It is all in the math…
At this point, by most accounts, Romney will secure the Republican nomination by continuing to win a plurality and occasional majority of votes in the remaining contents. Santorum, on the other hand, needs to win two-thirds and Gingrich nearly three-quarters of the remaining delegates.
MSM would have you believe that Saturday was Santorum’s day but a casual glance suggests otherwise with 80% of the contests going to Romney.
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Media Bias in Action
Looks like the media is getting a parting shot at Romney by delaying the Ohio call to keep it off the morning newspaper headlines. Pathetic. Can anyone really see Santorum pulling out a win in Ohio at this late hour?!
Palin needs to quit sniping and start supporting Romney
Short of Palin doing something really stupid like entering the race (note her comment on CNN earlier this evening that she was open to it), I think at this point she is just going through the motions of supporting the ABR candidates, building up credits among supporters for the backlash when she eventually faces the reality that Romney is the nominee and she calls for everyone to support him.