Is this Obama justice?  A race-motivated lynch mob?

It is beyond shock­ing to see a lynch mob occur­ring right in front of us, demon­strat­ing the inhu­man­ity and unciv­i­lized behav­ior of peo­ple ani­mals. Per­son­ally, I’m dis­gusted at what I am wit­ness­ing, at the poor cor­po­rate cit­i­zen­ship demon­strated by Twit­ter, and at the impo­tent response of fed­eral, state, and local law enforce­ment. (And peo­ple won­der why many of us ‘cling to our guns’ and demand respect for the Sec­ond Amend­ment right to bear arms.)

If there was ever an edu­ca­tional moment for Obama, this is it.

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No low is too low for Santorum [Update x2]

Update: San­to­rum came unhinged Sun­day in Wis­con­sin, vir­tu­ally dou­bling down on his ‘vote Obama over Rom­ney’ rec­om­men­da­tion last week.  More at bottom.

Update 2: See CBS video of San­to­rum at bottom.

Is San­to­rum out to win the elec­tion or destroy the Repub­li­can party?  As a wanna-be nom­i­nee with almost as lit­tle chance of get­ting the nom­i­na­tion as Gin­grich, San­to­rum is prov­ing him­self unsuit­able in every aspect.  Despi­ca­ble, extreme, and even un-American.

The lat­est stu­pid­ity from San­to­rum is his Obama-Ahmadinejad ad.


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It is all in the math…

At this point, by most accounts, Rom­ney will secure the Repub­li­can nom­i­na­tion by con­tin­u­ing to win a plu­ral­ity and occa­sional major­ity of votes in the remain­ing con­tents. San­to­rum, on the other hand, needs to win two-thirds and Gin­grich nearly three-quarters of the remain­ing delegates.

MSM would have you believe that Sat­ur­day was Santorum’s day but a casual glance sug­gests oth­er­wise with 80% of the con­tests going to Rom­ney.
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Media Bias in Action

Looks like the media is get­ting a part­ing shot at Rom­ney by delay­ing the Ohio call to keep it off the morn­ing news­pa­per head­lines.  Pathetic.  Can any­one really see San­to­rum pulling out a win in Ohio at this late hour?!

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Palin needs to quit sniping and start supporting Romney

Short of Palin doing some­thing really stu­pid like enter­ing the race (note her com­ment on CNN ear­lier this evening that she was open to it), I think at this point she is just going through the motions of sup­port­ing the ABR can­di­dates, build­ing up cred­its among sup­port­ers for the back­lash when she even­tu­ally faces the real­ity that Rom­ney is the nom­i­nee and she calls for every­one to sup­port him.

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Obama’s Gift to America

Notable Quotes

  • It is still about the econ­omy, and we are not stu­pid.” — Mitt Romney
  • San­to­rum 2012 — A woman’s place is bare­foot, preg­nant, and in the kitchen.
  • I am always right when I am not wrong.
  • For every ille­gal with a job, there’s an Amer­i­can with­out one.
  • Friends don’t let friends use Wikipedia.
  • The “Tea Party” is any Amer­i­can that ques­tions the sta­tus quo.