GOP Candidates Can Insult the Poor

At 3:12 pm PST, in a Fox News story about the Iowa State Fair, Fred Thompson was identified as wearing Gucci loafers.
Those babies run a good $375 - $400. When John Edwards’ $400 haircut was mentioned on Fox News, it was called “primping.” and given more attention than the Iraq War. Today, at the end […]

Big Tobacco vs. Kids

Representative Jim McDermott, Democrat of Washington, said, “Today’s debate comes down to this: Do you favor big tobacco or children?”

This quote was in reference to the Children’s Health Care Bill recently passed by the House. This what I don’t like about politicians, Republican or Democrat, here they have an opportunity to do something worthwhile and beneficial for many of the nation’s children and to redirect our priorities and they do how? As usual by raising taxes, I don’t have a problem with paying taxes. I believe that in order for our society to provide a safety net and to provide vital services we have to pay taxes. The problem I have is that right now we pay enough taxes, having the money is not the problem in Washington. The problem in Washington is how those tax dollars are allocated. So rather than moving some of that money from the bottomless military budget, the corporate subsidies, or any other program that would actually signal a change, they just raise taxes.

Gov’t Sends Record of Illegal Wiretapping to Those It was Wiretapping…

Prior to the recently passed Protect America Act, warantless interception of international communication was illegal. In 2005, the NSA allegedly engaged in such interception. The parties that got illegally wiretapped have taken the government to court. Now the government is saying that a court can’t declare the wiretapping illegal because the records of it are “state secret” or “privileged.” Oh, on top of that, in a 2005 press conference President Bush denied such warantless wiretapping ever happened. […]

Gonzalez Can Now Shorten Time For Death Row Appeals

The fact of the matter is that if there is anyone guilty of egregious judicial-activism here, it is the administration. They are taking the authority away from tenured federal judges and putting it in the hands of an appointed political official; and in this case, a man who has fired his subordinates for having different political views than him. […]

Howard Dean is smart.

I’ve often thought that affirmative action recruiting is just good business sense, and the Democratic Party is showing why it’s a good idea. I don’t know how I managed to miss this, as it’s almost a month old, now, but the DNC has created a registry of minority political services firms. Why is this a good idea? […]

US Comptroller Slams US Economic Inequity

Learn from the fall of Rome, comes the warning. The US Comptroller, head of the Government Accounting Office, which is the investigative arm of Congress, warns that America must take lessons from the end of the Roman Empire. Says the two top issues affecting the internal health of America are “fiscal responsibility and inter-generational equity.” […]

Bush’s Rich-Favoritism & Crash of US Middle Class Housing

Last Thursday I saw President Bush holding a press conference at the Department of Treasury, giving Americans assurance that we were financially healthy. Later in the day, the stock market tanked 387 points. No big deal, think the middle class and the poor, we have seen the market tank before and it seems to come back up, doesn’t it?

Then we saw the biggest French bank freeze $400 billion dollars. No big deal, think the middle class and the poor, what do we care what a French bank does.

Then we saw the central banks in US, Europe and Asia, pump $300 billion into various economies. No big deal, think the middle class and the poor, that’s what central banks do right? (No one asked where the money came from, nor cared that Europe injected more into its economies last week than it did after 9/11).

Then we heard that sub-prime lending in the US markets was causing all the trouble [sub-prime lending is when banks and mortgagors give housing loans to people with bad credit, who are at high-risk to default]. No big deal, thought the middle class and the poor, what does my home loan mean to the rest of the world?

Reality is, each one of these is a big deal, because each one of these things end up hurting the middle class and the poor the most. These people — we people — need to know how we were screwed over, and how our getting screwed over, screws up the rest of the world, and reduces American standing and security.

Let’s try and understand what has happened. It starts, as with most fiascoes in America today, with Bush in 2001. […]

More Feedback on Site’s Purpose

I have had a couple of interesting conversations this week about the concept behind Plural Politics. One with a working class (white) journalist and another with a Blackademic and scholar. I want to highlight the comments from the latter right now. […]

Short Plainspeak Primer on New FISA

You may want to bookmark this link.

A surveillance law, called the Protect America Act, which is an amendment to Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, pushed through Congress and signed by Bush last Sunday, will allow the government to monitor phone calls and e-mails without a warrant. If you engage in any international communication, this will impact you.

Here is what you need to know and how to act. […]


Formaldehyde is a common ingredient in building materials such as paneling, carpeting and glue. At high levels, it causes respiratory diseases, bloody noses, headaches and insomnia. It was also present in the 120,000 trailers FEMA gave out out to Katrina victims. All 120,000 trailers are now being recalled. Source.


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