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The North Carolina Coalition for Verified Voting www.ncvoter.net 

N.Carolina's Statewide Instant Runoff Voting Contest - the facts, the regrets        48 days after the election, instant runoff voting produced a "winner" for the NC Court of Appeals, for the  "Wynn"seat. Thanks to IRV, an experimental tallying method was used, the election was almost a tie, a recount was called for, and we had a plurality result, not a majority win.

Federal Judge Rules in Favor of NC GOP in Touch-Screen Vote Flipping Complaint .News 14. Oct 30, 2010.  Orders 'voter alert' posted at polls, programming materials, records retained...

"IRV is not an approved function at the federal or state level of current ES&S software, firmware or hardware. Subsequently, we will work at the direction of the SBE and counties to assist but cannot be held responsible for issues as a result of IRV..".~ letter from PrintElect to the North Carolina State Board of Elections, August 31, 2010.

Oct 28, 2010 News 14: Board of Elections decides how to count instant runoff votes ...Initially the board decided it would do that by a hand-eye count. Thursday, the Board reversed that decision and decided to use a software program, something Chairman Larry Leake is against.

"I'm a lot leary about it," Leake said.  "The computer experts acknowledge there are potential problems with the system."
"We'll also have no way to know if it miscounts because it's so complex.  It's not something that we the public can observe," says McCloy.

"There are no provisions on ES&S equipment to tabulate IRV." ~ Keith Long , Voting System Project Manager for the North Carolina State Board of Elections Jan 7, 2008

"We can use November 2007 as a pilot and not use IRV in May 2008 because it poses too much of a risk. May request change in legislation for retesting IRV with certified upgrades in 2009." ~ NC State Board of Elections March 6, 2007

 Don Frantz, the only person elected by instant runoff voting in NC speaks out Don points out that with instant runoff voting there is voter confusion, lack of confidence in the system, and often the result of IRV is a plurality "win". Don, the  says IRV is not worth it. "To me the number one concern is election integrity. If we can’t trust the election process we’ve got, I don’t care what it costs. I don’t care what the turnout is."

If you don't like costly low turnout runoff elections, then don't have them. 42 states do not hold statewide runoff electionsIRV does not provide a majority,  but awards "winners" with less than 50% of the ballots cast.  IRV does not save money,  but increases costs of elections:  Last month  Minneapolis Minnesota learned that the continuing cost of IRV/RCV is : $244,000"  ..President Barb Johnson (4th Ward), was miffed by the study. She noted that RCV’s supporters had promoted the system by saying it would draw out more voters and cost less than a traditional primary-plus-general election system. Considering the study’s results and last year’s very low voter turnout, she said, “all of these things did not happen in our city.” “It is disturbing to me that we’re talking about an extra quarter of a million dollars for a system that was supposed to decrease our costs,” Johnson said.  Find the report at http://bit.ly/d5q2Y1

"No instant-runoff capable equipment meets North Carolina's standards -- so will we gut those standards? Lawmakers and citizens understand that we need our verified voting law, and we need to implement it correctly. Our standards for voting systems, software and vendors are key to protecting North Carolina voters from harm caused by uncertified software or unscrupulous vendors. We ignore those at our peril." ~ Joyce McCloy, Director, NC Coalition for Verified Voting

1. NC voting systems can not handle IRV, there is no software, it was too complex for Cary NC to count by hand, to complex  esp for statewide elections
2. IRV would cost more than regular elections, new procedures, more laborious, more ballots printed, more complex programming, and is not auditable.
3. IRV provided plurality results for Cary NC election, and Hendersonville never used IRV votes, didn't count or report them.
4. Why make elections more complex for the voter, and eliminate election transparency only to get plurality results?

Join our online discussion group  a yahoo group for voters concerned about election transparency in North Carolina.


For North Carolina Election laws. the election process, voter registration qualifications and statistics, absentee ballot requests,  and election results see the website for the North Carolina State Board of Elections

Find your County Boards of Elections  contact information

About us:  The North Carolina Coalition for Verified Voting is a grassroots non-partisan organization fighting for clean and verified elections. We study and research the issue of voting to ensure the dignity and integrity of the intention of each voting citizen. The NC Voter Verified Coalition has consistently fought for increasing access, participation and ensuring the voter franchise. Contact Joyce McCloy, Director, N.C. Coalition for Verifiable Voting - phone 336-794-1240 - email  Join the NC Coalition for Verified Voting website www.ncvoter.net


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Wise words:  "Every voting system (perhaps every system of any kind) is insecure. Making them more secure is a desirable secondary priority, but unless we focus everyone on ensuring both auditability and effective auditing,  we're just going to create an impossible muddle." ~ Dr. David L. Dill, Founder of the Verified Voting Foundation

In August, 2005 the North Carolina General Assembly passed the Public Confidence in Elections Act, SL 323 which mandated that every voting system in the state produce or use a voter verified paper ballot.  This law also set standards for voting systems software and for the vendors selling the software.  North Carolina led the way as one of only a dozen or so states with a verified voting law at the time. 

This law has been applauded by several national organizations including the Brennan Center for Justice, Common Cause and the Verified Voting Foundation.  The law has been defended in court by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Even today we continue to work to protect the high standards of the Public Confidence in Elections Act while seeking new ways to ensure the voter franchise.

"When our town agreed to IRV in 2007, it was kind of rush job..There was a lot of pushback, the public wasn’t involved … I do not like instant runoff voting and have given my reasons as to why many times. I'll take in elections over funny math and 30% voter confusion any day." ~ Don Frantz Cary City Council member.

See our page on Instant Runoff Voting in NC  

Instant Runoff Voting Facts VS Fiction  Learn about problems with instant runoff voting in the United States and other cuntries. See reports, cost studies, and news.

7 Ways Instant Runoff Voting Undermines North Carolina Verified Voting law

Instant Runoff Voting Not So Good Polls: Cary NC, Hendersonville NC, Pierce Co WA, and San Francisco 22.0% of Cary voters did not understand IRV at all. 

Instant Runoff Voting was rejected by Sunnyvale, Burlington, Pierce Co, Cary. Aspen in Nov

IRV does not increase turnout:   It its first IRV election, Minneapolis had its lowest turnout in over 100 years, since 1902.  Other jurisdictions have learned the truth about IRV & turnout too

Report on NC 2008 Presidential Election: North Carolina Touch Screens Show High Rate of Unrecorded Votes for President in 2008 Paper Ballots Found More Efficient at Recording Voters' Choices 

Problems with Internet voting: See Why Internet Voting is a terrible ideaInternet Voting Too Dangerous -ESPECIALLY for Our Military

NC Verified Voting Legislative Successes
SL 2005-323  Public Confidence in Elections Law - signed into law on August 26, 2005 - voter verified paper ballots.
SL 2006-192  NC Election audit language improved. See SECTION 7.(b)  G.S. 163‑182.2(b) signed into law on August 3, 2006. 
S.L. 2007-391   Ends the "No Match No Vote" policy in North Carolina that blocked thousands of eligible voters from registering to vote. Signed into law on 08/19/2007. See "Making sure it counts"  in the Aug 29,07 issue of the Washington Daily News.

Blogs about Instant Runoff Voting Problems

Instant Runoff Voting Facts VS Fiction  Website. Information, reports, cost studies, news about Instant Runoff Voting in the US and also in other counties

Protect US Elections - Stop Instant Runoff Voting  Blog. IRV in the US - Reports and news about Instant Runoff Voting. Educating and informing the public and government officials

Protect North Carolina Elections - Stop Instant Runoff Voting  Blog about the unintended consequences of and problems with Instant Runoff Voting and its impact on voters

No IRV in NC! This blog (IRV) and how we can keep it from creeping into North Carolina under the disguise of election reform.

"The future of democracy in North Carolina will hinge on a paper wad fight..."  see Touchscreen trouble 

John Gideon,1947-2009 R.I.P. Tributes to John Gideon, RIP National Election Integrity Hero   Tributes dedicated to John Gideon from around the country at the link

Voters Unite
Verified Voting
Wheres The Paper
Equal Justice Foundation 


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