Tue 10 Apr 2012
Spring Has Sprung In El Paso – They want you to throw open your windows
Posted by DougNic under air conditioning , burning reduction methods , economics , efficient refrigerators , energy conservation measures , penetrating ideas , residential energy efficiency , stimulating intercourse , stretching a concept , sustainability , useless energy use , vampires , wasteNo Comments
These tips are really kinda lame but at least they are trying.
As you’re doing your spring cleaning and getting your air conditioner, as well as your house, ready for the hot weather, consider making some changes around the house that will help save energy dollars this summer.
When cleaning windows, check to see if they’re in good condition. Loose, leaky or single-paned windows allow heated or cooled air to escape, taking hard-earned dollars with it. Repair existing windows or replace them with energy-efficient models.
- If you leave your windows open to enjoy the weather, remember to shut off the heating system. A thermostat will call for heat when it’s set to a temperature higher than the outside air.
- Clean under and in back of the refrigerator. Dust can build up in those hard-to-reach areas, causing the refrigerator to run less efficiently. If you have an old refrigerator that was manufactured before 1993, consider replacing it with a new Energy Star-rated model. They use half as much energy as models manufactured before 1993 and 15 percent less energy than other new models. This change can save you hundreds of dollars a year.
- Unplug the old, inefficient refrigerator or freezer that’s in the garage – it’s wasting energy and money. If a second refrigerator or freezer is needed, keep it full. Water and ice work well for this.
- Dust or wipe light bulbs. Clean bulbs provide more light for the money. Replace high-use incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs and fixtures – they use two-thirds less energy and last up to 10 times longer.
- When washing clothes, adjust the water level to match the load size, and use cold water whenever possible. Use the dryer’s moisture sensor option that automatically shuts off the machine when the clothes are dry, and clean the lint filter before every load. Consider hanging clothes outside to dry instead.
Go there and read. More tomorrow.