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The GOP Knows It Can Only Win the White House by Disenfranchising Voters. Just Ask George W. Bush. Five Tax Fallacies Invented by the One Percent. They Are Entirely False. On May Day, Only a Populist Movement Will Lead to True Freedom and an Inclusive Democracy On Dangerous Right-Wing Partisans Obama Implies He Will Approve Keystone XL Pipeline as Former General Cites Its Threat![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- Mexico Must Do More to Protect Journalists, Some 40 of Whom Have Been Assassinated in the Last Few Years
- Murdoch's News Corporation has sought to undermine elected governments
- Five Tax Fallacies Invented by the One Percent. They Are Entirely False. -- Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Federal Judge in Texas Stops Legislature From Defunding Planned Parenthood
- Nobel Economist Joseph Stiglitz: More on the Possibility of a Double Dip Recession Stiglitz Expresses Strong Support for the Occupy Movement
- Historic Victim's Rights Law Passed in Mexico
- Noam Chomsky: Get Out on May Day! Also, Buy His Occupy Book and Support Truthout/BuzzFlash
- Zimmerman’s lawyer wants to delay document
- The Looming Crisis of Worldwide Recession Due to Austerity Hawks Whose Only Goal is to Enrich the One Percent Global Unemployment May Exceed 200 Million by End of the Year
- Krugman Debunks Claim That Businesses Pay ‘The Single Highest Tax Rate In The World’
- Report: John Kerry to Play Leading Role in Dismantling Romney's Record as Mass. Governor and Foreign Policy Statements
- Workers' Voice, AFL-CIO Super PAC, Relinquishes Control Over $4.1 Million War Chest
- Warm ocean water is melting huge Antarctic ice shelves from below: study Why is Antarctica is losing 23 feet of ice per year?
- "Let's beef up Social Security benefits instead of cutting them The best way to improve Social Security's value is by increasing benefits to better serve the neediest workers and expanding its reach to cover workers and dependents who have been excluded."
- Amid Voter ID Debate, Virginia Reports No In-Person Voter Fraud In 2008
- Comic Highlights from the White House Correspondents' Dinner
- Gibbs: GOP Slogan is "You Didn't Clean Up Our Mess Fast Enough."
- The Implosion of Capitalism
- Stephen King: Stephen King: Tax Me, for F@%&’s Sake!
- Empire State Stupidity: New York's Condom Policies Undermine Public Health and Human Rights
- 99% Spring has Sprung: Shareholder Actions Underway Across the Country
- Mexican Police Clash with Student Protesters, Arrest 200
- Postal Workers Unions Continue Fight to Stop Massive USPS Cutbacks
- Confessions of a College Student Who Didn't Kiss Tina Fey. More Interesting Than It Sounds.
- Greenwashing the "Environmental Olympics" Big Time
- How FDR Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Keynesian Economics
- Rodney King’s Legacy Twenty years after race riots set LA aflame, the victim at the center of it all talks about the wounds that still need healing.
- The Ostroy Report: Maddow Takes White Male Republican "Consultant" to the Cleaners as He Patronizingly Refuses to Acknowledge the Facts on Pay Disparity for Women
- Did Shoddy Editing Enable American Torture?
- Best of Newt Gingrich's Presidential Run (Video)
- Unexceptionalism: A Primer To achieve unexceptionalism, the political ideal that would render the United States indistinguishable from the impoverished, traditionally undemocratic, brutal or catatonic countries of the world, do the following...
- The Sibel Edmonds Story
- The Supreme Court and Dangerous Immigration Metaphors
- Bill Clinton Goes to Bat for Obama Against Romney
- Chris Hedges: Welcome to the Asylum
- More Iraq Debacle: "Funds from a $4 billion program intended to improve relations between the two countries were siphoned off by the enemy, a new audit finds."
- Are the Wagons Circling Around Murdoch. Is the Hacking Scandal the Tip of the Investigative Iceberg?
- Could the LA Riots Happen Again?
- Obama Will Veto CISPA Unless Changes Are Made
- Gadgetopia: Chasing After an Elusive Dream
- Decoding the Spin in the Student Loan Battle
- Straight Talk on Social Security
- Boehner: Romney’s Wealth Won’t Hurt Him Because "The American People Don’t Want to Vote for a Loser"
- Republicans Tell Americans Privacy is for Corporations Not People
- Breaking Up with ALEC is Hard to Do For Johnson & Johnson
- 15 Funniest Jokes by the President at the White House Correspondents' Dinner
- Noam Chomsky | May Day
- How Apple Sidesteps Billions in Taxes
- Obama Roasts Romney at White House Correspondents’ Dinner
- Billion Dollar GEO Prison-for-Frofit Group Abandons Its Mississippi "Cesspool"
- Memo to Self-Serving Meet the Press: Promoting NBC Shows Is Not News, Nor Is Fake, “More from the Roundtable”
- Demographics Favor Obama Over Romney in November Election
- Top Republican Strategist Denies Women Are Paid Less Than Men
- Far-Right Conservatives Invent New Language
- Banks Cooperating With Police to Track Occupy Protesters
- US Amasses Stealth-Jet Armada Near Iran
- Rodney King’s Legacy: Twenty years after race riots set L.A. aflame, the victim at the center of it all talks about the wounds that still need healing.
- Red Cross: 16 Killed in Nigeria University Attack
- Who Needs the White Working Class? Democratic campaign strategists debate which voters are worth wooing
- Profiled By the TSA? There's an App for That
- The Walmart de Mexico Scandal: Here’s a punishment that befits the crime
- How to Destroy Education While Making a Trillion Dollars
- Obama's Climate Change Promise: A Feeble Charm Offensive
- Labor Leaders Question Contractor's Hiring Practices
- Cigarette Companies and Their Underhanded Tactics
- Why Low Minimum Wages Kill Jobs and Crush Living Standards for Everyone
- Are "Sentient Cities" That Track Your Personal Data to Design Your Life for You on the Way?
- The Anti-Family Effects of Austerity
- Who’s better to beat Scott Walker? Democrats have two choices in Wisconsin - and both have been rejected by the state's voters before
- FCC Votes for Online Transparency of Political Advertisement Purchases
- If You - and the Yes Men - Owned Bank of America
- A Dog's Life
- Remarks by President Obama at White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, April 28, 2012
- Undergrads May Fail Critical-Thinking Test, but Academia Is Failing Them
- Mitt Romney and the modern GOP are to the FAR FAR RIGHT of 1936 Republicans who HATED FDR
- The Vision Thing: Keeping Union Reform on Track
- Confessions of a Drone
- Understanding Iran's Diplomatic Strategy
- Reid Considers Reviving Reagan-Era Rules to Thwart Sen. Dean Heller’s Obstructionism
- South Carolina Republicans Step in Line Behind Romney
- Crowd-Working 101: Romney Struggles to Hold College Students’ Attention
- In Hopeful Sign, Health Spending Is Flattening Out
- ALEC May Target Renewable Energy Mandates
- PRICELESS: Colbert Rips David Koch to His Face at TIME Magazine Gala
- Gulf Coast Waters Closed to Shrimping
- Israel's former Shin Bet chief: I have no confidence in Netanyahu, Barak
- You Are All Suspects Now. What Are You Going to Do About It?
- Fool Us Twice? Think Again, Chicago
- “There Are Marxists in India?”: Economist Prabhat Patnaik on the Global Crisis
- Rearranging the Deck Chairs at the Postal Service
- The Mexicans are leaving And still with the immigration crackdown?
- Humanity will never get Truth until criminal 1% arrested. Will YOU demand it?
- NATO Security Perimeter: Chicago Summit Protesters Reportedly Leak Secret Service's Plan
- First School for Transvestites Opens in Buenos Aires
- Women of Las Patronas Aid Central American Migrants in Mexico
- No Such Thing as Too Much Truth: Saving Ethnic Studies in Arizona
- A Miner's Life: Coca, Hunger and Fear
- Greenwald: Selective Bin Laden Leaking
- Conservatives cut spy agency oversight in Canada
- Oil company Perenco accused of ‘1970s-era’ methods in Peru’s Amazon
- Could We Stop "Signature" Drone Strikes in Yemen and Pakistan?
- May Day's Radical History: What Occupy is Fighting for This May 1st
- Secret Service Colombia scandal prompts new rules
- Tax returns show Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren among nation’s top income group
- Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem.
- What Everyone Who Uses The Internet Needs To Know About CISPA
- Romney Holds Big-Money Fundraiser at N.Y. Billionaire’s Townhouse
- Don’t Call Women the Richer Sex!
- On May Day, Only a Populist Movement Will Lead to True Freedom and an Inclusive Democracy -- Greg Ruggiero for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Romney’s Advice To Students: Borrow Money From Your Parents
- US officials: Core al Qaeda 'essentially gone'
- NSA Domestic Spying Continues Under Obama
- Insider trading probe at University of Phoenix: Washington Post Company stock sales also seen as suspect
- The Last Castro Summit - Thank G-d!
- Obama slams Republicans over War on Women
- United States Talks Fail as Pakistanis Seek Apology
- With a flash of menace, the mogul defended his realm before Britain’s Leveson Inquiry this week. Are we at the beginning of the end of the Murdoch empire?
- Obama Trumpets Killing of Bin Laden, and Critics Pounce
- Andrew Young Lashes Out at Edwards's Defense Attorney During Cross Examination
- Zimmerman Judge Still Allows Him on Bail, Even Though He Did Not Disclose More Than $200,000 in Contributions From Gun Types and Bigots to Defend Him
- Deported bin Laden widows, daughters go to Saudi Arabia
- On Dangerous Right-Wing Partisans -- Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Obama Implies He Will Approve Keystone XL Pipeline as Former General Cites Its Threat -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- CAUGHT ON TAPE: The GOP’s Women Problem
- Report: American Corporations Are Adding More Jobs Overseas Than They Are At Home
- Senate Investigation: Torture Doesn’t Work
- "At Georgia’s Fort Stewart on Friday, President Obama signed an executive order to help protect military families and veterans from aggressive and deceptive recruiting by higher education institutions — especially for-profit colleges — seeking their military benefits."
- Zimmerman Bond Could Be Raised or Revoked
- GOP Campaign Aide Accidentally Sends Out Obama-As-Muslim Talking Points
- Jim Hightower | To the Barricades, People!
- If Romney Hates Government And Its Workers So Much, Why Is He Running For President?
- Paul Krugman | Death of a Fairytale
- The Ghost of Joe McCarthy Slithers Again
- Milwaukee Red Cross Told To Prep For Chicago Evacuation During NATO Summit
- Kochs in Canada: Fraser Institute Co-Founder Confirms 'Years and Years' of US Oil Billionaires' Funding
- Wal-Mart Employee Starts Petition for CEO's Ouster
- Sarah Palin Claims Child Labor Laws Are Causing America To Fail
- The Pocket Lint Generation: Sold Out, Indebted and Forgotten
- 'SNOPA' Bill Would Ban Employers, Schools from Demanding Facebook Passwords
- A Phoenix Rising: Common-Good Conservatism
- Trouble for Rupert: Prince Andrew's Former Lover to Launch Landmark Phone-Hacking Claim in US
- Donations Pour In to Trayvon Martin's Killer
- Study Hints at Greater Threat of Extreme Weather
- US Judge Rejects Releasing bin Laden Photos
- White House Threatens to Veto GOP Student Loan Bill
- Michigan Emergency Manager Ballot Issue Rejected, Now It's Headed for the Courts
- New Obama Ad Suggests Romney Wouldn’t Have Gone After Bin Laden
- The World's Insurers Brace For Climate Change -- Except In America
- Government-Run Healthcare is More Efficient Than Private Healthcare
- Meet the 28 Lawmakers Who Have Quit ALEC This Month
- The Legacy of Chernobyl
- Tens of Thousands in Norway Sing Peace Song Derided by Massacre Suspect
- ACLU Sues Border Patrol Over Traffic Stops
- Romney Shunning Federal Funds in Post-Watergate Election
- Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Passes Senate
- Ex-Edwards Aide Admits Skimming from Contributions
- "If Paul Ryan Knew What Poverty Was, He Wouldn't Be Giving This Speech"
- Noam Chomsky: Occupy Points to a "Different Way of Living"
- Senior US General Orders Top-to-Bottom Review of Military’s Islam Training
- Insanity: CISPA Just Got Way Worse, And Then Passed On Rushed Vote
- Facts on CISPA
- US Navy Veteran Suffers Humiliation At VA Hospital: His Representative, Congressman Steve Womack (R) Shows Little Concern
- Dial G for Gaffe: Romney Press Calls Take Messaging Off Track
- ACLU: The Government’s Overreach on Bradley Manning
- WikiLeaks Truck Owner Arrested For Photographing Cops; Image Deleted
- New Report Confirms Aggressive Oil Shale, Tar Sands Development in West Poses Significant Threat to National Parks, Water Supplies, Local Economy
- Gulf Coast Waters Closed to Shrimping
- Student Loan Debt Slaves In Perpetuity - A True Story Of "Bankruptcy Hell"
- Martin Attorney: Zimmerman Should Return to Jail
- Voters Say K Street and Wall Street in Trouble in 2012
- Oklahoma Democratic Chairman Says Timothy McVeigh Would Be Member of Tea Party Were He Alive Today...And He's Right
- To Kick Climate Change, Replace Corn With Pastured Beef
- Republican Paul Ryan Cites Pope to Defend Budget Cuts
- The Coming Right-Wing Clash Over the "Half That Pay No Taxes"
- People of Color Less Likely to Vote Because of Super PAC Influence
- Washington Post’s Kaplan and Other For-Profit Colleges Joined ALEC, Controversial Special Interest Lobby
- Every President Has Campaigned for Re-Election on Air Force One, So Why Is Obama Different? -- Dee Evans for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The CISPA Scoop: White House Threatens Veto of Cybersecurity Bill Amid Online Protests
- Under Control: Relax, Our Nuclear Spill isn't an 'EPPI'
- Exxon Makes $104 Million in Profit Per Day So Far in 2012, While Americans are Stuck with a Higher Gas Bill
- Romney’s 2007 Bin Laden Gaffe Comes Back To Haunt Him
- Rush Limbaugh On Hillary Clinton: ‘All She Is Is A Secretary’ Who Needs To Wear Spanx
- Is the Supreme Court About to Mobilize Latino Voters?
- Ex-Spy: Destroying CIA Tapes Purged 'Ugly Visuals'
- CISPA Critics Warn Cybersecurity Bill Will Increase Domestic Surveillance and Violate Privacy Rights
- Disabled People Protest to Preserve Their Benefits
- Robert Scheer: Halfway Through a Lost Decade
- The End of Newt
- May Day: Occupy Wall Street Gears Up For Nationwide Strike
- Iraq Violence: Eight Killed in Baquba Suicide Blast
- Christian University Student Expelled for Outing Child Rape Cover-Up
- McConnell: Republicans Won’t Filibuster Violence Against Women Act
- The Global War on Terror, in the Original German
- Can the Tea Party Take Japan?
- “Charitable” Fraser Institute Accepted $500k in Foreign Funding from Koch Oil Billionaires
- Lt. Col. Danny Davis, Camp Lejeune Documentary and Other Whistleblowers Honored at Ridenhour Awards
- After Previously Praising Her, Paul Ryan Now Disses Ayn Rand: ‘I Reject Her Philosophy’
- Prison Industries: "Don't Let Society Improve or We Lose Business"
- Protest Over GE Tax Payments Erupts at Company's Shareholder Meeting
- Arab Spring II: Jordan's Prime Minister Quits Suddenly
- Wall Street Tracks ‘Wolves’ as May 1 Occupy Protests Loom
- A Fight Bigger Than ALEC
- GOP Tries To Water Down Violence Against Women Act, Expresses Willingness To Tolerate Some Domestic Abuse
- 10 of Thomas Friedman's Dumbest "Big Ideas"
- Phil Bryant, GOP Mississippi Governor: Democrats ‘One Mission in Life Is to Abort Children’
- Budget Control Act Military Cuts Will Cover the Social Security Shortfall
- Reality Crashes Down on John Boehner’s Desperate Attempt to Save His Job
- The Corruption Law That Scares the Bejesus Out of Corporate America
- Bank of America's "Automated Truth Machines" Hit Washington, DC
- The NSA Is Watching You
- Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration
- Thousands Defy Norway Mass Killer Breivik by Singing Children's Songs At Him
- House GOP Would Kick 280,000 Children Off School Lunch Program To Protect Tax Cut For Millionaires
- Hundreds March at ACT UP/Occupy Rally, Nine Protesters Arrested
- Robert Fisk: The Children of Fallujah - Sayef's Story
- Scott Walker Gets Ridiculed For Highest Job Losses in the Nation
- Newt Gingrich Wins Race for Biggest GOP Debt
- Earth Faces a Century of Disasters, Report Warns
- Justice Scalia Abandons Pretense of Impartiality with Arizona Immigration Law
- Common Ground on the Kill Floor: Organizing Smithfield
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Ode To Marco Rubio
- Son Of Dubya!
- Mittril - Sleep Well!