Obama's new ad - Romney wouldn't have ordered bin Laden raid


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Published on Apr 27, 2012 by

President Obama's campaign is using Bill Clinton to argue Mitt Romney would not have launched the raid to capture Osama bin Laden last year.

The argument is being made to coincide with the one-year anniversary of bin Laden's death.


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  • Awesome commercial. Awesome president.

  • Bush spend his entire president trying to capture Osama Bin Laden. and FAILED. FACT.

    He didn't catch him in time when he escaped into Pakistan; fact; failed and didn't act soon enough.

see all

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  • One more thing. How does one justify spending upwards of 1 TRILLION dollars to kill one fucking person that killed 3,000 of our own? You people (probably all niggers tbh) need to go back to fucking highschool when you dropped out to sell pot and actually learn something and stop being a fucking burden to society by voting for some stupid ass fuck that you only voted for because he is cool and looks like you (really? come the fuck on).

  • I believe so

  • the shot that took out osama also took out romney! a two-fer!


  • How could anyone ever confuse the beliefs of the former with the latter? They have so little in common.

  • Don't they also believe that when you die you go to another planet and become a diety?

    I see your point. There's an important distinction to be made here between the crazy ideas of scientologists and the reasoned, highly plausible beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

  • That's scientologists that believe we were dropped here by aliens. Mormons believe the garden of eden was in Missouri, Native Americans got the their skin changed color for being sinful and that there's magic underwear that can protect you.

    Don't confuse one crazy for another

  • haha you should roll up when we're running PT sometime then. not as many as the army, like at ft bragg, but marines are far and few bc most can't take it.

  • at least then you could be molested by your friends uncle for eternity since you've been thinking about him for the past 11 years... i bet you miss his touch, huh? poor guy

  • im no republican, but i do think you should move... i dunno, say about 6 feet underground?

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