"Feeney Caught Lying Again About His Association with Yang Enterprises!"
(27 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 2/28/2005 @ 4:26 pm PT...
Feeney strikes me as one of those people who told the truth exactly once in his life, when he was trying to lie but got his facts wrong.
Great catch, Brad. All of us share the responsibility with you for pursuing this.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 2/28/2005 @ 4:38 pm PT...
Keep at him, Brad. To Mr. Feeney - "Liar, liar, pants on fire. We'll find out all your dirty little secrets." I can't wait!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 2/28/2005 @ 4:54 pm PT...
Lets hope Chuck #37 or so doesn't see this, he is a bit unstable today.
Excellent work Brad.
Q: How can you tell if a politician/lawyer (or some Oviedo "journalists") is/are lying?
A: If his lips are moving (or they are typing on a keyboard).
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 2/28/2005 @ 5:31 pm PT...
Excellent, Brad. I'm sure there's a lot more buried around and about. Before it gets buried permanently, I hope you find it - because that crowd MUST be getting nervous.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 2/28/2005 @ 5:50 pm PT...
Hi, Peg C - The trouble is, when a person's life and entire being is a lie, nothing can be hidden. It's out there in plain sight for all to see. Feeney is going down. The faster the better. Let God and the universe be willing.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 2/28/2005 @ 5:51 pm PT...
All the lying!
9/11 lies! Afghanistan Gas Pipeline lies! Alternative energy lies! Iraq WMD lies! Medicare drug cost lies! Election result lies! Social Security lies! The list goes on! How much more can we be lied too? What is our tolerance for their lies and crimes? And why should we send one more penny of income to support those lies and be the financial accomplices to their crimes?
I have concluded that our government doesn't deserve another sixty seconds in power. So I no longer recognize it as the legitimate authority over the land and peoples of this country. In fact, this was a decision I made long ago, when the state of our nation invaded Iraq and it never again received my support, financial or otherwise.
So I no longer recognize the government of Bush's and Feeney's, Republicans or Democrats. I do not support the state instruments of terror centered at the Penatgon, the corporate White House oil and gas war policy of mass murder, or the soldiers who implement that policy. I have decided to become something truly unique...a Free American. Just as free as a Freebird flying above without borders or boundaries, mental or physical.
Unlike my previous farewell, made sudden by this uncooperative technology I now write upon, I must let all of my friends here know I will be offline for several months to complete my literary works and begin my own revolution. Even if only with the strength of a pen, I will do my best to make the case for revolutionary global change, domestic and foreign.
Until then, please keep investigating, blogging, and rebelling! And should you ever find the courage or resolve to become a "Free American" yourselves, let me leave you with an excerpt from "ON THE DUTY OF CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE", 1847-48, by my good friend Henry David Thoreau. Many people simply refer to his work as "Civil Disobedience", thereby erroneously leaving out the most important operative words of its true title, "On the duty of...". One passage of modern relevance, as well as my own personal inspiration, is offered here:
"Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison. The proper place to-day, the only place which Massachussetts has provided for her freer and less desponding spirits, is in her prisons, to be put out and locked out of the State by her own act, as they have already put themselves out by their principles. It is there that the fugitive slave, and the Mexican prisoner on parole, and the Indian come to plead the wrongs of his race, should find them; on that separate, but more free and honorable ground, where the state places those who are NOT WITH HER BUT AGAINST HER, - (Yes, his words I emphasize myself as they should sound recently familiar), the only house in a slave-state in which a free man can abide with honor. If any think that their influence would be lost there, and their voices no longer afflict the ear of the State, that they would not be as an enemy within its walls, they do not know by how much truth is stronger than error, nor how much more eloquently and effectively he can combat injustice who has experienced a little in his own person. Cast your whole vote, not a strip of paper merely, but your whole influence. A minority is powerless while it conforms to the majority; it is not even a minority then; but it is irresistable when it clogs by its whole weight. If the alternative is to keep all just men in prison, or give up war and slavery, the State will not hesitate which to choose. If a thousand men were not to pay their tax-bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood. This is, in fact, the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible. If the tax-gatherer, or any other public officer, asks me, as one has done, "But what shall I do?" my answer is, "If you really wish to do any thing, resign your office." When the subject has refused allegiance, and the officer has resigned his office, then the revolution is accomplished. But even suppose blood should flow. Is there not a sort of blood shed when the conscience is wounded? Through this wound a man's real manhood and immortality flow out, and he bleeds to an everlasting death. I see this blood flowing now."
Forgive my taking of space, but Henry touches upon this thread. The lies of State, the wars, the vote not of paper, but the duty of conscience by both private and public citizens, and even the Bush words, "You are either with us or against us."
It is my duty to say, I am now "against us."
Viva la Revolucion!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 2/28/2005 @ 6:01 pm PT...
Fly away, Freebird. Be safe. HDThoreau is indeed our hero. Successful writing, successful revolution. Looking forward to its completion and your return. May God and the universe smile upon you and bless you.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 2/28/2005 @ 7:47 pm PT...
Freebird -
Fortunate thou, to be able to slip the shackles and fly! Most of us must toil on in the stinking trenches. I hope your aspirations bear fruit (or eggs, hatching more and more freebirds).
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 2/28/2005 @ 10:52 pm PT...
Tom Feeney and Tom DeLay on the same blog? It's too much. I feel dirty just looking at them.
Has anybody ever seen Tom Feeney and Tom DeLay in the same room together? No, you haven't because they are the same person. Both are named Tom, both reslashed districts to favor the GOP. Both apparently like taking trips overseas at someone else's expense.
Where is politics the dirtiest? Florida or Texas? Right now Texas leads by a nose. But, should a certain vote rigging story come to light, Florida should pull ahead in the final stretch.
And by the way, for Ann Coulter lovers, has a video clip of Ann Coulter going so apenuts, Sean Hannity himself was left speechless.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 2:15 am PT...
Freebird, I do believe a certain amount of freedom is possible in almost any circumstance. It is one of my greatest priorities. You and HD are speaking to my soul when you talk of the futility of conformity. I have always been the odd man out, but more and more I think this might be one of the routes to freedom. I totally admire your decision.
We are all prisoners, trapped inside our bodies. I don't want to add to that by being in bondage to other people and systems. I constantly work to stay off the grid as much as possible.
And these bodies can be our allies and do wonderful things. It is so hard for me to witness all these abuses, when I know the possibilities. It is up to each individual to live a good life.
Another favorite HDT quote is, "It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things".
I think deep contemplation and appropriate, well timed action are always good.
Enjoy yourself.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 4:01 am PT...
Freebird #10
I will miss your posts, especially since we just got you back!
I believe that those who support this regime are the ones who are imprisoned within a narrow, hateful, ideology that is surely doomed to failure. We are the ones who are free because we have the ability to think outside the boxes that they would imprison us in.
Here is an article by a soldier who has found his freedom.
"By putting my weapon down, I chose to reassert myself as a human being. I have not deserted the military, nor been disloyal to the men and women of the military. I have not been disloyal to a country.I have only been loyal to my principles."
Fair thee well Freebird, and all good luck to you.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 4:17 am PT...
When Feeney and Delay's lies go public, then we can start congratulating, until then we need to keep broadcasting wide the dirt that Brad and others dig. The thieves and liars MUST be be beaten.
Freebird, go with my blessing and I wish you every success with your venture. As the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jnr said (to the best of my memory) "Go with the knowledge that unearned suffering is redemptive." I hope it is so my brother.
Keep the faith siblings, if we continue with our principles intact we shall prevail.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 5:24 am PT...
Feeney lies about being linked to an organization that has lied about employing illegal aliens who end up confessing to federal crimes that aid communists in China.
And he ran as a candidate with Jeb Bush in an election within recent memory.
The photo really focuses in on this picture. He is being paid "contributions" by these interests to promote an agenda.
Clearly some of that agenda is spying on sensitive places like NASA which launch spy satellites from time to time.
Lame accusations framed in the tired "conspiracy theory" knee jerk, and timid claims based on a world view composed of Holy America Out There Purifying The World do not answer the fair and forthright questions this thread asks.
This story could not be more news worthy.
Yet, those following The Oviedo Voice thread know that there is a coverup of this story going on. An assault on the facts is taking shape even as we speak.
And the orchestration of the cover up if those facts can be linked to high places.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 6:31 am PT...
Bye Freebird,
Be safe and come back to us.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 6:43 am PT...
Typo correction for Post #13 (the last sentence should read):
And the orchestration of the cover up of those facts can be linked to high places.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 3/1/2005 @ 7:18 am PT...
Feeney has lied about not being involved with Yang after 2002. Yang itself has lied about Henry Nee and their mutual connection with China. There is no dispute about either fact.
Clint Curtis' assertions against Feeney and Yang were sworn in an affidavit. To date, none of his claims have been contradicted on their merits. A reporter, Raymond Lemme, has died mysteriously while on the verge of (in his own words) "breaking the story."
The Oviedo Voice calls this a "dead-end" story. I don't think so.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 7:42 am PT...
Maybe the Oviedo Voice has had a telephone conversation on a "particular" subject with Feeney/Yang. Money makes the world go round, the world go round, the world go round, money makes the world go round...birds of a feather flock together... it's amazing how the money grubbers all find each other...the stinking smell of dirty money...then there's Freebird and ourselves...we all flock's amazing how freedom lovers all find each other...the sweet smell of freedom...there is a rhythm and a pattern...follow the dirty money trail...
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 8:10 am PT...
Good work Brad! I agree with Peg (Comment #4)... this is potentially our generation's Watergate. Keep up the good work Brad... you just might go down in history as being the next Bob Woodward/Carl Bernstein!
Now, we need to make this Trail of Lies and Criminal Behavior snake its way back to the Oval Office.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 10:13 am PT...
Raw and Hyde (a song)
Keep trollin trollin trollin
Keep them stories movin
Raw and Hyde !!! (voice trembling as it gets louder and louder)
Don't try to understand em
Just hide hope and hand em
bu$hit with Feeney by your side
Raw and Hyde!!! (whips and snap sounds)
Scotty boy's a hesitatin
Karl Rove's a calculatin
his true love will be waitin
Jeff Gannon will soon be by his side
Raw and Hyde!!!
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 3/1/2005 @ 10:15 am PT...
I was just down visiting the Oviedo Voice thread and noticed that the Comments section not only appeared different from all other threads here but would not post my comment or even remember me. What gives?
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 3/1/2005 @ 10:20 am PT...
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 12:53 pm PT...
Peg C #20-#21 It has been fixed.
MyBlueSky #18 mentioned "Trail of Lies" so I thought I'd write that little ditty #19 to join in ...
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 2:10 pm PT...
I know it is off topic, but I hope to find help for the following question.
Where can I find out the total of political campaign funds donations 2004 for president and government offices--------from The Target stores ?
They may operate under an umbrella of corperations
Thanks to anyone who might help
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 3:54 pm PT...
Official government election offices. Go to state offices (usually secretary of state) for state stuff.
The Federal Election Commission (link here) has federal info.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 3:56 pm PT...
Scratch a liar, find a thief. That would be Tom Feeney. And who could doubt he would steal an election?
It would seem that he considers himself part of a ruling elite and therefore above the law and scrutiny.
Toward democracy we struggle, and a sharing of real power and information. First we must be heard.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 3/1/2005 @ 4:42 pm PT...
Oh, Dredd #19- Karl and Jeff -, ha, ha!
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 3/3/2005 @ 9:18 pm PT...
in re: Peterpont's comment
Try and - the first is a bit easier to navigate than the second.