April 24th, 2012

WKRG reports:

MOBILE, Alabama — Mobile police need your help to catch a mob that beat Matthew Owens so badly that he’s in critical condition.

According to police, Owens fussed at some kids playing basketball in the middle of Delmar Drive about 8:30 Saturday night. They say the kids left and a group of adults returned, armed with everything but the kitchen sink.

Police tell News 5 the suspects used chairs, pipes and paint cans to beat Owens.

Owens’ sister, Ashley Parker, saw the attack. “It was the scariest thing I have ever witnessed.” Parker says 20 people, all African American, attacked her brother on the front porch of his home, using “brass buckles, paint cans and anything they could get their hands on.”

Police will only say “multiple people” are involved.

What Parker says happened next could make the fallout from the brutal beating even worse. As the attackers walked away, leaving Owen bleeding on the ground, Parker says one of them said “Now that’s justice for Trayvon.” Trayvon Martin is the unarmed teenager police say was shot and killed February 26 by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman in Samford, Florida.

Police canvassed the area, but did not find any suspects. They’re asking anyone with information to call them at 251-208-7211, Crime Stoppers at 251-208-7000, or text a tip to 274637 and include the keyword CRIME 411.

Here’s Owens:

Hey, that’s what he gets for having a similar skin color to someone we’ve all been instructed to hate.

Well done, Spike Lee. Nice job, NBC. Keep up the good work, ABC. And to everyone else who’s been using a shooting in Florida to foment hate and divide people by the color of their skin, kudos. Don’t let this attack, and similar attacks across America, bother you. If you had a conscience, we never would’ve heard of you in the first place.

Update: Thomas Sowell asks, “Who is ‘racist’?” Short answer: Anybody who doesn’t hate George Zimmerman on sight, apparently.

April 23rd, 2012

I suppose it’s not sporting to kick a guy when he’s down, but he’s done so much to deserve it. CBS News reports:

With opening arguments in the trial of former U.S. senator and presidential candidate John Edwards set to begin on on Monday, a CBS News/New York Times poll shows that public opinion of him has plummeted since he was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2007. Now, he is now most known for cheating on his wife.

The CBS/NYT poll reveals that only 3 percent of those polled hold a favorable view of Edwards, who has been charged with misusing campaign funds. That is down from 30 percent in 2007 when he was running for the Democratic nomination, which is also the last time the question was asked among registered voters.

What, has something happened since then?

Remember when the media bent over backwards to tell us Rielle Hunter wasn’t a legitimate news story? All that ink they spilled telling us all to shut up and get over it already? Remember how they acted like they were still the gatekeepers who got to set the agenda?

That dog don’t hunt.

April 23rd, 2012

Sorry to be so blunt about it, Keith.

Courtesy of Don Surber, here’s Keith Olberman talking about presidential candidates and dogs on a TV show he used to have:

OLBERMANN: Hit them with your wallet, Mitt!

More trouble for Mr. Romney on another front, and it may seem trivial, but think long and hard about this — the Seamus card is in play.

Seamus, the family dog, which Ramney — or Romney had and took to Canada in a carrier strapped to Romney’s car roof in 1983, a matter that should worry dog lovers everywhere. He has now been employed, in memoriam, by Santorum campaign senior strategist John Brabender, after Romney called Santorum’s campaign desperate.

(Excerpt from video clip) JOHN BRABENDER: Quite frankly, I’m not sure I’m going to listen to the value judgment of a guy who strapped his own dog on the top of the roof of his car and went hurling down the highway.

OLBERMANN: Woof. Don’t think it matters? Two words — Michael. Vick.

That was a long time ago, though. March 14, 2012, to be exact. Long before Olbermann and his fellow geniuses on the left realized that dogs might be a problem for the president.

That was then. This was yesterday:

After a week of dog-eat-dog politicking between President Obama and Mitt Romney’s respective campaigns, Keith Olbermann said today that the “dog-gate” controversies have gotten out of hand.

Politicos, pundits and the presidential-campaign watching public spent the past week pondering which is worse, a presidential candidate who put his dog in a kennel strapped to the roof of his car for a 12-hour drive or a president who ate dog meat as a child living in Indonesia.

“It raises the level of absurdity to something exponential,” Olbermann said on “This Week” about the Romney campaign criticizing Obama for consuming dog meat when he was 6 years old.

“With so many valuable questions going on, we’re wasting most of the time dealing with the dogs,” the former MSNBC and CurrentTV host said.

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Funny how an issue the Democrats brought up over and over for years suddenly stops being important when it starts making them look bad.

There’s been no umbrage about Obama eating dogs until now, Keith, because nobody has read Obama’s stupid book. And because it wasn’t until last week that we got tired of you guys constantly bringing up Romney’s dog. But you did, and now things aren’t really working out the way you planned. In the space of a single day, the issue of presidential candidates and dogs went all the way from Diane Sawyer’s solemn, brow-furrowed interview with the Romneys to “Hey, c’mon, guys, ain’t this kinda silly?”

Two words: Rake. Face.

By the way, George seems to be giving up on attracting a general audience:

Well, that’s his prerogative. I just hope ABC is working up a game plan for Keith’s inevitable firing. Let’s see, he was at MSNBC for 8 years, and at Current TV for 8 months. Let’s give him… 8 weeks? I’m feeling generous.

Elsewhere in The Story That Suddenly Doesn’t Matter, there’s this:

That went up last night. And just like every other time there’s a story that embarrasses the Democrats — ACORN, Rielle Hunter, Anthony Weiner’s cameraphone habits, etc. — a few hard-working Wikipedia editors are trying to suppress it. Which is why I don’t bother with Wikipedia unless I want to know who played Jason of Star Command or who was the original bass player for Cheap Trick. But I’m sure it’ll be a glorious edit war. I’m just glad they used the plural and present tense. At this late date, I see absolutely no reason to give Obama the benefit of the doubt.

And, not to be outdone, Dogs Against Romney are doing their part to keep the story going. This just went up yesterday:

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Also, Obama eats dogs.

Good timing, guys! Guess they figured, “Well, we already spent the money on it…”

Some people care about dogs. Other people care about dogs only when they can be used as yet another cheap political weapon against their opponents. We call the latter group “Obama supporters.”

Update: Frank J. asks, “When will Obama address his dog-eating?”

Update: The Knowyourmeme gallery keeps growing. Here’s a good one:

Puppy John’s. And here’s one for all you dog-loving metalheads:

Update: Won’t you please help?

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Update: I’ve been worried about Bo, but this morning his captors at the White House gave us proof of life.

Glad he’s okay. I hope he can get away from there before it’s too late.

Update: Greg Pollowitz has more on Olbermann’s all-too-believable hypocrisy, with links to plenty of clips of him blasting Romney for putting his dog on a car instead of inside his belly. That is, if you really want to listen to Keith’s droning voice.


Update: What’s the difference between a columnist for The Atlantic and a dog? The dog is capable of learning.

Update: And now, the Democratic rebuttal.

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Ummm, did Obama put them on top of a car, you wingnuts? I didn’t think so.

Update: Dogs Against Obama bark back.

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Update: Obama might have a way out of this. Just throw Bill under the bus!

April 23rd, 2012

This is my favorite picture of my favorite dog, my parents’ Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Molly. Here she is giving you her usual “Um, why aren’t you petting me?” look.

When we got her, she was so tiny you could hold her with both hands cupped together. And yet when we brought her home, she was so nervous that she ran around releasing enough poop for a full-grown Rottweiler. Everywhere. She was like a puppy-poop TARDIS, bigger on the inside than on the outside. It was a busy night. By the next day, though, she’d figured things out. She was home. From then on, she was part of the family.

The poop thing remained a problem. But who could stay mad at that face?

Cavaliers are very sweet, loving dogs, but they’re also prone to a lot of health problems. Mitral valve disease is the main one, and lately she’s been suffering. This morning it took her.

Goodbye, Molly. You were the best dog I ever had. You were a good girl.

April 22nd, 2012

A day will come when I stop enjoying this. Today is not that day.

Here’s Gary Eaton on Obama’s dog-eatin’ (with apologies to Hall & Oates):

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At, the page for “Obama, the Eater of Dogs” is going strong, and the gallery is growing by the hour. I’ve seen several variations on this one, but this is my favorite:

Obama eats dogs.

I haven’t had this much fun ridiculing a dog-eating president since the last dog-eating president, who was… Hmm. Let me get back to you on that one. I guess everything Obama does is historic!

As for our moral, ethical, and intellectual superiors in the Democratic Party who don’t appreciate this one bit, here’s a question:

If you don’t want to talk about dogs, why did you bring up dogs?

Now: Add up the number of days you’ve yammered about Romney’s dog. Take that sum and add 1. Find a calendar, count out that number of days from today, and mark the date. That’s the day I’ll consider not hurting your feelings anymore by bringing up the fact that Obama eats dogs.

Or November 7, 2012. Whichever comes first.


Update: DC Trawler commenter 13times has a good question.

On Mon, April 16, 2012  ABC’s World News anchor Diane Sawyer felt one dog merited national media attention.

On Sun, April 22, 2012 ABC’s This Week anchor George Stephanopoulos felt two dogs were one to many.

What happened?

April 21st, 2012

The Obama campaign’s timing is as impeccable as ever:

I certainly wouldn’t recommend going here and signing up as Etta Doberman or Doug Eater or anything of that nature. That would be childish and unnecessary. Let’s play fair, now.

Update: You can follow me on Twitter if you want. Or not, that’s cool.

April 20th, 2012

“I dunno, maybe… Animal Planet?”

…No, I can’t. I just can’t.

(Courtesy of the New York Post)

April 20th, 2012

Crazy week, huh? Just the other day, Diane Sawyer was advocating on behalf of Seamus the Dog. Now all our moral, ethical, and intellectual superiors in the media are tripping over themselves trying to explain why it’s okay to talk about Romney’s dog but not Obama’s lunch. Now we’re getting all sorts of very, very concerned think-pieces about the dire state of political discourse in America, which didn’t seem to be an issue when they were hammering Romney about his dog for months.

All because of lil’ ol’ me?

The thing of it is, I didn’t do anything extraordinary. I just published a quote from one of Obama’s several autobiographies that one of my commenters, FlatFoot, pointed out.

If we can derail a stupid, dishonest Democrat talking point this easily, anyone can do it.

Guess this shows that people only buy Obama’s books for the covers, and that the American media only cares about vetting candidates when they’re Republicans. “Sure, Obama eats dogs, but have you heard about Palin’s tanning bed???

Anyway, let’s get back to me. I just read a couple of interesting reactions to the major fallout from my minor effort. First, the New Yorker‘s John Cassidy:

From Hilary Rosen-gate, to “Nugent Goes Nuts,” to “Bam Bites Dog”—well done to the woman or man who first tapped out that headline—the “Phoney War” of 2012 is upon us…

The flap over “Bam bites dog”… originated in a column on the Daily Caller, a conservative Web site, by Sean Medlock, a blogger who writes under the pseudonym Jim Treacher. In a feat of intrepid reporting, Treacher pulled a passage from Obama’s 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance,” about spending time with his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, in Indonesia…

From the G.O.P.’s perspective, reminding people of Obama’s cosmopolitan family history serves two purposes. In the immediate sense, it provides a riposte to Romney’s own shaggy-dog story: the infamous twelve-hour journey of his Irish setter, Seamus, on the roof rack of a family vehicle. “Obama would never put a dog on top of a car,” Treacher chortled. “Dries out the meat.”

But there’s also a bigger, less explicit message here, and it’s one that the Republicans and their surrogates have been alluding to for months: Obama isn’t like most Americans—he’s different, foreign, weird, a Europe-loving crypto-socialist, and perhaps even a closet Muslim. Despicable as it is, this whispering campaign is based on some sound political logic. With Obama’s unfavorability ratings already in the mid-forties, the G.O.P.’s best hope of defeating Obama is to drive them up further and make the election a referendum about him.

Or, maybe the message is: the President of the United States ate a damn dog.

Don’t get me wrong, having the New Yorker sneer at me is something of a career highlight. But isn’t the point that it doesn’t require any feats of intrepid reporting to dig up facts about Obama? Isn’t the point that the media could perform this task quite easily, if only they wanted to? I mean, if this guy is on such an unstoppable march to reelection, how did he get tripped up, even for only a day or two, by a nobody like me?

Speaking of which, I’d like to admit something right now, before it comes out in the press: No, I do not have a plumber’s license. And not only is this not my real name, but in real life I go by my middle name. Believe me, I do not say these things out of pride.

Meanwhile, as John Podhoretz writes at the New York Post:

Rarely has there been a more ridiculous moment in American politics than the one that began on Tuesday when conservative blogger Jim Treacher dug into Barack Obama’s 1995 memoir and made puckish note of a passage in which Obama alludes to having eaten dog meat as a child in Indonesia…

Treacher was engaging in a logical process called reductio ad absurdum — taking an argument so far it becomes an absurdity. The Obama-dog story was the “reductio” of a different story, one about which liberals and the Obama campaign have been in a state of glee for months.

In case you haven’t heard: In 1983, Mitt Romney and his family went on vacation. Romney determined that having five sons, two parents and lots of luggage in one car was enough, and decided to strap a dog carrier on the roof with the family Irish Setter, Seamus, housed inside. The plan went awry when Seamus relieved himself and Romney had to hose down the car at a truck stop…

People love dogs, and it sounds like Romney did something thoughtless with his. The logic of making Romney’s treatment of Seamus in 1983 a campaign issue in 2012 is this: If he treats his dog this way, imagine how he’ll treat you.

And that’s where Treacher’s manufactured story comes in.

The tone of Obama’s sentence from “Dreams from My Father” is one of nonjudgmental, multicultural, oh-look-how-colorful-my-life-has-been pride. He was “introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy)” by his stepfather, Lolo, he wrote.

The message of Treacher and everybody who followed him was this: You want to make a political issue out of a decades-old dog story? Fine, then. Here’s one that makes your guy look really weird. How do you like dog stories now?

There will always be a dog story. Treacher’s amazing stunt indicates that, in part due to the Internet-driven democratization of opposition research, there will always be a counter-dog story, too.

I take issue with some of John’s wording — I’m not sure how quoting from the President of the United States’ own book is either an “amazing stunt” or a “manufactured story,” and I’m a bit annoyed at the idea that a story can’t be a story simply because it happens to be true — but otherwise I find this sufficiently laudatory.

He’s right, this is less about anything I did than about the fact that it can be done. When corrupt hacks push stupid narratives and make scandals out of minor, decades-old incidents to embarrass people they disagree with politically, you can talk back to them. You can’t get them to admit they’re wrong, because that’s f***ing impossible, but you can knock them off their game. You can ruin their day. You can force them to resort to, say, reporting on what the Republican candidate said about a cookie in Pittsburgh. Because their previous worldshattering scoop blew up in their faces.

And you can do it in your pajamas.

Update: Someone just reminded me that Obama actually won a Grammy for reading the audiobook of Dreams from My Father, in which he bragged about feasting on Fido. Why? Because they couldn’t figure out how to give him an Oscar, a Tony, and the NFL MVP award for it too.

Update: It just occurred to me that Michelle Obama will need to think twice the next time she tries to tell the rest of us what to eat. What a great week this has been.


Update: Courtesy of WMAL in DC.

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Well, it’s too late for regrets.

Update: The Spot thickens! Indonesian source says Obama would have to hunt for dog meat in Indonesia. Will Obama’s defense be that he lied about it? Finally, an excuse we can all believe.

Update: All dogs are equal, but some dogs are more equal than others. (Also, notice how all these stories have to note that this came from a “conservative blogger” at a “conservative website”? That’s so the readers know to stop thinking for themselves. It’s a lot rarer for a reporter to specify “liberal bloggers” at “liberal websites,” because that’s considered the default position.)


Update: Ace of Spades looks at a couple of inept attempts to deal with Obama’s dog-eating, from BuzzFeed and PolitiFact. Be warned, at the BuzzFeed link there are some grim pictures of how dogs are treated in Indonesia.


Update: A poem.

There once was a fellow named Barry
Whose internal polling was scary
So his acolytes flogged
An old tale ’bout a dog
Until suddenly, things got too hairy

Update: Uh-oh.

Update: Meme of the Week: Obama Eats Dog. I like how halfway through this Daily Beast slideshow, they complain that it’s not funny and nobody cares.



April 20th, 2012

As you may have noticed, the Dems have been off their game lately. Even more than usual, I mean. Well, now it’s official: They’re panicking.

So much for “Hope and Change.” So much for “Yes We Can.” So much for “bipartisanship” and “looking at all ideas on the table” and all the other lies. So much for trying to convince people that Obama is worth reelecting on his own merits. Instead, here’s the Dems’ best attempt at a message, which you can get for free if you’re comfortable with the DNC having your mailing address:

Well, it’s snappier than, “H-h-how the Hell Did This Happen? Where Did It All Go Wrong?” And it’s a lot more concise than:

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It’s all falling apart for them. Isn’t it great? If it’s this bad now, by November, Obama’s dog-dining might be all he can fall back on.

Obama 2012: Please Don’t Make Him Go Back to Eating Fido.

(Hat tip: Power Line)

P.S. I don’t have the Photoshop skills for it, but if you want to do a version of this bumper sticker that says NOT A DOG-EATER, I’ll be your friend.

P.P.S. Courtesy of the ironically monikered MediaiteMatters, who is now my friend:

P.P.S. As was just pointed out to me:

This is the flag of Luxembourg. And if Obama wins, by 2016 we’ll have their GDP.

April 19th, 2012

In their own inimitable style:

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Update: And now, the ignominious death of Seamusgate.

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He’s quick on his feet, that Jay Carney.


Update: OMG GUYZ, guess what just jumped the shark?

Do the math, people:

Hurts the Democrats = Jumps the Shark

“Please stop talking about dogs, after we made dogs a campaign issue for months!” Sure thing, George.



Good question, Jimmy Kimmel. How did we miss this? Guess nobody really buys Obama’s books to read. They’re for the coffee table, to show you’re on the right team.

Update: I’m posting this not because they credited me, but because it’s a rare Bob Beckel clip without cursing.

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April 19th, 2012

I’m trying to find out:

No reply so far. Maybe he’s on the golf course or at the pet store or something.

And then this happened:

See, when Romney puts a dog on a car roof, it’s a job for Diane Sawyer. When Obama eats one*, it’s a goofy Jeanne Moos story. And isn’t it interesting that an incident from 1983 couldn’t be more current, but quoting one of Obama’s books is “dredging” it up? Guess it all depends on which party is embarrassed about it.

And now, here are some images of Obama and his friends meals. I don’t have credits for all of these, so if you did one of them, let me know and I’ll credit you.

From Slublog:

From Dogs Against Obama:

From Nate Beeler at the Columbus Dispatch:

There was also a great Photoshop of Obama setting a trap for Bo, but I didn’t save it and now I can’t find it. Which is probably for the best, because remember, it’s not funny. Obama eating dogs is not a laughing matter. Unlike Romney putting his dog on the roof of his car.

Well, it looks like the “Seamus the Dog” stories have really slowed down for some reason. So now the libs are doing what they always do when a stupid attack backfires: pretend it never happened and move right along to the next stupid attack. The Hill:

Mitt Romney clearly did not mean to “dis” a beloved local bakery near Pittsburgh this week, but Democrats are leaping on his comments as they work to paint the likely GOP nominee as out of touch with voters.

Romney, meeting with local residents Tuesday at an outdoor roundtable event in Bethel Park, joked about some cookies and launched yet another attack based on what critics call his aloofness to the daily lives of Americans.

“I’m not sure about these cookies,” Romney said, and continued to tease one of the women at the table: “Did you make those cookies? You didn’t, did you? No. No. They came from the local 7-Eleven bakery or wherever.”

The cookies came from Bethel Bakery, a popular local spot, according to reports.

On Twitter, the hashtag is #cookiegate, and the Democratic National Committee was quick to make use of it.

It’s a good thing Obama can’t get hit with a #cookiegate. Well, as long as nobody brings up the Milk Bones he uses as bait.

Update: John Hayward asks, “Why didn’t the media know Obama ate dogs?” They did a mad dash to scour through Sarah Palin’s e-mails — after the 2008 election — and found nothing. But going to any bookstore and picking up Obama’s first autobiography was too much work for them. Why bother? They might’ve found something that would embarrass him.

Update: Barack Obama walks into a bar. Few minutes later, the bartender brings over his drink.

“Huh? What’s this?”

“This is what you ordered. Vodka and grapefruit juice.”

“No, I wanted a greyhound!

(Slightly modified from James Taranto’s original.)

Update: What a timely contest.

A word of advice to the winner: stick to the salad.

Q: How did Obama get his dog to roll over?
A: Um, it’s called a rotisserie.

Update: Ah, here’s that Photoshop I was looking for, courtesy of The Hayride.

And here’s another good one:

Well, give Obama time. Four more years and he might just get us there.


*That we know of.

April 18th, 2012

Courtesy of jpoinier on YouTube:

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April 18th, 2012

Available now at the official Barack Obama store:

'Someone please help me.'

He survives. For now.

Picture taken just before The Harvest.

Let its last meal bear the name of its devourer.

Its final moments. It knows.

When you grab it by this, it knows there is no escape.

Savor its despair.

Nothing tenderizes the flesh quite like abject humiliation.

'Why have you betrayed me?'

Accurate food labeling is important.

Update: I almost forgot the most important one. How will you lead it to its doom without this?

The irony is bitter. The flesh is sweet.

Barack’s best friend: a full stomach.

April 18th, 2012


When sightseeing in DC, make sure to bring a snack.

Update: PETA has condemned President Obama for eating dogs and then bragging about it in his book. Just kidding, they gave him a pass. It’s not like he put the dogs on top of a car and/or became a Republican.

Update: Also unconcerned about Obama eating dogs: Dogs Against Romney. I guess it’s an honor just to be marinated.

Update: It was inevitable. Dogs Against Obama.

Update: Courtesy of DC Trawler commenter and American hero FlatFoot.

April 18th, 2012

You guys, last night I had the most wonderful dream. In the dream, President Barack Obama bragged about eating dogs — In his own book! On the audiobook! — and his enablers couldn’t ignore it, and their “Romney is cruel to animals” narrative was totally ruined with the sweep of a paw. It was unbelievably awesome.

The dream is real.

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A day after Ann Romney got asked by Diane Sawyer about the infamous Seamus, the dog with “the runs,” episode, things got real on Twitter – with a hashtag craze about President Obama having eaten dog meat when he was a kid living in Indonesia.

Top Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom retweeted a Twitter post originally made by Obama adviser David Axelrod, in which he posted a picture of the president petting the neck of First Dog Bo and talked about how “loving owners” treat their dogs – a reference to Seamus riding in a kennel on top of the Romney family car, and getting sick.

“In hindsight, a chilling photo,” Fehrnstrom tweeted.

Daily Beast:

Mitt Romney will never live down the story of how he transported his family dog atop the car during a road trip. It’s been used against him by everyone from animal-rights groups to President Obama’s reelection campaign. Now the Daily Caller is here to remind the public that the president didn’t always treat dogs as nicely as he does his pet Bo. A passage from Obama’s book Dreams From My Father, reveals that as a child growing up in Indonesia, young Barack Obama ate dog meat.

Jake Tapper:

Much has been made about Mitt Romney, in 1983, putting his family dog Seamus in a kennel on top of his roof and driving from Boston to Canada, with said canine Seamus making his displeasure known in a rather scatological way.

Democrats have signaled they have every intention of making sure the American people — especially dog-lovers — know the tale. In January, senior Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod tweeted a photo of the president and Bo in a car, with the snide observation: “@davidaxelrod: How loving owners transport their dogs.”

The Romney campaign signaled Tuesday night that they are not about to cede any ground when it comes to a candidate’s odd past with man’s best friend.

By the way, this is the Google News headline to Tapper’s story:

I assume Tapper didn’t write that. I wonder who did, and why?

(Update: ABC tells me that the Google News headline for that story was an automated Google error.)

Anyhow. I can’t take credit for remembering that Obama bragged about eating dogs, in print and on tape. I was tipped off by DC Trawler commenter FlatFoot (his real name):

With a hyperlink to the Dreams from My Father quote in question at Google Books.

You have to be pretty arrogant to put something like this on your resume and still persist in attacking your opponent for the way he treats dogs. Guess the Obama campaign figured nobody would bring it up.

How about that.

Update: I’m imagining a press conference in some alternate universe where the White House Press Corps actually asks Obama about this…

“Mr. President, can you tell us how you store your leftover dog meat?”

“Yes. We can.”

Update: Here it is, if you haven’t heard it yet.

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Update: The talking points have gone out.

Barack Obama was 6-10 when he bragged about it in his book?

Update: Fun hashtag game! Feel free to join in.

April 17th, 2012

Hey, if we’re going to talk about how presidential candidates treated dogs decades ago, let’s talk about how presidential candidates treated dogs decades ago.

Can you name the author of this quote?

“With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share.”

Yep, that’s Barack Obama, writing about his childhood with his stepfather Lolo Soetoro in Indonesia, from Chapter Two of his bestseller Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.

“So what? It was a long time ago,” you say. “He was a lot younger. Customs are different there. He was just doing what his stepfather told him. And hey, you can’t even prove that the dogs were ever left on top of a car, you racist.”

Hey, whatever you have to tell yourself, libs. Say what you want about Romney, but at least he only put a dog on the roof of his car, not the roof of his mouth. And whenever you bring up the one, we’re going to bring up the other.

It’s no fun when we push back, is it? That’s why it’s so much fun.

Update: I know the Secret Service has a lot to deal with right now, but are they protecting Bo? From Obama, I mean.

Update: Obama would never put a dog on top of a car. Dries out the meat.



Still fattening him up, I guess. Some people think Obama named his dog Bo after his own initials. Nope. It stands for “banquet offering.”

Update: Libs think Romney acted jerky with a dog. Whereas Obama was fond of dog jerky. But hey, like they say: If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog. If you want a dog in Washington, keep it away from Obama. Oh, and:

Q: What does Obama do when his dog gets stuck?
A: Grabs a toothpick.

Update: Back in Sept. 2010, Obama complained about his opponents — quite a shock, I know — by saying, “They talk about me like a dog.” I hope he informed the Secret Service.

Update: Tell us all about it, Barry.

Update: On Facebook, there’s a page called Pet Lovers for Obama. I’m going to go check out their recipes.

Update: Courtesy of John Hawkins

Update: Mitt Romney gave his dog diarrhea. Barack Obama’s dog gave him diarrhea.

Also, Partymanrandy does it again:

(Yeah, I know, cats, whatever. Forget it, he’s rolling.)

Update: If Obama gets another four years, by the end of his second term nobody will care that he ate dogs, because nobody will be able to afford to eat anything else. He’ll solve it the same way he solves everything else: a snappy catchphrase.

“If you like your dachshund, you can eat your dachshund.”

Update: What, a casserole dish?




It occurs to me that there sure are a lot of pictures of Obama eating stuff. And there sure are a lot of people who are good at Photoshop. Hmmmm…

Update: Jake Tapper throws us a bone.

Update: Somebody’s cranky!


Obama sure sounded a lot older than 6-10 when he read aloud from his own book with that anecdote, which he seemed to think people would find endearing. It’s too bad Ben doesn’t have some sort of Etch-A-Sketch he can shake to make people forget his boss eats dogs.

BTW, here’s what Ben was complaining about:


Update: If you want to see for yourself, check out that page of Dreams from My Father at Google Books.

April 17th, 2012

Fox News viewers love Bob Beckel. Well, maybe not so much “love” as “tolerate.” And when I say “tolerate,” I mean “hate.”

But dude is never boring. BAD WORD WARNING:

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Guess he thought he was on Real Time with Bill Maher.

Sometimes I think FNC keeps Beckel around just to make lefties look bad, in that he’s a completely typical example of one. But I can never stay mad at him. He’s just a big dumb kid.

Now that he’s calmed down, he seems appropriately chastened:

Ehhhh, I say let it go. Why should this time be any different?

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April 17th, 2012

He won’t be able to afford the gas.

I don’t want to say our good friends on the left are foundering, because that would be an understatement. ABC News:

Seamus, Mitt Romney’s Irish setter who traveled with his young family strapped to the roof of their station wagon, “loved” those trips, despite once getting ill, Ann Romney told ABC’s Diane Sawyer in an exclusive interview.

Seamus’ 1983 trip from Boston to a summer cottage in Ontario, Canada, inside a dog carrier lashed atop the family’s Chevrolet, has become a regular barb in Romney’s side and is routinely used by his critics to paint him as uncaring.

Mitt Romney told Sawyer that the Seamus attacks were the most wounding of the campaign “so far,” but Anne Romney insisted the dog loved traveling that way and looked forward to trips.

“The dog loved it,” Ann Romney said. “He would see that crate and, you know, he would, like, go crazy because he was going with us on vacation. It was to me a kinder thing to bring him along than to leave him in the kennel for two weeks.”

Obama 2012: For Seamus.

Hey, if this is what the Obama campaign and all his enablers want to talk about, I say let ‘em. Apparently, they really think Americans care more about what Romney once put on top of his car than what they’re struggling to put inside their own.

Say… maybe that’s what Obama is up to. He’s trying to keep everybody’s cars immobile to protect America’s Canine-American population.

“Nah,” I hear you say. “He doesn’t care about dogs. They can’t vote.” That’s what you think.

P.S. In 1983, when Romney ruined his presidential aspirations by putting his dog on top of his car, Reagan was president and gas averaged $1.24 a gallon. Yeah, okay, let’s talk about that.

P.P.S. And what was Obama doing back in 1983? Whoops, am I not supposed to ask that?

P.P.P.S. This one will give you paws.

April 17th, 2012

Chicago Tribune:

Longtime political strategist David Axelrod, who helped advise President Obama’s presidential run in 2008 and is serving as communications director for Obama’s re-election campaign, has paid $1.7 million for a four-bedroom, 3,320-square-foot condo unit in a high-rise condo along Michigan Avenue…

The new seven-room unit he purchased first had been listed as part of an estate sale last May for $2.25 million, and was reduced to $1.9 million in November. Features in the 42nd-floor unit include views to the south and east, including of the lake. The unit also has 4-1/2 baths, a marble foyer, his and hers baths in the master suite and one garage space.

Sounds like a bargain! Just the sort of frugality and practicality we’ve come to expect from the Obama administration.

This purchase had to have been in the works long before the disastrous week Axelrod has been having. Is he screwing everything up right now because he’s already looking at the door? Has he run out of… Hope?

Hey, wait a second. I thought money was bad? It sure is when Republicans get their grubby paws on it. I guess “99%” is less about math than credulity. There’s one born every minute, and David Axelrod has the marble foyer to prove it.

P.S. As regular DC Trawler commenter Partymanrandy (his real name) notes:

When deciding who to vote for, I sat down and took a look at the issues. Obama didn’t seem to understand very basic things about the economy. Gas prices had doubled under his Presidency. The deficit had been over $1T every year of his Presidency. He sold guns to mexican drug cartels. He was constantly trying to blame others for his problems.

….But then I found out that Mitt Romney wasn’t poor.

Obama 2012

April 17th, 2012

“I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody. Instead of an enormously wealthy and powerful woman, which is what I am, let’s face it.”

(For the record, I have no problem with a Secretary of State and former First Lady having a few drinks in a bar. I don’t think it’s “beneath the dignity of the office” or whatever people are saying. It’s fine with me, as long as she’s not the one behind the wheel.)