Average CEO pay is more than $11M
This preview of The State of Working America examines how executive compensation and financial-sector pay have fueled income inequality.
Grim labor market for young graduates
The weak labor market has been, and continues to be, particularly tough on young workers: At 16.4 percent, the March unemployment rate for those under 25 was twice as high as the national average.
Understanding the divergence of pay and productivity
Since the late 1970s, productivity growth has risen substantially while hourly compensation has lagged behind.
A closer look at Apple and Foxconn
EPI’s April 11 forum discussed labor practices at Apple’s Foxconn factories in China and evaluated Apple’s recent labor rights pledges.
Latest Research
May 3, 2012
The Class of 2012: Labor market for young graduates remains grim
Though the labor market is slowly improving, the Great Recession that began in December 2007 was so long and severe that the crater it left in the labor market continues to be devastating for workers of all ages.
May 2, 2012
The public-sector jobs crisis: Women and African Americans hit hardest by job losses in state and local governments
May 2, 2012
CEO pay and the top 1%: How executive compensation and financial-sector pay have fueled income inequality
May 2, 2012
Methodology for measuring CEO compensation and the ratio of CEO-to-worker compensation
April 30, 2012
A perfect match: Coupling tax fairness with job creation for a stronger economy
April 27, 2012
The future of work: Trends and challenges for low-wage workers
April 26, 2012
The wedges between productivity and median compensation growth
April 30, 2012
Comparing the pay of Apple’s top executives to the pay of the workers making its products
This analysis compares the compensation of Apple’s top executives to the compensation received by the Chinese workers of Apple’s supplier Foxconn.
April 23, 2012
Don’t cut benefits to protect benefits: EPI Statement on Trustees Report
April 20, 2012
Prospects for improved working conditions for Apple workers: Lessons from the EPI panel
April 17, 2012
Get rid of teachers or encourage them to stay — what is best for our schools?
April 11, 2012
EPI statement on the passing of Bernard Rapoport
April 5, 2012
The U.S. Export and Import Bank should help finance sales of domestic firms that compete with imports
April 3, 2012
Subprime loan debacle intensified segregation
EPI in the news
MSNBC | May 3, 2012
Fiscal Times | May 3, 2012
Los Angeles Times | May 3, 2012
Slate | May 2, 2012
The New York Times | May 2, 2012
Think Progress | May 2, 2012
The Atlantic | May 1, 2012