LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
2010 Webby Award Winner for Best Political Blog
May 2, 2012
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AP/Mary Altaffer

Organizers, Not Occupiers: The Young People Working in the Shadows of a National Movement

In Los Angeles, activists without the national reputation of Occupy struggle for change behind the scenes.
Featured Reports
AP/Mahesh Kumar A.

Welcome to the Asylum

The World Health Organization calculates that one in four people in the United States suffers from chronic anxiety, a mood disorder or depression—which seems to me to be a normal reaction.
Featured Ear to the Ground

Obama From Afghanistan: ‘This Is Where It Will End’ (Update: Video)

In a live address from Afghanistan, Barack Obama echoed his predecessor.



Occupy Wall Street

Find all of our Occupy movement coverage from Truthdig editors, contributors and commenters, as well as the latest from Twitter and around the Web.
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Jon Stewart Rips GOP Hypocrisy Over Obama’s Bin Laden Ad

“The Daily Show” host took aim at some of his favorite targets Tuesday night as he ripped Republicans and conservative pundits for their hypocritical response to an ad aired by the Obama campaign that highlights the president’s success in bringing down Osama bin Laden one year ago.

Posted on May 2, 2012 READ MORE  |  10 READS
Violence, USA: The Warfare State and the Brutalizing of Everyday Life

Warlike values and the social mindset they legitimize have become the primary currency of our market-driven culture, which takes as its model a Darwinian shark tank in which only the strong survive.

Posted on May 2, 2012 READ MORE  |  418 READS
My Military Can Whip Your Military

Amid the continuing U.S. military buildup in the Persian Gulf, a defense source reportedly tells the Washington Post that Pentagon strategists believe it would take three weeks to pretty much wipe out Iran’s military capability.

Posted on May 2, 2012 READ MORE  |  62 READS
Scenes From Occupy Wall Street’s May Day Celebration

The New York Times may not have seen fit to give Occupy Wall Street’s May Day protest—a daylong, citywide event involving thousands of people—the front page prominence it deserves. But other publications did.

Posted on May 2, 2012 READ MORE  |  214 READS
Organizers, Not Occupiers: The Young People Working in the Shadows of a National Movement

By chance, the revelation of how Apple evades millions of dollars in taxes broke three days before May Day, when workers of the world traditionally protest such injustice.

Posted on May 1, 2012 READ MORE  |  1567 READS
Obama From Afghanistan: ‘This Is Where It Will End’ (Update: Video)

First the president spoke to the troops, then to the American people. In a live address from Afghanistan, Barack Obama echoed his predecessor: “I will not keep Americans in harm’s way a single day longer than is absolutely required for our national security.”

Posted on May 1, 2012 READ MORE  |  698 READS

A novel aspect of the Republican campaign for the party’s presidential nomination has been the importance placed by some candidates, their admirers and some voters on the Catholic religion and certain claims to formal academic certification or endorsement.

Posted on May 1, 2012 READ MORE  |  931 READS
Obama Visits Afghanistan Ahead of bin Laden Death Anniversary (Update: Video)

After a trip to Afghanistan cloaked in secrecy, President Barack Obama on Tuesday signed a “strategic partnership agreement” with Hamid Karzai that promises continuing U.S. support for the Afghan president’s nation.

Posted on May 1, 2012 READ MORE  |  228 READS
Murdoch Not Fit to Run a Major Firm, British MPs Find

Members of the British Parliament had harsh words for the man at the top of News Corp., stating in a report that a proclivity for keeping himself in the dark about his employees’ activities made him unfit to lead an international company.

Posted on May 1, 2012 READ MORE  |  315 READS
Welcome to the 2012 Hunger Games

We have a new science fiction trilogy that’s perfect for our moment: Suzanne Collins’ “The Hunger Games,” a dystopian vision set in a North America ruled by decadent, luxurious oligarchs who sacrifice young people in an annual televised Roman-style blood contest.

Posted on May 1, 2012 READ MORE  |  3675 READS
OWS: A Compilation of Police Aggression

It was a quiet winter for Occupy Wall Street. As the blogo- and Twitter-spheres light up this May Day with reports of unrest in the streets of New York City and beyond, spend a few minutes with this video refresher of the NYPD’s rough tactics with protesters and journalists last fall.

Posted on May 1, 2012 READ MORE  |  658 READS
BP to Erect 3 More Rigs in the Gulf

You read that correctly. Two years after BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, killing 11 people and spilling nearly 5 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico, the company got the go-ahead to build three new rigs in the region.

Posted on May 1, 2012 READ MORE  |  396 READS
Reminder: ‘The Era of Big Government Is Over’

Boy, he wasn’t kidding. Those infamous words are from Bill Clinton’s 1996 State of the Union address, in which he kneecapped Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 READ MORE  |  709 READS
Witch Hunt for the Zombie Voter

Republicans are waging the most concerted campaign to prevent or discourage citizens from exercising their legitimate voting rights since the Jim Crow days of poll taxes and literacy tests.

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 READ MORE  |  1319 READS
Chris Hedges on Oligarchy and the Global Collapse

“It’s all the same crisis,” says the Truthdig columnist, “which is the collapse of globalization. It doesn’t work anymore.”

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 READ MORE  |  5228 READS
What to Expect on May Day

Wondering where to go and what will happen during Occupy Wall Street’s May Day protests? You’re not alone. With the knowledge that Occupy events rarely go according to plan, Natasha Lennard at Salon tries to lick the revolutionary chaos into manageable order.

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 READ MORE  |  1034 READS
Gloom and Doom on the Global Job Front

In the wake of the 2008 crash and the widespread government-imposed austerity that followed, high levels of long-term and youth unemployment across the globe are in danger of becoming fixed, according to an annual report by the International Labor Organization.

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 READ MORE  |  614 READS
David Harvey and Occupy’s May Day

One day ahead of Occupy Wall Street’s broadly anticipated May Day strike, David Harvey, social theorist and professor of anthropology at the City University of New York, talks about the historic importance of urban revolutionary movements.

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 READ MORE  |  671 READS
Zombie Politics, Democracy, and the Threat of Authoritarianism - Part I

The zombie phenomenon on display nightly on television alongside endless examples of destruction unfolding in real-time signals a shift away from the hope that accompanies the living to a politics of cynicism and despair.

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 READ MORE  |  2748 READS
Drone Patrols Grow on the Northern Border

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has outlined for the U.S. Senate a northern border surveillance program using unmanned drones that now extends from North Dakota to eastern Washington.

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 READ MORE  |  978 READS
The Obama Contradiction

He has few constraints. No one can stop him or countermand his orders. He has a bevy of lawyers at his beck and call to explain the “legality” of his actions. And if he cares to, he can send a robot assassin to kill you, whoever you are, no matter where you may be on planet Earth.

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 READ MORE  |  4843 READS
Welcome to the Asylum

The World Health Organization calculates that one in four people in the United States suffers from chronic anxiety, a mood disorder or depression—which seems to me to be a normal reaction to our march toward collective suicide.

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 READ MORE  |  55512 READS
Green Berets on the Hunt for Kony

It seems the viral horde that spread the message of African warlord Joseph Kony got what it wanted, or maybe just had it all along. For about six months, U.S. Green Berets have been training and supporting soldiers in four nations on the hunt for the Lord’s Resistance Army leader.

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 READ MORE  |  525 READS

What happened in Connecticut brings home the flaw in seeing everything that has happened in the states since the midterm vote as embodying a steady shift rightward.

Posted on Apr 29, 2012 READ MORE  |  1739 READS
The Pecking Order in Israel

Israeli institutions’ decision-making processes exclude women, Arabs and Mizrahim; television shows reflect how isolated white America is actually becoming; meanwhile, can women reclaim and redefine “slut” during the war against women? These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Apr 29, 2012 READ MORE  |  1363 READS
The L.A. Uprising’s 20th Anniversary and the Resurrection of Tupac Shakur

Sunday, April 29, marks the 20th anniversary of the start of the Los Angeles uprising and the two-week anniversary of the resurrection of slain gangsta rapper Tupac Shakur as a hologram at Coachella. The events are not a coincidence. Rather, they are part of a cultural argument that speaks to racial tensions, police misconduct and vigilantism that have plagued the city for decades.

Posted on Apr 28, 2012 READ MORE  |  1351 READS


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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