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Andrew Breitbart Screaming At Protesters


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Uploaded by on Feb 13, 2012

Footage of Republican Andrew Breitbart losing it at Occupy protesters outside the 2012 CPAC conference. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss Breitbart's reaction.

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  • he's just the bastard love child of John Lithgow and Ann Coulter.

  • wtf?! That video was just insane!

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  • @brastmonkey When there are reports of rapes and assaults happening in the halls of BoA, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, etc... I would hope the employees/employers of those places wouldnt try to cover it up. If it's an actual gripe you have with the way they conduct business, then stop using flowery, pointless mantras and get to the source... the politicians currently bailing out and buddying up with Wall Street and the elitists behind the scenes. Capitalism is good. The politics, no.

  • @Markle2k THANK YOU!! You summed up OWS PERFECTLY!

  • And that boys and girls is your object lesson for the day. Don't mix cocaine and alcohol. Well, best stay away from coke altogether.

    Paranoia + Decreased inhibitions + Aggressive personality = Bad Craziness

  • cuckoo! cuckoo! 

  • @SueNC367 Heh. You go girl! Get them savages! LOL!!

  • @kmikee Not a liar. Unlike most of the OWS crowd, i CAN read and I've seen the reports. I've read the news accounts, as well as seen the video footage of general disregard for the public good by the OWS savages. Did you suffer any brain damage in Vietnam? That phrase, 'dont believe everything you think'... WOW. classic! LOL!! As for 'protecting the 1%,' I'm not. They're fine. I'm standing up for the rape and assault victims of this misguided 'movement' called OWS.

  • @radiationtherapyband 'cogently express your points,' you mean the way the OWS crowd has NOT? it's hard to pull together a real 'movement' when nobody knows what they're there for. a bunch of spoiled kids and washed up 'flower children' with iPads and iPhones, tweeting about how oppressed they are. craziness.

  • @SueNC367 Liar! You haven't read 200+ police reports about OWS crimes. BTW, I'm an occupier. I'm also a Vietnam vet, I have a job, I shower daily. Don't believe everything you think. Why do you defend the 1% who are ripping us off and destroying our economy? WTF is in it for you? Like George Carlin said: "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."

  • @SueNC367 There is no such thing as "common sense". You will need to be able to cogently express your points, persuade people, and deal with the fact that many will still not believe as you do. And that is ok. It is what makes America a grand experiment. You can't just get what you want by pretending it is "common sense."

  • @kmikee No. Common sense. Dont watch FOX. I have, however, read the 200+ police accounts of rapes, assaults, robberies and other assorted crimes of the OWS. Breitbart was right. The OWS fleabaggers need to BEHAVE! That means, bathe, get a job, stop harassing innocent citizens and stop raping their own.


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