Rupert’s Remoras Can’t Let Go

Pouty Rupes Klunks Keith
(UK Tabloid slime sans teeth) 

Or maybe Rupert can’t stand that Keith Olbermann actually called him for the swine that he is.

Listen to this from the vile New York Post, run by Rupert’s character assassins from the UK (perhaps on the lam, or, perhaps, merely deported for excessive lameness). By the Page Six columnist, whoever or whatever their moniker (craptastic prose EMPHASIZED): Continue reading

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Mitt the Mormon and You

The practical reality is that the doctrines, history and practices of the Mormon Church WILL be discussed during what is going to be a very long campaign. Today offered a preview, but we really need to quash some very ugly concepts aborning, because Ostrich ain’t a-gonna work for Obama or from Rmoney.

Painting: “Jesus is my CEO”

Here is the Grand Kerfuffle (expertly kerfluffed by the hacks at The Daily Beast, whose headline intentionally stokes the fires of controversy, even though an actual thoughtful, nuanced position was being expressed): Continue reading


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IS Oklahoma actually OK?

Dixie Cups, now owned by the Koch Brothers

“Think about the people as if they were storm troopers in Star Wars. They may be individually innocent, but they are guilty because they work for the Evil Empire.” — [48]

Today is a profound anniversary, but not much celebrated because it seems an inconvenient truth: before we all learned to hate “Moooslems,” “Ayrabs” and “Al Qaeda” we were busy hating ourselves. Continue reading

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The Jaws that Bite, the Claws that Catch

Mitt Romney — or, rather, Romney’s handlers — showed his teeth last week. Not a pretty sight, orthodontists notwithstanding.

The invisible hand always leaves a footprint, though, and we can begin to limn the nature of the campaign’s movements and strategies, as they shake the Etch-A-Sketch and move into full-on campaign mode.

In APRIL!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

But there is a method to that madness, as well. Continue reading

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Dueling Jingos (Squeal Lahk Ah Pig!)

Wow. I guess staying up doing his taxes was just too much for Matt Yglesias’ brain, as he unleashes one of the most idiotic rants evah!

A couple weeks ago, Paul Jacob, The World’s Dumbest Felon™ came to EXACTLY the same paranoid conclusion about what’s happening in the world of taxes, although from Jacob, who, when not busy trying to pass stealth laws in states he doesn’t live in, holds up the Ayn Rand banner of ME!ME!ME! and SCREW YOU! YOU! YOU!

Evidently Yglesias managed to buy the same brand of Koolaid at the supermarket. Seriously.

Idiocy first; explanation after. Continue reading


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Emancipation Day 150 Years Later

Today is the 150th Anniversary of a very profound moment in American History.

Lincoln signing Act on April 16, 1862

And you probably won’t hear a lot about it. Today is Emancipation Day in Washington, DC. Continue reading

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A Rosetta Stone of Blog Spam

Some person in Phoenix, Arizona was blog-spamming me yesterday, and must not have been familiar with the spam software.

And, hilariously, he/she/it manages to post EVERY “your blog is so great!” spam phrase that I’ve seen over the past several months. (OK: not ALL, but doggone close).

Just like when someone inadvertently puts their entire BCC mailing list in their CC field. (I’ve broken up the single continuous block of boilerplate for ease of reading). The “|” seems to be the software toggle they failed to understand how to use.

But you ought to understand that this is NOT benign. These are placed on your blog to increase the number of links and, therefore, “game” Google search rankings for generally crappy products and/or services. They have nothing to do with you, except to USE your blog to promote their site.

See if any of these “comments” ring a bell. To wit(less): Continue reading


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Do Words Matter? Redux

The “working woman” controversy continues, with one brave writer getting Hilary Rosen’s back:

Linda Hirshman / Washington Post:

Hilary Rosen was right: Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life.  —  Beltway pundit Hilary Rosen committed a mortal sin of American politics: She spoke the truth with a microphone on.  —  “What you have,” she told Anderson Cooper on Wednesday night, “is Mitt Romney running around the country saying …

But the reflexive “Peter and the Crowing Cock” syndrome of the Left continues anyway. And, as usual, the Left refuses to correct the distorted language of the Rightie Blogosmear™, as though words didn’t actually matter at all.

So: Do Words Matter? (Originally appeared in slightly different form 14 January 2011)


Now, let me warn you, however, that I am not going to resolve your dilemma; merely limn it. But, hopefully in words traced in lightning and fire reflected off pools of fresh blood.

Got your attention?

Good. Continue reading


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The War on the War on Women Woman

Welcome to the Etch-a-Sketch.

Now, if you’re paying attention, you just learned the Achilles heel of the Romney campaign. If you haven’t been paying attention, that’s YOUR Achilles heel, which they intend to exploit.

I speak of course, of Ann Romney’s dirty crack. Continue reading


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So How Come the Tax Code is so “Unfair”?

It’s that time of year. I didn’t really expect a lot of response when I originally posted this on January 11, 2011. Now, as the airwaves are filled with the same silly stories that the same silly people trot out every silly year, it’s timely, and I present it for your consideration, slightly altered and emended:

NOTE: Spent all day Tuesday [January 11, 2011] at an update on changes to Federal and Oregon tax law for 2011.

This is going to be very short — because I know how much you just love reading hours and hours of tax code and court decisions — but there are two concepts that I’ve not mentioned before, which I leave the reader to ruminate on.

1. “Fairness” in taxation.

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Lost In A Sea Of Hate Redux

It’s the last week of tax season: that annual gory, gruesome grind up Hill Ten-Forty (and Ten-Forty-One). Thus, a welcome surcease to my inevitable prolix prose.

And, frankly, why reinvent the wheel? John Derbyshire was fired at the National Review this weekend, for finally crossing a line I’d noticed back in 2007: Continue reading

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