"VIDEO - Neil Cavuto's Interesting Take on Democracy"
(7 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 11/30/2006 @ 3:17 pm PT...
Cavuto is what you get when the media is a willing participant in the fraudulent theft of an election.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 11/30/2006 @ 8:10 pm PT...
The Mexicans have the right idea. A congressional brawl would be better than civil war. When will Boxer, Pelosi and Hillary get their gloves off.
Cavuto is commending Democrats for being spineless.
Yes the Dem’s have just politely accepted Treason against their country. Good sports aren’t they
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Sandy D.
said on 11/30/2006 @ 9:43 pm PT...
"Al Gore's graceful concession" was NOT an example of a working democracy. It is Exhibit Number 1 of a lost democracy. HE should have been the Senator who signed the House members' challenge to the election.
At least Al had the Supreme Court telling him he lost .... John Kerry gave up despite overwhelming evidence of fraud in Ohio ... based on what? Advice of those DLC consultants from DC?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 12/1/2006 @ 6:04 am PT...
This is truly scary. There is a growing number of people all across North America (not to mention the media) that think Democracy is sitting down, shutting up, and not rocking the boat. That isn't democracy, that is apathy and complacency. It is that behaviour that demeans and devalues democracy.
These people believe that Democracy exists as a system totally outside of themselves. They believe Democracy has nothing to do with people, but is a system that always has and always will exist totally detached from people.
The scary thing is this is the new conservative ideal. That people are powerless over their own society. THat freedom of speech should only be in a few dedicated zones and that voting is a quaint tradition.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 12/2/2006 @ 1:28 am PT...
At least Jimmy Carter gets it. He's taking flack from all sides for his new book entitled "Palestine Peace, Not Apartied", but he isn't backing down. He says that even in Israel they have knock down, drag out fights about the subject and can't understand why everybody here is so sheepish, (not his exact words).
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 12/2/2006 @ 1:35 am PT...
There were Republicans who laughed at Gore when he conceded. Now the damn media starts to cover the "election" in Mexico so they can say, look how uncivilized those poor countries are without saying that the "leftists" WON there, or that the Republicans stole 3 million votes in America's election.
I'm very glad MSNBC is letting Olbermann cover the news realistically now, but they should let him cover the Mexican election in detail also!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 12/2/2006 @ 10:25 am PT...
"...Al Gore's graceful concession in the hotly contested 2000 election, by contrast, is an example of a working democracy and a working Constitution.
BLOGGED BY Alan Breslauer ON 11/30/2006 11:34AM PT
What is wrong with our democracy is that we have no procedures for dealing with theft of elections, for fighting a political party who successfully used the courts to prevent votes from being counted, or for overturning that incredible and terrible decision. Al Gore WON the election and should never have conceded and his concession is hardly an example of a working demoncracy or a working Constitution.