IMDb > Benji Dunn (Character)
Benji Dunn
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Benji Dunn (Character)
from Mission: Impossible III (2006)

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Mission: Impossible III -- Ethan Hunt comes face to face with a dangerous and sadistic arms dealer while trying to keep his identity secret in order to protect his girlfriend.
Mission: Impossible III -- Ethan Hunt comes face to face with a dangerous and sadistic arms dealer while trying to keep his identity secret in order to protect his girlfriend.
Mission: Impossible III -- Ethan Hunt comes face to face with a dangerous and sadistic arms dealer while trying to keep his identity secret in order to protect his girlfriend.
Mission: Impossible III -- Ethan Hunt comes face to face with a dangerous and sadistic arms dealer while trying to keep his identity secret in order to protect his girlfriend.

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  1. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) Played by Simon Pegg
    ... aka "Mi4" - International (English title) (informal title)
    ... aka "MiGP" - International (English title) (informal short title)
    ... aka "Mission Impossible 4" - International (English title) (informal title)
    ... aka "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol: The IMAX Experience" - USA (IMAX version)
    ... aka "M:i-4 - Mission: Impossible 4" - Japan (English title) (imdb display title)

  2. Mission: Impossible III (2006) Played by Simon Pegg
    ... aka "M:i:III" - International (English title) (promotional abbreviation), UK (promotional abbreviation), USA (promotional abbreviation)

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Fun Stuff

From Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)
Benji Dunn: [showing a glove] Now remember: "Blue is glue!".
Ethan Hunt: And red?
Benji Dunn: Dead.
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