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The Winds Crew
Town Founder:
Left-Hand Man:
Other Winds Marshals
- 'AMac', aka. Marshal Festus (AMac@...)
- Robin "Straight Shooter" Burk
- 'Cicero', aka. The Quiet Man (cicero@...)
- David Blue (
- 'Lewy14', aka. Marshal Leroy (lewy14@...)
- 'Nortius Maximus', aka. Big Tuna (nortius.maximus@...)
Other Regulars
Posting Affiliates
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*This* puts text in bold.
_This_ puts text in italics.
bq. This "bq." at the beginning of a paragraph, flush with the left hand side and with a space after it, is the code to indent one paragraph of text as a block quote.
To add a live URL, "Text to display": (no spaces between) will show up as Text to display. Always use this for links - otherwise you will screw up the columns on our main blog page.
Finally, note that a constant onslaught of Trackback spams from auto-generated blogspot blogs has forced Winds to ban the domain from use in comments or trackbacks. If you host on blogspot, consider moving; otherwise, the complaints need to be directed at Google not us.