Police Drugging Occupy Protesters

Infowars.com | Program used by cops to spot stoned drivers used to target OWS in the North Star State.

Israel Prepares for War

Kurt Nimmo | Israeli government has given permission to call up 16 reserve battalions.

Neocon Think Tank Cites Cleveland Bust to Push Police State Surveillance

Kurt Nimmo | Motley supposed anarchists lumped in with Islamists as Heritage Foundation calls for expanding “counterterrorism” strategy.

Tennessee man Arrested And Imprisoned For Using Cash

Steve Watson | A Tennessee man was charged and jailed by police Friday after he used an old $50 bill to pay for goods at a at Quik Mart store.

Treasure Hunter Fears Assassination Over Search For Bin Laden’s Body

Paul Joseph Watson | Shipwreck expert doesn’t believe official narrative.

Obama Homeland Security Official Scolded For Socialist Tweet

Steve Watson | A staffer for President Barack Obama’s Department of Homeland Security is praising the left-wing “May Day” protests.

From Communism Day to Government Loyalty Day

Kurt Nimmo | On May 1, Obama issued a presidential proclamation.

Tech Giant Warns CISPA Is “Alarming” Threat to Privacy

Paul Joseph Watson | Mozilla is first Silicon Valley entity to denounce bill.

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  • Osama death

On the Wednesday, May 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the Osama bin Laden assassination hoax perpetuated by the government and other topics. Alex also covers the latest ominous warnings over CISPA, the internet spying bill working its way through Congress, and the denial of Cass Sunstein as he tries to run away from his past and his call to infiltrate the truth movement. Alex takes calls from members of the military and covers the latest news.


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An All Out Offensive Against liberty & Freedom Hits Final Stage. See the rest on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.

Obama Moves 'Forward' into Marxism See the rest on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.


The FBI claims members of OWS plotted to bomb a Cleveland bridge. Is this a government false flag or are OWS members really this stupid?

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