With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...

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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: 'Better living through chemistry'? Obama's EPA approves Agent Orange herbicide, his FDA refuses to ban antibiotics in animal feed; Debunking the GOP: Gas prices were higher under Bush; Total Oil totally can't stop massive off-shore leak; PLUS: Even Lloyd's of London warns against Arctic drilling... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): GOP’s worst nightmare: Green Muslims; Ocean acidification from CO2 causing oyster die-offs; Worst. Farm bill. Ever.; NYT magical thinking on natural gas boom; Bringing back the American Chestnut; Activists succeed in cancelling proposed GA coal plant; TN passes anti-science, anti-evolution, anti-climate education law ... PLUS: Actually, not that many fish in the sea ... and much, MUCH more! ...


[Ed. Note: In our audio report, we mistakenly referred to 2,4-D as a pesticide; in fact, it is an herbicide. Our apologies for the error. (For the record, one kills bugs, the other kills weeds. Widespread use of both are leading to widespread resistance in their intended targets.)]

'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...

  • GOP’s worst nightmare: Green Muslims (Grist):
    [Y]es, there really is a group called the Green Muslims.
  • Study Links Raised Carbon Dioxide Levels to Oyster Die-Offs (NYT Green):
    Oyster hatcheries along the Washington and Oregon coastlines began experiencing calamitous die-offs beginning in 2006. Scientists suspected they were because of increased carbon dioxide levels in the air that were causing ocean acidification.
    “I think that the clear take-home message from this research is that for the oceans, the Pacific Oyster larvae are the ‘canaries in the coal mines’ for ocean acidification. When the CO2 levels in the ocean are too high, they die; when we lower the CO2 levels, they live,” Richard A. Feely, a co-author of the study and senior scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said in a statement released by the Center for Biological Diversity.
  • The Worst Farm Bill Ever? (Mother Jones):
    Take Big Ag's lobbying power and add a big pinch of fiscal hysteria and what you get is thin gruel for everything else in the farm bill, which could could choke off the USDA's progressive-ag programs and even result in sharp cuts to hunger programs at a time of high un- and underemployment.
  • NYT's Magical Thinking on Climate Impacts: Special Report --- Fuel to Burn: Now What? (NY Times):
    The reversal of fortune in America’s energy supplies in recent years holds the promise of abundant and cheaper fuel, and it could have profound effects on what people drive, domestic manufacturing and America’s foreign policy.
    It might also pose new environmental challenges, both predictable and unforeseen, by damping enthusiasm for clean forms of energy and derailing efforts to wean the nation from its wasteful energy habits.
  • Coaxing American Chestnuts Back to Appalachia: (NYT Green):
    Old swaths of Appalachian forest land left barren by decades of coal mining may find their past is their future, if efforts to restore the American chestnut tree in reclaimed coal fields are successful. Over the next three years, more than 360 acres in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee will be planted with a variety of American chestnut trees bred to resist chestnut blight.
  • Proposed Coal-Fired Power Plant Cancelled in Georgia (Environment News Service):
    Clean air advocates and environmental groups won a victory Monday when the utility consortium Power4Georgians agreed to cancel its proposal to build a coal-fired power plant near Fitzgerald in Ben Hill County, Georgia.
  • Wisconsin: Migratory Birds Set Records for Early Appearance: (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel):
    News of Wisconsin's rare spring heat wave traveled far --- even black-necked stilts, blue-gray gnatcatchers and Savannah sparrows knew March felt like July. So they revised their travel plans.
  • Tennessee Enacts Evolution, Climate Change Law: (LA Times):
    Tennessee enacted a law Tuesday that critics contend allows public school teachers to challenge climate change and evolution in their classrooms without fear of sanction.
  • Actually, not that many fish in the sea (Op-ed, Oregon Live):
    Atlantic stocks have been nearly wiped out following decades of heavy fishing. As G. Brown Goode quoted the proprietors of the New England Halibut Co. in 1884, "We take out anywhere from 8,000 to 10,000 pounds of halibut an hour, under ordinary circumstances --- more if the chance is favorable. The best we ever did was in 1878, when we took a trip of 42,000 pounds out of the George P. Whitman in an hour and three-quarters."
  • Evaluating a 1981 temperature projection (Real Climate.org) [emphasis added]:
    To conclude, a projection from 1981 for rising temperatures in a major science journal, at a time that the temperature rise was not yet obvious in the observations, has been found to agree well with the observations since then, underestimating the observed trend by about 30%.
  • CO2 'drove end to last ice age' (BBC):
    The key result from the new study is that it shows the carbon dioxide rise during this major transition ran slightly ahead of increases in global temperature. This runs contrary to the record obtained solely from the analysis of Antarctic ice cores which had indicated the opposite - that temperature elevation in the southern polar region actually preceded (or at least ran concurrent to) the climb in CO2.
  • Grants Criticized by GOP Helped Create 75k Jobs a Year: DOE: (Greenwire):
    The Treasury Department's $9 billion renewable energy grant program supported as many as 75,000 jobs each year it was available, according to a new report from the Department of Energy that counters Republican criticism of the grant-in-lieu-of-tax-credit effort.
  • Secret Ingredient To Making Solar Energy Work: Salt (Forbes) [emphasis added]:
    In a small lab in the San Francisco Bay Area biotech hub of Emeryville, scientists at a startup called Halotechnics are sifting through thousands of mixtures of molten salt. They’re searching for the right combinations that will allow solar thermal energy to be stored cheaply and efficiently so it can be dispatched to generate electricity after the sun sets. In other words, the 24/7 solar power plant.
  • Pew poll: Clean energy still popular among everyone except older conservatives (Grist.org)
  • Military sees threats, worry in climate change (The Daily Climate):
    Climate policy may be a minefield in U.S. politics, but the Pentagon sees liabilities of a different kind and is forging ahead with plans to reduce the military's carbon footprint and prepare for climate impacts. 'It's about returning more of our brave sailors and Marines.'
  • The $22 Trillion Carbon Bubble (Think Progress Green) [links, emphasis in original]:
    The global economy is riding on a financial bubble that dwarfs the subprime crisis - a $22 trillion carbon bubble. On our present pathway, humanity is expected to burn through proven fossil fuel reserves by 2050, making global warming greater than 5°C (9°F) likely and civilizationally catastrophic effects irreversible. To have an 80 percent chance of keeping warming below 2°C, 80 percent of proven reserves [pdf] need to stay unburned. The present estimated value of these civilization-threatening reserves is approximately $22 trillion. [click through for graphic].
  • O.E.C.D. Warns of Ever-Higher Greenhouse Gas Emissions (NY Times):
    Because of such dependence on fossil fuels, carbon dioxide emissions from energy use are expected to grow by 70 percent, the O.E.C.D. said, which will help drive up the global average temperature by 3 to 6 degrees Celsius by 2100 - exceeding the warming limit of within 2 degrees agreed to by international bodies.
  • VIDEO: James Hansen: Why I must speak out about climate change (TED Talks):
    Top climate scientist James Hansen tells the story of his involvement in the science of and debate over global climate change. In doing so he outlines the overwhelming evidence that change is happening and why that makes him deeply worried about the future.
  • Essential Climate Science Findings: