
1956 Movies
1956 Books
1956 Gadgets
1956 Sports
1956 Cars

1957 History
1957 music
1957 Television
1957 Movies
1957 Books
1957 Gadgets
1957 Sports
1957 Cars

1958 History
1958 Music
1958 Television
1958 Movies
1958 Books
1958 Gadgets
1958 Sports
1958 Cars

1959 History
1959 Music
1959 Television
1959 Movies
1959 Books
1959 Gadgets
1959 Sports
1959 Cars

1980 History
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1980 Television
1980 Movies
1980 Books
1980 Gadgets
1980 Sports
1980 Cars

1981 History
1981 music
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1981 Books
1981 Gadgets
1981 Sports
1981 Cars

1982 History
1982 Music
1982 Television
1982 Movies
1982 Books
1982 Gadgets
1982 Sports
1982 Cars

1983 History
1983 music
1983 Television
1983 Movies
1983 Books
1983 Gadgets
1983 Sports
1983 Cars

1984 History
1984 music
1984 Television
1984 Movies
1984 Books
1984 Gadgets
1984 Sports
1984 Cars


The Year That Was
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