Hitting the Road!

I’ll be hitting the road tomorrow morning, destination Yosemite National Park! Snow has been falling, with a bit more in the forecast, and so Horsetail Falls should be flowing soon. Time to make the pilgrimage to the El Cap Picnic Area!

I should be arriving on Sunday, February 19th. Feel free to come up and introduce yourself.

Belated update


Life has been good this winter; I spent the holidays in New England, visiting friends and my son. I’m about to hit the road again, going back to Yosemite for a visit. Life in Missouri is very peaceful, bordering on boring. Still, there’s plenty to see here, and I’m looking forward to seeing it in spring.

Horsetail Falls should be lighting up soon, and I will be there to photograph it.

Arrived Alive!

I have arrived safely at Ellington, MO. Internet access has been established. Tomorrow I start the process of settling in, and then setting up a schedule for working on my book, traveling to various Occupy locations, and to Joplin to document the recovery from the tornado this spring.

Hello, World!

Welcome to my website. Here is where you can find out what’s happening with me and my projects. You can also read my take on world events, either as an on-site observer, or desk-chair opinions. Right now it’s pretty bare bones, as you can see. Over the winter I’ll be redecorating with a better theme, links, pages, and email/RSS options.

Winter plans

If you’ve found yourself here, it’s probably because you already know me through several venues; Twitter, The Little Red Tent, or the not-to-be-named mailing list/usenet group. You probably already know that I’ve lived in Yosemite National Park for the last 6 and a half years, working for the concessionaire.

That’s about to change. I’m taking the winter off, and am heading to a small town in Missouri. I’ll be house-sitting for some long-time friends of mine. I’ll also be working on three projects– my book “Ancients on the Edge of Forever”, an article on the recovery efforts in Joplin, MO, and #UnoccupyYosemite, an earnest first attempt at an admittedly biased effort to photograph the various Occupy Wall Street protests in the Midwest.

Once I get settled in at my winter home, I’ll be parceling out my time in coffee spoons. I am also looking forward to resuming my counted cross stitch efforts!

I’ll be returning to Yosemite to work at Glacier Point Gift Store in 2012, and will be hitting the road in late spring.

But short term plans are about to unfold. This is my last day in Yosemite. Everything is in order for my departure tomorrow. I’ll be staying the night at a friend’s house in Oakhurst tomorrow night, and then on to Tehachapi for the next night. Then on to Las Vegas to spend a week with my Missouri friends as they celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. I’ll also be meeting up with an old friend of mine from back east–who is getting married at 11:11 am on 11/11/11!

I’ve got plans to also spend some time at the OccupyLasVegas camp, possibly an overnighter. I hope to meet with the facilitators, and interview individuals. Photographs will primarily be in black and white.

From Las Vegas I plan to head into Utah, spend a few days in Zion, and then to visit a fellow photographer. Then south to Santa Fe NM, or Albuquerque. Then the long slog across the Texas panhandle, and up to Oklahoma City. Then into Missouri by way of Joplin. Then the last leg to my winter home.

While I’m on the road I’ll be tweeting words and images, as well as updating my various blogs.

Currently I have the following blogs:

View From The Little Red Tent
Edie Howe

Within the next two weeks I will be launching my UnoccupyYosemite blog.

I may also launch another blog about my book. I’m still on the fence about that.

Welcome, dear readers!