There have been reports of broken windows and other vandalism in three cities. Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco. Here are some video scenes from Seattle, I will be finding more video in the days ...
by Horace Boothroyd III
5 Recs
Former Arizona Democratic party chair Andrei Cherny has a wide lead in fundraising for the primary for Arizona's new, Tempe-based 9th Congressional district, according to the FEC. He's raised $431,...
by Xenocrypt
2 Recs
"The Campfire with Steve and Fripp" is on! Live! Right Now! Tues. 10:00 P.M. through 12:00 A.M. Left Kos time (Pacific Time)!
It's The Campfire Live! On the radio! A list of possible topics ...
by StevenJoseph
1 Recs
Today has been an experience I will soon not forget. Occupy has transformed and changed my life for the better. Through activism I feel like I have begun to realize my potential and how I can play a ...
by Tool
16 Recs
You will not see much sympathy for the execution slotted in Texas for Anthony Bartee on Wednesday, May 2, 2012. Mr. Bartee has a bad previous history of serving 12 years on aggravated rape. ...
by laserhaas
1 Recs
As a woman, I naturally want to root for other women, but I'm not happy with either Vinehout or Falk:
Kathleen Vinehout - Lots of pep, no discernible message. The only thing I know is that she came ...
by operalala
1 Recs
I am a veteran, but I served before the 500,000 who've now served during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I served from 1990-1995, "visiting" Guantamo Bay, Puerto Rico and Okinawa.
But all of ...
by imobannon
12 Recs
Welcome to the Overnight News Digest (OND) for Tuesday, May 01, 2012.
OND is a regular community feature on Daily Kos, consisting of news stories from around the world, sometimes coupled with a ...
by wader
23 Recs
Please read and follow instructions before opening. Or consult your physician.
SPOILER WARNING : A latenight gathering for non-serious palaver that does not speak of that night's show. Posting a ...
by Drewid
8 Recs
For those who have where did the genome get accredited too? And would you believe this too be true?
If in the event of the course of history precedence occured through extortion of intellectual ...
by cheschirekat
0 Recs
Sensus Congress
Consensus Congressional
segregation Mundaine
genocide tender
by cheschirekat
0 Recs
Some flowers, some other wishes, but mostly some thoughts.
by on the cusp
6 Recs
WHEN, IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS, it becomes necessary for one People to re-examine the political bonds which have connected them to ...
by cheschirekat
1 Recs
I don't think that the national press paid much attention to the War On Women Rallies this Saturday. We have Republicans who are part of the Tea Party Wing, who got elected to various positions. ...
by Deja Vu
7 Recs
Time to step up to the plate for the President--Romney will not be defeated by snark alone.
Pres. & Mrs. Obama will be at Ohio State this Saturday to officially kick off the campaign. Here's the "...
by jmknapp
4 Recs
There are three words in the top corner of my Daily Kos login page. They are:
So obviously, the owner of this here funny colored orange motherhship believes roughly 1/3 ...
by Stranger in a strange land
16 Recs
Tonight on TDS, Evangelical/anti-secularist David Barton, The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You've Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson -- but he's not worth my time or yours, so I wrote up ...
by TiaRachel
10 Recs
I will scour the internet to find different cities that are active.
WeAreChange in NYC covering NYPD arrests of protesters:
by Horace Boothroyd III
20 Recs
Day after day, The Waltz of the Robber Baron continues. Subsidies are sacred while hellish fires burn, oil gushes into oceans, and great fracking earthquakes crack the walls. Noses are pressed ...
by TDreamer
4 Recs
Because this ad from the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign that points out how John Kerry and liberals in Congress voted nine years earlier in 1995 to cut $6 billion from "America's Intelligence Operations"
by Roby NJ
1 Recs
Since it's the first of the month ...
by CityLightsLover
8 Recs
This will be brief, but I will update as I get more info.
So far it appears there have been 4 explosions in Kabul, possibly near the airport. Or the Kabul Customs office.
Reports of fighting and ...
by kimoconnor
90 Recs
Driving home from dinner, a planned-for-tonite TC diary on Convenience Green and a standalone piece on Native American school "mascots" on my mind, and a song came on the radio that changed my ...
by brillig
38 Recs
The "Heart of Texas" is, in this instance, a twelve hour Motorcycle Rally held entirely within the borders of the State of Texas. 2012 is the third annual running, and this is my first entry.
by twigg
7 Recs
The loss of innocence is a common theme of fiction. It's not unusual for a young man or woman, or even a middle-aged one, to look back on the year that things changed. The year they grew up.
For ...
by bookgirl
7 Recs
This is a brief recounting of how today began for my dog and myself at a little dog park just north of Oshkosh. It is just a little reminder, an acknowledgement of how all of our lives have changed ...
by TtexwiTyler
9 Recs
Nobody likes to talk about it - not the Administration, not Obama's primary opponents, not even the Republican Party. (Obama's opponents are happy to leave the topic unmentioned - never interfere ...
by Elwood Dowd
7 Recs
By now, everyone who frequents this site has probably heard plenty about our favorite escaped mental patient posing as a member of the U.S. House, Allen West and his accusations that the entire ...
by gf120581
14 Recs
I was doing some research tonight. I was reading about MRSA, which is Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus .
Under "Diagnosis" I read the following text;
Diagnostic microbiology ...
by Timbuk3
17 Recs
This is doable.
Just ask John ... it's enough to drive him to drinking. Again .
Make it a Double!
DCCC Launches Web Video on Republican Majority “In Jeopardy”
The Democratic Congressional ...
by jamess
84 Recs
This is a follow-up on my diary last night about a Kannapolic, North Carolina, bigot named Alex Wiles who stole a "Vote Against Amendment One" sign and took a shotgun to it in his backyard. If you ...
by Chrislove
113 Recs
And doing so effectively cost him his presidency.
Officially it was known as Operation Eagle Claw, although today most Americans would probably recognize it by the name Desert One. In an effort to ...
by Adama D Brown
17 Recs
Reading People Power 2.0 (Technology Review) by the excellent John Pollock and his portrayal of my contribution in overthrowing a tyrant by helping win the Libyan information war, led me to reflect ...
by StephLamy
3 Recs
by Jessie Sapperstein
0 Recs
I think that I have in me a fluid open mind that allows my thoughts to flow forth freely in a steady pace in an effort to draw a mental picture, broadly typed in a printed diary to capture a reader`...
by Ole Texan
33 Recs
I've been pissed off for days now. On Sunday, Laura had a piece up about Yawn Hannity claiming poor people aren't hungry because they can eat beans and rice.
I wasn't bugged so much by the backhand ...
by Crashing Vor
59 Recs
Why not?
by Jessie Sapperstein
0 Recs
Well hellooooo there everyone! It's Tuesday night, so you know it - it's that time again! Time to leave the bad news and politics behind and instead jam to some of our favorite songs!
Well, it's ...
by poligirl
14 Recs
As our nation lurches into another general election cycle over what has become an extremely volitile, shifting political and demographic landscape, the wild, often times irrational swings have ...
by Danish Brethren
2 Recs
All this time I’ve been thinking of Mitt Romney as a weaselly, self-serving creep with a limited grasp on reality. Then I saw this:
by Xavier Onassis EMTP
11 Recs
Grow up.
by Jessie Sapperstein
0 Recs
Of the things I can’t get over (there are many!), it’s the conservative statement of fact that Obama has been a “failure” or a “loser” and that his record is “abysmal” that irks me ...
by Byrd the Stampede
0 Recs
Portions of 9 states are under a tornado watch at this moment:
Minneapolis is in the area under watch until 1am. Joy.
by imonlylurking
9 Recs
No, not Connecticut and New Connecticut, Counter Terrorism and Continued Training. The two CTs from the President's address tonight from Bagram. Jed referred to it as "training and anti-terrorism",
by Cendojr
1 Recs
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate ...
by Transcripts Editors
5 Recs
I haven't seen this diaried and this will be short
Five morans (they call themselves anarchists but they're morans) were arrested by the FBI today in a failed plot to blow up a bridge in Cleveland
by ontheleftcoast
1 Recs
In August 2008, many teachers in America and this one in particular were thrilled about Barak Obama’s nomination. Linda Darling-Hammond was a leading spokesperson articulating the Obama ...
by tultican
3 Recs
No need to tip, just want to get the word out.
by cany
75 Recs
As of today, 1,957 US military personnel have been killed in or near Afghanistan. Green Beret Staff Sergeant Andrew T. Brittonmihalo became the most recent fatality on April 25, 2012. He was killed ...
by TheFatLadySings
56 Recs
Greetings faithful Followers. I bring good news to modern reading man. Beginning THU, May 3rd and appearing weekly thereafter at 11PM (ET) is a new series for those of you who like to be read ...
by cfk
11 Recs
Office of the Press Secretary
May 1, 2012
Remarks of President Barack Obama On the War in Afghanistan – As Prepared for Delivery
Bagram Air Base, ...
by Transcripts Editors
5 Recs
Office of the Press Secretary
by Transcripts Editors
4 Recs
Teachers and supporters protest school closings outside the Chicago Public Schools HQ the night before a meeting of the Board of Education in February, 2011. (Photo courtesy ...
by Hyde Park Johnny
4 Recs
"We will not have an inch of difference," Mitt Romney declared in January , "between ourselves and our ally Israel." While that unprecedented pandering may have helped Romney slightly narrow ...
by Avenging Angel
7 Recs
The full Republican media "noise" machine is rising up in a full-scale " hissy fit " because the President pointed out that Osama bin Laden was killed a year ago, under his watch. They are ...
by davej
2 Recs
ELIZABETH WARREN: “Scott Brown ...
by Scarce
22 Recs
The day began as gray and drizzly. Whatever the weather, this is a big event in Vermont for progressives, not to be missed. Unions organized the event, along with VIPRG, a Vermont public interest ...
by 4Freedom
39 Recs
Over the past few days we've witnessed a barrage of criticism aimed at Barack Obama for his comments on, and a televised feature commemorating, the anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death. Mitt ...
by SJGulitti
3 Recs
Republicans to America today:
If there's a Gay Man who can prevent the Iranians from getting a nuclear weapon... Republicans won't listen to his approach.
If there's a Gay Woman who can help get ...
by JeffLieber
254 Recs
This is the first anniversary of when we got Osama bin Laden. I remember hearing the news for the first time. I remember President Obama addressing the nation. I remember the relief I felt ...
by Mets102
135 Recs
I just got back home from the HUUUUGE May Day rally in New York City.
Borrowed photo here:
Just one corner of Union Square:
by bink
302 Recs
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release May 1, 2012
by Transcripts Editors
10 Recs
On April 24, 1980 President Carter gave an order to commence Operation Eagle Claw. Eight helicopters flew low over the desert sands of Iran to rescue the 52 hostages. Due to sand being sucked into ...
by Craig Hardegree
3 Recs
What I read last month.
This month, I tell you which was Dashiell Hammett's greatest mystery, and why political professionals should read it, continue exploring Cicero, and discover two modern ...
by AdmiralNaismith
10 Recs
In an article published in the Washington Post on April 30th, Robert G. Kaiser reviews the recently published book
‘ It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System ...
by arealniceguy
6 Recs
One of the more prominent black conservatives in Florida is O'Neal Dozier, pastor of Worldwide Christian Center in Pompano Beach. Dozier is a classic Christofascist. Indeed, according to a piece ...
by Christian Dem in NC
16 Recs
I admit that I did not follow politics very much until fairly recently. Not so economics because I was a practicing economist for awhile. I always had mildly center left positions about economics. I ...
by WebEntrepreneur
6 Recs
No kidding.
On the anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden, Mitt Romney on the campaign trail appeared with Rudy noun-verb-9/11 Giuliani near Ground Zero, in some very unfortunate timing . ...
by eXtina
13 Recs
President Obama is being carried live, on CNN, speaking to American Troops, in Afghanstan, calling out the "First Infantry Division," and other brigades. "82nd in the house?" shouts the President, ...
by HoundDog
39 Recs
Mission creep isn't just for wars - I experienced my own personal version of it yesterday on a hike in the San Gabriel Mountains of Southern California, with painful consequences. The day started ...
by Troubadour
55 Recs
I believe mankind might one day get along in harmony if we could just erase the comments section from all websites.
The more I consider the ramifications of my words, suck it.
If you made a Venn ...
by jbou
14 Recs
Today I found out that my local dispensary for medical marijuana will be closing in two weeks.
The dispensary in question is the Vapor Room Cooperative in San Francisco.
President Obama recently ...
by marvinborg
20 Recs
1. maí. In Icelandic, it's pronounced almost like "FEE-stee MAH-ee", with an unvoiced rolled "r" thrown in after the EE. It's also the day that we all get a day off work in order to go downtown ...
by Rei
18 Recs
( Occupy Harrisburg
May Day is, in most of the world, Labor Day; as Jake ...
by Laura Clawson
17 Recs
On Saturday, April 28, in the shadow of the 60 Centre Street courthouse engraved with the words, “The true administration of justice is the firmest pillar of good government,” a crowd of over ...
by Marcia G Yerman
10 Recs