Thursday, 03 May 2012, 8:54am

Scoop Links: Wrap of John Banks Coverage
Is A John Banks' Resignation Imminent? PQ Train Wreck Video

Not Gone By Lunchtime: John Banks' Unpleasant Options As His Time Runs Out

Scoop Political Editor Gordon Campbell Writes: John Banks is in the firing line, and his time is running out. The initial response of toughing it out – to claim innocence of any illegality, to fuzz the details and hope it will blow over – hasn’t worked. The details of the closeness of the relationship with Kim Dotcom keep on pouring out and have served to make the “I can’t remember” memory loss look somewhat less than entirely genuine. There is now a haze of circumstantial evidence of apparent collusion, even if no smoking gun of illegal behaviour has yet emerged. The perception is one of unethical behaviour rather than illegal behaviour, but unfortunately for Banks, there is still a requirement - even among politicians, who could hardly sink lower in the public’s estimation – of a certain semblance of ethical behaviour. While it may be an arbitrary process, there is need from time to time, for certain egregious offenders to be ritually sacrificed. If Banks does resign it may be a far, far better thing than he has ever done before. More >>

Earlier Gordon Campbell on this breaking story: On Monday's PM's Press Conference: Wherein John Key says unethical conduct by Ministers is OK, On The John Banks Kim Dotcom Saga (Video link above from




Parliament Today: Trade Bill Leads To Banks Baiting
Cabinet Minister John Banks was forced to endure endless questions and taunts about his political credibility in ParliamentMore >>

Scoop Business: More fiscal pruning, tax loopholes in Budget sights

Prime Minister John Key has confirmed the Cabinet has made decisions on further tax system tightening and pruning of government spending to allow it to achieve its target of a small Budget surplus in 2015. More >>


Asset Sales:“Aotearoa is not for sale’’ protest

Palmerston North, Tuesday 1 May 2012: The Hikoi ‘Aotearoa is Not For Sale’ gathered momentum in both Taihape and Palmerston North today. At the same time a successful support demonstration was held in Matamata while a hikoi from the east coast moved ... More >>


Government: New measures to deter people smugglers announced
Measures are being introduced to deter a mass arrival of potentially illegal migrants into New Zealand, Immigration Minister Nathan Guy has announced. “An amendment to the Immigration Act introduced into Parliament today contains strong measuresMore>>


Gordon Campbell: On The Government Is Ducking Responsibility For The Needs Of Christchurch

Like events in some 19th century Russian novel, hardship in Christchurch keeps grinding on, while the powers-that-be appear quite indifferent to the suffering occurring all around them... More>>


MBIEism: Mega Ministry To Proceed From 1 July

The Government has today confirmed its plans to establish the new Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment on 1 July this year. The Ministry will bring together the existing functions of the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Department of Labour and Department of Building and Housing. More>>


Scoop Business: NZ Exodus To Australia Continues In March

New Zealanders’ exodus to Australia continued in March as more kiwis look across the Tasman for a better quality of life, even as the so-called ‘lucky country’ looks vulnerable to an economic slowdown. More>>






Scoop Business: Economy
New Zealand posted a smaller-than-expected trade surplus in March, reflecting a drop in the value of exports of dairy products, crude oil and fruit. More >>


Oil: NZ Refining Wins 64.5% Support For $365M Upgrade

Shareholders of NZ Refining have narrowly passed the board's plans to spend $365 million on an upgrade that was opposed by two of its major oil company owners, believed to be Mobil and Chevron, owner of the Caltex brand. More>>


Wellington.Scoop: Environment Court Rules Against Council Plan For Waterfront Buildings 30m High

The Wellington City Council's plan to allow developers to build up to 30m high on the waterfront has been thrown out by the Environment Court. More>>


birthday cakeSecurities: Happy Birthday Personal Property Securities Register

Commerce Minister Craig Foss has welcomed the 10-year anniversary of the Personal Property Securities Register. More >>


bridgecorpJail Over Troubled Bridgecorp: Petricevic Jailed For 6 1/2 Years

Bridgecorp former managing director Rod Petricevic has been jailed for 6 ½ years for his role in misleading investors and knowingly making false statements in offer documents.More>>


Business.Scoop: Bollard Holds OCR Unchanged On Tame Inflation

Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard held the official cash rate at 2.5 percent citing the “restrained” outlook for inflation, while warning that the kiwi dollar’s strength may prompt a review of monetary policy ... More>>





Chris Hedges: The Implosion Of Capitalism

When civilizations start to die they go insane. Let the ice sheets in the Arctic melt. Let the temperatures rise. Let the air, soil and water be poisoned. Let the forests die. Let the seas be emptied of life. Let one useless war after another be ... More>>

Franklin Lamb: Egypt Just Annulled Mubarak’s Natural Gas Giveaway

The Egyptian people are demanding the return of their sovereignty. According to recent opinion surveys they believe it was partially ceded to Israel by the two post-Nasser dictators, Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak, at the behest of American administrations, ... More>>

David Swanson: The Global War on Terror, in the original German

Have we killed as many people as Hitler did? No, not in the same manner. But by sins of both commission (Iraqis bombed and shot, for example) and omission (children starving and suffering from preventable illness, for example) of course we have. And we have the potential to quite easily kill many more.

Brian Willson: U.S. And South Korea Assault An Idyllic Island - Again

The beautiful island of Jeju in South Korea is packed with natural and cultural treasures and designated a UNESCO world heritage site. But it has the misfortune of appearing to the U.S. military strategically positioned to play a part in surrounding China. More>>

Werewolf: Smart Idiots

Supposedly, education makes you smarter. Less prone to dogmatism… Unless of course… education only makes us crazier, and even more inclined to be set in our ways. More>>


Anne Russell: Red Poppies, Militarism And The RSA

Last year Red Poppy Day collected $1.7 million nationwide, a figure that dwarfs the collections of many other non-governmental organisations’ annual appeals. Enthusiasm for donating to retired soldiers clearly runs high in New Zealand; unusually so for a country that employs only 11,891 soldiers in total as of 2011. I began to wonder why, and exactly who benefits from Poppy Day collections. More>>


Werewolf: Public Office, Private Gain?

Paul Hamer: Holyoake’s dealings at Kinloch are a reminder, in the wake of Nick Smith’s resignation from Cabinet, of just how far we have come since the 1950s and 1960s, in holding ministers to account over conflicts of interest. More>>


Oil: From Libya To Syria: "War Is A Racket. It Always Has Been."

“War is a racket. It always has been.” These words are as true now as they were when Major General Smedley Butler first delivered them in a series of speeches in the 1930s. And he should have known. As one of the most decorated and celebrated ... More>>



Binoy Kampmark: Twenty Years On: Official Negligence, Rodney King, The Riots

Even after twenty years, the Los Angeles riots that were precipitated as a reaction to the Rodney King trial divide rather than affirm positions. So much in the pursuit of life’s answers lies in exposing errors rather than unearthing truths. The King ... More>>

United Nations:Global Jobs Crisis Expected To Continue For Some Time

Global Jobs Crisis Expected To Continue For Some Time, Warns UN Report New York, Apr 30 2012 11:10AM The global employment situation is alarming, says a new United Nations report released today , which also warns that recovery is not expected any ... More>>

Boycott Israel Network: Co-Operative Group Move To End Illegal Settlement Links

Media Release: Campaigners welcome Co-operative Group move to end trade links with companies that source goods from illegal settlements More>>

International Committee Of The Red Cross: Pakistan: Kidnapped ICRC Delegate Murdered

(Image:International Red Cross Red Crescent, Wikipedia)

Islamabad/Geneva – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) condemns in the strongest possible terms the murder of its staff member Khalil Rasjed Dale. The ICRC has now received confirmation that Khalil, a 60-year-old health-programme ... More>>

ITF: Hull Ship’s Crew ‘Has Had Enough’

(Image: Hull in England, Wikipedia)
The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has been called to assist the crew of the Liberian registered 2,997GT tanker Leon, which is anchored outside the UK port of Hull. More>>

Amnesty: Taylor Verdict Sends Message That No-One Is Above The Law

The conviction of Charles Taylor by the Special Court for Sierra Leone sends out a clear message to leaders the world over that no-one is immune from justice - but while the verdict brings some satisfaction for his victims, more must now be done, said Amnesty International. More>>

ALSO: Palestinian Prisoners’ Hunger Strike

On 17 April 2012, Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons launched a mass hunger strike demanding an end to administrative detention, isolation and other punitive measures taken against Palestinian prisoners including the denial of family visits and access to university education. More>>




Sister Citys: Auckland Street Art Hits Los Angeles

Multi-disciplinary Auckland artist Askew One has been honoured under the Los Angles Sister Cities programme for his generosity and stewardship as a mentor in contemporary public art. More>>

Werewolf: Three Films About Madness

Phillip Matthews: Sometimes it can seem that madness is the shared New Zealand story – shared but also secret. More>>


Super City: Network Asks For US Version Of Kiwi Comedy

ABC in the US has picked up Super City, a comedy presentation, which will be produced by ABC Studios. Super City is an adaptation of the TV3 comedy series of the same name created by and starring Madeleine Sami and directed by Taika Waititi. More>>


Preparedness: Social Media To Help Get 1 Million Do Earthquake Drill

Today, with the launch of its Facebook page and Twitter account, New Zealand ShakeOut took another step towards having 1 million people do an earthquake drill. It is exactly five months before 9:26am, 26 September (9:26-26:9) when the campaign will culminate with a nation-wide earthquake drill – Drop, Cover and Hold! More>>

Anzac Day: "A Personal Account Of War"

On Wednesday New Zealand stops to mark Anzac Day, and remember those who’ve fought for New Zealand. Te Ara is marking the day with a series of new entries and a first – a video story documenting the tragic experience of a New Zealand soldier, George Bollinger. More>>



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