Obama visibly snubs Arizona GOP governor during campaign swing - TheDC

Obama Gov Brewer
'He was a little thin-skinned. ... I was a bit taken aback by his stance and his attitude'

Newt in 1996: Let's build a real Jurassic Park, have sex in space - TheDC

Sam Neill
'Wouldn't that be one of the spectacular accomplishments of human history?' he muses in 1996 book

Boehner chides House members for inappropriate attire [VIDEO] - TheDC

Obama State of the Union
'The chair would remind all members to be in proper business attire when you come to the floor of the House'

Obama claims credit for cheap natural gas - TheDC

President's meetings, State of the Union, primarily credits administration rather than the private sector


Photo of Robert Laurie
Freelance Writer
She knows at least three important things about her former colleague.
Photo of Wayne Crews
VP for Policy, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Why Obama's claim that he's less of a regulator than Bush is misleading.
Photo of Emily Esfahani Smith
Managing Editor, Defining Ideas
A Dartmouth student's op-ed raises some interesting questions.
Photo of Logan Albright
Economist, American Action Forum
It encapsulates the difference between how liberals and conservatives view the world.
Photo of Mark Judge
Author, A Tremor of Bliss
The Washington Post ignores the March for Life, weeps for a murdered cat.
Photo of Jim Huffman
Law Professor, Lewis & Clark Law School
Congresses that pass few laws should be celebrated, not condemned.
Photo of Brian Brown
President, National Organization for Marriage
On gay marriage, Paul sides with liberals
Photo of Howard Rich
Chairman, Americans for Limited Government
America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.
Photo of Patrick Knapp
U.S. Army Officer
Mullah Omar has added you as a friend. Why you shouldn’t confirm.
Photo of Brad Todd
Founding Partner, OnMessage Inc.
Why the president owes the Republican strategist an apology.
Photo of Robert Shibley
Senior Vice President, FIRE
The school recently expelled a student for writing a Facebook post complaining about racism against white people.


Photo of Tim Miller
Political Consultant
The so-called "Gainful Employment" rule threatens the nation's most vulnerable students.
Photo of Gretchen Hamel
Executive Director, Public Notice
If history is any guide, most of the promises the president makes in his State of the Union address will be empty.
Photo of Pete Hoekstra
U.S. Senate Candidate
Today marks the 1,000th day since Senate Democrats passed a budget.
Photo of Matt Barber
Vice President, Liberty Counsel Action
What do establishment Republicans and liberal Democrats have in common?
Photo of David Cohen
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior
Gingrich's attack on economic liberty makes Romney the GOP's best hope.
Photo of Jack Hunter
Blogger, Paulitical Ticker
Gingrich is a great speaker, but he stands for everything the tea party opposes.

Daily Caller contest offers chance to grill Bill Ayers - TheDC

Bill Ayers
Daily Caller reader will join Tucker Carlson in questioning Ayers over dinner

Apple surpasses Exxon (again) as the world's most valuable company - USA Today

Apple Value
The market value of Apple is nearly $419 billion, compared to the oil giant's $414 billion

TheDC Morning: End the Fed? Let’s start with the SOTU - TheDC

Obama State of the Union.JPEG
Fulfilling a presidential tradition of boring Congress into submission once a year with an interminably long speech

'Headless body in topless bar' killer denied parole - Reuters

Headless Body Topless Bar
Subject of famous NY Post headline again denied parole

Top 5 things John Kerry looks like [SLIDESHOW] - TheDC

Sen. John Kerry at the 2012 State of the Union address
Is he more of a Treebeard or a Muppet? You decide

Miley Cyrus, cake tease [NSFW] - TheDC

Miley Cyrus (TMZ photo)
Tween idol caught in the act with large phallic cake

Obama urges 30 percent millionaire tax rate - TheDC

Barack Obama
'If you make more than $1 million a year, you should not pay less than 30 percent in taxes,' he says in State of the Union address

Michele Bachmann to seek re-election to Congress [VIDEO] - TheDC

Bachmann House.JPEG
'We need people who are committed to repealing ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank and that's what I've been talking about on the presidential campaign trail'

Supreme Court poised to end homeowners' nightmare story of alleged EPA abuse - TheDC

Alito: 'Don't you think most ordinary homeowners would say this kind of thing can't happen in the United States?'

Death tax showdown heads to Warren Buffet's home state - TheDC

US President Barack Obama awards the 201
Nebraska to hold hearings on on inheritance tax, governor backs abolition

Political veterans discuss the musical minefield of political campaigns - TheDC

Brooks & Dunn
From 'Party Rock Anthem' to 'Don't Stop Believin'' to 'Only in America,' what to play at a campaign rally can be tricky

ANN COULTER: Re-elect Obama: Vote Newt! - TheDC Opinion

Conservatism is an electable quality. Hotheaded arrogance is neither conservative nor attractive to voters.

NYC 'food police' caught in an ad lie - TheDC

Diabetes Ad
Amputee in anti-soda ad actually lost his leg due to Photoshop, not diabetes

In mocking letter, NC death row inmate taunts town that condemned him - TheDC

danny hembree
'I spit in the face of your so called justice system. ... Kill me if you can suckers. Ha! Ha! Ha!'

Trial witness: NY Dem officials paid for votes to snatch third-party ballot line - TheDC

Ballot Box
City councilman, elections commissioner allegedly paid citizens $10 to register to vote, then forged their absentee ballots

Reid won't compare Romney's 14 percent tax rate to GE's zero percent [VIDEO] - TheDC

Democrats State of the Union
Led by Obama jobs council chief, General Electric reportedly paid no tax on $14 billion profit

Pro-SOPA video late to DOJ's MegaUpload party, claims US law can't touch foreign sites - TheDC

Creative Video
Five days after takedown of Hong Kong-based MegaUpload, group claim US law currently prevents takedown of foreign sites

Newt on Pelosi: 'I'd rather have her threaten me than endorse me' [VIDEO] - TheDC

Challenges the Pelosi to reveal what she has on him, or 'quit saying it'

Bill Cosby on education: More funding is not the answer - TheDC

Says parental and community involvement is the key to improving American education

Rubio defends Romney, doesn't back up Gingrich in Florida - TheDC

Marco Rubio
Rubio: 'Romney is a conservative, and he was one of the first national Republican leaders to endorse me'

First lady's office will not comment 'as of right now' on $2K SOTU dress - TheDC

Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama also wore a Tfanks in 2010 to meet Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace for a Medal of Honor ceremony

Geithner not expected to stay for second Obama term - TheDC

Italy Europe Financial Crisis United States
Treasury Secretary to Bloomberg: 'He's not going to ask me to stay on, I'm pretty confident'

Rep. Tim Scott: Dems should look inward on 'racist' charges [VIDEO] - TheDC

Tim Scott
Black GOP congressman rebukes Clyburn, Sharpton for charges of racism against Gingrich

Ron Paul inspires talking, 12" action figure! - TheDC

Ron Paul action figure
'Use real "Paul Power" to: Combat the evil Federal Reserve ... LIKE A BOSS!'

Poking Romney, longshot candidate releasing 12 years of tax returns - TheDC

Fred Karger
Fred Karger says he'll release his taxes in front of the George Romney Institute for Law and Public Policy

Four police agencies deployed to track down Travolta's stolen Benz - TheDC

Oscars Governors Awards
Star's car among cars recovered from auto theft ring

Conservatives sense vindication after Sprint decides to cut costs using FCC roaming rule - TheDC

FCC critics had claimed the rule would slow wireless network development