Just because you can take things over the top -- and the Obama administration's made-for-tv events today are just that -- it doesn't mean that you should. Barack Obama promised to be a new and different kind of politician. If any further proof was needed that he isn't, this week -- with Bill Clinton's testimonial to his courage under fire, and with unsubtle attacks on Romney's manhood, not to mention common sense -- should finally be enough. But, in another sense, Obama is a new and different kind of politician. He's a Democrat executing the GOP media playbook better than Bush did.
Regarding the campaign commercial, yes -- more like that, please. It's an important distinction that's crying out to be defined: while the Republicans might be good at coming up with scary bumper sticker slogans, the Obama team can actually do the job.
Nearly one out of every six African-American babies in the United States is born premature. In Newark, New Jersey it's one in five. I am a maternal-fetal medicine specialist, and every day I see women who are at risk of delivering early.
I believe that stocks are depressed because there is a pervasive feeling that something awful is going to happen. What is this enormous tail-risk? It's the intersection of reckless fiscal policy with overindulgent "Jelly Donut" monetary policy.
Ron Paul and Gary Johnson should run together for the Libertarian Party nominations for president and vice president, respectively. That wouldn't guarantee their selection. However, Paul-Johnson would be the strongest ticket the LP could offer. It would be the best alternative available to the Republicrats.
The Obama administration has every reason to celebrate the anniversary of Osama bin Laden's killing, as does the country. Less laudable is Obama's attack ad questioning whether Mitt Romney would have made the same call to go after the man behind the 9/11 attacks.
I knew Junior Seau since the day in 1990 when he and his friends partied back stage after he was drafted. Now he is dead at only 43 years old.
Every 90 seconds, somewhere in the world, a woman dies from a pregnancy-related complication. This isn't just a "third world" problem. The United States currently ranks 50th in the world for maternal health. It is safer to give birth in Bosnia or Kuwait than in California.
Surely the most benighted pre-liberation '50-style womanhood couldn't be any more humiliating than the conditions that liberated modern women routinely tolerate today.
For the love of God, stop doing "he said, she said" crap that doesn't actually deliver the news to anyone. Democrats said this and Republicans said that -- who cares? What is the reality?! Your job is supposed to be to bring us facts.
Our democracy has been hijacked. The corporations and special interests pay our politicians to do their bidding instead of the people's. This legal bribery has to stop.
Stray and abandoned dogs are reproducing faster than we can find homes for them, and if spaying and neutering doesn't increase dramatically, we are going to see the problem get completely out of control.
The first time I read the now-famous sex letter she sent me, I was shocked and amused at her amazing openness and took it as a gesture of love. She truly wanted to help guide me in the only way she knew how.
Why is Richard Grenell's resignation a win? Because Grenell was being used for cover by a candidate with abhorrently anti--gay positions, a man who has promised to "propose and promote" a federal marriage amendment if elected president.
Chen Guangcheng's heroism is profound, his developing circumstances are distressing, and unfortunately for U.S.-China relations, the timing of all of this is undeniably inconvenient. But in the end, America cannot escape our moral responsibility to help this brave "barefoot lawyer."
My first marriage was in trouble long before we adopted our 23-month-old son, Neal, from a Russian orphanage. That Neal was diagnosed with autism shortly before his 3rd birthday, only put Miracle-Gro on an already fragile family system.
It's standard practice during the election campaign for presidential candidates to publish an autobiographical account of their rise to stardom or their philosophy of life and politics. It seems that Mitt Romney has outsourced this task to Ed Conrad, one of his former partners at Bain Capital.
We may yet need to intervene militarily in Syria, because of our strategic interests or to prevent genocide. But for the sakes of the American and Syrian people, military intervention should be our last resort -- we should learn the lessons of Iraq.
Sometimes doing something stupid or undignified is the only way to make the discovery or breakthrough you have been reaching towards. Sure, you might break a taboo or two, and you'll almost certainly break the rules, but since when did playing safe win anyone a Nobel Prize?
In a real sense, Trayvon Martin's death at the hands of George Zimmerman exposes the mythology of the NRA's core narrative about guns and self-defense.
Weight slips on with great ease when you are middle aged and getting it off requires a whole new arsenal of willpower weaponry. I've approached dieting as an all-or-nothing mandate: Once I fall off the wagon, it's just too hard for me to crawl my way back on -- especially now that I'm post-60.
Past sacrifice is a poor justification for continued sacrifice unless it is warranted. The truth is that while the United Sates still has interests in Afghanistan, none of them, other than opposing al-Qaeda, rise to the level of vital.
My friend Marilyn recently adopted a beautiful cat, all white, with deep blue eyes. The cat loves to gaze at herself in the floor-length mirrors on Marilyn's closet doors. What does she see? Is she admiring her own beauty? Or is she fascinated by the sight of what she thinks is another cat?
Corporations can be prosecuted as criminals and every year some get convicted of crimes. However, over the past decade the government has not stepped up corporate crime enforcement. In fact, the evidence is to the contrary.
The continued decline in teen cigarette smoking is great news -- not just because it's the most deadly drug but also because it reveals that legal regulation and honest education are more effective than prohibition and criminalization.
Bill Chameides, 2012. 2.05
Katrina Lantos Swett, 2012. 2.05