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On this Friday's Real Time, Bill Maher highlighted another segment with his "Real Time reporter" Alexandra Pelosi, this time focusing on the media and their hyping of a potential race war in Sanford, Florida, because all of about the three members or so of the New Black Panther Party and a handful or so of Neo-Nazis decided to show up in town.

It was nice to see someone point out just how overblown the coverage on either has been, but it's too bad Maher did not also point out the fact that Fox has been flogging the New Black Panthers as though they're a group to take seriously and fearmongering over them for a lot longer than just this story. They've been hyping this tiny group for a lot longer than just their coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting. I would hope he continues to go after them for their overblown coverage of that small fringe group and points that out in the future to his audience as well.

I'll settle for the him pointing out how horrid it is that the media looked like they were praying for a race war when it's fairly obvious there was not going to be one, so they'd have some ambulances to chase for now since sadly, he's one of the few I've seen doing it since this case finally got some national media attention.

Meet Scott Walker's Billionaires

With the campaign to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker in full thrust even as he is investigated for corruption, I thought you all might like to meet his billionaires. He has several.

For instance, David Koch donated $1,000,000 to the Republican Governor's Association on February 1, 2012, which coincidentally was the same day Governor Walker signed a bill into law expanding the "open enrollment" period for public schools which is all part of the effort to turn Wisconsin public schools into a "free market." The Koch-funded MacIver Institute crowed all over the lovely "free education market," thanks to Scott Walker. Also on that day, Democrats revealed three candidates running against Wisconsin state senators up for recall. While it's unclear that the million donated was for Scott Walker, I note that Scott Walker is the only guy in need of the billionaire backing at this particular moment in time.

Scott Walker's out-of-state support has been remarkable. Out of the $4.5 million he raised in the first quarter of 2012, nearly $4 million came from out-of-state donors in the five-week period before the limits on donations for the recall kicked in, and most donors were boys sitting at the Billionaire Boys' Club table. Here are a few notable out-of-state names, industries and donation amounts:

Wealthy Wisconsinites ponied up, too. Here are a few:

  • Mary Sue Shannon, $100,000. Mrs Shannon is married to Michael Shannon, managing director of KSL Capital Partners, LLC
  • , a Denver investment company

  • Robert Kerbell, $50,000. Mr. Kerbell is the CEO of Lorman Education Services, a company that provides online continuing education seminars.
  • Ostrom, Vostors and Willer are all affiliated with or own Milksource, LLC. They donated a combined $91,000 to the effort.

Walker has a lot of money in his war chest with the promise of more where that came from. After all, those out-of-state donations come from a short list of right-wing insiders, some Koch and others not. Assume there are plenty more where that came from and they're not afraid to spend it to keep him in that governor's mansion. Phone banks, dirty ads, mailers, and the full faith and credit of Koch-based organizations like Americans for Prosperity and Freedomworks will keep Walker fully supplied with the ground troops to wage his war.

It will take all of the 99 percent to push back and win against Walker.

Kick Joe Manchin Out of the Caucus

Conventional wisdom is that this is going to be a tough election. Of course, it doesn't help if members of your own party are openly saying they are thinking about voting for the other guy.

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin says he's unsure whether he'll vote for his party's leader, President Barack Obama, or the likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

In a statement Friday, the West Virginia lawmaker said he had "some real differences" with both leaders, finding fault with Obama's energy and economic policies while questioning whether Romney could understand the challenges facing ordinary people.

"I strongly believe that every American should always be rooting for our president to do well, no matter which political party that he or she might belong to," Manchin said. "With that being said, many West Virginians believe the last 3 1/2 years haven't been good for us, but we're hopeful that they can get better."

With all due respect, Sen. Manchin, bite me. You think things will be better with a Republican president for West Virginians? Who in the hell made the economy bad? Just because your state is still economically dependent upon a environmentally catastrophic industry, you have second thoughts about supporting the head of your party? Do you think that cutting benefits for the economically disadvantaged (rising dramatically in your state) as Romney and his Ayn Rand pin up boy have promised to do will be better than Obama's admittedly slow (and stymied) economic growth? And let's not even consider the horror that would be Romney's Supreme Court appointees. John Cole:

No one could have predicted.

Either Manchin has some very interesting polling internals that none of us are privy to, or his staff is just in over their heads and giving him bad advice. This is bush league stuff, and it has been since day one, when he told us that he needed to tour the state to find out what his constituents think about DADT. Apparently there was not ample time in the two terms he served as Governor to learn that. Once he had his listening tour and learned what his constituents thought, he promptly skipped the vote on DADT and the Dream Act and went partying in the country with his grandchildren. WHO IS ADVISING THIS GUY? Then later on, he advances the Blunt amendment, allegedly to promote religious freedom, while blissfully unaware that the Amendment wouldn’t advance religious freedom, it was a backdoor attempt at gutting ACA by allowing employers to deny coverage of anything they didn’t like for any reason whatsoever. Fortunately, the rest of the Democratic caucus is not brain-dead, so that amendment failed.

Then we get to this latest idiocy, which is yet another self-inflicted wound. It was obvious to anyone with an IQ over room temperature that the remarks about Obama would be used as a cudgel against both Manchin and Obama. This is a GOP strategists wet dream.

Enough is enough. Harry Reid needs to show us some of that alleged toughness and get control of his caucus. If Manchin is going to undermine the upcoming election with all that is at stake, then damnit, kick him the hell out.

The journey of a million miles begins with a single step, someone once said. While it's a long road ahead for this constitutional amendment, hopefully this is a sincere effort from the legislators involved to dissolve the shackles that bind them to their big donors. We can piss and moan all we want about Citizens United, but how willing are we to actually do anything about it - say, hold a coffee klatch with our neighbors and try to get them behind the idea? Bring it up at a meeting of our local municipality? Take a petition around the neighborhood? Call our elected officials asking for them to support this?

If you really want to make a difference, it's a good time to get involved:

On Wednesday, a group of members of Congress, local and state lawmakers, and activist groups met in a Capitol Visitor Center hearing room to do something unusual for its loftiness: they announced and signed a “declaration for democracy,” pledging their support to an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to overturn the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, which allowed unlimited spending by corporations and unions on elections.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), himself the author of such an amendment, was one of the first lawmakers to speak:

The U.S. Constitution has served us very well, but when the Supreme Court says, for purposes of the First Amendment, that corporations are people, that writing checks from the company’s bank account is constitutionally-protected speech and that attempts by the federal government and states to impose reasonable restrictions on campaign ads are unconstitutional, our democracy is in grave danger. There comes a time when an issue is so important that the only way to address it is by constitutional amendment."

Sanders was joined by Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Tom Udall (D-NM), as well as Democratic Reps. John Conyers (Mich.), Donna Edwards (Md.), Keith Ellison (Minn.), Rush Holt (N.J.), John Sarbanes (Md.), Betty Sutton (Ohio), Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas), Ted Deutch (Fla.), Hank Johnson (Ga.), Peter Welch (Vt.), and David Cicilline (R.I.). Many have introduced constitutional amendments of their own; all signed on to the declaration and expressed their support for the movement.

Each member echoed Sanders, especially focusing on the momentum building across the country for such an amendment. Hawaii, New Mexico, and this week, Vermont, have all passed resolutions in their state legislatures calling on Congress to overturn Citizens United. They’re joined by over 147 cities nationwide that have passed resolutions. The summit highlighted the Resolutions Week initiative spearheaded by Public Citizen and other organizations, aimed at passing local resolutions the week of June 11.

[...] “We have developing here a grassroots movement,” Udall said.

The members noted that passing this 28th amendment requires commitment from citizens and activist groups:

“With this vehicle, we are going to organize America and all Americans are central to that success,” said Ellison. “We need people to take personal responsibility…this has to be a mass action.”

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The panel on Up With Chris Hayes this Saturday of Sam Seder, Bob Herbert, Josh Barro and Victoria Defrancesco Soto had a discussion on the growing wealth inequality and lack up social mobility which are being made worse by things like Republicans wanting to cut a billion dollars in food assistance for the poor in their proposed Farm Bill.

Bob Herbert made a really great point late into the first clip when they were discussing the fact that SNAP, which used to be called food stamps, is subsidizing corporations that don't want to pay a living wage and that we ought to be raising the minimum wage among other things to remedy that. I think that's a point that is not mentioned nearly often enough when we see the likes of Paul Ryan demagoguing the needed expansion of the program. A good deal of those people using the program to keep from starving are not unemployed, but are the working poor.

More great discussion on the Romney's trying to rewrite the fact that they inherited great wealth instead of admitting they were born with huge advantages that most Americans are never going to be lucky enough to have below the fold.

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Interesting interview in which Eric Alterman points out that cultural liberalism is flourishing - but the idea of using the government to intercede in the economy on behalf of people who need protection is on the ropes. Via Raw Story:

Writer and historian Eric Alterman appeared on the April 20 edition of “Moyers and Company” to discuss his new book The Cause: The Fight for American Liberalism from Franklin Roosevelt to Barack Obama.

In a wide-ranging and thoughtful discussion, Alterman makes the case to Bill Moyers that while social liberalism is flourishing, economic liberalism has fallen on hard times. The majority of people in the United States believe that racism is wrong. Acceptance of the idea of same-sex marriage has charged ahead with surprising speed. And yet, only a tiny minority of people in the country self-identify as “liberal.”

Alterman believes that liberals in the U.S. have “overpromised and underperformed,” and ultimately become victims of their own belief in the rectitude of their ideas. Of course racism is wrong, says Alterman, but what are we going to do if the dismantling of a racist system doesn’t go as planned?

He believes that liberals need to go on the offensive and learn to be cannier and more flexible in selling their message and implementing their ideas. Just because it’s right, he maintains, that doesn’t mean it’s going to work.

Mike's Blog Round Up

Ah, Sunday. A time to set aside your outrage and listen to white men discuss the "War on Women," or any other "Wars on ... " they deem fit. It makes you long for Wienergate (not work safe).

Buzzflash Blog: Ignore the hype, Social Security has a huge surplus.

Best of Both Worlds: Would you trust any of these people with nuclear weapons?

Alan Colmes' Liberaland: Watergate figure Chuck Colson dead at age 80.

Cassandra Files: About all those lost womens’ jobs …

Round-up by William K. Wolfrum; send tips to mbru [at] crooksandliars [dot] com.

Sunday Morning Bobblehead Thread


It's crass and vulgar (and I apologize to those who clicked to play the video this early on a Sunday), but I also think it's a completely apt analogy for the American Sunday news shows as it is for the UK news show: almost entirely white, male, privileged and conservative, they completely ignore the elephant in the room. And it's not just a vague feeling we're getting, it's statistically provable. And just like the elephant in the video, it's damaging them as much as it's harming us, even if they can't or won't acknowledge it. Look at today's schedule. You'd think the most important thing in the entire world has to deal with is Secret Service agents hiring hookers. Look, I don't know if this is shocking, but there's a reason why prostitution is called the world's oldest profession. It has been around for as long as there have been human beings and you'd have a hard time convincing me that there weren't alpha Australopithecus getting a little sumpin' sumpin' on the side. This is no doubt a black eye for the Secret Service, but life goes on (and so will the hooker parties, more than likely). It's an inside-the-Beltway scandal that is good for some cocktail banter, but in the lives of 99 percent of us, it matters not.

But that's the way our corporate media likes it.

ABC's "This Week" – Secret Service scandal: Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine; Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y. Roundtable: General election politics, Romney's veepstakes: Keith Olbermann, ABC News' George Will, political strategist and ABC News contributor Donna Brazile, political strategist and ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd, and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan.

NBC's "Meet the Press" – Secret Service scandal: Reps. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and Peter King, R-N.Y.; General election politics: David Axelrod, adviser to President Barack Obama's re-election campaign. Roundtable: general election politics: Washington Post’s EJ Dionne; the New York Times’ David Brooks and Helene Cooper; and NBC’s Chuck Todd.

NBC's "The Chris Matthews Show" - Panel: Michael Duffy, Time; Howard Fineman, Huffington Post; Andrea Mitchell, NBC; Kasie Hunt, AP. Topics: Mike Duffy's New Book: "The President's Club" is discussed. An Inside look at the World's Most Exclusive Fraternity. Meter Questions: Romney better off if Supreme Court strikes Individual Mandate? YES: 6 NO: 6; Will the GOP Candidate move to the center for the general? YES: 7 NO: 5.

MSNBC's "Up with Chris Hayes" - Afghanistan, foreign policy: Peter Beinart, author of the book, “The Crisis of Zionism”, Senior Writer, Newsweek and The Daily Beast, and founder of the blog Open Zion; Rula Jebreal, Journalist, Author, and Screenwriter; Eli Lake, Senior National Security Reporter for Newsweek/Daily Beast; Sonali Kolhatkar, Host & Executive Producer of Uprising Radio, Director of the Afghan Women's Mission.

MSNBC's "Melissa Harris-Perry" - Latino voters; greening our cities; sexual assault in the military; whatever happened to the tea party: Angela Maria Kelley, VP for Immigration Policy and Advocacy, Center for American Progress; Izzy Ortega, The Heritage Foundation; Raul Reyes, lawyer and columnist for USA Today; Majora Carter, president of the Majora Carter Group; Beth Terry, author of “Plastic-Free”; Ariana Klay, former Marine officer assaulted while on active duty, Rep. Jackie Speier (D-California).

CBS' "Face the Nation" – Secret Service scandal: Sens. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and Tom Coburn, R-Okla.; Reps. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., and Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-Texas; Ralph Basham, a former director of the Secret Service. General election politics: Eric Fehrnstrom, adviser to GOP president candidate Mitt Romney; Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign for Obama. General election politics: Panel: Washington Post's Melinda Henneberger, the National Journal's Major Garrett and CBS News' Norah O'Donnell and John Dickerson. Poverty in America: Cornel West and Tavis Smiley

CNN's "State of the Union" – President Obama's re-election: Axelrod. Latino voters, Romney's veepstakes: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). Secret Service scandal: Cummings. Roundtable: Jeff Zeleny, New York Times, Dana Bash, CNN.

CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" - French elections: Anne-Marie Slaughter, Edward Luce, Bret Stephens and Emmanuel Saint-Martin. The future of growth in Brazil, Russia, India, and China: Investor Ruchir Sharma. Getting a green card while HIV positive: Andrew Sullivan.

CNN's "Reliable Sources with Howard Kurtz" - The evolution of Huffington Post: Arianna Huffington, Huffington Post. Reporting in war zones: Bob Woodruff, ABC. Coverage of Mitt Romney's Mormon faith: Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post; Ben Smith, BuzzFeed; Bill Press, Current TV.

"Fox News Sunday" – Secret Service scandal: Lieberman; Economy, general election politics, veepstakes: Gov. Mitch Daniels, R-Ind. Roundtable: Bill Kristol, Weekly Standard; Joe Trippi, Democratic strategist/Howard Dean's campaign manager; Karl Rove, former WH Senior Adviser/American Crossroads; Juan Williams, Fox News analyst.

So what's catching your eye this morning?

Open Thread: C&L's Saturday Night Podcast Round Up

Happy Saturday night, folks! It's Blue Gal from The Professional Left Podcast, bringing you this week's podcast round up. Be aware that these podcasts are also available on i-Tunes, and may not be safe for work.

Electric Politics: The Virtue of Protectionism (and Class Warfare)

Podcasts for Leaderful Schools: (ITunes link) Dr. Paul Thomas of Furman University in a conversation on social justice and educating with equity.

Majority Report: (You Tube) Digby talks 'War on Moms', John Derbyshire, Commies in Congress

Open thread below....

C&L's Late Night Music Club With The Dbs

Crossposted from Late Nite Music Club
Title: Stands For Decibels
Artist: The Dbs

Saturday. Turn it up.

And for fans of The Band, our sister site Newstalgia has an hour of their reunion tour from 1983, RIP Levon Helm.

Stands For Decibels
Stands For Decibels
Price: $9.49
(As of 04/22/12 05:50 am details)