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Friday, March 09, 2012
A New Democrat Cheers Me Up I was feeling depressed by a friend of a friend writing that he thought it was "scary Fascism" the criticism Rush Limbaugh was getting and all the sponsors dropping his show over his hours of insults to a young women who testified why contraception is a health issue that should be covered by insurance. I looked up where the friend of a friend was coming from and as far as I could tell he was only getting information from a far right collection of media sites, both written and broadcast. Then I have someone else who says he has an open mind but apparently relaxes by listening to crazy right-wing media clowns. But then I read something on my friends Facebook page that made me happier. To my first mentor, Congratulations for opening your eyes, new Democrat. Maybe there is hope yet. Gary Permalink on 3/09/2012 Sunday, March 04, 2012
Stocks better than Social Security? Think Again. What if you could have followed the GOP advice and pulled all of your Social Security money into the stock market in 2000. How much money, in both nominal and real terms would you have now? At the end of Bush's eight disastrous years you would have lost half of your money, more if inflation adjusted. Since Obama's policies went into effect you would have doubled your money since that low point. Republicans, bad for the stock market, bad advice, bad for everyone. From Three U.S. Indexes Since 2000. Gary Permalink on 3/04/2012 Saturday, January 28, 2012
Six Facts About Mitt Romney's Tax Returns | ThinkProgress Six Facts About Mitt Romney's Tax Returns - ThinkProgress Why should a passive investor pay a lower rate of taxes than you? Gary Permalink on 1/28/2012 Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
New Conservative Book I have a reasonably frequent commenter and blogger who has written a book. I confess I more often find his observations and questions clueless and questionable despite his claims of centrism. In looking at his book via the free link I see one explanation. He watches and listens to Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck to get historical context! I think that is about as useful as reading Karl Marx to get the thinking of the University of Chicago economists or using the false histories of theocrats to understand the Constitution. Where to begin... I have to confess my own failures to persuade conservatives after giving them what I thought were very informative books that start from where they are coming from. A case in point is giving my ex-father-in-law Blinded By the Right which is the story of how one of the Republicans biggest propagandists suddenly couldn't do it any more that was also influenced by his coming out as gay. My ex-father-in-law thought he was a mixed-up confused man, ignoring the story I saw of a powerful well-financed group using media propaganda to pursue their economic self interests. Some of the people I read and listen to most started as hard-core Republicans and left the Party. I find them much more coherent than those who were Marxists when young, both those who moved to the opposite extreme and those who stayed. I think there are habits of thinking that continue to influence you as you get older and I am very interested in those studying the differences in morals of liberals and conservatives where it is clear to me those are still appropriate and convenient terms. Gary Permalink on 1/16/2012 Seriously? The man who drew this cover: Objected to this family cover. More here on David Dorman controversy. Gary Permalink on 1/16/2012 Wednesday, January 04, 2012
The shame of being a conservative has never been greater. We've been doing the Reaganomics thing for thirty years now, more or less, and if it had all worked the way they were selling it to us, we'd be in economic Nirvana by now, not facing the prospect of one out of every two Americans in or near poverty. It's a real world study: cutting taxes, destroying the social safety net, and deregulating industry have all been tried, repeatedly, and failed utterly. Time for a new economic paradigm, or rather, time to return to FDR's New Deal. Gary Permalink on 1/04/2012 Monday, December 19, 2011
Texas Progressive Blogger Roundup The Texas Progressive Alliance is all about the wassailing as it brings you this week's blog roundup. Off the Kuff has a look at candidate filings in Harris County as of what was once the deadline date. BossKitty at TruthHugger - sees the grim side of a corporate ruled America, is that Climate Change Controversy May Be A Conspiracy and we are the targets. BlueBloggin - Special interests are really not very special when they represent mindless, dangerous attitudes of corporate extremists, who don’t want to be accountable for their actions. Let Me Sell you A Lie – EPA Consequences of The REINS Act – H.R. 10 shows that corporations really do own America's lawmakers. Bay Area Houston says Rick Perry is one rotten bastard. Death sentences and the use of the death penalty are hitting record lows. Mostly because of the corruption and injustice in our criminal justice system. It's led WCNews at Eye On Williamson to wonder, Is the death penalty dying? Third-party presidential candidates may make some noise and perhaps even some news in 2012, writes PDiddie at Brains and Eggs. At TexasKaos, Libby Shaw gives us the headsup on the latest episode of Rick Perry, fraud and hypocrite. Check out: Double Dipping Rick the Hypocrite. CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes Greg Abbott called the US Supreme court to poop on Texas' politicians and voters. That's a republican for you. Neil at Texas Liberal wrote a post considering the life of the real St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas was a foe of the death penalty who was said to have brought back to life children who had been cut up and were going to be pickled. McBlogger takes on PolitiFact's pathetic attempt to beat up Congressman Lloyd Doggett. Refinish69 from Doing My Part For The Left wonders Do They Know It's Christmas in Washington or anywhere else in the world. Gary Permalink on 12/19/2011 Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The Bush-era tax cuts that sank the supercommittee | Business | The Bush-era tax cuts that sank the supercommittee | Business |
Gary Permalink on 11/22/2011 In a recent report the non-partisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities concluded government spending under president Barack Obama was not the prime reason for today's massive deficit. "The fact remains, the economic downturn, president Bush's tax cuts and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq explain virtually the entire deficit over the next ten years," the center concluded. Nor have the tax cuts benefited most Americans. According to itscalculations the cuts put an average of $860 in tax benefits the pockets of people earning between $40,000 and $50,000, a 2.2% increase. For those earning over a $1m the benefit was $128,832, a 6.2% increase. The center concluded that the Bush-era tax cuts did not spur economic growth and had made a significant contribution to the deficit. Scrapping the tax cuts for the wealthy alone would be enough to make up for the shortfall in social security; scrapping them entirely would halt the rise in the national debt over the next decade. Even some prominent Republicans have come out against the controversial taxes. If anything, New York mayor Mike Bloomberg has been more radical than the Democrats. "All income groups have to be part of the solution," the mayor said in a speech in Washington last month. "Allow the Bush tax cuts to expire at the end of 2012, not just for high-income workers as the president has proposed, but for all tax brackets." Monday, November 14, 2011
Do you need one source for voting Info? Print out the 5 things you need to know card. Go Vote - for Harris County. League of Women Voter's - Houston Area, Texas. Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Cost of Tax Cuts | Cost of Tax Cuts | Cost equals money lost to the U.S. Treasury due to tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. Over $1 TRILLION DOLLARS. How many jobs did it buy? None, there is evidence it cost jobs. Gary Permalink on 10/18/2011 Thursday, October 13, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Advantage of free consultation with lawyer You can find out that the lawyer is not for you. For example: on not receiving proper benefits: He did not know the 1000 hours annually rule for ERISA retirement accounts. He did not know the Texas Administrative Code 30 hours a week rule for medical benefits coverage. He did not know that the Texas Workforce Commission does not handle claims against political institutions like school and college districts. He seemed to be a little shaky in math. Multiplying the number of hours worked by the lost benefits and reduced pay puts the claim well above small claims court. Gary Permalink on 10/11/2011 Monday, July 25, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Not So Secret Republican Master Plan I have turned over this blog post to small businessman Kristan Overstreet. Here is his thoughts on the Republican plan for the Masters. The Republican Master Plan And here I'm going to descend into a bit of conspiracy theory, but I'm not identifying any Sekrit Masters or Grand Protocols or anything like that. I posted this as a reply to someone's post, and it was long enough and fits my current political thinking enough that I thought I'd better post it here too. * The Republicans want to privatize and/or abolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, and unemployment assistance- to force the poor to "take responsibility for themselves," i. e. accept horrible jobs with terrible work conditions and low pay. The poor would be left wholly dependent on wealthy employers. * At the same time, the Republicans want to abolish the minimum wage and repeal child labor and overtime laws- making those horrible jobs more dangerous, lower paying, and longer hours. * The Republicans have largely succeeded in shutting off the civil court system of justice to workers complaining of being harassed, abused, or exploited- and, through their version of "tort reform," they are on the way to ensuring that punishment for even the most obviously illegal and abusive violations of law is minimal. * The Republicans seek to repeal all government workplace regulation, food safety regulation, and environmental regulation- so the rich can pollute, poison, and exploit the working classes to their heart's content. * The Republicans seek to cap taxation at such a low point as to either require all regulatory and law enforcement agencies to be abolished, or to destroy the government entirely under its own debts- thus leaving the poor at the mercy of those with enough money and power to take care of their own security. * The Republicans seek to repeal the 17th Amendment and make Senators appointed by state legislatures again- returning America to a period when one house of Congress was selected by a tiny elite of political bosses. * The Republicans seek further, more extreme sanctions against all those who cannot demonstrate their citizenship on demand - thus creating a permanent underclass too frightened to stand up for their human rights, and thus infinitely exploitable. * The Republicans seek nonsensical and extreme laws punishing sexuality, credos, religions, speech and press, and other social issues- creating a system in which it becomes a practical impossibility to NOT break a law, and thus be vulnerable to extortion by those who control law enforcement. * And, through it all, the Republicans insist on vastly oversized, overpowerful military establishments for the indefinite future, regardless of any actual international threats or the best means of responding to same. Taken all together, the Republican end goal is a feudal state ruled by a tiny wealthy elite, in which the vast majority have no voice, no power, and no defense. Destroying the economy is only one step towards that goal- and from a Republican point of view, a very useful and desirable step, as the resources of the poor will dry up long before the super-wealthy's hoard.. And the sad thing is, not only are most Democrats doing little or nothing to stop this, some- including our president- are helping ADVANCE parts of this agenda in the name of "compromise" and "good government." WE NEED SOMETHING ELSE.