Paul Weyrich, 'Conservative' Demigod Receives '21 Gun Salute,' Helps Raise $330k for Anti-Democracy Efforts...

Several weeks ago at the UK's Guardian, I wrote about rightwing democracy-hater Paul Weyrich and his 1980 speech to 15,000 preachers in Dallas (with Ronald Reagan and Jerry Falwell also on the bill), in which he called for massive vote suppression. The comments, from one of the "Conservative" Movement's "founding fathers" and a Godfather of the Republicans' now-peaking, long-waged voter suppression scheme, are worth getting out there again and again --- particularly right now. The video of Weyrich's 1980 comments (:40 seconds) is at right and the text is below...

"Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome - good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."

As mentioned previously, Weyrich continues as a regular consultant to the top-tier GOP power-brokers to this day, and last night the man who so eloquently elaborated the Republican Rosetta Stone of voter disenfranchisement was honored "for Life, Work and Service" at a D.C. shindig that raised "over $330,000...for the Free Congress Foundation."

"The highlight of the evening included an historic 21 gun salute video," a press release issued this afternoon (posted in full below) crows. That salute "included 30 of the country's top leaders such as author and columnist, George Will; national talk show host and author Hugh Hewitt, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R - KY), Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich; Ken Blackwell, 2008 Vice-Chairman of the Republican Convention Platform Committee and Former Ohio Secretary of State; Marion Edwyn Harrison, Esq., Free Congress Foundation; Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum; Jerry Falwell, Jr., Liberty University; Rep. Edwin Meese, III,. Heritage Foundation and Former U.S. Attorney General; Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family; Don Wildmon, American Family Association, among many others."...

Though comments as seen in the video above ought to make this man a pariah to any democracy-loving American citizen, he continues to be anything but to the GOP movement which has mainstreamed this guy, and his loathing for American values, and turned him into a movement demigod...

"With his commitment to traditional family values, he has consistently promoted a morally conscious culture," explains the release, without clarifying what traditional or moral value is contained in fighting against democracy.

"As one step in this effort, he is credited for coining the term 'Moral Majority,'" the release continues. "Today, Paul writes regularly for the Washington Times and Newsmax and continues to serve as an influential voice for the conservative movement through his leadership of the Free Congress Foundation and the weekly meetings of Coalitions for America."

Just so good Americans, who actually put country ahead of partisan politics and power, realize who and what you're up against between now and November.

The full press release from the Hamilton Strategies PR firm is posted below...


September 11, 2008

Legendary Conservative Paul Weyrich Honored
in Washington, D.C. for Life, Work and Service

Over $330,000 raised for the Free Congress Foundation

Washington, D.C. - September 11. 2008 - One of the most influential and respected political icons was honored Wednesday night as over 400 of his closest friends, peers, colleagues and co-workers tried to fight back their tears of appreciation. A Salute to Mr. Paul Weyrich was held in the elegant ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington D.C. to celebrate his life, his mission and his work. Over $330,000 was raised that evening which will be donated to the Free Congress Foundation.

Included in the evening's events was the introduction by Colin Hanna, president of Let Freedom Ring; personal greetings by close friends Morton Blackwell of the Leadership Institute and Edwin J. Feulner, Phd. of the Heritage Foundation; Cleta Mitchell of Foley and Larder was the Mistress of Ceremonies; Archimandrite Joseph Francavilla of the Holy Transfiguration Melkite Greek Catholic Church gave the invocation; and the highlight of the evening included an historic 21 gun salute video which included 30 of the country's top leaders such as author and columnist, George Will; national talk show host and author Hugh Hewitt, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R - KY), Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich; Ken Blackwell, 2008 Vice-Chairman of the Republican Convention Platform Committee and Former Ohio Secretary of State; Marion Edwyn Harrison, Esq., Free Congress Foundation; Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum; Jerry Falwell, Jr., Liberty University; Rep. Edwin Meese, III,. Heritage Foundation and Former U.S. Attorney General; Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family; Don Wildmon, American Family Association, among many others.

Following the 21 Gun Salute, Washington, D.C. WMAL 630 AM talk show host Chris Plante made special remarks and then introduced Paul Weyrich who spoke and reminisced about four decades of life and work in Washington. Tony Perkins closed the evening with the benediction.

Paul Weyrich first came to Washington, DC forty-two years ago, as press secretary to Senator Gordon Allott of Colorado. One of his young colleagues on the Allott staff was George Will. At a time when few dared proclaimed themselves "conservatives", Paul Weyrich took on the political establishment, and declared himself a "movement conservative". While a Senate staffer, Paul learned that Joseph Coors was looking for a way to contribute to the conservative movement. Paul proposed an independent research institute that would influence policy debates before decisions were made. It was on this basic concept, and the help of some other movement conservatives such as Lyn Nofziger and Edwin J. Feulner, that Joseph Coors funded Paul's vision and made it a reality. That is how the Heritage Foundation began. Paul went on to found numerous other conservative groups, including Coalitions for America, the Council for National Policy, the American Legislative Exchange Council and, most recently, the Free Congress Foundation. He has not only been successful in creating hubs for facilitating a continuing conservative presence in Washington, he has also been instrumental in translating conservative principles into effective legislation. With his commitment to traditional family values, he has consistently promoted a morally conscious culture. As one step in this effort, he is credited for coining the term "Moral Majority." Today, Paul writes regularly for the Washington Times and Newsmax and continues to serve as an influential voice for the conservative movement through his leadership of the Free Congress Foundation and the weekly meetings of Coalitions for America.

For a full video and audio file of the event as well as still photos visit