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May 31, 2004
Spreading the Word
Here's a post from Cpt Patti that could use some exposure. It will be interesting to see what the Blogosphere can make happen here.
MilBlogs Memorial Day
The MilBlogs Pond is ripe with Memorial Day posts; a fishing trip through the 70-odd Ring members (plus a couple others) world-wide yields the following catch.
Hook from Afghanistan.
Budachaegi chimes in from Korea.
Chapomatic from "out to sea".
Sarah from Germany.
JB from his sanctuary
And Grim from his Hall.
Geek from somewhere in his Empire.
John Donovan from Castle Argghhh!
Dogtulosba has a briefing for you.
While Smash provides an interesting link.
And OkieMinnie does too (several, in fact).
While Baldilocks has some keen observations. (Of course)
And here's two entries from Cassandra here and here.
And a pair from Blackfive (One and two)
Now let the poets have their say, via:
Love in war
An Army Wife
Sgt Mom.
On a somewhat related note, in a media celebration in honor of Memorial Day The Denver Post apparently offered cash to former Bronco Reggie Rivers to drop his pants and take a dump on the graves of all who ever served; or perhaps to simply point out his superiority to them all.
Milbloggers responded.
Brad R. Torgersen, Reservist and site owner of Pool of Thought has an email exchange with our brave Sunday hero. Credit the man for responding to criticism, assuming he didn't have a slave do it for him.
Baldilocks, Hook, Blackfive and Horologium all have something to say.
And, this Memorial Day J Crue at doubleplusgood infotainment doesn't have a related post - he's gotten married and has paused his blogging accordingly. (Whipped, says I) ;>). Congratulate them here.
Same for Dagger Jag, who got a couple weeks off from duty in Iraq for his wedding.
Meanwhile, Mr and Mrs Blackfive celebrate their seventh anniversary.
Congratulations to them all! The Mrs and I will celebrate our 20th this fall. But should I be accepted in a certain volunteer request I'll spend it in Iraq. To early to say now even what the odds are of that happening, but that uncertainty is part of the program.
Treasure every day.
May 30, 2004
Greetings. Hope you and yours are enjoying a fine Memorial Day weekend. New posts on this site are forthcoming, in the meantme I hope you don't mind the "reprints" of the entries reflecting on the sacrifice of those this weekend is meant to honor.
There is no better honor we can bestow upon them than the celebration of freedom with good friends and family. I truly hope that today and always you are enjoying all the fine things they made possible.
May 28, 2004
(Ed note: the following post was originally written in March 03 just before the onset of the recent war in Iraq, then updated prior to Memorial Day 2003. Over the past year the theme of this particular post has recurred numerous times, to the point where I'm quite sure of this: As in no previous time in history we are engaged in a war in which the combatants are not separated by national borders. Now, a Mudville Memorial Day tradition.)
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
- John Stuart Mill
Emboldening words. But not sacred. And these next few words certainly aren't either. The following is a post I made on the eve of the war with Iraq, in response to an "anti-war" comment by someone using the name John Smith...
When you go to bed tonight, think that somewhere there's a US Soldier sleeping in a cot in a tent, probably on top of a sleeping bag with a sprinkling of sand for extra comfort...maybe he has a picture of the wife or kids, or if he's really young, mom and dad.
He may have joined for education, or to get out of Dodge, or to see the world, or family tradition, maybe even for patriotism, maybe even because of what he saw on TV on 911!
Can you grasp this? I'm talking about a real person, and he's suffering gladly now to protect you so please take a minute of your life to learn something important about him:
He has the real possibility of dying tomorrow.
He may have to kill someone tomorrow. It won't be like on TV, that person will be real dead. It may be a long painful death, John.
A lot of Moms on both sides may already have hugged their kid for the last time, John.
The human cost of the next few days may be astounding. To know the whole reality is more then you or I or anyone could bear.
People will die.
It could have been avoided.
I will keep this simple for now:
A united world could have, just maybe, brought down Saddam without firing a shot. We will never know. Americans who exercised their God-given right (by virtue of American Birth, and defended by the American GI) to protest helped ensure that unified front would never form.
Strangely enough, that right is what the soldier will fight for. Will kill for, may die for.
Will he hate you for it, John? Does it matter to you John?
What about his mom, John? Think it's funny? Are you thinking up funny things you can post in denial right now John?
Your denial doesn't matter John.
I don't know how any one else might feel about you John. It would be the height of arrogance for me to claim I did.
But now multiply that guy by 300,000..
Here's how I feel John. I can not comprehend, nor will I ever til the day I die, how someone could be so vile as to force the onset of war just because they think they might have a better shot at getting one of their fellow dirt bags elected President in two years, John.
This time, John, your victim is not just George Bush. It is the US military and the people of America and Iraq. (Do you think you can trick the Iraqi's into loving you John? They hate Saddam Hussein you know? They saw you on TV, too John.)
Their blood is on your hands, John.
You may have sown the wind John.
Good night John, sleep tight.
Originally posted March 18, 2003
And this is the follow up to that post.
Blogging is vanity. By it's nature there is something about it that says, "people care what I say!"I started doing this by posting in comments sections of other blogs. I didn't think anyone would give a darn what I said, it just felt good to do it. It actually surprised me that my comments began to get responses (positive and negative). This led to starting this page as a place to put things that were too long for comments (post above was one that led to the transition.) Then this page grew. I write here because it's fun. Also because as an active duty military member I can say what I want and not worry about who might respond, who might misunderstand a joke, who might not laugh at what I laugh at.
But nothing I've ever written here compares to this letter home from Marine Capt. Ryan A. Beaupre:
Mom & Dad,
Well if you are reading this, then things didn't go well for me over in Iraq. I'm sorry for the pain that I have caused you because of this. Please do not be upset with the Marine Corps, the military, the government, or the President. It was my choice to go into the military. The President and my higher commanders were just doing what they thought was best. Realize that I died doing something that I truly love, and for a purpose greater than myself. There is a paragraph that I read from time to time when I lose focus. "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." John Stewart Mill Now there is a little Marine Corps bravado in there, but I do believe in the basic premise. I want you to know that I could not have asked for better parents, or a better family. ..... I'll never forget that one of my friends in elementary school said that if he could trade places with one person, he'd trade places with me because of my parents and home life. I truly feel that I've had a blessed life thanks to you two. Please give my love to Alyse & Ryan, Kari & Matt & the girls, Chris & Brandy, and everyone else in the family.
All my love,
Beaupre, 30, of Bloomington, Ill., was killed March 20 in a helicopter crash in Kuwait.
And this from Marine Lance Cpl. Michael J. Williams' last letter home:
...I know I am here to do a job that not everyone can handle or they just choose not to do. I can't help but wonder what God has in store for me and for us. God knows I live to love and would die to give just one person a chance for life in a peaceful world. My weakness in life just might be my willingness to sacrifice my life for the good of this world we live in.I am not trying to make you worry about me, but only to know that I am here because I want to be here and that I believe God has given me the chance to help the people who have helped me, and also the people I have not even met yet. I love you Heather, and I want to spend my life with you, but God has called me to do this first. There is a phrase the Marine Corps adopted, it is "Semper Fi." It means "Always Faithful." To God, my country, my family I will always be faithful. You are now part of my family. When all of this is over, God will have revealed his plan for me being here ..... For now, I belong to my country, when I come back, I am yours.
And Marine Sgt. Michael E. Bitz wrote:
Dear Mom:
This is the largest battle group the US has set up since the Korean War. The only difference is that we have the means of doing much more damage today than we did back then. Honestly, between God, you and I, I would rather go back home with my wife and kids. Janina and all the other wives were able to come out to the beach and stay for three hours the night before we splashed our Assault Amphibious Vehicles out to the ship. ..... That last five minutes was the hardest of my life. We both were full of tears. It was easy for Joshua cause he was asleep at that time. But I am sure that he woke up the next morning wondering where Daddy was. ..... Well Mom, that is enough about me. I love you very much and now your young warrior is to be going now.
Love, your son,
Bitz, 31, of Ventura, Calif., and Williams, 31, of Yuma, Ariz., were killed March 23 in Nasiriyah by Iraqi soldiers who pretended to surrender, then opened fire when Marines approached.
Lincoln, in his Gettysburg Address said: "...we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow, this ground-- The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have hallowed it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here; while it can never forget what they did here."
So what ground did these men hallow? Some sand? Your next tank of gas? No. Far from it. Freedom is the sacred ground hallowed by their blood. And it's yours and mine, to enjoy every day. To laugh, or cry, and hug our children. And hope that the John Smiths, those miserable creatures, may some day know of men better then themselves.
For those who can spare the time, you can get to know the people who died for you a little better here.
And don't forget Memorial Day is coming soon.
Note: The above links will provide information on various Charities established in honor of America's fallen heroes.
Original post: 2003-04-29 18:00:55
First re-post: 2003-09-08 11:40:55
Welcome Back
Briefly missing in action, now back at it, welcome Brain Fertilizer back into the MilBlogs Ring. A simple description, supplied by the site owner: "Puns, Guns, and Writing." Glad you've returned, Nathan!
28 May 04 Morning Briefing
1. U.S. Halts Attacks On Sadr's Militiamen
(Washington Post)...Daniel Williams
After weeks of urban fighting in southern Iraq, U.S. troops suspended attacks on Shiite Muslim insurgents Thursday in response to an offer by rebel cleric Moqtada Sadr to partially withdraw militia forces from the holy city of Najaf and evacuate government buildings.
2. Agreement By U.S. And Rebels To End Fighting In Najaf
(New York Times)...Dexter Filkins
American forces and guerrillas loyal to the radical cleric Moktada al-Sadr agreed Thursday to quit fighting in Najaf, in a deal that signaled the possible end of seven weeks of fighting in the city, during which scores of Iraqis have died.
3. Hidden Identities Hinder Probe
(USA Today)...Toni Locy
Efforts to determine who orchestrated the abuse of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison may be complicated by the ways in which many military intelligence officials, covert U.S. agents and civilian contractors obscured their identities.
4. Suspicion Surrounds Death Of Iraqi Scientist In U.S. Custody
(Los Angeles Times)...Alissa J. Rubin
...Responding to a Times query, the Pentagon's criminal investigation division declined to comment on Alazmirli's death. A spokesman for the Army's Criminal Investigative Division, Christopher Grey, issued a six-word response: "No releasable information at this time." Alazmirli's case raises questions about whether similar ones exist � suspicious deaths that are not on any official U.S. lists � and what method the military is using to determine which cases are worthy of review
5. In The Scrapyards Of Jordan, Signs Of A Looted Iraq
(New York Times)...James Glanz
As the United States spends billions of dollars to rebuild Iraq's civil and military infrastructure, there is increasing evidence that parts of sensitive military equipment, seemingly brand-new components for oil rigs and water plants and whole complexes of older buildings are leaving the country on the backs of flatbed trucks. By some estimates, at least 100 semitrailers loaded with what is billed as Iraqi scrap metal are streaming each day into Jordan, just one of six countries that share a border with Iraq.
6. Vocal Cleric Arrested In London At U.S. Behest
(Washington Post)...Craig Whitlock and Susan Schmidt
A Muslim cleric whose London mosque has served as a magnet and megaphone for Islamic militants was arrested early Thursday by British police after U.S. officials unsealed a federal indictment charging him with planning terrorist acts in Oregon, Afghanistan and Yemen.
7. Shiite Politicians' Objections Lead Candidate To Withdraw
(Washington Post)...Rajiv Chandrasekaran
A politically independent Shiite Muslim who had been a top choice of the United States and the United Nations to become Iraq's prime minister withdrew from consideration after objections from formerly exiled Shiite politicians who want the job for themselves, officials involved in the political transition said Thursday.
8. An Iraqi Council Member Is Reported To Survive After Ambush; A Bodyguard Is Killed
(New York Times)...Edward Wong and Christine Hauser
Gunmen opened fire on a convoy carrying a member of the Iraqi Governing Council on Thursday as she was returning to Baghdad after taking part in cease-fire negotiations in the southern city of Najaf, American and Iraqi officials said.
9. Breeding Ground For Iraqi Insurgency
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Robert Moran
In the sprawling slum known as Sadr City, prominently displayed banners written in English taunt American soldiers. "Welcome," they declare, to a "second Vietnam." Militiamen loyal to rebel cleric Muqtada al-Sadr regularly attack U.S. forces. Bystanders are struck by stray bullets. Residents suspected of helping the Americans are killed.
10. The Army's Stern Words Beat Sadr's Men In Basra
(London Daily Telegraph)...Jack Fairweather
...Much of the credit for Sadr's taming in Basra lies with the British "softly, softly" approach, tempered with a touch of steel. Unlike the American approach, with assaults on Najaf and Karbala, the British military has maintained direct lines of communication with Sadr's senior officials.
11. Cashiered Over Cache In Baghdad
(Los Angeles Times)...David Zucchino
...A year after American soldiers discovered about $760 million of ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's cash hidden in several cottages, the case still raises questions. U.S. Treasury Department officials are trying to determine whether Hussein got the money from illegal oil sales and kickbacks, even as the cash is being spent on the U.S. occupation and rebuilding effort. For Novak, one of six soldiers accused of stealing seven-inch-thick bundles of $100 bills, the affair has been a bitter lesson in military justice. He confessed, named higher-ups and led investigators to millions he and others had tried to hide. He has since been kicked out of the Army and banned from nearby Ft. Stewart, while the five others implicated received administrative punishments � and two were promoted, Novak's lawyer said.
12. U.N. Envoy Under Fire In Effort To Rebuild Iraq
(Baltimore Sun)...Mark Matthews
As he labors on a mission crucial to President Bush's strategy on Iraq, United Nations special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi is drawing fire not only from some American conservatives and former Pentagon favorite Ahmad Chalabi but from the Democratic presidential campaign of Sen. John Kerry. In remarks that stunned U.N. officials, Kerry adviser Richard C. Holbrooke, a former U.S. ambassador to the world body, criticized the president's decision to give primary authority for forming the future government of Iraq to Brahimi.
13. Greater Urgency On Prison Interrogation Led To Use Of Untrained Workers
(New York Times)...Douglas Jehl and Kate Zernike
The interrogation effort at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq took on such urgency last fall that untrained personnel were pressed into service as analysts and even interrogators, according to accounts spelled out in documents and interviews.
14. Some Prisoners Allege Abuse By Poles, Other Coalition Troops
(Los Angeles Times)...Associated Press
Some Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib said they were abused by troops from Poland and other unspecified coalition countries, according to copies of statements to Army investigators obtained Thursday.
15. Army Personnel Chief Aims To Keep Ranks Full
(Washington Post)...Thomas E. Ricks
Lt. Gen. Franklin L. Hagenbeck, the Army's personnel chief, is facing a challenge no American officer has had to contemplate for at least a century: keeping the all-volunteer Army fully manned as it undergoes sustained ground combat.
16. Army Rescinds Order To Tighten Environmental Spending
(Los Angeles Times)...Elizabeth Shogren
The Army on Thursday rescinded an order, issued earlier this month, for garrison commanders around the globe to stop spending money on many environmental protection activities as part of an effort to conserve funds for fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
17. Captors Killed Soldier In Lynch Convoy
(Baltimore Sun)...Associated Press
A soldier initially listed as killed in action while riding in the same convoy with former prisoner of war Pfc. Jessica Lynch had actually been captured by Iraqi fighters before he was killed, the Oregon National Guard said yesterday.
18. With Graduation Today, Mids Thinking Of War
(Baltimore Sun)...Molly Knight
...As 990 midshipmen graduate in Annapolis today - after a commencement address by Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan loom large.
19. Cole Back Home From Mission
(Los Angeles Times)...Associated Press
The U.S. destroyer Cole came home Thursday from six months in the Mediterranean Sea � its first overseas deployment since terrorists bombed it in Yemen's port of Aden in October 2000, killing 17 sailors.
20. Panel Holds Hearings On U.S. Intelligence
(Washington Post)...Walter Pincus
President Bush's commission investigating the quality of U.S. intelligence concluded its first two days of closed-door hearings yesterday after taking testimony from more than 20 current and former intelligence officials who discussed programs to produce weapons of mass destruction in prewar Iraq and in other countries.
21. Warner Bucks GOP Right On Probe Of Prison Abuse
(Washington Post)...Helen Dewar and Spencer S. Hsu
The silver-haired Virginian with courtly manners is a throwback to a forgotten era of congressional comity. But as he leads the Senate's inquiry into abuse of Iraqi prisoners, Armed Services Committee Chairman John W. Warner (R-Va.) also shows another side: a penchant for bucking his party, taking heat and surviving.
22. Tougher Interrogations Needed In Iraq, Lott Says
(Washington Times)...Associated Press
Sen. Trent Lott says saving American lives should be the priority in Iraq, even if it means dealing harshly with prisoners to get vital security information.
23. Rep. Hunter: USAF Tankers 'Vital' To Air Power
(Aerospace Daily & Defense Report)...Kathy Gambrell
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said the plan to equip the U.S. Air Force with 100 KC-767A tanker program should continue.
24. U.S. To Abandon N. Korea Project
(Washington Times)...Bill Gertz
The Bush administration plans to cancel an international project to build two light-water nuclear reactors for North Korea before the end of the year, State Department officials said.
25. N. Korea Flirts With 'Red Line'
(Christian Science Monitor)...Donald Kirk
The reported export by North Korea of the uranium material needed to build warheads has escalated the stakes in the Korean nuclear crisis, threatening the six-party talks aimed at persuading North Korea to give up its program.
26. Pakistani Links Military To Failed Plot To Kill Him
(New York Times)...Salman Masood and Talat Hussain
President Pervez Musharraf said Thursday that members of Pakistan's army and air force were among "dozens" of people who had been arrested in connection with two assassination attempts against him in December. He also said the man who planned the attacks was a Pakistani who remained at large.
27. U.S. Honors 19 Soldiers Killed In Korean War
(Los Angeles Times)...Times Wire Reports
The U.S. military in South Korea honored 19 soldiers whose remains were recovered in North Korea more than 50 years after the troops were killed in the Korean War.
28. Ban Dismisses US General's Remarks On Allied Forces' Role
(Korea Times)...Ryu Jin
South Korea�s Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon on Thursday denied comments by a senior U.S. military official on plans for the future role of the ROK-U.S. allied forces.
29. Afghanistan: Karzai Signs Election Law
(New York Times)...Reuters
President Hamid Karzai signed the first election law in post-Taliban Afghanistan.
30. Explosives Found Near Site Of NATO Summit
(Los Angeles Times)...Times Wire Reports
Two bags filled with explosives were found in Bratislava, the Slovak capital, near a venue where hundreds of NATO parliamentary officials are to meet today, officials said.
31. Defense Chief Says Britain Will Expand Its Iraq Force
(New York Times)...Lizette Alvarez
Britain will send 370 troops and extra firepower to Iraq while it continues to weigh whether to deploy thousands more soldiers to the area, Defense Minister Geoff Hoon announced Thursday.
32. U.S. And Russia Sign Agreement To Counter Nuclear Threat
(Los Angeles Times)...David Holley
The United States and Russia took their first step Thursday in a new program to reduce the risk of poorly guarded nuclear materials at research facilities around the world falling into the hands of terrorists.
33. Death Toll Climbs In Caribbean Flood
(Washington Post)...Amy Bracken, Associated Press
U.S. and Canadian troops rushed medical supplies, drinking water and chlorine tablets to flood-battered towns where bodies were seen floating in rising waters on Thursday. Haitians and Dominicans braced for a death toll that could reach well over 1,500.
34. U.S. Military Relocating Out Of Caracas Compound
(Miami Herald)...Andres Oppenheimer and Juan O. Tamayo
The Pentagon said Wednesday that it was reviewing its relations with Venezuela's military and moving U.S. military officers out of a Caracas military compound, signaling yet another bump in U.S. relations with leftist President Hugo Ch�vez.
35. U.S. Agencies Collect, Examine Personal Data On Americans
(Washington Times)...Audrey Hudson
Numerous federal government agencies are collecting and sifting through massive amounts of personal information, including credit reports, credit-card purchases and other financial data, posing new privacy concerns, according to the General Accounting Office (GAO).
36. Worry And Anger Over Iraq Situation
(Washington Post)...T.R. Reid
From this edge of the western plains to California's palm-lined drives to New York's urban canyons, Americans say they are worried and angry about the U.S. role in Iraq, with their anxiety matching that of the earliest days of the war when the success of the push to Baghdad was far from secure.
37. Americans Split On How To Interrogate
(Washington Post)...Richard Morin and Claudia Deane
Most Americans reject torture as a technique to force suspected terrorists to answer questions about possible attacks but are divided on whether less harsh forms of physical abuse should be allowed to compel uncooperative suspects to reveal information that could save lives, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.
38. Koppel To Read Names Of 122 Killed In Terror War
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Unattributed
ABC News' Nightline will follow its tribute to U.S. troops killed in Iraq with a similar reading tonight of the names of 122 service personnel killed in the war on terror, mostly in Afghanistan. Anchor Ted Koppel will read the names at the end of the broadcast, which will largely focus on the elite Army unit that guards the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery.
39. Navy Names Coastline Ship Contractors
(Washington Post)...Renae Merle
The Navy picked Lockheed Martin Corp. and General Dynamics Corp. yesterday to build versions of a small combat ship that can hug enemy coastlines.
40. CACI Faces New Probe Of Contract
(Washington Post)...Ellen McCarthy
CACI International Inc. said yesterday that the General Services Administration is investigating whether the Arlington-based company violated contracting rules and whether it should be banned from future government contracts.
41. Honor Military Sacrifices, Don't Exploit Those Who Fall
(USA Today)...Editorial
...Nonetheless, the expression of appreciation and sorrow without regard for politics reflects Memorial Day's truest meaning. By contrast, efforts to manipulate the battle deaths of American soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen to advance political causes dishonor their sacrifices, as well as the holiday designed to remember them. Still it happens, most recently in the debate over the government's ban on images of flag-draped coffins returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Nearly 900 troops have died in those countries, yet the nation is denied the opportunity to weigh the true cost of war by being denied the opportunity to bear witness to its human cost.
42. Give Heroes' Families Privacy
(USA Today)...John M. Molino
...Despite notions to the contrary, Dover is not a place where military honors are rendered. That is reserved for the gravesite. Dover's sole focus is to identify and expedite the remains to the families so they can properly lay their loved ones to rest. Public coverage of arrivals would almost certainly make some families feel obliged to journey to Dover, perhaps over great distances and at considerable expense. Others may not desire media coverage, or find themselves upset by a public display of their loved one. The current policy places the decision for the media coverage of the deceased where it belongs: in the hands of the families who have the right � as they should have � to grant or deny media access to funeral or memorial services.
43. Making Do With Lemons
(Washington Post)...David Ignatius
If you're stuck with lemons, make lemonade. That folk wisdom applies to U.S. policy in Iraq, which is as seedy and sour as any foreign policy challenge America has encountered in decades. We certainly aren't making champagne there, but how are we doing in the lemonade business?
44. Gaining The Iraqis' Toleration
(Washington Post)...James Dobbins and Philip H. Gordon
...Reaching the goal of a stable, unified and non-threatening Iraq does look increasingly difficult, but the consequences of abandoning even that minimalist objective could be severe. Leaving Iraq under the pressure of terrorist attacks would be viewed as a strategic defeat of historic proportions for the United States. The message sent around the world would be that enough roadside bombs, suicide attacks and beheadings of civilians can succeed in forcing the United States (and by extension, any government) to abandon its goals. Success in driving out the American superpower would go down in terrorist lore as a great "victory," inspiring new campaigns on new battle fronts all around the world.
45. Obsessed With Iran
(Washington Post)...Jim Hoagland
George Shultz says that life in official Washington is not one damn thing after another. It is the same damn thing over and over again. A sudden lurch by the Bush administration to using Iraq's Sunnis to contain Iran's Shiite rulers shows that the former secretary of state is on to something, again.
46. The Homicide Cases
(Washington Post)...Editorial
PRESIDENT BUSH'S persistence in describing the abuse of foreign prisoners as an isolated problem at one Iraqi prison is blatantly at odds with the facts seeping out from his administration. These include mounting reports of crimes at detention facilities across Iraq and Afghanistan and evidence that detention policies the president approved helped set the stage for torture and homicide. Yes, homicide: The most glaring omission from the president's account is that at least 37 people have died in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan -- and that at least 10 of these cases are suspected criminal killings of detainees by U.S. interrogators or soldiers.
47. Accounting For The Cost Of War
(New York Times)...Editorial
The dominant clich� in Congress is that the forthcoming Pentagon budget will not include a "blank check" for President Bush in Iraq. Such watchdog keenness, which would have been welcome from the start, must be attributed in large measure to election year polls. But it is still good to see that lawmakers sense the need to tightly vet the president's $422 billion military budget request.
48. Bush, The U.N. And Iraq
(Wall Street Journal)...Editorial
The best thing about President Bush's Monday speech was that it directly challenged Washington's rampant defeatism regarding Iraq. He even used the phrase "defeat the enemy," which is precisely what Americans want to hear in a war. We only wish the President's current strategy for political victory inspired as much confidence.
49. A Real Nuclear Danger
(New York Times)...Editorial
While the Bush administration has been distracted by the invasion and occupation of Iraq, it has neglected the far more urgent threat to American security from dangerous nuclear materials that must be safeguarded before they can fall into the hands of terrorists. That is the inescapable conclusion to be drawn from a new report that documents the slow pace of protecting potential nuclear bomb material at loosely guarded sites around the world.
50. Memorial Day
(Wall Street Journal)...Editorial
This is Fleet Week in New York City, with thousands of sailors and Marines touring the sites and sampling other, er, attractions on shore leave. So it was no surprise that a small company of Marines ran and chanted in formation in front of our downtown Manhattan offices yesterday morning. They were applauded everywhere as they passed.
All done!
May 26, 2004
Universal Horror
On the screen in flickering black and white imagery: Frankenstein - the 'original' 1931 Universal, now re-released as a box set DVD. A masterpiece by any standard - every moment, every character, every line of dialogue cliché, but only with 70 years of hindsight. Many nails have been driven into the coffin to bury the fear that this movie once engendered. Abbot and Costello have had their go at it, as has Mel Brooks. I can't help but laugh out loud as we give it the MST3K treatment - 'we' being dad and the kids who haven't seen it before, nor have they seen Abbott and Costello or "Young Frankenstein", for that matter. In fact they likely have only vague memories of MST3K. Don't misunderstand; we respect this film in all its depths. Mad scientists, furious peasants, screaming women, and Boris Karloff plodding stiffly in once fearsome glory, defining what still remains an instantly recognizable and completely enjoyable cultural icon of the 20th century, one that may in fact persist for as long as our civilization endures.
But on cue the youngest daughter, in a good natured, smiling 'you've got to be kidding me' tone: "This was never scary! At any time for anybody, I can't believe anyone thought this was ever scary!"
But indeed they did, there in the earliest years of the great depression, when films had just begun to talk and the realities of the horrors of Hitler and Stalin and other true monsters of the century were not yet in the newsreels. Frankenstein was chilling for more than a few moviegoers in that black-and-white world.
The daughter's comment was inspired by a scene where a man falls from the top of a windmill, hits a blade on the way to the ground. The body is obviously a rag doll; it flops limply to the ground. State of the art special effects for 1931.
"Do you think "Lord of the Rings" would ever look so hopelessly primitive?" I ask. They assure me the answer is no, but they think about it. Seventy years is a long long time...
More to come...
May 25, 2004
25 May 04 Morning Briefing
1. U.S. Forces Move Into Stronghold Of Cleric
(Washington Post)...Daniel Williams and Scott Wilson
U.S. forces expanded an offensive against rebel cleric Moqtada Sadr on Sunday by pushing into his stronghold of Kufa for the first time, as his armed followers vanished from the streets of this Shiite holy city.
2. Army Widens Abuse Probe
(Los Angeles Times)...Greg Miller and Richard A. Serrano
As the investigation of prisoner abuses in Iraq shifts to the role of military intelligence, two intelligence soldiers identified in the notorious pictures from the Abu Ghraib detention facility have been ordered to remain in Baghdad as part of the expanding probe, according to witness statements and commanders of the soldiers' reserve units.
3. Afghan Deaths Linked To Unit At Iraq Prison
(New York Times)...Douglas Jehl and David Rohde
A military intelligence unit that oversaw interrogations at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq was also in charge of questioning at a detention center in Afghanistan where two prisoners died in December 2002 in incidents that are being investigated as homicides.
4. Factions Jostle For Top Posts In A New Iraq
(New York Times)...Steven R. Weisman
President Bush prepared Sunday for a campaign to rally support at the United Nations about his policies in Iraq, while senior envoys struggled in Baghdad with competing demands by Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds for the top positions of the new caretaker government.
5. Iraqis Say They Want Louder Say In Nation's Government
(Washington Times)...Sharon Behn
Frustrated Iraqi leaders say they're being cut out of negotiations over who will head the country after the June 30 transfer of power and warn that the process will lack legitimacy unless it is led by Iraqis.
6. U.S. Steps Up Hunt In Leaks To Iraqi Exile
(New York Times)...David Johnston and Richard A. Oppel Jr.
The information that Ahmad Chalabi, the Iraqi exile leader, is believed to have passed to Iran was so highly classified that federal investigators have intensified their inquiry to find out whether anyone in the American government gave the material to Mr. Chalabi, government officials said Sunday.
more to come...
May 18, 2004
After the Crowds Went Home
From the Miami Herald, additional coverage of the Michelle Witmer story that you weren't likely to hear:
Alex Estrella, the Hollywood man who embarked on a 170-mile run in honor of a Wisconsin woman killed in Iraq, hobbled into his final destination Sunday in Key West -- slumped in a wheelchair, sunburned and blistered.
Pushing him was Lori Witmer, mother of Michelle Witmer -- the 20 year-old National Guardswoman who died when a bomb tore apart her Humvee in Baghdad.
''I'm a mom, and it's hard for me to see people in pain like that,'' Lori Witmer, who walked alongside Estrella for part of the trip, said in a phone interview from Key West. ``But I feel like my role in this whole thing was to bring him in, and that's what I did.''
The story of Michelle Witmer's death touched many across the United States, especially since her two sisters were serving with her at the time.
Rachel and Charity Witmer, Michelle's twin, are still on active duty though not in a combat zone.
Estrella, a former U.S. Ranger who served in the Gulf War, read about Witmer in the newspaper. He decided to march in her honor, and to raise money for an orphanage in Baghdad where Witmer volunteered, and for Project ChildHelp, a Miami-based group that supports programs for abandoned, special-needs children in the Dominican Republic.
So far, though, Estrella's efforts have only raised $130. Organizers hope the news of his journey will bring in more donations.
From Thursday through Sunday, Estrella slept no more than four hours a day and ate no solid meals as he jogged and walked to complete his mission, continuing for a full 85 miles after doctors told him he should stop.
The blisters came from heavy boots Estrella wore for the first 10 miles of the journey in honor of Pat Tillman, the Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan last month after giving up a multimillion dollar NFL career to join the Armed Forces.
Estrella was resting Monday in a Key West hotel and couldn't be reached.
Lori Witmer, though, said that spending the weekend with Estrella helped her understand why Michelle's sisters struggled when deciding whether they should return to Iraq after Michelle was killed.
''Ever since my daughters came back home, they've been telling me that they have two families, and that's why they wanted to go back,'' Witmer said.
``And being with Alex this weekend, I got more of a sense that there is an Army family. I felt like now I am the mother supporting a soldier.''
Donations can be made by calling Project ChildHelp at 877-807-5050.
"Organizers hope the news of his journey will bring in more donations" unfortunately, the wires didn't really pick up on this one. Guess better stories were competing for limited space.
More info here.
The New Goldstein and Your Two Minutes Hate
If you've never read Orwell's classic 1984 please leave the blogosphere now and return after doing so. A synopsis for those who need it: the world is controlled by a totalitarian government that dominates every aspect of the lives of its citizens. Against the backdrop of a state of constant war and uncertainty, the proletariat herd is directed and kept docile. One method is the use of the eternal enemy, the great evil that must be opposed for the good of all mankind, personified in the form of Emmanuel Goldstein, object of the Two Minutes Hate:
The next moment a hideous, grinding speech, as of some monstrous machine running without oil, burst from the big telescreen at the end of the room. It was a noise that set one's teeth on edge and bristled the hair at the back of one's neck. The Hate had started.
As usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People, had flashed on to the screen. There were hisses here and there among the audience. The little sandy-haired woman gave a squeak of mingled fear and disgust. Goldstein was the renegade and backslider who once, long ago (how long ago, nobody quite remembered), had been one of the leading figures of the Party, almost on a level with Big Brother himself, and then had engaged in counter-revolutionary activities, had been condemned to death, and had mysteriously escaped and disappeared. The programmes of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Goldstein was not the principal figure. He was the primal traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party's purity. All subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries, acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching. Somewhere or other he was still alive and hatching his conspiracies: perhaps somewhere beyond the sea, under the protection of his foreign paymasters, perhaps even -- so it was occasionally rumoured -- in some hiding-place in Oceania itself.
Winston's diaphragm was constricted. He could never see the face of Goldstein without a painful mixture of emotions. It was a lean Jewish face, with a great fuzzy aureole of white hair and a small goatee beard -- a clever face, and yet somehow inherently despicable, with a kind of senile silliness in the long thin nose, near the end of which a pair of spectacles was perched. It resembled the face of a sheep, and the voice, too, had a sheep-like quality. Goldstein was delivering his usual venomous attack upon the doctrines of the Party -- an attack so exaggerated and perverse that a child should have been able to see through it, and yet just plausible enough to fill one with an alarmed feeling that other people, less level-headed than oneself, might be taken in by it. He was abusing Big Brother, he was denouncing the dictatorship of the Party, he was demanding the immediate conclusion of peace with Eurasia, he was advocating freedom of speech, freedom of the Press, freedom of assembly, freedom of thought, he was crying hysterically that the revolution had been betrayed -- and all this in rapid polysyllabic speech which was a sort of parody of the habitual style of the orators of the Party, and even contained Newspeak words: more Newspeak words, indeed, than any Party member would normally use in real life. And all the while, lest one should be in any doubt as to the reality which Goldstein's specious claptrap covered, behind his head on the telescreen there marched the endless columns of the Eurasian army -- row after row of solid-looking men with expressionless Asiatic faces, who swam up to the surface of the screen and vanished, to be replaced by others exactly similar. The dull rhythmic tramp of the soldiers' boots formed the background to Goldstein's bleating voice.
Before the Hate had proceeded for thirty seconds, uncontrollable exclamations of rage were breaking out from half the people in the room. The self-satisfied sheep-like face on the screen, and the terrifying power of the Eurasian army behind it, were too much to be borne: besides, the sight or even the thought of Goldstein produced fear and anger automatically. He was an object of hatred more constant than either Eurasia or Eastasia, since when Oceania was at war with one of these Powers it was generally at peace with the other. But what was strange was that although Goldstein was hated and despised by everybody, although every day and a thousand times a day, on platforms, on the telescreen, in newspapers, in books, his theories were refuted, smashed, ridiculed, held up to the general gaze for the pitiful rubbish that they were in spite of all this, his influence never seemed to grow less. Always there were fresh dupes waiting to be seduced by him. A day never passed when spies and saboteurs acting under his directions were not unmasked by the Thought Police. He was the commander of a vast shadowy army, an underground network of conspirators dedicated to the overthrow of the State. The Brotherhood, its name was supposed to be. There were also whispered stories of a terrible book, a compendium of all the heresies, of which Goldstein was the author and which circulated clandestinely here and there. It was a book without a title. People referred to it, if at all, simply as the book. But one knew of such things only through vague rumours. Neither the Brotherhood nor the book was a subject that any ordinary Party member would mention if there was a way of avoiding it.
In its second minute the Hate rose to a frenzy. People were leaping up and down in their places and shouting at the tops of their voices in an effort to drown the maddening bleating voice that came from the screen. The little sandy-haired woman had turned bright pink, and her mouth was opening and shutting like that of a landed fish. Even O'Brien's heavy face was flushed. He was sitting very straight in his chair, his powerful chest swelling and quivering as though he were standing up to the assault of a wave. The dark-haired girl behind Winston had begun crying out 'Swine! Swine! Swine!' and suddenly she picked up a heavy Newspeak dictionary and flung it at the screen. It struck Goldstein's nose and bounced off; the voice continued inexorably. In a lucid moment Winston found that he was shouting with the others and kicking his heel violently against the rung of his chair. The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge-hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic.
Sound eerily familiar? It should. Since 2001 it has become increasingly apparent on an almost daily basis that the world has a new Goldstein - in fact that the world wants such a figure - what other explanation for the use by so many of television and the internet to self inflict the Two Minutes Hate?
Orwell was off by twenty years. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your Two Minutes Hate - with the new Emmanuel Goldstein.
May 15, 2004
From the Sandbox
Fred Schoeneman directs us to a nearly-missed story on the homecoming for the Spanish veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Don't miss it.
"It didn't really feel like that much of a homecoming for us. It felt more like a political celebration for Zapatero and those who never wanted us there in the first place," said Manuel Garcia, 31, a sergeant in a brigade that was among the entire Spanish contingent of 1,300 troops ordered home.
"We felt like a used car being passed from one owner to the next," said Felipe Collado, 30, also a sergeant in the Plus Ultra II brigade, which arrived home Wednesday to a ceremony attended by Zapatero, his defense minister, and top brass.
The soldiers returned to a nation still traumatized, and in many ways transformed, by the horrific March 11 train bombings by Islamic terrorists and the bitterly divisive national election held just three days after the attack.
In an upset victory that brought the war on terror and the war in Iraq into sharp focus, the Socialist Party leader Zapatero was swept into power, defeating the conservative party of Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, who had supported the US-led invasion and sent troops as part of "the coalition of the willing."
Spaniards widely applauded Zapatero after he made good on his campaign pledge to pull out Spanish troops before June 30, when the US-led coalition is to cede power to Iraqis.
While all of the soldiers interviewed said they were relieved to be home and out of the harrowing dangers of serving in Iraq, most of them -- even some originally opposed to the war -- also expressed regret over Zapatero's decision. They said they were forced to abandon what they felt was a useful humanitarian mission. During their time on the ground, they said, they saw a profound need for international troops to stabilize the chaos and violence of postwar Iraq.
"We should have stayed and finished our mission," said Jose Francisco Casteneda, 29, who was among four sergeants who gathered at a local restaurant Thursday -- sharing newly developed snapshots of their time in Iraq. Each image rekindled all of the intensity and emotion of what they saw during their mission.
The TV footage of the ceremony shows Zapatero flashing a broad smile that political cartoonists love to lampoon. The soldiers said they couldn't hide their disappointment that the prime minister did not directly address them and left it to Defense Minister Jose Bono.
"A lot of us were wondering, 'Who is this parade for anyway?' " Collado asked.
As I said, read the whole thing.
Meanwhile, back in Iraq, Eric, "an Army lawyer with the 1st Infantry Division's, 2nd (DAGGER) Brigade in Iraq", doesn't have a lot of time to update his blog. But he did this week:
Morale is keeping steady here. We don�t get to see the news that much but we�re aware of the uproar that�s happening back in the states. Between the scandal at Abu Ghraib and the recent beheading it seems like the only news coming out of Iraq is one bombshell after another. I know it�s been said so many times before but there is very little attention being paid to the day to day work that�s going on over here. That�s okay and I don�t think many soldiers mind, but I think we have a different perspective than most people living in the States.
I'm sure you'll want to read it all. (Thursday May 13 post if permalink fails.)
Finally, some thoughts from Cool Blue.
Armed Forces Day
Looking for something to do? Click the picture above for the Armed Forces Day
home page, and a list of associated events. Or cruise the MilBlogs ring, and visit some you may have never stopped at before.
National Military Appreciation Month continues...
Update: This post reminded me of this post, which reminded me that Armed Forces Day is also the anniversary of www.mudvillegazette.com. Now I might have to update the "greatest hits" post (or perhaps this one.) If you are a newcomer to this site, you may enjoy my trip down memory lane...
All done!
The Guarded Flame
Must read in this order:
This from Roger L. Simon
followed by this from Ranting Profs
finish up with this from Donald Sensing
and then contemplate, if you will, whether there is any nation anywhere else that offers hope for the future of the civilized world. Jerry Springer will never run out of guests for his program, but the US is still the last best hope for freedom in this age.
Finally I offer this post from the archives, a reminder about those who comprise America's military, the guardians of that flame.
May 14, 2004
Marine Moms
Wow! Marine Corps Moms, probably the most comprehensive, accurate coverage anywhere of US Marines in Iraq.
14 May 04 Morning Briefing
1. At Iraqi Prison, Rumsfeld Vows To Punish Abuse
(New York Times)...Thom Shanker
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, entering the heart of the global furor over the mistreatment of Iraqi detainees, walked inside the faded yellow walls and razor wire of Abu Ghraib prison on Thursday to pledge that the world will see America mete out punishment openly and freely to any soldier guilty of abuse.
2. Rumsfeld Visits Prison In Iraq
(Washington Post)...Josh White
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, in an unannounced visit to Iraq on Thursday, declared that allegations of prisoner abuse by U.S. soldiers were "a body blow to us" but vowed that those responsible would "be brought to justice."
3. Senators Assail Request For Aid For Afghan And Iraq Budgets
(New York Times)...Eric Schmitt
Senate Democrats and Republicans attacked Bush administration officials on Thursday for submitting a vaguely worded request to add $25 billion to pay for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan beginning on Oct. 1.
4. Soldier Details Abuse, Offers To Plead Guilty
(Washington Post)...Christian Davenport
One of the military police officers charged in the abuse scandal at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison has offered to plead guilty and has provided military investigators with a detailed account of how guards humiliated and beat detainees, in one case hitting a prisoner so hard he became unconscious.
5. Marines Walk Softly And Carry A Big Stack
(Los Angeles Times)...Tony Perry
Armed with cash, U.S. troops attempt to make amends with Iraqi civilians who suffered.
6. A Deepening Rift At The Pentagon
(Christian Science Monitor)...Ann Scott Tyson
The Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal is exposing a Pentagon increasingly at war with itself, leading to a crisis of leadership even as tens of thousands of US troops risk their lives battling insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan.
7. At Prison, Rumsfeld Promises Justice
(USA Today)...Donna Leinwand and John Diamond
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld walked the dusty yard of Abu Ghraib prison Thursday and decried the abuse of prisoners there as "something over the edge." In Washington, two of his top lieutenants said they knew nothing about U.S. military guidelines in place last fall that allowed for the harsh treatment of prisoners.
8. Rumsfeld Dismisses Criticism
(Washington Times)...Guy Taylor
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told troops in a surprise trip to the Abu Ghraib prison yesterday that he is "a survivor" who knows better than to take too seriously a score of calls from the press and politicians for his resignation over prisoner-abuse charges.
9. U.S. Missed Chances To Stop Abuses
(USA Today)...Dave Moniz
Pentagon and White House officials missed numerous opportunities to head off abuses at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, according to interviews, testimony and public documents that have emerged since the scandal erupted last month.
10. In Iraq Prison Trial, Defense May Rely On Photos Of Abuse
(Wall Street Journal)...Christopher Cooper
...The defendants who are talking say they were simply taking orders from military intelligence officers, Central Intelligence agents and government contractors who told them to "soften up" prisoners for interrogation. Many top officials at the Pentagon have rejected this defense, saying they have seen no evidence suggesting the incidents of abuse at Abu Ghraib were anything more than the independent acts of an undisciplined cadre of military police.
11. Iraqi Tells Of U.S. Abuse, From Ridicule To Rape Threat
(New York Times)...Ian Fisher
...Mr. Aboud spoke, reluctantly at first, for several hours on Thursday after a chance encounter with a reporter at the office of a human rights group here in Baghdad, where he had gone to register what he said was torture during four months at Abu Ghraib. Despite his anger and shame at what he said the Americans had done to him, he even told of some kind behavior by soldiers. "I just want to clarify one thing," he said at one point. "Most of the American soldiers were not bad." As with other accounts by Iraqis of abuse, it was impossible to verify his claims ? and the job gets ever harder amid the widespread rage, the possible desire for compensation and the sheer volume of detailed coverage of the case.
12. Let Iraqis Decide How To Try Ex-Rulers, U.S. Justices Say
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Gina Holland, Associated Press
Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony M. Kennedy said yesterday that Iraqis alone must determine the right way to mete out justice to the country's former leaders.
13. Marine Killed In Convoy
(Los Angeles Times)...Times Staff and Wire Reports
One Marine was killed and five were wounded Thursday when their Humvee was destroyed by a powerful bomb in a paved road outside the farming village of Saqlawiya.
14. Fighting Rages In Karbala
(New York Times)...Unattributed
Fighting continued Thursday in the center of this Shiite holy city, where insurgents loyal to the rebel cleric Moktada al-Sadr attacked American soldiers and Iraqi policemen in the area around an occupied mosque.
15. Poland, Bulgaria Won't Leave Iraq
(Miami Herald)...Unattributed
Poland and Bulgaria on Thursday stressed their commitment to keep troops in Iraq ``until we've done our job.''
16. Military Faulted On Assault Cases
(Washington Post)...Bradley Graham
...The report, ordered by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld three months ago, comes after scores of alleged assaults against female soldiers in Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan, which have confronted senior defense officials with the most extensive set of sexual misconduct cases in years. Although Pentagon authorities have claimed strides in preventing and punishing such misconduct, the new report points to serious lapses still in the military's ability to protect female service members from assaults, to provide medical care and counseling to victims of attacks, and to punish violators.
17. Vaccine Reaction Documented
(Atlanta Journal and Constitution)...M.A.J. McKenna
Members of the armed forces who have been vaccinated against smallpox are developing an unexpectedly high rate of reactions that affect their hearts, military doctors said Thursday.
18. Wolfowitz Draws Democrats' Ire
(Washington Post)...Thomas E. Ricks
Senate Democrats lit into the Bush administration's Iraq policies yesterday, using an uncharacteristically contentious hearing on additional war spending to attack the Pentagon's number two official in personal and bitter terms.
19. Congress Hesitant To Write 'Blank Check'
(Washington Post)...Dan Morgan
President Bush asked Congress yesterday to approve a new $25 billion "contingency fund" for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, but members of both parties in Congress indicated strong reservations about giving the Pentagon the free hand it is seeking to spend the money.
20. Congress Seeking To Clarify Iraqis' Role Under Self-Rule
(New York Times)...Steven R. Weisman
The Bush administration, seeking to quell questions about the limitations on the sovereignty of a future government in Iraq, said Thursday that the leaders of that interim government would negotiate their own control over security and other matters once they are chosen later this month.
21. Boeing Tanker Lease Gets A Push In House
(Seattle Post-Intelligencer)...Matthew Daly, Associated Press
Seeking to jump-start a flagging Air Force deal to acquire 100 air refueling tankers from The Boeing Co., the House Armed Services Committee reasserted the need yesterday for the aging tanker fleet to be replaced as soon as possible. Language inserted into a $422 billion defense authorization bill would require the Air Force secretary to enter into a multiyear contract for new tankers.
22. Confidence In Bush, Iraq War Is Sinking, Polls Show
(Los Angeles Times)...Peter Wallsten
Even as President Bush's reelection campaign spends millions of dollars to burnish his image as a steadfast leader in the fight against terrorism, an array of new polls shows that the Iraqi prisoner abuse furor is undermining that effort and shaking public confidence in the administration's ability to win the war in Iraq.
23. U.S. Military Lawyers Felt 'Shut Out' Of Prison Policy
(Los Angeles Times)...Ken Silverstein
A group of senior military lawyers were so concerned about changes in the rules designed to safeguard prisoners during interrogation that they sought help outside the Defense Department, according to a New York lawyer who headed a recent study of how prisoners have been treated in the war on terrorism.
24. Wave Of Mental Problems Follows GIs Home
(UPI.com)...Mark Benjamin, United Press International (alternate source)
Soldiers at Fort Carson report a wave of serious mental problems among troops back from the "war on terrorism," according to interviews with soldiers, their families and a therapist working with them.
25. Secretary Of Navy Says Brig Performed Well In Inspection
(Charleston (SC) Post and Courier)...Terry Joyce
The prisoner abuse scandal that has snared the U.S. Army in Iraq apparently hasn't tainted the Navy brig in Hanahan or the Navy prison built in Cuba, both of which hold suspects in the war on terror, Secretary of the Navy Gordon England said Wednesday.
26. USS Jimmy Carter Goes Into Water
(Washington Times)...Unattributed
The nuclear submarine Jimmy Carter was put in the water yesterday, six days earlier than planned and one day after a portion of a wall in its construction dry dock collapsed.
27. Survey: Cadet Behavior Improves
(Colorado Springs Gazette)...Pam Zubeck
The latest Air Force Academy survey shows cadets are behaving better, causing Superintendent Lt. Gen. John Rosa Jr. to express hope the academy is recovering from its worst scandal in 50 years.
28. Red Cross Renews Criticism Of Conditions At Guantanamo
(Los Angeles Times)...Mary Curtius
The International Committee of the Red Cross this week delivered the latest in a series of critical reports on the treatment of prisoners held at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, officials at the State Department and the Pentagon said Thursday.
29. Duo Alleges Guantanamo Abuse In Letter To Bush
(Washington Post)...John Mintz
Two British men who were released from the Guantanamo Bay prison and repatriated in March charged in a letter sent yesterday to President Bush that they had been physically abused during their two years in detention there.
30. Planned U.S. Missile Shield Is Useless, Scientists Warn
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Jim Wolf, Reuters
The multibillion-dollar U.S. ballistic-missile shield due to start operating by Sept. 30 appears incapable of shooting down any incoming warheads, an independent scientists' group said yesterday.
31. Britain Says Photos Showing Abuse Are Fake
(New York Times)...Patrick E. Tyler
The British government said Thursday that its investigation into a series of published photographs purporting to show the brutal treatment of an Iraqi prisoner has concluded that the photos were not taken in Iraq and had been faked.
32. France And Germany Jointly Criticize Abuse Of Iraqis And Express Horror At Beheading
(New York Times)...Elaine Sciolino
President Jacques Chirac of France and Chancellor Gerhard Schr? of Germany on Thursday criticized the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers and expressed horror over the beheading of an American civilian.
33. Libya Halts Military Trade With North Korea, Syria And Iran
(New York Times)...Judith Miller
Following on its renunciation of unconventional weapons, Libya announced Thursday that it would stop all military trade with countries that spread such weapons, including, according to its Foreign Ministry, North Korea, Syria and Iran.
34. Chad Rebel Group Says It Holds Qaeda-Linked Terrorist
(New York Times)...Craig S. Smith
A rebel group in Chad says it is holding one of North Africa's most powerful terrorists and wants to turn him over to the United States or any of its allies.
35. Rice Has Iraq, Terror On Her Mind
(Moscow Times)...Combined Reports
U.S. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice arrives late Friday for talks with President Vladimir Putin, the U.S. Embassy confirmed Thursday.
36. Broader Coalition Expected After Transfer
(Washington Times)...Nicholas Kralev
The Bush administration said yesterday it expects up to "three handfuls of countries" to send troops to Iraq once the United Nations endorses the transfer of power to Iraqis on June 30, but winning a Security Council resolution appeared far from a done deal.
37. Brahimi Faces Heat On Leader Selection
(Washington Times)...Annia Ciezadlo
Would-be leaders of a democratic Iraq are turning up the heat on United Nations' envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, leveling furious criticism as the Algerian diplomat nears a decision on who should lead an interim government until elections in January.
38. Restraints Urged On American Military
(Baltimore Sun)...Mark Matthews
...The amount of control granted to U.S. troops has become a key issue in closed-door meetings of the United Nations Security Council, where France and Russia, which wield veto power, are pushing for restraints on U.S.-led coalition troops.
39. Zarqawi Beheaded Berg, CIA Finds
(Washington Times)...Bill Gertz
The CIA concluded yesterday that the hooded terrorist shown beheading an American civilian in a videotape is al Qaeda-linked terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi.
40. Al-Jazeera: Beheading A Fake
(New York Post)...Unattributed
In a bizarre twist, the anti-American TV station al-Jazeera is questioning the "authenticity" of the horrific video of American Nick Berg's beheading - suggesting it's a fake to divert attention from the Iraqi prison abuse scandal.
41. Reports Further Imperil Boeing Bid
(Washington Post)...Renae Merle
Boeing Co.'s high-stakes bid to boost its aircraft business with the help of a large military contract appears in danger of collapsing after two Pentagon reports cast doubt on the scandal-tarnished program.
42. Firms Stymied By Backlog On Security Clearances
(Washington Post)...Ellen McCarthy
Companies rushing to compete for intelligence and military contracts have run into a major glitch: The government's system of verifying the trustworthiness of people in sensitive jobs has not kept up with its push to privatize the work.
All done!
May 13, 2004
Prison Scandal Coverup?
Just checked for any news on the prison scandal. There's nothing - not a word to be found. Apparently then, there is no scandal. The information clampdown appears to be total; a trickle of stories for a few days after the initial reports, then no further news. Even more disturbingly, there's practically no one asking why there's no news. Meanwhile, the death toll has risen to three.
The Kosovo prison scandal, of course. First reported here with updates following, the latest here.
A recounting of the few facts available can be found in the local coverage of the memorial service for Gary Weston, one of the three murdered guards:
Little is yet known of the reasons for the attack, which also killed Kim Bigley, former warden of Shawnee Correctional Center. Officials are investigating the possibility the shooter had ties to Hamas, a militant Palestinian group. Some witnesses told journalists the man, Sgt. Maj. Ahmed Mustafa Ibrahim Ali, of Jordan, was smiling during the attack before he was killed by return fire.
Witnesses also said that Weston, the son of an Illinois State Police officer and entrepreneurial mother who owned shoe stores, pushed fellow officer Michelle Lindo of Michigan to the floor and out of harm's way. A few seconds later two bullets struck him in the head.
Lindo received only a bruise where Weston had forced her to safety.
Weston survived the terrible wounds, but never regained consciousness. He was flown home last week and spent several days in the hospital in St. Louis before family members made the decision to donate his organs.
On Monday, Weston's older brother, Ed, said the knowledge that at least four others benefited from that donation was helping ease the family's pain.
Though lacking any "new news" on the topic, Denis Boyels in NRO notes:
The Kosovo adventure, in which NATO bombed the civilian population of Serbia in order to protect Kosovar nationalists, then handed over the province to the U.N. and NATO for "peacekeeping" ? which turned out to mean allowing the Kosovars to slaughter Serbs and burn their ancient churches and monasteries, reached a low point a month ago when the U.N. forces were ordered to withdraw instead of defending Serbs against Kosovar mobs. But then it went even lower a couple of weeks ago when the peacekeepers started shooting at each other. Now, according to the BBC, the U.N.'s heroes in Kosovo are involved in sex trafficking, selling girls as young as 11 into sexual servitude.
No nude photos though, so no "pictures at 11".
13 May 04 Morning Briefing
1. Rumsfeld Defends Rules For Prison
(Washington Post)...Dana Priest and Dan Morgan
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld yesterday defended U.S. military interrogation guidelines in Iraq against mounting complaints that the authorized techniques violate international rules and may endanger Americans taken prisoner.
2. Interrogation Rules Were Issued Before Iraq Abuses
(Wall Street Journal)...Carla Anne Robbins, Greg Jaffe and David S. Cloud
Shortly before U.S. troops photographed a series of abuses against Iraqi prisoners last fall, their commander issued guidelines allowing interrogation techniques including sleep deprivation, prolonged isolation and the presence of military dogs -- if written permission was given.
3. Bush Supporters Are Split On How To Pursue Iraq Plan
(New York Times)...David E. Sanger and Richard W. Stevenson
President Bush said on Wednesday that the beheading of an American working in Iraq was part of an effort to "shake our confidence," but he insisted that the United States would "complete our mission," despite what his aides freely concede is a major loss of credibility in the Arab world.
4. Lawmakers Are Stunned By New Images Of Abuse
(Washington Post)...Charles Babington
Scores of lawmakers yesterday viewed unreleased photos and videos of Iraqi detainees being sexually humiliated and physically threatened. The images, which included Iraqi corpses, U.S. troops having sex with each other, and previously undisclosed videos of at least one inmate ramming his head into a wall, convinced some legislators that the number of Americans who violated military protocol is larger than previously thought.
5. Soldiers Speak Out On Abuse
(USA Today)...Dave Moniz and Dennis Cauchon
Lawyers for two of the soldiers at the center of the Iraq prison-abuse scandal said Wednesday that military intelligence personnel ordered the photographs taken of the soldiers with bound and naked prisoners.
6. Lawmakers Getting Tough On Rumsfeld
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Sumana Chatterjee
Republican and Democratic senators peppered Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld yesterday with tough questions about the war and occupation in Iraq - a sign that Congress is increasingly concerned with what is going on in that country.
7. Rumsfeld Preserves Bearing, But Weighs Ability To Serve
(New York Times)...Elisabeth Bumiller
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, the man at the center of the furor over American soldiers' abuse of Iraqis at the Abu Ghraib prison, spent last Sunday in the backyard garden of his elegant Washington home, poring over Pentagon documents piled 10 inches high in his lap. Mr. Rumsfeld barely listened as his wife chatted with a visiting friend.
8. Rumsfeld Has Doubts
(New York Daily News)...Richard Sisk
For the first time in public, a somber Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld raised the possibility yesterday that the U.S. mission in Iraq could fail.
9. Money Request Coming Next Year
(USA Today)...Peronet Despeignes
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Wednesday that the Bush administration will likely ask for more money for military operations in Iraq next year, beyond the $25 billion in additional funds it has already requested.
10. Military Missions In Afghanistan, Iraq May Cost $66 Billion In '05
(Wall Street Journal)...David Rogers
U.S. military costs in Iraq and Afghanistan are running close to $4.7 billion a month, and with the additional expense of replenishing worn armored vehicles, helicopters and other equipment, they could easily reach $66 billion for fiscal 2005.
11. New Tankers Not Needed, Report Says
(Washington Post)...Renae Merle
A Pentagon advisory panel has concluded that the Air Force's aging fleet of refueling tankers is not in need of immediate modernization, dealing a setback to Boeing Co.'s controversial plan to sell and lease the planes to the military.
12. Rumsfeld Set To Shake Up Leadership At Two Key Combat Commands
(Inside The Pentagon)...Elaine M. Grossman
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is preparing to buck tradition and hand the top leadership posts at U.S. Pacific Command and U.S. Strategic Command to services that have never commanded them before, defense officials tell Inside the Pentagon.
13. Behind The Scenes, U.S. Tightens Grip On Iraq's Future
(Wall Street Journal)...Yochi J. Dreazen and Christopher Cooper
...As Washington prepares to hand over power, U.S. administrator L. Paul Bremer and other officials are quietly building institutions that will give the U.S. powerful levers for influencing nearly every important decision the interim government will make.
14. Iraqi Politicians Press For Wider Role
(Washington Post)...Rajiv Chandrasekaran
Politicians on Iraq's U.S.-appointed Governing Council are pushing for significant changes in the interim government being crafted by a U.N. envoy, posing a new complication to the Bush administration's plan to relinquish civilian administrative powers here in 50 days.
15. U.S. Turns Up Pressure On Shiite Cleric's Militia
(Washington Post)...Scott Wilson and Daniel Williams
U.S. forces, using tanks, armored personnel carriers and attack helicopters, pushed into the centers of two holy cities Wednesday in pursuit of bands of masked guerrillas loyal to a rebellious cleric at the heart of the Shiite insurgency.
16. In Najaf, Gunfire And A Peace Plan
(Los Angeles Times)...Patrick J. McDonnell
Gunfire erupted in the Shiite Muslim holy city of Najaf early today as clerics, civic authorities and tribal leaders vowed to present a peace plan to U.S.-led occupation authorities in the coming days.
17. Shiite Leaders Report Progress In Talks On Najaf, But Cleric Balks
(New York Times)...Edward Wong and Dexter Filkins
Shiite leaders reported progress Wednesday toward an agreement that would end a five-week-old standoff with the radical cleric Moktada al-Sadr in the holy city of Najaf, but Mr. Sadr himself vowed to fight on and gun battles continued between American forces and his followers.
18. General Took Guantᮡmo Rules To Iraq For Handling Of Prisoners
(New York Times)...Tim Golden and Eric Schmitt
When Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller arrived in Iraq last August with a team of military police and intelligence specialists, the group was confronted by chaos.
19. Witness Faults Actions Of Prison Interrogators
(Los Angeles Times)...Richard A. Serrano and Patrick J. McDonnell
A member of the military intelligence battalion operating at the Abu Ghraib prison testified at a secret hearing in Baghdad this month that interrogators at the prison sometimes went too far in trying to extract information from detainees.
20. Two Sergeants Ordered To Face Courts-Martial
(Washington Post)...Christian Davenport
The two highest-ranking soldiers charged in the Abu Ghraib prison abuse case have been ordered to face courts-martial, a military official announced yesterday.
21. Soldier Charged In Abuse Scandal Is Moved Away From Other Suspects
(New York Times)...Kate Zernike and Adam Liptak
The government has moved Jeremy C. Sivits, the first soldier facing court-martial in the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal, from a tent in Baghdad where he and five other suspects have been housed since the investigation into the abuse began, lawyers for other defendants said.
22. Court-Martial Will Lay Foundation For Other Cases
(USA Today)...Toni Locy
Next week's court-martial of Army Spc. Jeremy Sivits is a crucial step in the U.S. military's investigation into who planned and participated in the scheme to sexually humiliate Iraqi prisoners, legal analysts say.
23. Abuse Less Shocking In Light Of History
(USA Today)...Rick Hampson
One of the most surprising things about the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. soldiers is that so many Americans are surprised.
24. Some In Baghdad Say U.S. Troops No Longer Wanted
(USA Today)...David J. Lynch
...Seven weeks before Washington plans to transfer limited sovereignty to an interim Iraqi government, the U.S. military says it is making steady progress in a low-intensity military conflict with shadowy insurgents. But in perhaps its most important fight, the battle for Iraqi "hearts and minds," the U.S. may be losing ground.
25. Line Increasingly Blurred Between Soldiers And Civilian Contractors
(Washington Post)...Ariana Eunjung Cha and Renae Merle
...The confusion demonstrates that in many situations soldiers and civilian contractors have become virtually indistinguishable -- and interchangeable -- in postwar Iraq.
26. U.S. Officials Failed To Protect Slain Civilian, Family Says
(New York Times)...Richard Lezin Jones and Jill P. Capuzzo
The family of Nicholas E. Berg challenged American military officials on Wednesday, insisting that the man beheaded by Islamic terrorists in Iraq had earlier been in the custody of federal officials who should have done more to protect him.
More to come
All done!
May 12, 2004
Letters Home:
Hugh Hewitt has one from a Marine in Falluja, Blackfive has another; Glenn Reynolds links to an Army Specialist's description of the ongoing battles with Sadr's forces.
Couldn't find any in the Times, of New York, LA, or London.
MilBlogs Salutes Military Appreciation Month
Hard to notice, perhaps, but National Military Appreciation Month continues. Here are some current and former military folks I appreciate.
Useful Fools is written by John Moore, a USNR Vietnam Veteran (P-3 enlisted Aircrew) and also the newest member of the MilBlogs Ring. We're proud you've joined us John.
And Tim's retired now, but his Mrs. isn't - she's Cpt Patti, and Tim named the Blog for her, she's Army, and while she's in the sandbox Tim reports from Germany. Check out the blog - one of the first and finest members of the ring.
MilBlogs, reporting as ordered from around the world.
12 May 04 Morning Briefing
1. Leadership Failure Is Blamed In Abuse
(Washington Post)...Bradley Graham and Thomas E. Ricks
The Army general who investigated the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad said yesterday that he had found no evidence the misconduct was based on orders from high-ranking officers or involved a deliberate policy to stretch legal limits on extracting information from detainees.
2. Rumsfeld Aide And A General Clash On Abuse
(New York Times)...Eric Schmitt
The Army general who first investigated abuses at Abu Ghraib prison stood by his inquiry's finding that military police officers should not have been involved in conditioning Iraqi detainees for interrogation, even as a senior Pentagon civilian sitting next to him at a Senate hearing on Tuesday disputed that conclusion.
3. Iraq Videotape Shows The Decapitation Of An American
(New York Times)...Dexter Filkins
An Islamist Web site posted a videotape on Tuesday showing the decapitation of an American in Iraq, in what the killers called revenge for the American mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison. The Web site said the man who had carried out the beheading was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian militant linked to Al Qaeda who the Americans believe was behind some of the deadliest terrorist attacks here.
4. General Overseeing Prison Says She Was Overruled
(Washington Post)...R. Jeffrey Smith and Josh White
The U.S. general who was in charge of running prisons in Iraq told Army investigators earlier this year that she had resisted decisions by superior officers to hand over control of the prisons to military intelligence officials and to authorize the use of lethal force as a first step in keeping order -- command decisions that have come in for heavy criticism in the Iraq prison abuse scandal.
5. U.S. Military Strikes Mosque Held By Iraqi Cleric's Militia
(New York Times)...Edward Wong and Dexter Filkins
The American military attacked a mosque in this holy city on Tuesday in its largest assault yet against the forces of the rebel Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr, even as the first signs emerged of a peaceful resolution to the five-week-long standoff with him.
6. Far From Soldiers Of Fortune
(Los Angeles Times)...P.J. Huffstutter
Lengthy deployments have created financial hardship for reservists, guardsmen and their families.
7. Iraqi Leaders In Najaf Reach Deal In Effort To Resolve Crisis
(Los Angeles Times)...Monte Morin and Patrick J. McDonnell
Iraqi religious and political leaders in Najaf agreed late Tuesday on how to end the crisis gripping the city, while a U.S. general said he might recruit Shiite Muslim militiamen now fighting U.S. soldiers for a security force there.
8. Some In Najaf Protest Sadr
(Washington Post)...Sewell Chan
About 400 people joined a peaceful demonstration Tuesday in Najaf, demanding that the militia of Shiite Muslim cleric Moqtada Sadr leave the city.
9. Troops Move Cautiously As Sadr City Remains Tense
(Washington Post)...Daniel Williams
...Sadr City, the Baghdad front in Sadr's rebellion against the presence of U.S.-led occupation forces, was largely quiet Tuesday, two days after fighting there killed 34 insurgents. The masked gunmen who blocked streets, shut down commerce and drove police officers and civil administration workers out of their offices on Sunday had all but withdrawn from Sadr City's smelly, trash-filled alleys. On Tuesday, the neighborhood presented a confusing panorama, making it unclear who among the impoverished throng was friend or foe. Residents interviewed later generally blamed the violence on Sadr, a 30-year-old militia leader and the son of the assassinated cleric for whom Sadr City is named.
10. More Iraqis Accept Their US-Trained Forces
(Christian Science Monitor)...Scott Peterson
Accused of being collaborators with American occupation forces, Iraqi policemen, guards, and soldiers have endured ridicule, threats, and targeted violence that have left hundreds dead over the past year. But there are signs that hard-nosed attitudes toward the country's embattled, US-trained security forces are beginning to soften.
11. Rumsfeld: Expect 'Mixed' Results From Iraqi Security Forces
(InsideDefense.com)...John Liang
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld today cautioned against expecting miracles from the nascent Iraqi security forces.
12. U.S., Dutch Report 2 Iraq Troop Deaths
(Los Angeles Times)...Times Wire Services
The U.S. Central Command said Tuesday that a service member attached to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force operating in and near Fallouja, Iraq, was killed in action, and Dutch authorities have announced the first death in Iraq among their 1,300 troops.
13. Honduras Starts Its Pullout Of Troops In Iraq
(Los Angeles Times)...Reuters
Honduran troops in Iraq have started to withdraw and are expected to be out of the country in about two weeks, a coalition military official said Tuesday.
14. Hussein May Be Handed Over, Tribunal Says
(Dallas Morning News)...Associated Press
The head of Iraq's war-crimes tribunal said Tuesday that the United States has pledged to hand over Saddam Hussein and about 100 other suspects to Iraqi authorities before July 1 if Iraq is ready to take them into custody. U.S. officials denied any decision had been reached.
15. Punished Officer Alleges Vigilantism
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Jim Krane, Associated Press
A female Army soldier in the 320th Military Police Battalion meted out "vigilante justice" on Iraqi prisoners she believed had raped prisoner of war Jessica Lynch, according to a letter from her battalion commander.
16. Quick Decision Expected In First Iraq Abuse Trial
(Washington Times)...Associated Press
The first court-martial arising from the abuse of Iraqi prisoners will probably be a quick affair, say lawyers with expertise in military trials.
17. Rumsfeld Backs Military's Handling Of Abuse Scandal
(Washington Times)...Bill Gertz
A defiant Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld yesterday defended the military's handling of the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison and denied a "culture of deception" exists.
18. An Overseer Of Intelligence Efforts At The Defense Department
(New York Times)...Douglas Jehl
Stephen Cambone may have more influence over intelligence matters at the Pentagon than anyone who has previously tried to oversee that enterprise, so his words carry some weight.
19. 200,000 Employees Awaiting Clearance To Work For Military
(New York Times)...Joel Brinkley
A government investigation shows that even as the military has grown more reliant on private contractors to serve in highly sensitive positions in Iraq, the Pentagon has a backlog of nearly 200,000 people working for those and other contractors who are still awaiting security clearances.
20. Lessons Of A By-The-Book Soldier
(Washington Post)...David Von Drehle
His name has been famous for about 10 days, since his report on the abuse of prisoners in Iraq burst into the global spotlight -- but only yesterday did the world get a good look at Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba. Forthright, terse, direct, Taguba turned out to be a by-the-book soldier worthy of central casting. The man sent to investigate the warped doings at Abu Ghraib appeared to be the straightest arrow imaginable. He didn't just nod to Army rules and regulations; he seemed to have memorized every page of every manual.
21. Where There's Battle, There's Bravery--And Recognition
(Los Angeles Times)...Tony Perry
The Marine Corps is usually conservative in distributing medals, but the battles of March and April here are certain to bring a significant number of citations for bravery, officials said.
22. Air Force Has Alert System For Explosive Cases
(St. Louis Post-Dispatch)...Philip Dine
...But what was not mentioned in the daylong testimony by Rumsfeld and other Pentagon leaders was that the Air Force has a system that flags sensitive cases and alerts top officials so they can try to contain the damage and alert Congress or other agencies. The policy was designed in 1998, following the case of Kelly Flinn, a B-52 pilot whom the Air Force sought to court-martial for having an affair with the husband of a subordinate and other offenses.
23. U.S. Allies Tread Lightly Amid Abuse Scandal
(Washington Times)...Nicholas Kralev
The Bush administration said yesterday that its diplomatic efforts in Iraq remained on track despite the abuse of Iraqi prisoners, but that the scandal has made its negotiating partners more cautious.
24. U.S. Troop Tasks In Iraq Spur Complaints
(Los Angeles Times)...Associated Press
Missouri's governor and its National Guard leader raised concerns Tuesday that some service personnel in Iraq were improperly being used as drivers for civilian supply contractors.
25. Outrage Erodes Morale Of Troops
(Washington Times)...Charles Hurt and Amy Fagan
The worldwide furor over the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers imperils troop morale at a crucial time, say lawmakers from both parties. But what to do about it divides them, with Democrats blaming the Bush administration for creating a culture where it could happen and the Republicans accusing Democrats of hyping the situation in order to make political hay out of it.
26. Warner, Courtly Republican, Guides Panel In Rough Seas
(New York Times)...Sheryl Gay Stolberg
Senator John Warner, the courtly Virginia Republican leading the Senate's inquiry into the abuse of Iraqi prisoners, was asked yet again on Tuesday for his opinion of Donald H. Rumsfeld, the secretary of defense. His reply was as revealing for what he did not say as for what he did.
27. Pentagon To Show Senators New Photos
(USA Today)...Kathy Kiely
U.S. senators will get their first look Wednesday at a new batch of photos of Iraqi prisoner abuse when Pentagon officials make them available for a brief, classified viewing.
28. McCain May Lobby For Tanker Subpoena
(Defense Daily)...Sharon Weinberger and Amy Butler
Frustrated by a lack of response from the Pentagon, the lead congressional opponent of the Air Force tanker acquisition said he might consider asking the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) to subpoena documents related to the deal and would continue to place holds on administration nominees reported out of committee until the issue is resolved.
29. Warning In Afghanistan
(New York Times)...New York Times
The commander of American forces in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. David W. Barno, warned Tuesday of more attacks from Taliban and Al Qaeda guerrillas, but he promised a relentless military response.
30. An Afghan Gives His Own Account Of U.S. Abuse
(New York Times)...Carlotta Gall
A former Afghan police colonel gave a graphic account in an interview this week of being subjected to beating, kicking, sleep deprivation, taunts and sexual abuse during about 40 days he spent in American custody in Afghanistan last summer. He also said he had been repeatedly photographed, often while naked.
31. U.S. Alters Treatment Of Afghan Detainees
(International Herald Tribune)...Combined Reports
Alleged abuse of prisoners - and three deaths - at U.S. jails in Afghanistan have prompted "very significant changes" in how the military treats detainees, including quicker transfers from jails at outlying bases, an American general said on Tuesday.
32. President Imposes Sanctions On Syria
(Washington Post)...Glenn Kessler
Under pressure from Congress, President Bush slapped sanctions on Syria yesterday for supporting terrorism and interfering with U.S. efforts to stabilize Iraq.
33. Army Urges Hoon To Censure Paper Over Fake Photos
(London Times)...Michael Evans and Russell Jenkins
GEOFF HOON is under pressure from the Army to denounce the Daily Mirror for publishing fake photographs of British soldiers beating up an Iraqi civilian.
34. Spanish Forces Refused US Order To Launch Najaf Offensive
(London Financial Times)...Joshua Levitt
...The violence in Najaf, along with that in Falluja, a Sunni town west of Baghdad, has threatened the overall US project of building a new Iraq. The Spanish military command in the region blamed the month-old uprising, which has engulfed coalition troops, on the incorrect reading of the situation by the Pentagon.
35. A Flurry Of Diplomacy In Asia On Eve Of Arms Talks
(New York Times)...James Brooke
Tokyo is abuzz with reports that the prime minister of Japan is planning a visit to North Korea. Meanwhile, South Korea and North Korea are organizing a meeting of army generals, the highest level inter-Korean military meeting in decades.
36. Panama To Sign Shipping Accord
(Los Angeles Times)...Carol J. Williams
The U.S. Navy will be allowed to board Panamanian-registered commercial ships to search for weapons of mass destruction under a deal to be signed today by the two nations in Washington.
37. Western Contractors Upgrade Their Security In Iraq
(Wall Street Journal)...Russell Gold
Western contractors in Iraq are beefing up their security and taking extra precautions to protect their employees from escalating violence.
38. More Charges In Theft Of Lockheed Files
(New York Times)...Leslie Wayne
A former manager of the Boeing Company was charged on Tuesday in a federal court with using documents stolen from the Lockheed Martin Corporation to help Boeing win a Pentagon rocket contract in 1998.
39. Boeing Contract Under Review
(Seattle Post-Intelligencer)...Tony Capaccio, Bloomberg News
Pentagon auditors said yesterday that they are reviewing whether The Boeing Co., second-largest contractor to the U.S. military, overcharged the Air Force "by a significant amount" on a $1.3 billion contract to upgrade NATO surveillance aircraft.
40. Hold Fast, Idealists
(New York Times)...William Safire
...Those of us who believe in the nobility of exporting freedom cannot trivialize the scandal. But we need not let our dismay at the predations of some self-photographing creeps overwhelm the morally sound purpose of our antiterror campaign. Nor should the dereliction of some officers detract from the brave and upright service of almost all our warriors. Though polls show that most Americans understand this, the atmosphere in the BosNyWash corridor is that of panic. Even some of my hard-line brethren are urging that we throw a few leaders off the sled to palliate the pack in pursuit; others offer an emergency exit strategy that is "cut and walk fast."
41. Not Just Following Orders
(Washington Post)...James D. Villa
From 1989 to 1992 I commanded the 372nd MP Company, the Army Reserve unit from Cumberland, Md., that is at the center of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. In the years since then, I've had an enduring affection for the unit and those who serve in it. Today what I feel is a sort of sickness, and shame at having been affiliated with the 372nd.
42. What Would You Do?
(Washington Post)...Anne Applebaum
...At the same time, Army superiors have spoken of the soldiers at Abu Ghraib as a "rogue unit" -- as if no ordinary soldiers could do such things, as if the explanation for these events lies only in their psyches and not in the system created over many months. As I say, this kind of talk is inevitable, perhaps understandable. But it should be kept in perspective. The best way to do that is to keep reminding yourself that the only possible answer to the question "What would you do" in such a situation has to be: "I don't know."
43. The Curse Of Pan-Arabia
(Wall Street Journal)...Fouad Ajami
Consider a tale of three cities: In Fallujah, there are the beginnings of wisdom, a recognition, after the bravado, that the insurgents cannot win in the face of a great military power. In Najaf, the clerical establishment and the shopkeepers have called on the Mahdi Army of Muqtada al-Sadr to quit their city, and to "pursue another way." It is in Washington where the lines are breaking, and where the faith in the gains that coalition soldiers have secured in Iraq at such a terrible price appears to have cracked. We have been doing Iraq by improvisation, we are now "dumping stock," just as our fortunes in that hard land may be taking a turn for the better. We pledged to give Iraqis a chance at a new political life. We now appear to be consigning them yet again to the same Arab malignancies that drove us to Iraq in the first place.
44. War Management Follows The Wrong Corporate Model
(Washington Post)...Steven Pearlstein
There are lots of ways to explain why the Bush administration has made a hash of its Iraq policy. To my mind, however, this is fundamentally a story about management failure and a corporate leadership style that the first MBA president and his crew of former CEOs brought to Washington.
45. Winning In Iraq
(Wall Street Journal)...Editorial
When all else fails, look to the good sense of the American people. Even amid a 24/7 news frenzy fed by dreams of Donald Rumsfeld's resignation, the U.S. public isn't even close to buying. In almost inverse proportion to the bizarre perceptions of political reality that obsess those inside the Beltway, recent polls show a 2-to-1 majority of Americans rejecting any move to oust the Secretary of Defense.
46. Protecting The System
(Washington Post)...Editorial
THE BUSH administration still seeks to mislead Congress and the public about the policies that contributed to the criminal abuse of prisoners in Iraq. Yesterday's smoke screen was provided by Stephen A. Cambone, undersecretary of defense for intelligence. Mr. Cambone assured the Senate Armed Services Committee that the administration's policy had always been to strictly observe the Geneva Conventions in Iraq; that all procedures for interrogations in Iraq were sanctioned under the conventions; and that the abuses of detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison were consequently the isolated acts of individuals. These assertions are contradicted by International Red Cross and Army investigators, by U.S. generals overseeing the prisoners, and by Mr. Cambone himself.
47. The Abu Ghraib Spin
(New York Times)...Editorial
The administration and its Republican allies appear to have settled on a way to deflect attention from the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib: accuse Democrats and the news media of overreacting, then pile all of the remaining responsibility onto officers in the battlefield, far away from President Bush and his political team. That cynical approach was on display yesterday morning in the second Abu Ghraib hearing in the Senate, a body that finally seemed to be assuming its responsibility for overseeing the executive branch after a year of silently watching the bungled Iraq occupation.
48. 'Trust Us' Won't Do
(Los Angeles Times)...Editorial
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg sharply questioned President Bush's lawyers last month about whether the secretive and indefinite detention of terrorism suspects that Bush ordered at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, could encourage torture and mistreatment. Now, after revelations of abuse and torture at Abu Graib prison near Baghdad, the concerns of Ginsburg and other justices have become anything but hypothetical.
All done!
May 11, 2004
Shooting the Messenger?
Accusations fly that Mudville's ongoing expose of Seymour Hersh's (and 60 Minutes) agenda is a case of "shooting the messenger". Perhaps so, but lets recap just whose messenger boys Seymour and the 60 Minutes crew are.
Seymour's old friend from the My Lai case, Gary Myers, is a defense attorney for Ivan Frederick, the highest ranking Soldier currently charged in the case. Perhaps not yet comfortable with his role, Seymour first slipped information about the relationship with his source in his initial New Yorker piece on the story:
At the Article 32 hearing, the Army informed Frederick and his attorneys, Captain Robert Shuck, an Army lawyer, and Gary Myers, a civilian, that two dozen witnesses they had sought, including General Karpinski and all of Frederick�s co-defendants, would not appear. Some had been excused after exercising their Fifth Amendment right; others were deemed to be too far away from the courtroom. �The purpose of an Article 32 hearing is for us to engage witnesses and discover facts,� Gary Myers told me. �We ended up with a c.i.d. agent and no alleged victims to examine.� After the hearing, the presiding investigative officer ruled that there was sufficient evidence to convene a court-martial against Frederick.
Myers, who was one of the military defense attorneys in the My Lai prosecutions of the nineteen-seventies, told me that his client�s defense will be that he was carrying out the orders of his superiors and, in particular, the directions of military intelligence. He said, �Do you really think a group of kids from rural Virginia decided to do this on their own? Decided that the best way to embarrass Arabs and make them talk was to have them walk around nude?�
His follow up New Yorker bit is a series of quotes from anonymous sources surrounding another release from the supply of photos he assures us is nowhere near exhausted. The source?
Last week, I was given another set of digital photographs, which had been in the possession of a member of the 320th.
Seymour's payment in the (possibly) Faustian bargain? From the clues in the story (Clue one: "Chain of Command") it's to do his utmost to ensure the blame is shifted as far as possible up the chain of command, a task made all the more daunting after testimony given today by Maj Gen Taguba, author of the other key document Seymour's hopes are pinned on.
Finally, the statement from Ivan Frederick's uncle, William Lawson, as reported in the New York Times
"The Army had the opportunity for this not to come out, not to be on 60 Minutes," he said. "But the Army decided to prosecute those six G.I.'s because they thought me and my family were a bunch of poor, dirt people who could not do anything about it. But unfortunately, that was not the case."
Many of the incriminating photographs appear to have been taken on a digital camera by a soldier in the 372nd Military Police Company who is now facing a court-martial. From there, they appear to have circulated among military personnel in Iraq via e-mail and computer disks, and some may have found their way to family members in the United States.
Producers at "60 Minutes II" are not saying exactly how they got the photographs. But Jeff Fager, the executive producer, said, "We heard about someone who was outraged about it and thought that the public should know about it."
Shooting the messenger? The aim was at the message, but I suppose collateral damage is often unavoidable.
And sometimes desirable.
Update: Looks like Seymour's getting results:
A video posted Tuesday on an Islamic militant Web site based in Egypt showed a group affiliated with al Qaeda beheading an American contractor in Iraq, saying the death was revenge for the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers.
Update 2: On reflection, I acknowledge that the cause/effect statement above is questionable. The horrific event may or may not have occurred with or without the Abu Ghraib excuse. The reader is certainly capable of drawing their own conclusions. Likewise the reader can determine their own degree of personal revulsion between the two stories. I would note that the butchering of a human being was not enough to push the well-spun headlines regarding Taguba's testimony off the top of the pages shown here.
I note the comments of the distinguished gentleman from Oklahoma:
Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma said he was not the only one who was "more outraged at the outrage" than by the treatment of Iraqi prisoners, some of whom "have American blood probably on their hands."
"The idea that these prisoners -- you know, they're not there for traffic violations. If they're in cell block 1A or 1B, these prisoners -- they're murderers, they're terrorists, they're insurgents," Inhofe said. "Many of them probably have American blood on their hands. And here we're so concerned about the treatment of those individuals."
The New York Times offers a rather inexplicable profile of Maj Gen Taguba, going to great pains to paint him a man whose career has been limited by his heritage and whose future potential has been damaged by his heroic handling of the Iraqi prison scandal.
The heroic part is correct, the rest is about as believable as the cries of innocence swirling around the 'perpetraitors' the General helped expose.
Did I say inexplicable? Perhaps not. There's strong wishful thinking among many on the left for Taguba have been the source of the leak to 60 Minutes/Seymour Hersh - the theory being the man was fed up with the Army stonewalling and using his report to get the innocent instead of the guilty.
Wishful thinking, as readers here well know.
Maj General Taguba is a hero in anyone's book, by virtue of long and distinguished sevice to his nation. Sad that that's not enough for a large segment of the population.
"We did not find any evidence of a policy or a direct order given to these soldiers to conduct what they did. I believe that they did it on their own volition and I believe that they collaborated with several MI (military intelligence) interrogators at the lower level," Tugaba said.
There's still hope for spin. If the press and congressional Democrats continue their unprecedented support of the Abu Ghraib torture squad expect a barrage of training-related questions, and focused coverage of that angle. One usable quote is all that's needed...
Update 2: Well, that didn't take long
And note the link in the first update above was originally to a brief mention of the testimony, but now is to a longer story with a very different headline.
And this quote:
On the other side of the aisle, Democrat Mark Dayton of Michigan never asked a question during his time, instead using it to accuse Pentagon officials of sanitizing the abuse and obscuring the truth.
"That's why the pictures have been so important," he said. "The pictures showed us the truth. ... We were told there were papers and orders ... and everyone followed those orders except for a few people who did very bad things unbeknownst to anyone else who were all doing what they were supposed to be doing to save American lives."
"Those pictures were disruptive," he added, "because they defy that sanitizing."
Note that the CNN story is in the "Inside Politics" category. Best fit?
Footnote/disclaimer: The above erroneous reference to Sen Dayton's homestate noted by commenters below is from the CNN story, and not the fault of the Mudville Gazette. We offer no comment on the fact checking procedures used by CNN; we note this could cast doubt on the accuracy of their coverage, have considered apologizing for them but decided not to, and acknowledge the irony of the situation. ;)
All done!
11 May 04 Morning Briefing
1. President Backs His Defense Chief In Show Of Unity
(New York Times)...Richard W. Stevenson and Carl Hulse
President Bush made a robust show of support on Monday for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, as the White House, the Pentagon and Congress grappled with whether and how to release more pictures of Iraqi prisoners being abused by American soldiers.
2. Mistreatment Of Detainees Went Beyond Guards' Abuse
(Washington Post)...Rajiv Chandrasekaran and Scott Wilson
Problems in the U.S.-run detention system in Iraq extended beyond physical mistreatment in prison cellblocks, involving thousands of arrests without evidence of wrongdoing and abuse of suspects starting from the moment of detention, according to former prisoners, Iraqi lawyers, human rights advocates and the International Committee for the Red Cross.
3. Head Of Inquiry On Iraq Abuses Now In Spotlight
(New York Times)...Douglas Jehl
As the son of a survivor of a Japanese prison camp whose military service went all but unrecognized for decades, Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba learned early lessons about right and wrong.
4. Poll: War Opposition Up Amid Iraqi Abuse Scandal
(USA Today)...John Ritter
...So offensive is the scandal that it appears to be having a profound impact on public opinion about the war. For the first time, a majority of Americans say they're dissatisfied with President Bush's performance, and 58% disapprove of his handling of the situation in Iraq, according to a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday.
5. Tribal Proposal Requires Al-Sadr To Stand Trial
(Washington Times)...Annia Ciezadlo
Coalition officials are looking favorably on a deal proposed by Shi'ite tribal leaders that would see Sheik Muqtada al-Sadr face trial, but allow the radical cleric to save face by surrendering to tribal authorities instead of American forces.
6. U.S. Training African Forces To Uproot Terrorists
(New York Times)...Craig S. Smith
...Generals here at the United States European Command, which oversees the area, say the vast, arid region is a new Afghanistan, with well-financed bands of Islamic militants recruiting, training and arming themselves. Terrorist attacks like the one on March 11 in Madrid that killed 191 people seem to have a North African link, investigators say, and may presage others in Europe. Having learned from missteps in Afghanistan and Iraq, the American officers are pursuing this battle with a new approach.
7. Bush: U.S. Owes Debt To 'Superb' Rumsfeld
(USA Today)...Jim Drinkard and Tom Squitieri
President Bush visited the Pentagon on Monday to shore up his embattled Defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, as the administration and Congress grappled with how to handle potentially explosive new photos of prisoner sexual abuse.
8. Bush Views More Photos
(Los Angeles Times)...Maura Reynolds and Esther Schrader
President Bush, making an unusual visit to the Pentagon on Monday, viewed still-secret photographs of U.S. soldiers mistreating Iraqi prisoners and said Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was doing "a superb job" for which the nation owes him "a debt of gratitude."
9. Bush Backs Rumsfeld, For Now
(Wall Street Journal)...Carla Anne Robbins and Greg Hitt
President Bush again endorsed Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, saying he is doing a "superb job." But that praise is unlikely to quiet demands for Mr. Rumsfeld's resignation in the wake of the Iraqi prisoner-abuse scandal, or halt the handicapping on his likely successor.
10. Bush Lauds Rumsfeld For Doing 'Superb Job'
(Washington Post)...Mike Allen and Bradley Graham
President Bush went before cameras at the Pentagon yesterday to unequivocally praise Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld in an effort to head off growing pressure for his resignation, then examined more than a dozen new photos documenting abuse of Iraqi detainees. Bush's aides had known for several days about the graphic photographs, which include sexual abuse of detainees and other mistreatment of naked, hooded detainees. But the session gave the commander in chief a vivid view of fuel that could continue to feed a scandal that was a distraction a week ago, but now is consuming the White House and creating real alarm among Republicans.
11. Military: Guantanamo Unlike Iraq
(Miami Herald)...Frank Davies, David Kidwell and Ronnie Greene
Interrogation techniques used at the Guantᮡmo Bay terror prison are meant to wear down detainees, but the rules forbid the kind of tortures coming to light in Iraq, say U.S. government officials and other experts familiar with the facility.
12. At The Pentagon, Quirky Powerpoint Carries Big Punch
(Wall Street Journal)...Greg Jaffe
...Mr. Barnett's military is a far cry from the shape of today's armed forces. Instead of a single force to wage wars and rebuild nations, Mr. Barnett envisions two. The first, which he dubs "Leviathan," would be hard-hitting, ready to take on conventional foes such as Saddam Hussein on a moment's notice. The second, more unconventional force of "System Administrators" would focus on bringing dysfunctional states into the mainstream through the type of nation-building operations seen in Iraq, the Balkans and Eastern Africa. It wouldn't only mop up after wars but would travel the world during peacetime building local security forces and infrastructure.
13. Iraq Cleric Faces Showdown With Moderate Shiites
(Los Angeles Times)...Patrick J. McDonnell and Alissa J. Rubin
U.S. and British forces have recently inflicted heavy casualties on Muqtada Sadr's militia, but the Shiite cleric is bracing for a showdown with a more familiar foe: moderate Shiites who do not support his uprising.
14. U.S. Forces Raze Cleric's Office
(Washington Post)...Sewell Chan and Daniel Williams
U.S. forces destroyed one of two Baghdad offices of radical Shiite Muslim cleric Moqtada Sadr early Monday during six hours of fighting in which 16 Iraqis were killed.
15. Marines Safely Venture Into Fallouja, Talk With Leaders
(Los Angeles Times)...Tony Perry
In a test of what U.S. Marines see as their new partnership with Iraqi security forces, a joint convoy Monday safely escorted an American general into this troubled city's downtown for a 25-minute meeting with the mayor and a group of sheiks, government officials and businessmen.
16. Violence, Collision Kill 3 U.S. Soldiers In Iraq
(Los Angeles Times)...Associated Press
Three more American soldiers have died in Iraq, two from hostile fire and one in a traffic accident, military officials said Monday.
17. First Baghdad Court-Martial May Set Table For Later Ones
(New York Times)...Adam Liptak
The trial next week of an American military policeman on charges of mistreating Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison is likely to disappoint people eager for a thorough airing of the available evidence. It may also frustrate those who would like to see tough punishment should his guilt be established.
18. A Double Ordeal For Female Prisoners
(Los Angeles Times)...Tracy Wilkinson
...Whether it was one or numerous cases of rape, many Iraqis believe that sexual abuse of women in U.S.-run jails was rampant. As a result, female prisoners face grave prospects after they are released: denial, ostracism or even death.
19. Allies Demand Justice In Abuse
(Washington Times)...William J. Kole, Associated Press
America's allies in Iraq, voicing disgust at abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. troops, demanded yesterday that the Pentagon punish those responsible.
20. Secret World Of U.S. Interrogation
(Washington Post)...Dana Priest and Joe Stephens
...The Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, where a unit of U.S. soldiers abused prisoners, is just the largest and suddenly most notorious in a worldwide constellation of detention centers -- many of them secret and all off-limits to public scrutiny -- that the U.S. military and CIA have operated in the name of counterterrorism or counterinsurgency operations since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
More to come...
All done!
The Game
The Miami Heat handed the Indiana Pacers their first loss of the NBA playoff season Monday night.
"They may win some more games, but they'll never regain that 'unbeaten' status" said a Heat spokesperson. "Never."
Heat fans immediately declared Indiana's entry into the playoffs a 'mistake' and demanded that the Pacers fire Reggie Miller, Jermaine O'Neal, and coach Rick Carlisle.
MilBlogs and Military Appreciation Month
Military Appreciation Month continues, lest we forget.
I've written so much about the Army lately it's only right that I welcome An Air Force Pilot into the MilBlogs ring.
And for equal time, a Navy Flyer and MilBlogger I just haven't linked enough: Neptunus Lex
And Sondra K, a true Friend of MilBlogs, has a simple request.
May 10, 2004
Sincere Flattery?
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, as they say.
The AP and USA Today construct their own timelines of events at Abu Ghraib - a bit less complete, more speculative, and unsupported in any of the statements (no links to source).
I'm flattered, I suppose. More flattery here.
Updated Timeline
The Timeline entry continues to grow as "new" information is discovered.
The latest additions:
(AG) 26 Jan CNN reports: The U.S. military's criminal investigation into potential abuse of Iraqi detainees by U.S. soldiers at Abu Gharib prison in Iraq now includes reports from soldiers that military police took photographs showing soldiers hitting detainees, CNN has learned.
Earlier, several Pentagon officials who declined to be identified by name confirmed to CNN that investigators were looking into the reports -- all coming from fellow soldiers -- of photographs showing male and female detainees with some of their clothing removed. (8)
(AG) 20 March CNN reports: Six U.S. soldiers have been charged with offenses related to the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at an Iraqi prison, the U.S. Army said Saturday.
Multiple sources said the allegations involve soldiers who took photographs of Iraqi prisoners in late 2003, including pictures that show the prisoners partially clothed or physical contact between soldiers and detainees.
One source said "less than two dozen detainees" were subjected to the alleged abuse, which was reported by U.S. Army soldiers who witnessed it. (9)
(AG) Mar: SSg Frederick's uncle William sent an e-mail message to retired colonel David Hackworth's Web. The NY Times describes Hackworth as "a retired colonel and a muckraker who was always willing to take on the military establishment." That e-mail message would put Mr. Lawson in touch with the CBS News program "60 Minutes II" and help set in motion events that led to the public disclosure of the graphic photographs and an international crisis for the Bush administration. The Times reports on 8 May: (7)
The irony, Mr. Lawson said, is that the public spectacle might have been avoided if the military and the federal government had been responsive to his claims that his nephew was simply following orders. Mr. Lawson said he sent letters to 17 members of Congress about the case earlier this year, with virtually no response, and that he ultimately contacted Mr. Hackworth's Web site out of frustration, leading him to cooperate with a consultant for "60 Minutes II."
"The Army had the opportunity for this not to come out, not to be on 60 Minutes," he said. "But the Army decided to prosecute those six G.I.'s because they thought me and my family were a bunch of poor, dirt people who could not do anything about it. But unfortunately, that was not the case." (7)
(AG) 7 May: "There are indications that the information provided was penetrating at some level, however. On January 20 th, for example, CNN reported that a CID investigation was being conducted into allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib, and mentioned the possible existence of photographs taken of detainees.
Nonetheless, I know that we did not fully brief you on this subject along the way and we should have done so.
I wish we would have known more sooner and been able to tell you more sooner. But we didn't. For that, I apologize." (10)
Whither Rummy?
Not likely.
A media disinformation campaign over events at Abu Ghraib is failing, according to the latest poll results from the Washington Post.
A large majority of Americans believe that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld should not resign over the Iraq prison scandal, but the public remains divided over whether the administration moved quickly enough to investigate reports of abuse, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Seven in 10 Americans said Rumsfeld should not be forced to quit, a view held by majorities of Republicans, Democrats and self-described independents.
The survey comes a day after President Bush gave Rumsfeld a vote of confidence, and as Rumsfeld faced stiff questioning by members of Congress enraged that they were kept in the dark about abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison.
As details continue to emerge, the survey found that public opinion on the way Bush is handling the scandal is sharply divided and deeply partisan but not yet fully formed. Fewer than half of respondents -- 48 percent -- said they approved of the way the president is dealing with the issue, while 35 percent disapproved. But 17 percent are undecided, a clear indication that many Americans are waiting for more information.
Two-thirds said the soldiers involved should be charged with a crime. A slight majority also believed higher-level officers should be held responsible for allowing a breakdown in training and discipline.
Leading to the possible conclusion that Americans are capable of ignoring hyperbole, waiting for facts to be collected, assimilating those facts, and making decisions. Further, that Americans are not in favor of witch hunts or otherwise responding precipitously to alarming news.
Expect media efforts to cloud the issue to be redoubled in the wake of these results.
(I would express surprise that 1/3 of those reponding apparently said that the soldiers should not be charged with a crime. But that's the times we live in, I suppose. Have I mentioned I'm no fan of the "criminals are victims" defense?)
And if you like to consider views you may not yet have heard, do read what my fellow MilBloggers Lex and Baldilocks and have to say on the topic of Rumsfeld: in or out?
Not a MilBlog
"The Army had the opportunity for this not to come out, not to be on 60 Minutes," he said. "But the Army decided to prosecute those six G.I.'s because they thought me and my family were a bunch of poor, dirt people who could not do anything about it. But unfortunately, that was not the case."
That would be William Lawson, retired Air Force master sergeant and Ivan Frederick's uncle, quoted in the New York Times, explaining why his family contacted 60 Minutes. (Confirming a revelation first reported in the Mudville Gazette.)
They're not only using old media, but new media too, having opened this Free Chip Frederick web site to support the cause. If you'd like to contact them for more information, they've graciously provided their phone numbers there.
10 May 04 Morning Briefing
1. Senators Fault Pentagon As New Photos Emerge
(Washington Post)...R. Jeffrey Smith
Republican and Democratic senators criticized the Pentagon yesterday for what one Republican termed a "systemic failure" in overseeing the detention of prisoners in Iraq but expressed divided opinions on whether Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld should resign in the wake of the scandal over the humiliation of Iraqis and other prison abuses.
2. First Trial Set To Begin May 19 In Abuse In Iraq
(New York Times)...Dexter Filkins
A 24-year-old military policeman from Pennsylvania will be court-martialed here on May 19, the first American soldier to face trial in the abuse of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, military officials said Sunday. In an extraordinary gesture to address outrage over the abuse scandal, the military is permitting broad public access to the trial and will invite the Arab news media.
3. U.S. Must Find A Way To Move Past The Images
(New York Times)...David E. Sanger
When President Bush travels to the Pentagon on Monday morning for a classified briefing on the Iraq war, the subtext of the conversation will have little to do with the commanders' latest assessments of whether insurgents can be routed from Falluja and Najaf. Instead, some of Mr. Bush's senior aides conceded in conversations over the weekend, the far larger question hanging over Mr. Bush's encounter with his embattled secretary of defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld, and the nation's military leaders is whether the revelations of prisoner abuse have so undermined American political objectives for remaking Iraq that the military challenges have suddenly become a secondary problem.
4. Early Signs Were Given Secondary Priority
(USA Today)...John Diamond
Days after a military prison guard in Iraq placed a compact disk containing photographs of prisoner abuse on the bunk of an Army investigator, the military's top officer knew that the Pentagon, and the country, were facing a major crisis.
5. Shiite Cleric's Militia Seizes Control Of Baghdad Slum
(Washington Post)...Daniel Williams
Gunmen and commanders loyal to radical Shiite Muslim cleric Moqtada Sadr took over the giant Sadr City slum in Baghdad on Sunday, seizing control of police forces, municipal administration and schools and blocking freedom of movement in an area just five miles east of U.S. administration headquarters.
6. Chechen President Killed In Bomb Blast
(Washington Post)...Susan B. Glasser and Peter Baker
Chechnya's pro-Russian leader, Akhmad Kadyrov, was killed Sunday by a powerful explosion that ripped through a stadium in the capital of the rebellious republic in one of the boldest recent attacks in a secessionist war that persists despite Kremlin claims that it is largely over.
7. Cleric's Forces Battle For Section Of Baghdad
(Los Angeles Times)...Patrick J. McDonnell
...U.S. officials said 19 militiamen, all carrying rocket-propelled-grenade launchers, were killed in the fighting. U.S. officials said the fighters took to the streets one day after the arrest of two men suspected of being a lieutenant in and a financier for Sadr's militia.
8. U.S. Pushes Deep Into Shi'ite City
(Washington Times)...Scheherezade Faramarzi, Associated Press
U.S. forces stepped up pressure on Shi'ite gunmen loyal to radical cleric Sheik Muqtada al-Sadr, pushing with tanks into the holy city of Kufa and assaulting militia positions in the narrow streets of a Shi'ite enclave in Baghdad. About 30 Iraqis were killed.
9. Falluja District Begins To Relax As Iraqi Force Patrols The Streets
(New York Times)...Christine Hauser and John Kifner
The faces of many houses in the Jolan district of Falluja are scorched black. Gaping holes puncture the walls, leaving glimpses of lifeless interiors through jagged brickwork and shattered windows.
10. U.S. Asks Politicians And Sheiks To Help Rebuild Iraqi Corps In South
(New York Times)...Edward Wong
The American military has begun to recruit Iraqi fighters from prominent Shiite political parties and tribal sheiks to rebuild the national security forces in the south that have been decimated by the uprising led by the rebel cleric Moktada al-Sadr.
11. Red Cross Cited Detainee Abuse Over A Year Ago
(Wall Street Journal)...David S. Cloud
Even before the war in Iraq ended a year ago, and well before U.S. officials have generally acknowledged it, the Red Cross began periodically lodging complaints about the treatment of Iraqi prisoners in allied custody, according to a confidential report by the organization.
12. As Insurgency Grew, So Did Prison Abuse
(Washington Post)...Scott Wilson and Sewell Chan
In the fall of 2003, U.S. officials watched anxiously as a potent guerrilla resistance rose across broad swaths of northern and central Iraq. Insurgents assassinated diplomats, detonated car bombs and mounted daily hit-and-run strikes on U.S. soldiers. Fearful of reprisals, Iraqis shrank from collaborating with an occupation authority that appeared powerless to reverse the tide of violence and lawlessness.
13. Marines In Iraq See Prison Photos Creating Enemies
(Wall Street Journal)...Michael M. Phillips
Watching a computer screen in a U.S. Marines command post here this weekend, Sgt. Maj. Philip Freed stared in disbelief at a photo of Army Pfc. Lynndie England holding a leash attached to a naked Iraqi prisoner.
14. Brutal Images Buttress Anger Of Ex-Prisoners
(New York Times)...Ian Fisher
...But now the scandal has given these complaints a new platform. And Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld's promise in a Senate hearing last week to pay compensation to victims has provided a new incentive for people to come forward — though it may be increasingly hard to separate victims from opportunists. One reason for the anger is that the photographs from Abu Ghraib prison seemed to confirm the worst of what many Iraqis believed and more than a few have experienced: that American soldiers, under extreme danger here and thus usually seen patrolling the streets with guns raised, often use excessive force against Iraqis.
15. Analysts Say Iraqi Agencies Unlikely To Follow U.S. Rules
(Washington Post)...Walter Pincus
With less than two months before the Coalition Provisional Authority is to transfer sovereignty to an Iraqi government, CPA administrator L. Paul Bremer III has been establishing rules for key agencies in the fields of intelligence, defense and the law that analysts say may not survive long because they reflect American rather than Middle Eastern values.
16. 7 Iraqis Killed By Bomb Hidden In Box
(Washington Post)...Scott Wilson and Sewell Chan
A bomb hidden in a box in front of a crowded market in western Baghdad exploded Sunday, killing at least seven Iraqis and wounding more than a dozen others. Witnesses said two of the dead were children and three others were police officers who were trying to defuse the bomb when it detonated during morning rush hour.
17. Officials Grapple With How And When To Release Images
(New York Times)...Thom Shanker
The Defense Department is planning to provide Congress with many more pictures of the abusive treatment of Iraqi detainees, but has not decided whether to release them to the public, Congressional leaders and Pentagon officials said Sunday.
18. A Father's Nemesis Who Became A Son's Trusted Aide(New York Times)...Elisabeth Bumiller
At the heart of the melodrama playing out in Washington is the complex character of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, the great warrior of Iraq and Afghanistan who is now struggling to hang on to his job. If he survives, it will largely be because of President Bush, who spanked him last week for his handling of the Iraq prison abuse scandal but insisted Mr. Rumsfeld's position was secure.
19. Dissension Grows In Senior Ranks On War Strategy
(Washington Post)...Thomas E. Ricks
Deep divisions are emerging at the top of the U.S. military over the course of the occupation of Iraq, with some senior officers beginning to say that the United States faces the prospect of casualties for years without achieving its goal of establishing a free and democratic Iraq.
20. Most Want Rumsfeld To Stay, Poll Finds
(Washington Post)...Richard Morin and Claudia Deane
A large majority of Americans believe that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld should not resign over the Iraq prison scandal, but the public remains divided over whether the administration moved quickly enough to investigate reports of abuse, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
21. Interrogators Lacked List Of Proper Tactics
(Dallas Morning News)...Associated Press
U.S. military units holding prisoners in Iraq did not get a specific list of techniques permitted during questioning and were expected to follow long-standing limitations in the Geneva Conventions, a senior Pentagon official said Sunday.
22. Navy Launches Vast Maritime Security Plan
(Washington Times)...Richard Halloran
Pacific Command has undertaken one of the most ambitious and complicated ventures in the war on terrorism as it seeks to prevent seaborne terrorist and criminal assaults on nations bordering the Pacific and Indian oceans.
23. Iraq Prison Abuse Stains Entire Brigade
(Washington Times)...Associated Press
The prisoner-abuse scandal has so tarnished the Army's 800th Military Police Brigade that soldiers slated to receive a Bronze Star medal have been dropped from the list, the brigade's commander, Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, said yesterday.
24. Prison Revolt
(Washington Post)...Libby Copeland
Brig. Gen. Janis L. Karpinski has her back up. She says she has been scapegoated for the abuses that some U.S. soldiers inflicted on Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib, abuses that occurred when she was in charge of 16 prisons in Iraq, and that were carried out by soldiers under her command. Karpinski believes that higher-ups are attempting to make her the public face of failed leadership.
25. Bush Aims To Avoid Father's Mistakes
(Washington Times)...Bill Sammon
...The president, while acknowledging that "the rebuilding of Iraq is a difficult period," is optimistic about nurturing a democratic government there. "Freedom will prevail, so long as the United States and allies don't give the people of Iraq mixed signals, so long as we don't cower in the face of suiciders, or do what many Iraqis still suspect might happen, and that is cut and run early, like what happened in '91," Mr. Bush said.
26. White House Defends Rumsfeld Following Testimony In Congress
(Wall Street Journal)...Glenn R. Simpson
The White House mounted a strong defense of embattled Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld in the wake of his congressional testimony on Friday on prisoner abuse in Iraq. "I think Donald Rumsfeld is the best secretary of defense the United States has ever had," said Vice President -- and former Defense Secretary -- Dick Cheney in a written statement issued Saturday. Other officials, including National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, were deployed to come to Mr. Rumsfeld's aid over the weekend, amid a growing clamor for his resignation.
27. Rice Says She And Bush 'Strongly' Support Rumsfeld
(New York Times)...Elisabeth Bumiller
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld retains "the strongest possible support" from President Bush and the White House, the national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, said Saturday, a day after Mr. Rumsfeld testified for six hours in Congress about the abuse by Americans of Iraqi prisoners.
28. Senators Want All Photos To Be Shown
(Washington Times)...Audrey Hudson
Key senators yesterday called on the Pentagon to quickly make public all photographs, videos and other evidence of prisoner abuse in Iraq, which the senators described as systemic.
29. Prisoner Abuse Scandal Puts McCain In Spotlight Once Again
(New York Times)...Sheryl Gay Stolberg
...With the Senate preparing to take up a resolution condemning the abuse, possibly as soon as Monday, Mr. McCain has made it clear that he intends to use both his platform and his anger to prod the Bush administration to make the facts of the scandal public immediately. He is not interested, he said in an interview Friday, in "some commission to investigate and report out six or nine months from now." "They can do whatever they want," he said, "but the facts have got to come out now."
30. Senate Considers Upgrading B-1 Bombers
(USA Today)...Unattributed
The Senate Armed Services Committee wants to increase funding to modernize B-1B bombers such as those stationed at Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D., Sen. Tom Daschle said Sunday. Daschle, D-S.D., said the committee and the Air Force have indicated support for modernizing and expanding the B-1 fleet, about half of which is stationed at Ellsworth.
31. U.S.-Russia Plutonium Disposal Project Languishing
(Washington Post)...Peter Slevin
...Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld are among those who have raised the issue with their Russian counterparts. Despite intensive discussions within the administration in recent weeks, a White House official conceded that the issue is "one of those things that have been on the one-yard line a long time."
32. World In Brief
(Washington Post)...Unattributed
U.S. forces swept through an Afghan province, detaining 35 Taliban suspects, including a rebel commander, an Afghan governor said.
33. As Heroin Flourishes, So Could Terror
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Mark McDonald
Heroin producers in Afghanistan, some of the principal financiers of al-Qaeda and other terrorists, have never been so brazen or so wealthy.
34. Talks On North Korean Nuclear Program To Resume In Beijing
(Washington Post)...Glenn Kessler
After a helpful push from China -- which last month promised to double food assistance to North Korea -- mid-level officials from the Pyongyang government will sit down Wednesday in Beijing with their counterparts from the United States, South Korea, Japan, China and Russia. The topic concerns ending North Korea's nuclear programs, though the North Koreans and Americans have not quite agreed on the precise agenda.
35. Pakistan Border Offensive Fails
(Wall Street Journal)...Zahid Hussain
...Tension between Pakistan and the U.S. has been heightened with an incursion by American troops into Pakistani territory. Islamabad protested the May 2 incident in which U.S. troops crossed into the North Waziristan region. But Washington said the entry was inadvertent and U.S. troops quickly returned to Afghanistan. The U.S. has been conducting its own search for al Qaeda leaders and Taliban insurgents along the Afghanistan border in an effort to trap the fighters between the two countries' forces. Military officials have said they believe al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has been moving frequently across the border.
36. Blair Offers An Apology For Abuses By Soldiers
(New York Times)...Patrick E. Tyler
Prime Minister Tony Blair apologized Sunday for the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by British soldiers as his government prepared to make a detailed statement in Parliament on Monday about the investigations into mistreatment.
37. CACI Defends Screening Of Interrogators
(Washington Post)...Ellen McCarthy
CACI International Inc. said yesterday that its interrogators were carefully screened and worked under the supervision of the U.S. military in Iraqi detention centers.
More to come...
All done!
May 9, 2004
MilBlogs Salutes Moms II
Speaking of "Blue Star Moms", I'd be remiss for failing to acknowledge the contribution of one such group on this fine day. From the Soldiers' Angels home page:
Soldiers' Angels was started by a self-described ?ordinary mother? of an ordinary young man turned hero, Corporal Brandon Varn. Brandon was deployed in Iraq and has since honorably completed his mission and has returned back to his proud and loving family.
In the summer of 2003, he wrote home expressing his concern that some soldiers did not receive any mail or support from home. Being a caring and loving mother, she decided not to allow a situation like that to continue. She contacted a few friends and extended family to ask if they would write to a soldier or two.
Within a few short months, The Soldiers? Angels Foundation went from a mother writing a few extra letters to an Internet Community of over 8,000 angels worldwide and growing stronger with the addition of new members daily. With more and more merchants donating services, money and items for packages, the Angels reorganized as a 501 c 3 non-profit foundation. On February 26, 2004, Soldiers? Angels merged with Keystone Soldiers, proving with our allies we find new strength that better enables us to complete our mission of providing tangible caring support for our military.
From simple messages of support to deployed GIs to care packages for the immediate needs of wounded soldiers arriving in hospitals far from home, Soldiers Angels does an awesome job of being moms for Soldiers everywhere. (Hey, did I mention that they're MilBlogs members too?)
Click the linked banner below and learn more.
Greetings, Lucianne and NRO The Corner readers
You've reached The Mudville Gazette, most likely for the posts headlined
The Greyhawk Factor, Things that make you go hmmm..., and Timeline below.
There are several other related posts too.
In addition, Mudville is the headquarters of the MilBlogs Web ring, a loose group of military, veterans, and spouses who maintain web logs and thus are reporting from all around the world, including Iraq and Afghanistan. We're celebrating National Military Appreciation Month here throughout May, but I try to keep active links to all the latest from my fellow military bloggers here at all times.
Stop by any time, we're glad to have you visit.
MilBlogs Salutes - Moms
Mothers day - phone home, those of you who can.
Be home, if possible.
Sgt Hook can't - he's in Afghanistan - while his wife and mom of two waits in Hawaii. So she gets mothers day with the little guys but with dad over there.
So Hook, for our purposes, gets to represent a lot of families who are geographically separated for mothers day.
And think how tough could that be for the moms who are deployed.
On the positive note, their future mothers days, and all the other holidays, will be sweeter for the realization that being together is special, that families are special.
That moms are special.
I'm speaking on first hand information here people.
Happy Mother's Day mom. (And thanks for teaching me about right and wrong.)
And to all you blue star moms out there, our thoughts and prayers, along with our thanks, are with you and yours now and always. A happy Mother's Day to you.
Meet the Children
The Pittsburgh Post Gazette profiles one of the Abu Ghraib abuse suspects that Seymour Hersh affectionately calls "the children": Army Spc. Charles A. Graner Jr., 36, one of seven members of the 372nd Military Police Company charged with assault, cruelty, indecent acts and mistreatment of detainees.
John Burner, who has known the family for 30 years, was visibly taken aback and dismayed yesterday.
"I feel so bad," he said. "He was a real good guy. I have nothing but good things to say about Chuck. Never once did Chuck give anyone a problem. It was always 'Yes, sir' or 'No, sir.' He wouldn't even call my wife and me by our first names. It was always 'Mr.' and "Mrs.' "
But public records indicate that Graner had troubles at work as a correctional officer in the state prison system in Greene County -- a history of disciplinary actions that culminated in his firing in 2000. He was later reinstated by an arbitrator.
Graner's marriage dissolved in 1997 and his wife obtained three protection-from-abuse orders against him in the ensuing four years. In her first petition, she accused him of threatening to kill her. She made other allegations of abuse in subsequent petitions.
Read the whole thing, and take it with a grain of salt - news reports are sometimes wrong. But this one contains perhaps the most damning comments regarding the "these children are victims" line of defense, from a reporter who served with Graner in a previous assignment:
KDKA-TV reporter Ross Guidotti served with Graner in a military police company when both were members of the Marine Corps Reserve. For about six weeks in early 1991, both were guards at a prison camp for Iraqis captured during the Gulf War.
"From what I saw, he did not have a malevolent side," Guidotti said. He remembered Graner as "a funny guy, outgoing, and quick to crack a joke."
He said he was shocked to hear that Graner has been accused of mistreating prisoners, in part because of the training they and other guards received years ago. "It was drilled into our minds well before we left the continental U.S. what we were allowed to do, and not allowed to do, relative to the treatment of prisoners."
As Americans get over their shock and disgust and Democrats once again loose their "criminals are victims" debate then perhaps the wheels of justice can start turning again.
Hat tip: Commenter here.
Another Piece
The New York Times takes us a step closer to "The Whole Truth"
The irony, Mr. Lawson said, is that the public spectacle might have been avoided if the military and the federal government had been responsive to his claims that his nephew was simply following orders. Mr. Lawson said he sent letters to 17 members of Congress about the case earlier this year, with virtually no response, and that he ultimately contacted Mr. Hackworth's Web site out of frustration, leading him to cooperate with a consultant for "60 Minutes II."
"The Army had the opportunity for this not to come out, not to be on 60 Minutes," he said. "But the Army decided to prosecute those six G.I.'s because they thought me and my family were a bunch of poor, dirt people who could not do anything about it. But unfortunately, that was not the case."
That would be William Lawson, Ivan Fredericks uncle, explaining why his family decided the international media would give his boy a better shot at a fair trial than the US Army would.
The connection between Frederick and the 60 Minutes crew is apparently retired colonel David Hackworth:
Mr. Lawson sent an e-mail message in March to Mr. Hackworth's Web site and got a call back from an associate there in minutes, he said.
What took you so long? He might have asked.
The Times story of course, doesn't speculate how the photos (none of which show Frederick involved in any torture) made it to CBS for airing immediately following Frederick's article 32 hearing. But here's a new timeline:
Jan: Frederick apprehended, begins a journal and starts sending letters and emails home detailing events he claims occurred the previous fall at Abu Ghraib.
March: His family contacts Hackworth.
We'll fill in missing pieces later.
Military-turned-journalist Hackworth seems the likely channel between Frederick, 60 minutes, and the Hersh/Myers My-Lai dream team.
Hat tip: Commenter "old maltese" and Tim Blair.
Update, added thought for discussion: Put yourself in a victim's place. You've been humiliated and the proceedings have been photographed. In the interest of justice do you want those pictures on the internet?
If appearing naked is the greatest humiliation a Muslim man can suffer, if it is, as so many have lately claimed, a far worse torture than that inflicted by Saddam, then who is guilty of a greater crime than 60 minutes, the program that magnified their torture by millions?
May 7, 2004
Noble Eagle: Views on life, culture, politics, and national security from a reservist deployed to the Middle East for the war on terrorism.
Welcome to the MilBlogs Ring.
The Greyhawk Factor
Seymour Hersh has had an amazing story dropped into his lap. A group of American GIs, caught on camera, abusing and humiliating Iraqi prisoners. Heinous acts. The wheels of justice were certainly turning, but nailing the abusive guards is not enough for the intrepid reporter. Indeed, since evidence indicates that one of those guard's attorneys most likely provided that information to Hersh, it follows that getting the higher ups was likely part of the deal.
But, having failed to provide "actionable intelligence" against those "higher ups" in his largely factual (albeit chronologically challenged) New Yorker article, Hersh has embarked on a televised disinformation campaign, recently appearing on the "O'Reilly Factor" in an effort to sow additional confusion in a public already stunned into incomprehension by the graphic photos he helped make famous worldwide.
The campaign relies on two main points, neither of which is completely factual: 1) the Army did nothing, and 2) it's the superior's fault, not the troops. Point one is a lie. Point two is true, but there's a level where it becomes ludicrous. Given that point one is a lie, that level is low.
Hersh's segment immediately followed that of BG Karpinski. From the transcript:
O'REILLY: Joining us from Washington is investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, who became famous during the Vietnam war; you may remember his expose of the My Lai atrocities. He has written a major article about the Iraq torture situation in this week's issue of "The New Yorker magazine."
All right, you just heard General Karpinski. Do you believe what she is saying?
Don't expect any straight answers. Hersh's initial statements are simply bizarre, but he warms up and then ultimately segues into a series of lies.
SEYMOUR HERSH, "THE NEW YORKER": Well, I could just tell you what Gen Antonio Taguba said in his report, which is complicated because he said basically among other things she ran one of the worst brigades he's ever seen. People didn't salute, people dressed casually. Officers were moved around without orders. They didn't keep records. They -- she said that this was not a prison full of hardened, you know, soldiers caught in war. These are full of civilians.
He said upwards of 60 percent of the people in the prison had nothing to do with, no bad feelings toward America whatsoever. They simply were caught in a random roadside check or they were snatched off the street. They should have been processed under the Geneva Convention. -- Taguba said they should have been processed. We should have gotten rid of the good guys from the bad guys. There was no control, no paperwork. They had all sorts of problems that she would -- he really gave her [a bad review].
Bizarre comment 1: Hersh has no idea what percentage of the prisoners "had no bad feelings toward America whatsoever" - the claim is ridiculous. However, he tops it in a response to a question on his statement that he has knowledge of other torture photos and videos:
...O'REILLY: All right. So we're going to see in the weeks to come more pictures and videotapes of atrocities against Iraqis? Is that what we can look forward to seeing?
HERSH: Mr. O'Reilly, this is a generation -- you know back -- you and I in our days, if we had something, you know, we came back from war. We would take our pictures and hide them behind the socks in the drawer and look at them once in a while.
This is a generation that sends stuff on CDs, sends it around. some kid right now is negotiating with some European magazine. -- You know, I can't say that for sure, but it's there. -- It's out there. And the Army knows it.
HERSH: They have tried to recover some of the CD discs from computers, individual computers. But obviously, you can't stop this...
Bizarre comment 2: Must we repeat it? "...you and I in our days, if we had something, you know, we came back from war. We would take our pictures and hide them behind the socks in the drawer and look at them once in a while."
O'Reilly knows where the story is (or isn't) though, and quickly gets out of the sock drawer and into the main point:
O'REILLY: All right. Well, the damage to the country obviously is just immeasurable. But reading your article in "The New Yorker." I just get the feeling that the Army, when they heard about it, started action almost immediately. It wasn't a cover-up situation. Or did I read your article wrong?
HERSH: This guy Taguba is brilliant. He could have made a living doing -- it's a credit to the Army that somebody with that kind of integrity would write this kind of -- it's 53-page report.
O'REILLY: OK, but Sanchez the commander put him in charge fairly quickly. They mobilized fairly quickly.
HERSH: No, look, I don't want to ruin your evening, but the fact of the matter is it was the third investigation. There had been two other investigations.
One of them was done by a major general who was involved in Guantanamo, General Miller. And it's very classified, but I can tell you that he was recommending exactly doing the kind of things that happened in that prison, basically. He wanted to cut the lines. He wanted to put the military intelligence in control of the prison.
Hersh is lying: There were three investigations. And the two he acknowledges were conducted prior to the discovery of wrongdoing at Abu Ghraib. Immediately upon that discovery the Army launched a CID investigation into the allegations, it obtained the bulk of the evidence that led to the criminal charges in the case. Taguba's followed and was the fourth.
So the correct answer to O'Reilly's question was "Yes"
O'REILLY: ...Correct me if I'm wrong, but what I see unfolding here from what you told me and then General Karpinski told me is that there is a tension between the interrogators who wanted to find out by you know, using means that are dubious information, and the military police who basically who objected to some of these techniques.
But you can understand that like Vietnam, you have people shooting at Americans, blowing them up, and then running into mosques and hiding behind children and all of that. So how far do we go to get the information that protects our own troops?
That I guess is the essential question that led to this scandal, correct?
HERSH: Yes, but one of the things, the problem you have, of course you have to go if you're dealing with hardened Al Qaeda. There's not much mercy. And none of us would have much mercy.
The problem here is they were picking on people that they hadn't made any differentiation on. They didn't know.
Hersh dodged the question by a country mile (not a talking point), and is lying: The prisoners at the "huge prison complex" (Hersh's term):
"fell into three loosely defined categories: common criminals; security detainees suspected of ?crimes against the coalition?; and a small number of suspected ?high-value? leaders of the insurgency against the coalition forces."
- According to Hersh's New Yorker story. And as at any prison, those groups were housed in separate areas. Having implied the victims were simply picked up while minding their own business, Hersh describes the torture. To his great credit, O'Reilly waves the BS flag on this one:
And you know, and the kind of stuff that was going on, Mr. O'Reilly, when you take an Arab man and you make him walk naked in front of other men, this is the greatest shame they can have. And then you have them simulate homosexual activities. You have young women and young men, the women in particular, videotaping and photographing them doing this. This is actually a form of torture and coercion.
O'REILLY: No, there's no question about it. And there's no question. There's no justification for it. But how do you wind up in a prison if you're just innocent and didn't do anything? See, our commanders and our embedded reporters tell me that they're way too busy to be rounding up guys in the marketplace and throwing them into prison.
So I'm going to dispute your contention that we had a lot of people in there with just no rap sheets at all, who were just picked up for no reason at all. The people who were in the prison were suspected of being either Al Qaeda or terrorists who were killing Americans and knew something about it.
HERSH: The problem is that it isn't my contention. It's the contention of Maj. Gen. Taguba, who was appointed by General Sanchez to do the investigation.
Oooo, that's a lie you can be called on by the person you claim to speak for Seymour, quick, recover...
It's his contention, in his report, that more than 60 percent of the people in that prison, detainees, civilians, had nothing to do with the war effort.
Whew. But those 60% were housed elsewhere, and were not tortured. Not that Hersh can't quite bring himself to tell that lie, though he does come close:
O'REILLY: How did they get there then? Because I...
HERSH: Because how do they get into the prison?
I'll tell you how they get there. You bust the guy that doesn't have anything to do. You humiliate him. You break him down. You interrogate him. He gives up the name of you want to know who is an insurgent, who is Al Qaeda? He gives up any name he knows.
O'REILLY: Do you really believe that U.S. forces were sweeping Baghdad, and the others -- you're just picking people up off the street for no reason?
HERSH: Well, inevitably you get people in a sweep that have nothing to with what you're looking for.
O'REILLY: All right, now that's true. But to the number of...
HERSH: Of course.
O'REILLY: ...50 percent, I'm not buying that. I mean, I could be wrong. But I'm going on the basis of our reporters in the field. And I'm asking them, have you ever seen any of these -- no. These guys are way to busy. They got stuff to do all day long. They're not sweeping people up.
HERSH: We're talking about last fall, when things weren't as acute as they are now, certainly it's a terrible situation right now. And everybody -- nobody is sweeping anything. They're in forced protection.
O'REILLY: Right.
HERSH: But last fall, things were much calmer. People were being swept. This did happen.
O'REILLY: All right.
Not all right. Hersh is a liar. Last fall was Ramadan, and the press was gleefully touting deaths of soldiers every day. Maybe Hersh was on vacation. With his kids.
HERSH: And I could tell you something else. Let me just say this. I believe the services have a -- look, the kids did bad things. But the notion that it's all just these kids [doing these things]... The officers are "in loco parentis" with these children. We send our children to war. And we have officers like that general, whose job is to be mother and father to these kids, to keep them out of trouble. The idea of watching these pictures, it's not only a failure of the kids, it's a failure of everybody in the command structure.
True to a point. But if Hersh actually went away to war and came home with trophy photos for his sock drawer then he knows damn well no General ever had the job of being his mother. And SSG Frederick is 38 years old. A child? This however, is Hersh's hot talking point, and time was growing short to get it in.
O'REILLY: Well, yes, it's the failure of the supervisors of those soldiers to create an environment of fear so they wouldn't do that. See, it's just appalling to me that they would take this so casually.
Let's call O'Reilly on that one: "Environment of fear"? That's what keeps humans from torturing one another? Not defending anyone's supervisor here, but bad call, Bill.
To his credit, O'Reilly indicates with his "Buh-bye" speech that he's less than impressed with Hersh's credibility, requesting he return when he's gotten something worthwhile.
O'REILLY: All right, Mr. Hersh, we hope if you get other information, hard information, you will come here and tell us about it after writing for "The New Yorker." Your article is very interesting. We do recommend it and we thank you for your time, sir.
HERSH: Sure.
A bizarre performance, but Hersh is hardly the guidon bearer on this crusade. Many others in media and politics will take up the cause. Anyone with an axe to grind for any reason - women in the military, prison conditions, the decay of our society, the impeachment of the president - has already waved the GI Joe action photos as all the proof they need.
The photos prove only that the GIs in them are capable of heinous acts. Deplorable acts. Criminal acts.
No, many faster youngsters are far out ahead of Hersh on this one, but at least he can tell his old My Lai buddy that he gave it a try.
May 6, 2004
A Hero
The Washington Post profiles Spec. Joseph M. Darby, the soldier who sounded the alarm on abuse of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib Prison in Baghdad. In keeping with THE STORY they neglect to mention that was several months ago, but this hero deserves recognition:
"He didn't fit in with the whole crowd because he didn't have a lot of material things, fancy clothes or a car," said Reffner, 50. Darby's stepfather, who died several years ago, was a former Marine, neighbors say, who taught old-school manners to his son. He was "respectful, brought up the proper way," Reffner said.
Most evenings, Darby would cut through Reffner's back yard to visit Christina Vaillancourt, whose family lived on Short Street. The pair attended North Star High: Darby, a full-faced sophomore with shaggy, bowl-cut brown hair, beams out from the pages of the 1995 Polaris, the school's yearbook. He was a tackle for the North Star Cougars and was active in the Future Farmers of America chapter at Somerset County Vocational and Technical High School, which he attended part-time.
When they first met, "he was very sweet and kind of shy," Vaillancourt said. She recalled a benefit dance Darby organized to raise money for the family of a friend whose father died of a heart attack.
The Daily MilBlogs
In honor of Military Appreciation Month, as promised, your daily MilBlogs for 6 May:
Welcome to the MilBlogs ring: Horologium - joined a few weeks back but I failed to acknowledge. He's active duty, and just had a birthday, you can wish him a belated happy one if you'd like.
A link to a long time MilBlogger I just haven't linked enough: Sarah, Trying to Grok, right around the corner here in Germany, though her husband is in the sandbox. She's one of the finest writers in the ring too.
A Friend of MilBlogs member: The Patriette, who I believe was the first ever, and who grew up in a military family. (And you better believe military kids make sacrifices - ask my kids.) Kelly made the MilBlogs banner seen below, and in a lot of other blogs around the 'sphere.
It's military appreciation month - stop by and visit them all, if you've a moment to spare.
Oh, and click the picture to join MilBlogs or Friends of MilBlogs today.
It is National Military Appreciation Month, and we're going to spend it saluting a lot of good people here. Yes, we've had soldiers abusing prisoners, and cartonists abusing dead soldiers, and cartoonists pretending to be soldiers. But through all that America's Soldiers Soldier on. As always. Expect this site to present at least one blog from an active duty GI somewhere in the world every day for the rest of the month, along with a lot of announcements on new Milblogs ring members.
Have you joined yet? MilBlogs or Friends of MilBlogs, sign up here.
Abu Ghraib Story Recap
The Mudville Gazette first covered the Iraq prison abuse stories in November 2003, when the Camp Bucca story was the only identified case. Unknown to most of the world were the events occuring at that time in Abu Ghraib.
This is the earliest story on the previous prison abuse case in Iraq. If you haven't heard of it yet you likely will soon, as it's starting to "break" in the media again. Back in November and January it was scarcely mentioned outside of hometown papers of the accused. Now it too will likely be spun, but when looked at in the timeline below it is not the damning detail those spinners will make it. As noted, Mudville first covered it last November, the only blog to do so. Over the months the many google hits received as a result have generated some amazing comments on that post.
When the Abu Ghraib story first 'broke' Mudville had this report, pointing out a bit of subterfuge on the part of 60 minutes. Note that most of the negative impact of the Abu Ghraib story is due to confusion as to sequence of events. You might find this timeline useful as it alleviates some of what I think is media engineered confusion on the issue of who did what and when they did it. It also links to other entries and sources. Media engineered confusion, aided by a 'source'? Read this entry too and see what you think.
Finally, it's likely that Andy Rooney had already seen the photos when he wrote this bizarre OpEd piece.
Readers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions.
6 May 04 Morning Briefing
I don't personally know Secretary Rumsfeld, but I have to think he's going to be a bit down when he reads his morning briefing and finds out about the President chastising him over the Iraq prison story.
And here's my apology: Sorry for the delay... here's your morning briefing:
1. Bush Privately Chides Rumsfeld
(Washington Post)...Robin Wright and Bradley Graham
President Bush privately admonished Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld yesterday, a senior White House official said, as other U.S. officials blamed the Pentagon for failing to act on repeated recommendations to improve conditions for thousands of Iraqi detainees and release those not charged with crimes.
2. Rumsfeld Chastised By President For His Handling Of Iraq Scandal
(New York Times)...Elisabeth Bumiller and Richard W. Stevenson
President Bush on Wednesday chastised his defense secretary, Donald H. Rumsfeld, for Mr. Rumsfeld's handling of a scandal over the American abuse of Iraqis held at a notorious prison in Baghdad, White House officials said.
3. Bush Appears On Arab TV, Decries Treatment Of Iraqis
(USA Today)...Bill Nichols
...The president said he has full confidence in Rumsfeld. Three high-ranking administration officials with knowledge of Bush's thinking said Rumsfeld's job was not in jeopardy. But two of them said Bush told Rumsfeld he was decidedly unhappy that he had not been told about photographs that show the abuse at Abu Ghraib prison before those photos were broadcast last week.
4. New Prison Images Emerge
(Washington Post)...Christian Davenport
The collection of photographs begins like a travelogue from Iraq. Here are U.S. soldiers posing in front of a mosque. Here is a soldier riding a camel in the desert. And then: a soldier holding a leash tied around a man's neck in an Iraqi prison. He is naked, grimacing and lying on the floor.
5. U.S. Troops Start Major Attacks On Shiite Insurgents In 2 Cities
(New York Times)...Edward Wong
The American military has begun its first major assault against Shiite insurgents, striking at their enclaves here and in Diwaniya in an effort to regain control in southern Iraq.
6. $25 Billion More Sought To Fund Wars
(Washington Post)...Jonathan Weisman
The White House yesterday asked Congress for an additional $25 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for the fiscal year that begins in October, reversing course on its plan to wait until after the election to seek more money.
7. Baghdad Blast Reportedly Kills 6; Troops, Insurgents Clash In South
(Los Angeles Times)...Alissa J. Rubin and Tony Perry
A car bomb exploded early this morning near a U.S. military checkpoint at the 14th of July Bridge, which leads into the Green Zone, as scores of mainly Iraqi contractors who work for the U.S.-led coalition were lined up in cars waiting to enter. The U.S. military confirmed that there were casualties but did not say how many. Wire services said one U.S. soldier and five Iraqis were dead, along with an unknown number of wounded.
8. Bush, On Arab TV, Denounces Abuse Of Iraqi Captives
(New York Times)...Richard W. Stevenson
President Bush went on Arab television on Wednesday in an effort to limit the diplomatic damage from the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers, offering no direct apology but saying the mistreatment "does not represent the America that I know."
9. Bush Scolds Rumsfeld On Abuse Inquiry
(Los Angeles Times)...Edwin Chen, John Hendren and Janet Hook
A clash erupted Wednesday between the White House and the Pentagon over the handling of the Iraq prison abuse investigation, with President Bush telling Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld that he felt personally blindsided by the scandal and should have been more fully informed about its severity.
10. Rage Is On Display During Prison Tour
(Washington Post)...Sewell Chan
...Along with a slate of reforms that Miller announced to reporters, the four-hour tour suggested new efforts by the Army to bring transparency to Abu Ghraib in the wake of allegations that military police had subjected Iraqi prisoners to humiliating and sometimes abusive punishments late last year. The Army has launched five investigations, filed criminal charges against six members of a military police unit and notified seven officers and sergeants that they will receive letters of reprimand or admonishment that could end their careers.
11. Many Iraqis Are Skeptical Of Bush TV Appeal
(New York Times)...Christine Hauser
At a coffee shop on Karada Street here just before 8 p.m., eight men sat on plastic chairs around a crudely hewn wooden coffee table or alongside metal stands just big enough for a tea glass. They sat cross-legged, prayer beads in hand, their eyes glued to the television set, waiting for the American president to speak about the abuses of Iraqi prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison.
12. Ex-Detainee Tells Of Anguishing Treatment At Iraq Prison
(Washington Post)...Scott Wilson
Hasham Mohsen Lazim traded used tires for a living in the Shiite slum of Sadr City. He had been in trouble only once in his life, he said, a desperate time six years ago when he deserted Saddam Hussein's army to support his wife and four small children.
13. Most Prisoners In Iraq Jails Called 'Threat To Security'
(Washington Times)...Bill Gertz
Nearly all 8,080 prisoners being held by U.S. authorities in Iraq are considered security threats: insurgents linked to attacks on coalition forces, and terrorists and former officials of Saddam Hussein's regime suspected of having useful intelligence, military officials say.
14. Rumsfeld To Give Talk At West Point Graduation
(Los Angeles Times)...Times Wire Reports
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld will deliver the commencement address May 29 at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
15. At Guantanamo, Guards Punished
(Miami Herald)...Juan O. Tamayo and Frank Davies
Two confirmed cases of detainee abuses at the Guant�namo Bay, Cuba, prison for terror suspects resulted in ''administrative punishments'' of U.S. personnel, a Defense Department spokesman said Wednesday.
16. Abuse Charges Bring Anguish In Unit's Home
(New York Times)...James Dao and Paul von Zielbauer
...Six soldiers from the 372nd, a reserve unit out of Cumberland, are expected to face courts-martial, including Specialist Graner and Sergeant Frederick. Six officers have been issued career-ending reprimands. And government leaders across the world, including President Bush, have demanded stiff punishment for anyone found guilty. But nowhere has the soul searching been more anguished than in this slice of Appalachia, where many members of the 372nd live and where, until last week, the unit was a huge source of patriotic pride.
17. One Soldier's Unlikely Act
(Washington Post)...Elizabeth Williamson
When reports this week named Spec. Joseph M. Darby as the soldier who sounded the first alarm on abuse of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib Prison in Baghdad, his family was both proud and anxious.
18. U.S. Navy Loses High-Tech Mini-Sub Off Norway
(USA Today)...Unattributed (Alternate source)
The Navy has been searching for nearly a week for a high-tech miniature unmanned submarine that vanished during a military exercise off Norway. The 11-foot-long submarine, or Battlespace Preparation Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, was being tested when it failed to surface, Norwegian officials said. The submarine is not remotely operated but is programmed before being launched to search for mines and, if necessary, destroy them. It did not return as planned to the USS Swift, a minesweeper.
19. Lawmakers Demand Answers On Abuses In Military-Run Jails
(Washington Post)...Charles Babington and Helen Dewar
Irate lawmakers from both parties demanded yesterday that the top Pentagon and CIA leaders explain in detail why Iraqi prisoners were abused in prisons operated by U.S. military and intelligence officers, while a senior Democratic senator said Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld should resign if he can't adequately do so.
20. Rumsfeld Faces Swelling Tide Of Criticism
(USA Today)...Kathy Kiely
...On Friday, Rumsfeld is expected to face a withering interrogation from lawmakers of both parties when he testifies about the scandal before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
21. House Committee Calls For More Testing On New Ship Systems
(Norfolk Virginian-Pilot)...Dale Eisman
A key congressional subcommittee recommended delays Wednesday in two of the Navy�s prized shipbuilding programs. It said more testing is needed on a variety of new systems to be installed on the DDX destroyer and Littoral Combat Ship (LCS).
22. Security Clearance Backlog Proves Costly
(Washington Times)...Hannah Bergman
...The House Government Reform Committee will hold a hearing on the issue today to coincide with the release of a GAO report on the subject. Most of the security clearances held by an estimated 2 million Americans are the result of background checks by the Defense Security Service.
More to come...
All done!
Bucca Revisited
A Canadian citizen has filed a $350,000 lawsuit, claiming he was beaten by MSG Lisa Girman while he was detained at camp Bucca Iraq.
Hossam Shaltout says that when he entered the American camp in southern Iraq he was given prisoner of war number US9IZ-106653 and a black marker was used to write the word "Canadian" on the front and back of his white shirt.
His citizenship, however, didn't shield him from what he says was five weeks of beatings, threats and humiliation at the hands of his U.S. captors who accused him of being Saddam Hussein's "right-hand man" and speechwriter.
More here. Audio from NPR here and here.
Background from Mudville here.
Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves
Note: this story originally posted Nov 2003. A Jan 04 update can be found here. Readers are highly encourged to see this timeline of events regarding Iraq prison cases.
Sgt Edmondson has come home.
Edmondson and three other members of a Pennsylvania Guard unit were accused of abusing prisoners in their custody while stationed at a POW camp in Iraq. Edmonson elected to accept a reduction in rank to Pvt and an other-then-honorable discharge in lieu of court martial. (The other three elected to face court martial.)
All are under a gag order, but one, Staff Sgt. Scott McKenzie, had given an account of the event in an e-mail he sent home:
As MPs were unloading 44 enemy prisoners of war from a bus, McKenzie said, "10 to 12 resisted as we escorted them."
He said he and Girman were escorting one prisoner who kicked at Girman's leg, knocking both MPs off balance. "I regained my balance and had to use force to bring the [prisoner] down to the sand in order to regain control," he said.
McKenzie said he had to use "foot sweeps/trips" to bring down two other combative prisoners and saw another prisoner grab Canjar's forearm, prompting a struggle.
"I know in my mind ... that what we did was right and we are being made an example of by a colonel who wants to see a certain MP burned and the rest of us are going down also," he wrote.
McKenzie's account above can be found in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
According to the AP,
Miss Edmondson, a former student and security guard at the University of Scranton, would not discuss the charges in detail yesterday, saying she probably would be called back to Iraq to testify.
But, speaking by telephone from her parents' home in Clarks Summit, about 110 miles north of Philadelphia, she said conditions in the camp were frightening and unsafe. Sometimes as few as 100 MPs were guarding 8,000 prisoners, she said.
"We were doing our jobs, and that's about all I can say. People don't understand the conditions out there. It is war. It is not back home where everybody is safe," Miss Edmondson said. "Mistakes will be made. People are dying. Our soldiers are dying every day. But they seem to want to be nicer to the Iraqi POWs than our own people."
Miss Edmondson said she will try to get her old job back at the university. Her discharge, which came after a demotion from sergeant to private, probably will bar her from pursuing her plan to become a police officer.
A grass roots support campaign is underway in their home state of Pennsylvania, and opinions like this one are popping up on the internet and in print media:
A story that you will not read in any of America?s elite media is rapidly unfolding in Kuwait. Four American soldiers, accused by Amnesty International, have been charged by the U.S. military with abusing Iraqi PoW?s on May 12, 2003. Amnesty International misses the warm and fuzzy compassion of the former Hussein regime.
As reported outside the U.S., "The four military police from a Pennsylvania-based US army reserve unit are accused of punching, kicking and breaking bones of prisoners at Camp Bucca, the largest US-run PoW camp in Iraq." Maybe these four, in the tradition of Uday Hussein, were just trying to get a date Iraqi style.
The four Pennsylvanian soldiers, Master Sgt. Lisa Girman, Pittson; Staff Sgt. Scott McKenzie, Clearfield; Sgt. Shawna Edmondson, South Abington Township; and Spc. Tim Canjar, Madison Township response: "...they acted only in self-defense, and that the 44 prisoners being shipped into Camp Bucca...were rebelling." "A few of my MPs (military police) were assaulted by the enemy prisoners, and we had to use force to regain control, all justifiable," accused Staff Sergeant Scott McKenzie said in an e-mail to relatives.
And speaking of e-mail...without it, this story would still be locked in a vault. The U.S. military authorities have placed a gag order on those involved and refuse to even release the names of the accused. Well, at least the Associated Press is good for something.
Just so that you can feel the evil of the four accused: Girman, 35, a state police officer stationed in Monroe County, served in Desert Storm and was wounded; Staff Sgt. Scott McKenzie volunteered to serve in both Bosnia and Korea so married reservists wouldn't have to go; Sgt. Shawna Edmondson is a security officer at the University of Scranton and Spc. Tim Canjar is 21 years old and enlisted after 9-11. Real tough hombres compared to the abused Iraqis.
But support for the four is not limited to right wing conservative types, outraged at the "wrongness" of the entire story. The case is also (perhaps ironically) attracting support from the Left, who can gleefully (and wrongfully) use it to bash the administration. (Admittedly though the support for these Military Police from that sector is currently hesitant and without a certain level of enthusiastic commitment reserved for Mumia-style cop killers.)
A look at local coverage from Pennsylvania:
Former soldier disillusioned
Support of superiors lacking, ex-MP says
Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) Times Leader
SOUTH ABINGTON TWP. - Former Pvt. Shawna Edmondson, 24, demoted from her previous rank and discharged from the Army, said Monday that incompetent leadership at Camp Bucca led to the alleged beating incident for which three local military police soldiers face courts-martial.
Edmondson was a sergeant on May 12 when the military alleges she and three others from the 320th Military Police Battalion in Ashley kicked, punched and broke the bones of Iraqi prisoners arriving at the prison camp in Iraq.
"They weren't like our regular, everyday prisoners," she said. They were high-profile prisoners, some of whom she could identify by name, though she declined to be more specific.
Edmondson said she is not denying her own role. "I wanted to take responsibility for what happened," she said. So she asked her military attorney about arranging a discharge. "I wanted to get out of the Army."
Master Sgt. Lisa Girman, 35, of Hazleton, Sgt. 1st Class Scott McKenzie, 38, of Clearfield, and Spc. Tim Canjar, 21, of Moscow, face courts-martial on Jan. 20, 25 and 30, respectively. The charges they face, including dereliction of duty, obstruction of justice and cruelty and maltreatment of an enemy prisoner of war, could send each of them to military prison for more than 20 years.
Perhaps lacking some of the drama of the Lt Col West case, (see here and here)this case has progressed farther (Lt Col West's article 32 hearing is concluded but awaiting decision) with much less notice of most of the public. While Col West's story is "front page news" in the blogosphere, the "Camp Bucca Four" are MIA.
An early AP report can be found here.
And coverage of the article 32 hearing by AP's Tarek Al-Issawi is here.
ABC news offers coverage of the pre-court martial arraignment here and here, and assures us that
"...The court martial will be held at both Camp Doha and at Camp Bucca to allow Iraqi prisoners of war to testify."
Update 5 Jan 2004:
The three soldiers who originally elected to face court martial have instead accepted non-judicial punishment:
-- Three American soldiers have been discharged from military service for abusing Iraqi prisoners, the U.S. Army said Monday.
The soldiers had been facing a court-martial proceeding, but agreed instead to a nonjudicial one. In addition to the discharges, two soldiers had their ranks lowered, and all three were ordered to forfeit pay for two months.
The soldiers were military police in a unit from Pennsylvania deployed a southern Iraq camp when the abuse occurred May 12, according to the Army. An investigation began after other soldiers saw and reported the incident. WASHINGTON (CNN)
More here.
Original post: 2003-11-29 16:17:41
Note that comments on this and all posts are open and unmoderated, although obscene remarks will be deleted when discovered. No claim is made regarding truth or accuracy of comments, to include identity of the commenter. In all matters the reader is advised to draw his or her own conclusions.
All done!
Coming Home
Note: This post was originally published in January 2004. Please see this timeline for full details.
Master Sgt. Lisa Girman, Staff Sgt. Scott McKenzie, and Spc. Timothy Canjar have come home, joining Shawna L. Edmondson in putting the Army and the war in Iraq behind them.
From the Atwater, Fl. News Press:
Carolyn Lachemayer of North Fort Myers said she got the best New Year�s news ever: Her son won�t face 22 years in prison.
Former military policeman Staff Sgt. Scott McKenzie, 38, phoned his mother on New Year�s Eve to say he was on his way home from Kuwait, ending eight months of investigation into charges he and three others mistreated Iraqi soldiers.
All charges were dropped � the court-martial trial was canceled � and McKenzie took a general discharge under honorable conditions � not quite an honorable discharge, but good under the circumstances, his mother said.
�He was fighting to the bitter end � he was going to hang in there. He said he was innocent and he was going to prove it,� Lachemayer said. �But he finally got to the point where he wanted out ... and this (deal) was pretty good considering all they�d been through.�
McKenzie has maintained his innocence since May when he, Master Sgt. Lisa Girman and Spc. Timothy Canjar were accused of dereliction of duty, cruelty and maltreatment of prisoners, filing false statements, obstruction of justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice.
The fourth soldier requested a discharge in lieu of a court-martial, and it was granted under �other than honorable� conditions.
The statement in the above story that "all charges were dropped" is likely not completely true.
Non-judicial Punishment (NJP), commonly called an "article 15" in reference to the passage in the Uniform Code of Military Justice that details it, spares the soldiers the lifelong stigma of a federal conviction that can result from court martial proceedings. A commander, (usually after extensive consultation with military legal authorities) can offer NJP in lieu of court martial to an accused. The individual has a right to counsel, and in fact is normally required to seek legal assistance prior to accepting the punishment or declining and opting for court martial. Obviously they must carefully weigh their options; in some instances the path of least resistance is chosen. Rarely, in fact, do the accused elect court martial.
In many instances (normally the most severe crimes), the commander elects not to offer NJP, and a court martial ensues.
There are many other details involved in an article 15 hearing. The accused can present his case, witnesses, evidence, and character references. Commanders have broad authority to determine guilt or innocence and levy appropriate punishment. (Punishment phase is again normally done only after extensive consultation with military legal authorities.) Among other options, the commander can order additional duty, levy 'fines' (normally in the form of forfeiture of pay), order confinement and/or reduction in grade, or discharge for the accused. Likewise, he or she can opt to suspend punishment altogether.
In this case:
In addition to the discharges, two soldiers had their ranks lowered, and all three were ordered to forfeit pay for two months.
Note that the CNN story can be somewhat misleading, as the description of the article 15 actions read like court martial results.
Interestingly, if the story above is correct, the three who maintained their innocence longer did receive a preferable discharge. "General under honorable conditions" should allow them to keep their veterans benefits short of the GI Bill tuition assistance.
Original post: 2004-01-05 22:32:45
Note that comments on this and all posts are open and unmoderated, although obscene remarks will be deleted when discovered. No claim is made regarding truth or accuracy of comments, to include identity of the commenter. In all matters the reader is advised to draw his or her own conclusions.
All done!
Things that make you go hmmm...
Did CBS air its Abu Ghraib story out of fear that the New Yorker was going to beat them to the punch?
According to one source, CBS, in an effort to put some names, if not faces, to these seemingly invisible interrogators, approached veteran, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative legend, Seymour Hersh. CBS hoped Hersh's stellar collection of intelligence and military sources could further identify some of the higher ups. It turned out he was working along similar lines himself.
Do you think CBS and The New Yorker got information from different sources? It seems unlikely that there were two leaks. It seems less likely that one of the recipients of that leaked info just coincidentally asked the only other recipient of that info if he had information on the topic - unless they knew he had the report too. And the report they both had gives amazing details about exactly who those "higher ups" were, so "further identification" seems like an odd request. Wonder who "one source" was - and why they need anonymity.
Note the linked story came out after the CBS bit aired, but just prior to the publication of the New Yorker story.
Update: The next two paragraphs from the linked story deal with the Pentagon's request to CBS to delay airing the story, in light of the level of violence in Iraq:
But when Gen. Richard Myers -- the highest-ranking military officer in the U.S. -- calls, attention is paid. Rather, as the Managing Editor of CBS News agreed to not run the segment on April 21.
Shortly afterwards, when Hersh learned about Myers' call to Rather, he was outraged, according to two knowledgeable sources. By Monday, April 26th, "he was fit to be tied," as one source put it. It was, after all, precisely this kind military 'cover-up' that lead to his ground-breaking expose of the now infamous My Lai massacre in 1968.
I didn't realize it was Hersh who broke the My Lai story. The guy has an amazing ability to get a story.
And he's the second figure from the My Lai episode to reappear in this modern version. (Gary Myers, Frederick's attorney, is the other.) What an incredible coincidence.
Update 2:
From Hersh's New Yorker Story:
On April 9th, at an Article 32 hearing (the military equivalent of a grand jury) in the case against Sergeant Frederick, at Camp Victory, near Baghdad, one of the witnesses, Specialist Matthew Wisdom, an M.P., told the courtroom what happened when he and other soldiers delivered seven prisoners, hooded and bound, to the so-called �hard site� at Abu Ghraib�seven tiers of cells where the inmates who were considered the most dangerous were housed.
And later:
The abuses became public because of the outrage of Specialist Joseph M. Darby, an M.P. whose role emerged during the Article 32 hearing against Chip Frederick. A government witness, Special Agent Scott Bobeck, who is a member of the Army�s Criminal Investigation Division, or C.I.D., told the court, according to an abridged transcript made available to me, �The investigation started after SPC Darby . . . got a CD from CPL Graner. . . .
Such hearings generally aren't public. But reading this you'd think Hersh must have been there, or maybe knew someone who was.
Update again: Give up? The story continues here...
May 5, 2004
Much information on the Iraq prison torture story is making it's way into the major media. Most of it is confusing, if not deliberately misleading. Given the amount of information available to the average news reader, a better understanding of the situation could likely result from reviewing the events of the story in chronological order.
The following is an attempt to construct that chronology drawing from a few published news stories on the topic. No claim is made for the accuracy of the source stories. This chronology is presented without speculation or interpretation beyond what may be contained in the sources. Further, note that regardless of evidence at this time all accused in the Abu Ghraib case are merely that - accused. This post will be updated - or corrected - as information becomes available or discredited.
Note that this chronology as currently posted details events around two separate cases. The first occurred at Camp Bucca, Iraq, in May 2003. The second (multiple incidents, apparently) at Abu Ghraib in the fall of 2003. The soldiers involved in these cases, while members of different companies at different locations, were all members of the 320th MP Battalion, under the 800th MP Brigade. The accused in the first case were awaiting courts martial (though one had been discharged) when the incidents at Abu Ghraib occurred.
Note that comments on this and all posts are open and unmoderated, although obscene remarks will be deleted when discovered. No claim is made regarding truth or accuracy of comments, to include identity of the commenter. In all matters the reader is advised to draw his or her own conclusions.
Update 6 May 04 1715: The Fall 2004 typo was corrected, thanks to the sharp eyes of the blogosphere. In response to potential for confusion, I note again that this timeline covers two events, thus I've tried to diminish potential confusion by adding preface (AG) to Abu Ghraib-related paragraphs and (CB) to those on Camp Bucca. My desire is that this post be a recitation of facts, and neither partisan nor opinionated, to the degree that's humanly possible.
Update 9 May 04: Added paragraphs linked to reference 7 as the New York Times follows the lead of the Mudville Gazette in investigating the "story behind the story". For those arriving at this page from external links, there are several entries here on this topic made after this timeline. See "Main" link above.
1. Torture At Abu Ghraib, Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker, posted online 30 April 2004.
2. Soldiers' story shifts from pride to shame, Dan Fesperman, The Baltimore Sun, 2 May 2004
3. Army reservists' families say soldiers charged in Iraq were targeted unfairly Joe Smydo, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2 Sep 2003
4. Former Soldier Disillusioned Lauren Roth, Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, 25 Nov 2003
5. U.S. discharges soldiers for abuse of Iraqi prisoners Barbara Starr, CNN, 5 Jan, 2004
6. CBS Delayed Abuse Report At the Request Of Gen. Myers AP Unattributed, Washington Post, 4 May 2004
7. Soldier's Family Set in Motion Chain of Events on Disclosure James Dao and Eric Lichtblau, NY Times, 8 May 2004
Update: 8-10 added 10 May 04:
8. More details of Army's abuse probe surface, Barbara Starr, CNN, 26 January 2004
9. Soldiers charged with abusing Iraqi prisoners, Barbara Starr, CNN, 20 March 2004
10. Testimony as Prepared by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Before The Senate and House Armed Services Committees, 7 May, 2004.
Previous entries here on the topic can be found here, here, here, and here.
(AG) February 2003: The 372nd Military Police Company, an Army Reserve unit based near Cumberland, Md., was activated for duty in Iraq. The company commander is Capt. Donald J. Reese. The First Sergeant is 1st Sgt. Brian G. Lipinski. (2)
(AG) April 2003: In the looting that followed the regime?s collapse the huge Abu Ghraib prison complex, by then deserted, was stripped of everything that could be removed, including doors, windows, and bricks. The coalition authorities (over time, we assume) had the floors tiled, cells cleaned and repaired, and toilets, showers, and a new medical center added. (1)
(CB) April 13 2003 Camp Bucca, Iraq: A riot occurs and is suppressed by guards. (4)
(CB) May 12 2003, Camp Bucca, Iraq: According to witness reports Master Sgt. Lisa Girman, Sgt. 1st Class Scott McKenzie, Spc. Timothy Canjar and Sgt. Shawna Edmondson, members of the 320th Military Police Battalion, commanded by LTC Jerry Phillabaum, are seen abusing prisoners during a transport. They were subsequently charged with dereliction of duty, assault and other offenses. The four say they acted in self-defense. (3)
(AG/CB) June 2003: Janis Karpinski, an Army reserve brigadier general, was named commander of the 800th Military Police Brigade and put in charge of military prisons in Iraq. Directly under the 800th is the 320th MP Battalion; directly under the 320th is the 372nd MP Company. (1)
(CB) August (4) through September (3) 2003: An article 32 hearing is held for the four guards accused of abuse at Camp Bucca. At such hearings evidence is presented, witnesses are questioned and based on the proceedings the investigating officer may recommend dismissal of the charges, administrative discipline or Courts Martial (3). General courts martial (highest level) are scheduled for Master Sgt. Girman, Sgt. 1st Class McKenzie, and Spc. Canjar on Jan. 20, 25 and 30, respectively. Edmonson accepts a demotion and other-than-honorable discharge in lieu of court martial.
(AG) In October of 2003, the 372nd was ordered to prison-guard duty at Abu Ghraib.(1)
(AG) "Fall": Several thousand prisoners were housed at Abu Ghraib, They fell into three loosely defined categories: common criminals; security detainees suspected of ?crimes against the coalition?; and a small number of suspected ?high-value? leaders of the insurgency against the coalition forces. At last two high "inspections" with possibly conflicting recommendations are conducted. (1)
(AG) November 2003: Coincident with the Muslim holy month of Ramadan the US suffers one of the bloodiest months in the occupation of Iraq. Between October and December of 2003 there were numerous instances of ?sadistic, blatant, and wanton criminal abuses? at Abu Ghraib. (1)
(AG) Dec/Jan timeframe (implied various sources): A soldier, recognizing the behavior at Abu Ghraib as criminal, reports it. Army CID investigates the allegations of abuse at Al Ghraib and apparently establishes the case against most of the currently accused, including Army Staff Sergeant Ivan L. Frederick II.
(CB) Late Dec/Early Jan: The three members of the 320th MP Battalion awaiting courts martial (scheduled for late Jan) elect non-judicial punishment in lieu of court martial. They are discharged from military service, two have their ranks lowered, and all three are ordered to forfeit pay for two months. (5 - see also here)
Added Note 6 May 04 17:12 UTC: The above paragraph has resulted in some unintended confusion. The soldiers referenced were waiting courts martial on the Camp Bucca case, not the Abu Ghraib case.
(AG) Jan: General Karpinski was formally admonished and quietly suspended, and a major investigation into the Army?s prison system, authorized by Lieutenant General Ricardo S. Sanchez, the senior commander in Iraq, was under way.(1)
(AG) Jan 14: SSG Frederick began writing his journal on Jan. 14, only a few hours after Army authorities fetched him for questioning and searched his quarters at 2:30 a.m. that day. He mailed copies to his mother, father, uncle and sister, and decided not to send it by e-mail for fear that the Army would see it first. (2)
(AG) In January Army SSG Frederick began letters and e-mails to family members, and repeatedly noted that the military-intelligence teams, which included C.I.A. officers and linguists and interrogation specialists from private defense contractors, were the dominant force inside Abu Ghraib. (1)
(AG) 26 Jan CNN reports: The U.S. military's criminal investigation into potential abuse of Iraqi detainees by U.S. soldiers at Abu Gharib prison in Iraq now includes reports from soldiers that military police took photographs showing soldiers hitting detainees, CNN has learned.
Earlier, several Pentagon officials who declined to be identified by name confirmed to CNN that investigators were looking into the reports -- all coming from fellow soldiers -- of photographs showing male and female detainees with some of their clothing removed. (8)
(AG) Late Feb: A fifty-three-page report, the result of the January investigation (later obtained by The New Yorker), written by Major General Antonio M. Taguba was completed in late February. (1)
(AG) 20 March CNN reports: Six U.S. soldiers have been charged with offenses related to the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at an Iraqi prison, the U.S. Army said Saturday.
Multiple sources said the allegations involve soldiers who took photographs of Iraqi prisoners in late 2003, including pictures that show the prisoners partially clothed or physical contact between soldiers and detainees.
One source said "less than two dozen detainees" were subjected to the alleged abuse, which was reported by U.S. Army soldiers who witnessed it. (9)
(AG) Mar: SSg Frederick's uncle William sent an e-mail message to retired colonel David Hackworth's Web. The NY Times describes Hackworth as "a retired colonel and a muckraker who was always willing to take on the military establishment." That e-mail message would put Mr. Lawson in touch with the CBS News program "60 Minutes II" and help set in motion events that led to the public disclosure of the graphic photographs and an international crisis for the Bush administration. The Times reports on 8 May: (7)
The irony, Mr. Lawson said, is that the public spectacle might have been avoided if the military and the federal government had been responsive to his claims that his nephew was simply following orders. Mr. Lawson said he sent letters to 17 members of Congress about the case earlier this year, with virtually no response, and that he ultimately contacted Mr. Hackworth's Web site out of frustration, leading him to cooperate with a consultant for "60 Minutes II."
"The Army had the opportunity for this not to come out, not to be on 60 Minutes," he said. "But the Army decided to prosecute those six G.I.'s because they thought me and my family were a bunch of poor, dirt people who could not do anything about it. But unfortunately, that was not the case." (7)
(AG) On April 9th, an Article 32 hearing (the military equivalent of a grand jury, in which evidence is presented, witnesses are called, and the decision to pursue court martial is made) in the case against Sergeant Frederick. In addition to a military lawyer, SSgt Frederick retains the services of Gary Myers, one of the military defense attorneys in the Vietnam-era My Lai case. After the hearing, the presiding investigative officer ruled that there was sufficient evidence to convene a court-martial against Frederick. (1)
(AG) Unknown date (14 Apr? (6)): CBS obtains photos of prisoner abuse along with the Taguba report. Seymour Hersh, a writer, also obtains a copy of the Taguba report.
The Washington Post reports:
CBS News delayed for two weeks airing a report about U.S. soldiers' alleged abuse of Iraqi prisoners, following a personal request from the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Gen. Richard B. Myers called CBS anchor Dan Rather eight days before the report was to air, asking for extra time, said Jeff Fager, executive producer of "60 Minutes II."
Myers cited the safety of Americans held hostage and tension surrounding the Iraqi city of Fallujah, Fager said, adding that he held off as long as he believed possible given it was a competitive story.
With the New Yorker magazine preparing to run a detailed report on the alleged abuses, CBS broadcast its report Wednesday, 28 April, including images taken last year allegedly showing Iraqis stripped naked, hooded and being tormented by U.S. captors at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad. (6)
(This air date suggests CBS obtained the information around 14 April or shortly before. Note on 12 Apr Andy Rooney publishes a previously inexplicable piece called "Our Soldiers in Iraq Aren't Heroes")
(AG) 30 April: The New Yorker posts Hersh's account of the Taguba report online (1).
(AG) 7 May: "There are indications that the information provided was penetrating at some level, however. On January 20 th, for example, CNN reported that a CID investigation was being conducted into allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib, and mentioned the possible existence of photographs taken of detainees.
Nonetheless, I know that we did not fully brief you on this subject along the way and we should have done so.
I wish we would have known more sooner and been able to tell you more sooner. But we didn't. For that, I apologize." (10)
(AG) Current: Six (and likely a seventh) soldier directly responsible for events at Abu Ghraib await courts martial. Numerous other individuals are facing reprimands and have had their careers effectively terminated. Many news sources imply the reprimands are the only result and ignore the pending courts martial.
Finally, a note from a Wall Street Journal Editorial: The irony of this latest episode is that American soldiers may be held accountable for abusing Iraqis before Saddam's worst henchmen are.
Blog Sci-Fi
A blog-based space opera? Why not. (At a cool looking blog too.) Warning: your humble blogger makes a cameo appearance. (Non-speaking role.)
Bring. It. More. On.
The Navy medic who treated Sen. John Kerry after he sustained his first battlefield wound in Vietnam said Tuesday that he thought that the injury had been inadvertently self-inflicted - raising new questions about why Kerry sought a Purple Heart after the incident.
Contacted by National Review Online, Dr. Louis Letson recalled that Kerry insisted during treatment that he was injured by enemy fire while his swift boat was patrolling the Mekong Delta on Dec. 2, 1968.
However, "some of his crew confided that they did not receive any fire from shore," the Navy doc told NRO.
Meanwhile, Glenn Reynolds notes that"Reminding people of Vietnam hasn't been a good move for Democrats since I could ride without training wheels." And as usual provides a lot of supporting links.
But though Glenn questions Kerry's strategy in touting the issue, I will once again state that if memory serves me, it was Terry McAuliffe that started the ugly ball rolling.
And I just can't imagine why.
05 May 04 Morning Briefing
1. Anger Rises On Capitol Hill
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Shannon McCaffrey and Sumana Chatterjee
Angry lawmakers - some of them reliable allies of the Bush administration - demanded yesterday that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld appear at a public hearing to explain how American jailers could have been allowed to abuse Iraqi prisoners.
2. Probes Of Detainee Deaths Reported
(Washington Post)...Bradley Graham and Charles Babington
Two Iraqi prisoners were killed by U.S. soldiers last year, and 20 other detainee deaths and assaults remain under criminal investigation in Iraq and Afghanistan, part of a total of 35 cases probed since December 2002 for possible misconduct by U.S. troops in those two countries, Army officials reported yesterday.
3. Army Discloses Criminal Inquiry On Prison Abuse
(New York Times)...Douglas Jehl and Eric Schmitt
...To date, the most severe penalties in any of the cases were less-than-honorable discharges for five Army soldiers, military officials said. No one has been sentenced to prison, they said. The disclosure of the investigations, by Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the Army's second-highest ranking general, was the strongest indication to date of a wider pattern of abuse at American prisons beyond the horrific descriptions and photographs that have emerged recently of acts of humiliation, sexual and otherwise, at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq in November.
4. Bush To Denounce Abuse On Arab TV
(Washington Times)...James G. Lakely
President Bush will give interviews to two Arab TV networks today to denounce the abuse of Iraqi detainees, a furor that worsened yesterday as the Pentagon revealed it was investigating the deaths of 25 prisoners in U.S. custody, including two slain by Americans.
5. 138,000 Troops To Stay In Iraq Through 2005
(Washington Post)...Josh White
Military officials plan to keep as many as 138,000 U.S. troops in Iraq through the end of next year, maintaining a higher-than-expected level of forces there to quell the insurgency and provide security to the country long after it is slated to become a sovereign nation. Officials also plan to send more heavy equipment, such as tanks and armored vehicles, into Iraq to help secure U.S. forces against attack.
6. Iraq Shiites Urge Cleric To Desist
(New York Times)...John F. Burns
Representatives of Iraq's most influential Shiite leaders met here on Tuesday and demanded that Moktada al-Sadr, a rebel Shiite cleric, withdraw militia units from the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala, stop turning the mosques there into weapons arsenals and return power to Iraqi police and civil defense units that operate under American control.
7. White House And Pentagon Scurry To Draft Responses
(New York Times)...Eric Schmitt and Richard W. Stevenson
...The military had prepared a detailed 11-page plan nearly three weeks ago to address the fallout that officials expected once the photographs of Iraqi prisoners began circulating. Nevertheless the Pentagon, the State Department and the White House had difficulty explaining why they had not acted earlier and more aggressively to deal with the abuse.
8. Top U.S. Officials Apologize To Arabs For Prisoner Abuse
(Washington Post)...Robin Wright
The Bush administration's top foreign policy officials publicly apologized yesterday to the Arab world for abuse of Iraqi detainees by U.S. personnel at notorious Abu Ghraib prison, and officials said President Bush today would join the effort to limit damage from the revelations.
9. U.S. To Cut Count In Iraq Prison
(Washington Post)...Sewell Chan
The U.S. general overseeing Army-run prisons in Iraq said Tuesday that the population of overcrowded Abu Ghraib prison would be cut by more than half and that he has ordered military intelligence operatives to stop placing hoods over detainees' heads as an interrogation tactic.
10. CIA May Have Had A Role In Hiding Iraqi Prisoners
(Los Angeles Times)...Bob Drogin
The CIA is seeking to determine whether its operatives had a role in the imprisonment of so-called ghost detainees, Iraqi prisoners who were held without names, charges or other documentation at U.S.-run detention facilities across their homeland, intelligence officials said Tuesday.
11. U.S. Probes More Prisoner Deaths, Weighs The Role Of CIA Officer
(Wall Street Journal)...Gary Fields, Greg Jaffe and David S. Cloud
...The CIA contacted the Justice Department last week to discuss opening a criminal case against the CIA officer and what charges could be brought, a senior law-enforcement official said. The incident involved the death of an Iraqi prisoner at Abu Ghraib prison west of Baghdad and may have included Navy Seals, officials said.
12. Many Iraqis Outraged; Others Say Photos Pale Next To Saddam
(USA Today)...Jim Michaels and Sabah al-Anbaki
The news that detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison were abused by U.S. guards has prompted outrage in much of the Arab world. But in Iraq, where Saddam Hussein's torture and killings are still fresh in people's minds, the reaction has been more mixed.
13. Interrogators Pressured To Make Inmates Talk
(Washington Times)...Rowan Scarborough
Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller arrived in Baghdad in September with one urgent mission: Improve the intelligence gathered from Iraqi detainees in 16 Army-run prisons, including Saddam Hussein's favorite, Abu Ghraib.
14. Iraqi Recounts Hours Of Abuse By U.S. Troops
(New York Times)...Ian Fisher
The shame is so deep that Hayder Sabbar Abd says he feels that he cannot move back to his old neighborhood. He would prefer not even to stay in Iraq. But now the entire world has seen the pictures, which Mr. Abd looked at yet again on Tuesday, pointing out the key figures, starting with three American soldiers wearing big smiles for the camera.
15. Dozens Of Prisoners Freed After Odd Odyssey
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Robert Moran
Scores of prisoners released from the Abu Ghraib prison yesterday were forced to take a winding, nearly five-hour journey through central Iraq on three buses escorted by U.S. military humvees before being deposited without explanation in the middle of a gravel quarry near Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit.
16. Iraqis Line Up, Hoping To See Jailed Relatives
(New York Times)...Christine Hauser
Peering over the barriers and barbed wire, Iraqi women shook their fists in anger on Tuesday as a crowded bus pulled away from them at a checkpoint and lurched along a dirt road, headed for the gates of the prison here.
17. Shiites Shell U.S. Base; Accident Kills 4 Troops
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Jason Keyser, Associated Press
...North of Baghdad, four U.S. soldiers from the First Infantry Division were killed after their humvee overturned during a combat patrol north of Baghdad, the Army said.
18. For Sgt. Frazier, First Weeks in Iraq Bring 3 Close Calls
(Wall Street Journal)...Yochi J. Dreazen
...But the rotation has meant that troops with little knowledge of Iraq or experience managing the complexities of guerrilla war here have been thrown into combat almost immediately. They have also been given an unwelcome crash course on two of the militants' weapons of choice: rocket-propelled grenades and the hidden roadside bombs known as "improvised explosive devices," or IEDs.
19. Casualties Of Iraq War Can 'Get To' U.S. Medics
(Washington Times)...Willis Witter and Maya Alleruzzo
The U.S. Army trauma physician reaches past the plastic tubes and blood-soaked bandages to gently squeeze the hand of a wounded American soldier being wheeled into the operating room.
20. Rumsfeld Condemns Abuse Of Iraqis
(Dallas Morning News)...Associated Press
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Tuesday condemned the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. soldiers as "totally unacceptable and un-American" and said the Pentagon would take all steps necessary to bring those responsible to justice.
21. Accountability At Issue In Abuse Of Prisoners
(Los Angeles Times)...Esther Schrader
With public outrage growing, lawmakers and others are asking where responsibility will settle and whether higher-ups will be punished.
22. Feith: No Unified Insurgency Against Coalition Forces
(InsideDefense.com)...Prairie Summer
Neither the attempted "power grab" by rebellious Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr nor the anti-coalition fighters centered in Fallujah represent a broad movement or insurgency in Iraq, Douglas Feith, under secretary of defense for policy, said today.
23. Training Flights Planned Today, Tomorrow
(Washington Post)...Unattributed
The North American Aerospace Defense Command plans to conduct training flights in the Washington area today and tomorrow in coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration.
24. Top US Genl Condemns Alleged Abuse Of Iraqi Prisoners
(Wall Street Journal (wsj.com))...Associated Press
The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in Iraq Tuesday condemned the alleged abuse of Iraqi prisoners by guards at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison. Gen. Richard Myers made the comments while in Bosnia visiting U.S. troops near the northeastern town of Tuzla.
25. What If? Europe Simulates Qaeda Nuclear Hit
(International Herald Tribune)...Associated Press, Reuters
European officials have conducted a simulation showing how Al Qaeda could kill 40,000 people and plunge the continent into chaos if a crude nuclear device were detonated outside NATO headquarters in Brussels.
26. Losing A Limb Doesn't Mean Losing Your Job
(USA Today)...Patrick O'Driscoll
...In today's military, amputation doesn't automatically mean "medical retirement," a discharge because of a disability. High-tech advances in artificial limbs and improved methods of rehabilitation now allow a significant number of amputees to stay in uniform. Some, like Rozelle, may even return to combat. At least 4,400 military men and women have been wounded in action since the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq last year. More than 120 of them have lost a limb. Some have lost two or three.
27. Diversity Opened Doors For U.S. General
(Los Angeles Times)...Times Staff Writer
...Now one of the Army's top Asian Americans, the 53-year-old Taguba was serving in the low-profile post of deputy commanding general of the 3rd Army when allegations of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison began working their way up the military chain of command. The 3rd Army's area of responsibility extends from East Africa through the Middle East and into south-central Asia and includes Iraq and Afghanistan, countries in which prisoner abuse is being investigated. Within about 10 days, Taguba found himself directing an administrative review that eventually set off a political firestorm in Washington ? and condemnation of the U.S. in much of the Islamic world.
28. Navy Honors Four Marines' Valor In Combat
(San Diego Union-Tribune)...Rick Rogers
...Yesterday, Navy Secretary Gordon England presented the Navy Cross to the 22-year-old Martinez and the Silver Star to two other 2nd Battalion, 5th Regiment Marines ? Staff Sgt. Adam R. Sikes, 27, of Aliso Viejo, and Cpl. Timothy C. Tardif, 22, of Huntington Beach ? before a gathering of hundreds of Marines at Camp Pendleton. A spokeswoman at the base said the combat medals might be the highest awards presented so far to members of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force who fought their way into Baghdad last year. Gordon also presented the wife of Gunnery Sgt. Jeffrey E. Bohr Jr. of Fallbrook with a posthumous Silver Star.
29. Soldier Sisters Report Back To Duty
(Washington Times)...Unattributed (alternate source here)
Two soldiers who decided against returning to combat in Iraq after their sister was killed there returned to active duty Monday, a spokesman for the Wisconsin National Guard said.
30. Ex-Guard Capt. Accused In Nude Photo Case
(New York Times on the Web)...Associated Press
A former National Guard commander is accused of taking naked pictures of female U.S. soldiers while they showered last year at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, a newspaper reported.
31. Intelligence Panel Votes To Abolish Term Limits
(Washington Post)...Dana Priest
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, in an admission of its own role in U.S. intelligence failures of the last three years, yesterday voted unanimously to abolish the eight-year term limits imposed when the panel was established 28 years ago, committee members said.
32. North Korea Offers US Pledge On Weapons
(London Financial Times)...Victor Mallet
North Korea, one of the world's most secretive and isolated nations, has offered an olive branch to the US by vowing not to sell nuclear materials to al-Qaeda, calling for Washington's friendship and saying it does not want to suffer the fate of Iraq.
33. Inside North Korea: Leaders Open To Ending Nuclear Crisis
(London Financial Times)...Selig Harrison
In unusually frank talks, high-ranking officials offered an olive branch to the US, promising never to sell nuclear materials to al-Qaeda and calling for US friendship, writes Selig Harrison, recently in Pyongyang.
34. North Korea Builds Up Missiles
(Korea Herald)...Joo Sang-min
North Korea is reported to be building two underground launching sites aimed at deploying an intermediate-range ballistic missile with a target distance of up to 4,000 kilometers following successful development last year.
35. Taliban Ambushes In South Kill 10 Policemen And Soldiers
(New York Times)...Carlotta Gall
Taliban gunmen have killed at least 10 Afghan policemen and soldiers in two ambushes in southern Afghanistan in the last 24 hours, government and Taliban officials said Tuesday. The attacks are part of a surge of violence by the Taliban and other insurgents that has killed at least 40 Afghan policemen and soldiers and one American soldier in the last two weeks.
36. U.S. Addresses Control Of Security Companies
(Washington Times)...Sharon Behn
Pentagon officials are moving to tighten control over security contractors whose intelligence-gathering activities in Iraq are largely outside the control of U.S., military, international or Iraqi law.
37. Prison Scandal Indicates Gap In U.S. Chain Of Command
(Washington Post)...Ariana Eunjung Cha and Ellen McCarthy
Questions about the role of civilian interrogators in the abuse of inmates at the Abu Ghraib prison have put the spotlight on the accountability of tens of thousands of contractors in Iraq and on whether the administrative setup at the prison gave contractors too much freedom from and too much power over military units.
38. Private Guards' Status Outlined By Pentagon
(Washington Post)...Mary Pat Flaherty
At least 60 private security companies, employing 20,000 workers, operate in Iraq and even more will arrive as reconstruction work picks up, the Pentagon said yesterday in response to a Congressional inquiry.
39. Boeing Buys Ads To Defend Proposed Tanker Deal
(Washington Post)...Renae Merle
Boeing Co. bought full-page newspaper advertisements yesterday to defend its proposed $23.5 billion tanker deal with the Air Force as the Pentagon neared release of a key report that could help determine the fate of the controversial program.
40. Boeing Buys Developer Of Military Helicopter
(Los Angeles Times)...Bloomberg News
Boeing Co. acquired closely held Frontier Systems Inc., giving Boeing its first military-reconnaissance helicopter that may compete against Northrop Grumman Corp.'s new model.
41. Doubts Surface On Control Of Iraq Oil Revenue
(London Financial Times)...James Drummond
Iraq's interim government, due to take its seats this July, may not be given full control over the country's massive oil revenues after the end of US military occupation, it emerged yesterday.
42. Shell Puts Iraq Project On Hold
(London Financial Times)...Joanna Chung and Clay Harris
Royal Dutch/Shell has investigated the possibility of participating in an Iraqi oil project but decided not to proceed, at least for now, according to executives familiar with industry developments in the region.
43. Administration, Outside Experts See Different Iraqs
(USA Today)...Walter Shapiro
Few administration insiders rival Douglas Feith as a passionate believer in America's ability to transform Iraq into a beacon of democracy in the Middle East. Feith, the undersecretary of Defense for policy and a prot駩 of Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld, has played a lead role in what has turned out to be overly optimistic postwar planning.
44. Willing Torturers
(Washington Post)...Anne Applebaum
A few years ago, a scholarly book with the provocative title "Hitler's Willing Executioners" climbed to the top of U.S. bestseller lists. In part the book attracted attention because its author located the origins of the Nazi death camps in the German national character, in German history and in the specific nature of German anti-Semitism. What happened in Germany, he implied, could never happen anywhere else. Certainly it could never happen here.
45. Those Friendly Iranians
(New York Times)...Nicholas D. Kristof
...Left to its own devices, the Islamic revolution is headed for collapse, and there is a better chance of a strongly pro-American democratic government in Tehran in a decade than in Baghdad. The ayatollahs' best hope is that hard-liners in Washington will continue their inept diplomacy, creating a wave of Iranian nationalism that bolsters the regime ? as happened to a lesser degree after President Bush put Iran in the axis of evil.
46. Pakistan's Real Bulwark
(Washington Post)...Alfred Stepan and Aqil Shah
Amid the turmoil in Iraq and signs that Afghanistan still lacks a viable state, it's not surprising that doubts about the ability of the United States to support democratization are growing in the Middle East and even in the United States. This is all the more reason why the success of a homegrown democratic process anywhere in the Muslim world is so important -- especially in a strategically located nuclear state such as Pakistan. But is U.S. policy helping to achieve this end in Pakistan?
47. Developing Missile Defense -- (Letter)
(Washington Times)...Dan Montgomery
As Northrop Grumman Corp.'s Kinetic Energy Interceptors program manager, I was surprised by James Hackett's column Thursday ("Missile defense going astray?" Commentary). For the record, KEI is one element of a global missile-defense system designed to protect our country and allies from enemy missile threats, which is a point Mr. Hackett missed. Simply put, if we're serious about adding capability to the initial ballistic-missile-defense system that will be deployed later this year, we need KEI.
48. A System Of Abuse
(Washington Post)...Editorial
SECRETARY OF Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld yesterday described the abuses of Iraqi prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison as "an exceptional, isolated" case. At best, that is only partly true. Similar mistreatment of prisoners held by U.S. military or intelligence forces abroad has been reported since the beginning of the war on terrorism.
49. The Torture Photos
(New York Times)...Editorial
It seems gloomily possible that in years to come, when people in the Middle East recall the invasion of Iraq, they will speak not of lost American lives or the toppling of a brutal dictator. The most enduring image of the occupation may be those pictures of grinning American soldiers torturing Iraqi prisoners. This is the kind of outcome no one wanted, although one that the Bush administration should have worried about long ago, and taken far more care to avert. Now all the president and his top officials can do is clean up the mess and express the country's deep regrets. So far, they have accomplished neither.
All done!
May 4, 2004
Heres some stuff a smart feller rote
I ain't relly got no idears or nuthin on how to fix thangs, but this here a feller gots some stuff figgered out, far's I can tell:
This abuse of the voluntary military cannot continue. How to ensure adequate troop levels, with a diversity of backgrounds? How to require the privileged to shoulder their fair share? In other words, how to get today's equivalents of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney ? and me ? into the military, where their talents could strengthen and revive our fighting forces?
The only solution is to bring back the draft.
An he nose what hees talkin bout cause he rote that movie castaway where that feller did stuff with coconuts.
Well, i hope we draft some smart fellers like him. I gots to go beat some eye-rakkys now.
Update: I fergot to tell y'all that heres wher them a you what reeds kin reed teh hole thang.
Also if you kin rite and y'ont to you kin click and write stuff in the comments part down under hear.
Anuther update: Sum times ah do get idears and hears one: We get us a draft and then we make them noo york times noospaper fellers to in-tear-o-gate the prisners like they do Bush in the white house? I'll bet them prisners could prove Bush lied about dubya-em-dees cause Bush he ain't gonna say it. He's too wiley for 'em.
Also them Hollywooders could rebuild Eye-rak. They rebuild all kinda stuff for movies. So we'll get us a draft on them too.
You never know who you might meet here in my big backyard:
RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany � Ending his first foreign trip on an exultant note, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger joked with appreciative American troops at a rally Monday and met privately with a civilian contractor who escaped his captors in Iraq.
Schwarzenegger said Thomas Hamill "looked good" after being kidnapped at gunpoint last month near Baghdad, escaping Sunday and flying to a military hospital here for treatment of a gunshot wound to his arm.
After the hospital visit, the governor led a rally of about 400 troops massed at an airplane hangar. The audience was made up of the 435th air base wing and the 86th airlift wing. Schwarzenegger spoke in front of an oversized American flag that nearly swallowed the stage. About 40 troops from California stood behind him.
He opened with a joke � a joke he later said was funny for its wisp of plausibility.
"I want to thank you all for changing the Constitution of the United States. And I declare here my candidacy for president." A pause. "Oh, sorry. Wrong speech."
Better quotes were to come, but from the Airmen:
The young servicemen and women brought with them photos of Schwarzenegger printed from the Internet. They held DVDs of the governor's movies and copies of his bodybuilding books, hoping for an autograph. The lure seemed less to do with his policies than his celebrity.
"It's not very often you see someone with the stature of Arnold Schwarzenegger coming here," said 19-year-old Airman 1st Class Derrick Lugo of Augusta, Ga. "Lots of other governors have been here before, and to be honest, no one cares."
Okay, the Governor did get in a good line, but probably unintentionally (remember to read with Arnold's accent):
"It was like every hour was packed. And that's important to me," Schwarzenegger said, "because you don't want to go that far and just hang. I always said I don't want to be a governor that hangs. I like to do things."
But he became rather unresponsive to efforts by the press to get him to condemn the war in Iraq:
Asked in an interview Monday whether the U.S. approach in Iraq was working, the governor said: "I think everyone is asking themselves the question."
Schwarzenegger's office has been issuing news releases about California troops who were killed � steady reminders of the war's cost. "Any war concerns me," the governor said. "Any time people lose their lives, it concerns me."
1. Iraq Prison Supervisors Face Army Reprimand
(Washington Post)...Sewell Chan and Thomas E. Ricks
The top U.S. commander in Iraq has moved to issue the highest form of administrative rebuke against six commissioned and noncommissioned officers who supervised an Army-run prison where Iraqi prisoners allegedly suffered physical and sexual abuse, officials announced Monday.
2. Army Punishes 7 With Reprimands For Prison Abuse
(New York Times)...Thom Shanker and Dexter Filkins
...As more details emerged of widespread problems in the detention system in Iraq, President Bush on Monday telephoned Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld "to make sure that appropriate action was being taken against those responsible for these shameful, appalling acts," said Scott McClellan, the White House spokesman.
3. Poor Leadership Blamed For Abuse At U.S. Prison In Iraq
(Los Angeles Times)...Esther Schrader
Overcrowded cellblocks, sadistic guards abusing and humiliating prisoners, inmates shot dead trying to escape down dark alleys, and detainees being spirited around the prison compound to avoid Red Cross workers. All this happened as guards made up their own rules and superiors condoned their actions.
4. U.S. Sent Specialists To Train Prison Units
(Washington Post)...Bradley Graham and Thomas E. Ricks
Presented with reports of abusive behavior by U.S. military guards at Baghdad's main prison, the Army two months ago quietly dispatched to Iraq a team of about 25 military police experienced in running detention facilities to shore up training and supervision, Army officials said yesterday.
5. Senior Fighters Escape Fallujah
(Washington Times)...Rowan Scarborough
U.S. military commanders think senior foreign fighters in Fallujah have escaped during the Marines's monthlong siege that has produced an inconsistent allied war policy.
6. Military Defenders For Detainees Put Tribunals On Trial
(New York Times)...Neil A. Lewis
The Bush administration's plan to use military tribunals to try some of the detainees held at Guant�namo Bay, Cuba, which has faced considerable skepticism, has been receiving some of its sharpest attacks from the military defense lawyers who are participating in the process.
7. The General In Charge Of Iraqi Force Is Replaced
(New York Times)...Dexter Filkins
American military commanders said Monday that they had selected a new commander for the Iraqi security force in Falluja, dropping a general who had been accused of involvement in widespread repression under Saddam Hussein.
8. Marines Plan Switch In Fallujah
(Washington Post)...Rajiv Chandrasekaran and Sewell Chan
The U.S. Marines have taken steps to replace the overall commander of a group of former Iraqi soldiers charged with restoring order in this restive city, a senior U.S. military official said Monday. The move appeared aimed at defusing a growing controversy over the former army general initially selected to lead the unit.
9. Marines' New Tactic In Fallujah Is Risky
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Carol Rosenberg
Somewhere on this base packed with enough firepower to flatten nearby Fallujah, the Marines have stashed thousands of Frisbees and soccer balls. They might seem frivolous, after weeks of the worst bloodshed since U.S. forces entered Iraq. Yet these nearly forgotten gifts for the people of Fallujah symbolize the failure of the Marines so far to achieve their mission of rebuilding the country and helping to pave the way for democracy after arriving in this area in mid-March. And the prospects for success are as uncertain as ever.
10. U.S. Forces Repulse Shi'ite Militia Men In Najaf Fighting
(Washington Times)...Denis D. Gray, Associated Press
Shi'ite militiamen yesterday launched their most intense attacks to date on U.S. forces in Najaf, prompting a measured response from Americans who feared angering the nation's Shi'ite majority. Up to 20 attackers were killed.
11. Iraq's Former Baathists Eager To Return To Work
(Washington Post)...Pamela Constable
...An estimated 400,000 Iraqi civilians and military personnel lost their jobs over the past year under the U.S.-led occupation authority's "de-Baathification" policy, established to rid society of the influence of Hussein's ruling Baath Party. Now, however, thousands of mid-level party members are being given a chance to return to work after U.S. officials acknowledged that the policy had been unfairly implemented.
12. Ex-Prisoners Of G.I.'s Offer More Claims Of Mistreatment
(New York Times)...Ian Fisher
The three times that Abbas Mehdi was interrogated by American soldiers, he claims that he told them the same thing: "I said: `You are creating enemies. You changed love into hate. Why do you make people hate you?' "
13. Salvadoran Soldiers Praised For Iraq Role
(Washington Times)...Denis D. Gray, Associated Press
...Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said recently that the Central American unit has "gained a fantastic reputation among the coalition" and expressed hope that the Salvadorans will stay beyond their scheduled departure.
14. For U.S. Hostage, The Timing Was Everything
(Washington Post)...Sewell Chan
Stumbling across a field, a disheveled man approached a U.S. Army patrol Sunday, shouting and waving a white T-shirt as if to surrender. For a moment, the soldiers thought he was a local farmer, before his speech and face identified him as Thomas Hamill, a Mississippi dairyman who had been held hostage in Iraq for more than three weeks.
15. Iraqi Editor Quits, Citing U.S. Meddling
(Los Angeles Times)...Associated Press
The head of a U.S.-funded Iraqi newspaper quit and said Monday that he was taking almost his entire staff with him because of American interference in the publication.
16. CBS Delayed Report At Myers's Request
(Washington Post)...Associated Press
CBS News delayed for two weeks airing a report about U.S. soldiers' alleged abuse of Iraqi prisoners, following a personal request from the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
17. Pentagon Official Predicts $13.8 Billion Foreign Military Sales For ’04
(Defense Daily)...Sharon Weinberger
The head of the Pentagon’s foreign military sales program said he expects his agency to take in about $13.8 billion in revenues this year, slightly up from last year’s total of $13 billion.
18. Governor Visits U.S. Troops In Germany As He Wraps Up Trip
(Los Angeles Times)...Peter Nicholas
Ending his first foreign trip on an exultant note, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger joked with appreciative American troops at a rally Monday and met privately with a civilian contractor who escaped his captors in Iraq.
19. This Time It's Real: An Antimissile System Takes Shape
(New York Times)...James Glanz
As early as this summer, rockets hidden in silos near this wind-swept town will give the nation its first operating defense against intercontinental ballistic missiles since the 1970's.
20. Materiel Commander Says Gear For Iraq Moving Slowly But Steadily
(GovExec.com)...George Cahlink
Escalating violence has slowed the movement of parts and equipment in Iraq, but has yet to lead to any major shortfalls in gear for U.S. troops, according to Gen. Paul Kern, commander of Army Materiel Command.
21. Dying Mom Gets Wish; Soldier-Son Comes Home
(Chicago Tribune)...E.A. Torriero
Dying of cancer, Patrice Confer fought the military bureaucracy to bring her son home last week from the conflict in Iraq.
22. Spy Charges Dropped, But Fear Remains
(Chicago Tribune)...Geneive Abdo and E.A. Torriero
...Muslims say that if Yee, a 1990 West Point graduate could be accused, other Muslims far less accomplished face greater risk. And Muslims say there are greater reservations within their community to enter the military--a blow to plans by the U.S. government trying to recruit Muslims and Arabs to serve in intelligence agencies and armed forces to help the Bush administration fight the war on terror.
23. Abuse Photos Rock Maryland Town
(Washington Times)...S.A. Miller
Families and neighbors of the soldiers in the Army Reserve unit accused of mistreating inmates in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq said yesterday they do not condone their actions but will continue to support the troops and the war effort.
24. Pr. George's Challenged On Reservists' Pay
(Washington Post)...Jamie Stockwell
...Polimeni, along with about 90 other Prince George's County employees in the reserves -- most of them in county law enforcement -- was required to exhaust his accrued leave time before he could receive a salary supplement that, coupled with his military pay, would equal his income as a police officer. Police union officials say the county is violating a 1994 federal law designed to protect the rights of employees ordered to active duty.
25. 9 Held In Alleged Plot In Turkey
(Los Angeles Times)...Amberin Zaman
A Turkish court Monday charged nine suspected members of a group linked to Al Qaeda with plotting to bomb the NATO summit scheduled next month in Turkey's largest city, Istanbul. Turkey's CNN-Turk television news channel said at least three of the suspects had been planning a suicide bomb attack against President Bush, who will be among dozens of Western leaders expected to attend the June 28-29 gathering.
26. In U.S., Seeking To Limit Damage
(Washington Post)...Robin Wright
The Bush administration is struggling to develop a damage-control strategy to counter the mounting global backlash against the United States after revelations that U.S. military and intelligence personnel abused Iraqi prisoners, according to U.S. officials.
27. Iraq Costs Surge, May Force Bush To Shuffle Funds, Seek More
(Bloomberg.com)...James Tyson and Jon Steinman
U.S. military operations in Iraq may be $4 billion over budget by August, forcing President George W. Bush to shift money from other Pentagon accounts or ask Congress for more money before the November election, say Republican and Democratic lawmakers.
28. Intelligence Reform Will Not Be Quick
(Washington Post)...Walter Pincus
The White House, Congress and two independent commissions are discussing wholesale reform of the nation's intelligence community in the wake of its failures to detect the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and accurately describe Iraq's weapons programs, mistakes that were highlighted in recent public hearings.
29. Senator Says Spy Agencies Are 'In Denial'
(Los Angeles Times)...Bob Drogin
U.S. intelligence agencies are "in denial" and have yet to hold anyone accountable for the failure to prevent the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and for the misjudgment that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Monday.
30. Terror Inquiries Are Clouded By Global Discord
(Wall Street Journal)...Keith Johnson and David Crawford
...Now people close to the prosecution say that after nearly 10 years of investigation into these cells, starting well before the Sept. 11 attacks, the case is in danger of falling apart. The reason: a lack of international cooperation, especially with U.S. authorities engaged in their own fight against terrorism. The obstacle, Spanish investigators say, is a question that also has come before the Sept. 11 Commission in Washington: Does the ultimate responsibility for fighting terrorism belong to law-enforcement officials or to the military?
31. 9/11 Still Haunts Pentagon Workers, WTC Rescuers
(USA Today)...Marilyn Elias
A sizable minority of Pentagon workers and Ground Zero cleanup crew still have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression symptoms after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and many are not getting treatment, suggest reports out Monday.
32. Gen.: We May Not Bag Osama Soon (Alternate source here)
(New York Daily News)...Associated Press
The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan voiced caution about the prospects of catching Osama Bin Laden, saying it is "too early to tell" if a new U.S. strategy aimed at winning the trust of Afghans will yield crucial intelligence.
33. Oil Workers To Leave Saudi Arabia
(Washington Post)...Associated Press
The U.S. ambassador traveled to this oil-industry city Monday with a simple message for the gathered Americans: Go home; we cannot protect you. Huddled in a meeting room in a Holiday Inn still pocked with bullet holes after the latest in a string of attacks on Westerners killed two Americans and four others, many said they would heed his words.
34. Doubt Is Cast On Photos Said To Show Britons Abusing Iraqi
(New York Times)...Lizette Alvarez
The British military on Monday was investigating the origins of widely published photographs that appear to show British soldiers on patrol in Basra beating and urinating on an Iraqi captive in the back of a truck.
35. U.N. Warns Of Delay In Iraqi Election
(Washington Post)...Colum Lynch
National elections in Iraq scheduled for January could be postponed unless security there improves, the top election official for the United Nations said Monday.
36. UN Envoy Lines Up Caretaker Rulers
(London Times)...James Bone
THE United Nations envoy to Iraq returns to Baghdad this week for a final effort to pick a caretaker government before the handover of power on June 30.
37. Boeing May Hire An Ethics Watchdog
(Wall Street Journal)...Andy Pasztor
Boeing Co., trying to recover from a series of ethics scandals, has hired an outside ethics watchdog to alert the government about any future transgressions by the aerospace giant, according to people familiar with the details.
38. Legal Loophole Arises In Iraq
(Wall Street Journal)...Greg Jaffe, David S. Cloud and Gary Fields
The abuse of Iraqis at a U.S. military prison outside Baghdad raises questions about whether private military contractors involved in illegal activity are subject to criminal prosecution.
39. Contract Workers Implicated In February Army Report On Prison Abuse Remain On The Job
(New York Times)...Joel Brinkley and James Glanz
More than two months after a classified Army report found that two contract workers were implicated in the abuse of Iraqis at a prison outside Baghdad, the companies that employ them say that they have heard nothing from the Pentagon, and that they have not removed any employees from Iraq.
40. In Nasiriyah, Hopeful Pockets Of Pragmatism
(Washington Post)...David Ignatius
...Today Nasiriyah illustrates a new mood of pragmatism emerging in southern Iraq as Shiite political, religious and tribal leaders prepare for a transfer of sovereignty less than two months away. Iraqis here seem to understand that unless they quickly take more responsibility for security, the country could descend into chaos after June 30.
41. The Fallacies Of Fallujah
(Washington Post)...Richard Cohen
...It gets worse. The Iraqi army the United States summarily disbanded is now being reconstituted. Baath Party members who were persona non grata because of their presumed criminality are now being asked to return to their old jobs because, on second thought, many of them weren't really criminals after all. Some of them only joined the party so they could put bread on the table. The United Nations, once disparaged by the Bushies as little more than a dreamy student government with its own building, has now been welcomed back to Iraq with the hope it can govern the place. Amazingly, it seems ready to make that attempt.
42. Battlefield Of Dreams
(New York Times)...Paul Krugman
...What's truly shocking in Iraq, however, is the privatization of purely military functions. For more than a decade, many noncritical jobs formerly done by soldiers have been handed to private contractors. When four Blackwater employees were killed and mutilated in Falluja, however, marking the start of a wider insurgency, it became clear that in Iraq the U.S. has extended privatization to core military functions. It's one thing to have civilians drive trucks and serve food; it's quite different to employ them as personal bodyguards to U.S. officials, as guards for U.S. government installations and — the latest revelation — as interrogators in Iraqi prisons.
43. Stopping The Abuse Of Detainees
(Washington Post)...Leonard S. Rubenstein
...As early as 2002, news reports of abuse of prisoners began to surface, and new allegations have continued to emerge. The administration's response has been to stonewall. A year ago, in response to the first set of allegations of abuse of detainees, President Bush affirmed that the United States does not practice or condone torture or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and that it investigates allegations of violations. But the actions needed to convert this from a statement to a commitment have been absent.
44. A War For Us, Fought By Them
(New York Times)...William Broyles Jr.
...This abuse of the voluntary military cannot continue. How to ensure adequate troop levels, with a diversity of backgrounds? How to require the privileged to shoulder their fair share? In other words, how to get today's equivalents of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney — and me — into the military, where their talents could strengthen and revive our fighting forces? The only solution is to bring back the draft. Not since the 19th century has America fought a war that lasted longer than a week with an all-volunteer army; we can't do it now. It is simply not built for a protracted major conflict.
45. Pentagon Too Slow To Decry Shameful U.S. Acts In Iraq
(USA Today)...Editorial
...Nearly as disturbing as the repulsive behavior by some U.S. soldiers is the fact that the Pentagon has been so slow to share the sense of outrage over their actions, even though it has known about the allegations for almost six months.
46. Beyond Those Sick Images
(Los Angeles Times)...Editorial
...Credit Taguba for a blunt report and the MPs who blew the whistle for living up to Army standards. But the Abu Ghraib scandal raises issues beyond this one prison: about poor command, about the possible role of military intelligence in encouraging acts that violate international law, about military training and the extensive use of private contractors for a host of jobs once done by soldiers. U.S. officials can't fix what happened at Abu Ghraib, but they can show a commitment to fighting wrongdoing worldwide — including and especially when it's within U.S. ranks.
47. Prosecute Iraqi Abusers
(Washington Times)...Editorial
The shameful abusive conduct perpetrated on Iraqi detainees cries out for the most thorough investigation and prosecutions. Moreover, the investigation must go as far up the chain of command as the facts justify. It is inconceivable that following that process the sanctions should be limited to reprimands and early retirements.
48. Images Of Abuse Speak To U.S. Policy Adrift
(Miami Herald)...Editorial
In Iraq, the prison at Abu Ghraib near Baghdad became notorious as the place where Saddam Hussein held prisoners in hideous conditions and committed unspeakable crimes against them. There, Hussein tortured and murdered thousands of men. Now, under U.S. control, the prison at Abu Ghraib is achieving a different notoriety. Pictures broadcast worldwide last week show male and female U.S. soldiers, smiling and joking at the sight of Iraqi prisoners stripped naked, tortured and humiliated, purportedly to extract intelligence from them.
49. Abuse Of Iraqi Prisoners
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Editorial
This is no way to win the hearts and minds of Iraqis.
All done!
The Remix Remix'd
The Micah Wright Remix poster project is up and running, thanks to Michele - who has a picture of Micah in full Ranger gear at this link.).
Register at the remix and you can upload posters - so if you've got an entry that's the way to do it now.
And to show how easy it is, here's one from a five year old:
And don't forget what this fabricated Kurt Vonnegut quote says:
"Listen -
The Micah Wright Remix project is definitely a worthwhile effort. While pondering the many visions I realized my entire leftist, self-absorbed life had been a waste, a mockery, even though I still like my books."
- Kurt Vonnegut
Bring. It. On.
This might hurt a little:
Hundreds of former commanders and military colleagues of presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry are set to declare in a signed letter that he is "unfit to be commander-in-chief." They will do so at a press conference in Washington on Tuesday.
"What is going to happen on Tuesday is an event that is really historical in dimension," John O'Neill, a Vietnam veteran who served in the Navy as a PCF (Patrol Craft Fast) boat commander, told CNSNews.com. The event, which is expected to draw about 25 of the letter-signers, is being organized by a newly formed group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
Actually, Kerry's support among veterans has always been vapor thin at best. In fact, it seems rather amazing that his old crew remembers him, given the brevity of his tour - three months before abruptly becomming the only American officer to ever abandon his command in time of war. (See here and here.)
"The ranks of the people signing [the letter] range from admiral down to seaman, and they run across the entire spectrum of politics, specialties, and political feelings about the Vietnam War," he added.
Among those scheduled to attend the event at the National Press Club and declare Kerry unfit for the role of commander-in-chief are retired Naval Rear Admiral Roy Hoffman, who was the commander of the Navy Coastal Surveillance Force, which included the swift boats on which Kerry served.
Also scheduled to be present at the event is Kerry's former commanding officer, Lt. Commander Grant Hibbard. Hibbard recently questioned whether Kerry deserved the first of his three Purple Hearts that he received in Vietnam. Hibbard doubted both the severity of the wound and whether it resulted from enemy fire.
"I've had thorns from a rose that were worse" than Kerry's wound for which he received a Purple Heart, Hibbard told the Boston Globe in April.
B. G. Burkett, Vietnam vet and author of the book Stolen Valor, (the definitive book exposing fake Vietnam Veterans) is quoted in the story:
"There are probably just as many Democrats amongst sailors who sailed swift boats as there are Republicans. What Kerry fails to realize is this has nothing to do with politics -- this has to with Vietnam Veterans who served, who have a beef with John Kerry's service, both during and after the war," Burkett told CNSNews.com.
"The American people do not know John Kerry and hopefully the swift boat crews and other Vietnam veterans will make sure that the American public knows the real John Kerry," he added.
It should always be remembered that it was Terry McAuliffe who started this whole "wartime president" business. It's time to raise the question: was he doing it out of his non-military ignorance of the frailty of Kerry's position (recall Kerry's original claim to want the Vietnam issue left alone) or was he setting the man up for failure?
Of course, for every veteran's group that comes out against him, there's one that will give him full support.
Cpl Tillman - the Thanks of a Nation
Was just watching the broadcast of Pat Tillman's memorial service. Stateside it was apparently on ESPN News, as that's the version that was shown live on Armed Forces Network. With the continuous scrolling banner at the bottom I was able to see which high school kids were coming out for the draft and the order of finish for the NASCAR race.
At least, until 2 am (central Europe), when AFN abruptly switched it's coverage in mid-eulogy from that to the TNT pregame show for game one of the Nets-Pistons best of seven series. Sports Illustrated says it could be a "rivalry in the making".
By the way AFN Europe is the version that they get in Iraq, probably Afghanistan too. I really hope this was on one of the other AFN networks available via satellite.
I booted up the computer to post this little comment on the topic, but then found this in my inbox. Do click, it's a must see - the latest from Ted Rall. Ted's a cartoonist syndicated by Universal Press Syndicate. Their officers and senior staff are listed here. Some contact info can be found here or here.
I also found a link to the infamous Rene Gonzalez piece.
I was going to write a piece about why its wrong to threaten sad little cretins like these, but it'll have to wait for an update.
Can't recall my logic just now.
Update: Andrew Sullivan:
Today's disgusting diatribe against Pat Tillman is so vile, so utterly devoid of any motive or argument but personal malice and hatred, some form of protest is surely merited. Email the vice-president for print syndication, Lee Salem, and tell him what you think of Rall's cartoon. Please, please, be civil. His email is lsalem@amuniversal.com. He needs to hear from you.
May 3, 2004
A New Trojan Horse
Hey here's an idea - let's send antiwar propaganda to troops in Iraq via Soldiers Angels - pictures of dead Iraqi kids and stuff like that. Maybe we can get them to start killing their officers instead of innocent Iraqis!
My idea? Not just no, hell no - it's the latest hatecrime from Indymedia.
Blackfive has more.
Air Force Names First Female Fighter Squadron Commander
Fighter jocks are what the Air Force is all about. Argue otherwise if you please, it doesn't matter. There are two types of people in the Air Force: fighter pilots and everyone else. The path to the highest levels of command begins with a turn as fighter squadron commander, and the first ever female to attain that exalted status has just been named:
Lt. Col. Martha McSally, who once claimed persecution by the military, is now getting a plum position never before awarded to a woman.
She's about to become the Air Force's first female fighter squadron commander, the choicest job the service offers for an aviator of her rank.
Lt Col McSally, who in 1994 became the first female Air Force pilot to fly combat missions, freed military women from a bizarrely cruel twist of fate when she successfully
sued the DoD in 2001 over a policy that required those serving in Saudi Arabia to wear abayas when off base.
She argued that the practice was offensive to her as a Christian, and that it was unnecessary because other women working in the Middle East nation, such as U.S. embassy staffers, were not forced to wear the long, black cloaks.
Responding to the pending suit the Air Force simply re-worded the rule to state that the wear was "highly encouraged" rather than "mandatory" and claimed the change was sufficient to merit dismissal. (Note: In the military, "highly encouraged", "suggested", or "recommended" mean "mandatory")
Not satisfied with the progress, Lt Col McSally sought and gained congressional mandate to "strongly encourage" the Air Force to drop the requirement. Those women who served in Saudi Arabia subsequently owe their comfort and freedom to her tenacity in the matter.
Sounds like the sort of person that will make a great commander.
03 May 04 Morning Briefing
1. Report On Abuse Faults 2 Officers In Intelligence
(New York Times)...James Risen
An internal Army investigation has found a virtual collapse of the command structure in a prison outside Baghdad where American enlisted personnel are accused of committing acts of abuse and humiliation against Iraqi detainees.
2. Angry Ex-Detainees Tell Of Abuse
(Washington Post)...Scott Wilson
Day and night lost meaning shortly after Muwafaq Sami Abbas, a lawyer by training, arrived at Baghdad International Airport for an unexpected stay. In March, he was seized from his bed by U.S. troops in the middle of the night, he said, along with the rest of the men in his house, and taken to a prison on the airport grounds.
3. 11 Troops Killed In Attacks In Iraq
(Washington Post)...Rajiv Chandrasekaran and Scott Wilson
Eleven U.S. service members in Iraq were killed in four attacks by insurgents late Saturday evening and Sunday, including six who died in a mortar attack, the military reported. Meanwhile, the former Iraqi general chosen to head a new force here denied there were any foreign fighters in the city, calling into question his commitment to American military objectives, and a top U.S. commander said later the general would not be allowed to lead the armed men he has already assembled.
4. Hostage Is Free; 9 G.I.'s Killed In Iraq Attacks
(New York Times)...Dexter Filkins
An American contractor taken hostage by militants last month escaped from his captors on Sunday and ran into the arms of a group of passing American troops, on a day when nine other American soldiers died in violence across central and northern Iraq.
5. U.S., Seeking To Stabilize Iraq, Casts Baathists In Lead Roles
(New York Times)...John F. Burns and Ian Fisher
...While troublesome questions have since been raised about General Saleh's past links with Mr. Hussein's fearsome Iraqi Republican Guard that could lead to his removal, the force he is leading will still take over for the marines, who would prefer Iraqis to confront Iraqis and thus avoid stirring deeper anger against the occupation. The purpose of this change, American officials say, is twofold. First, it is meant to help restabilize the country by inviting some of its most educated and qualified professionals to reclaim their old jobs, and ultimately help rebuild Iraq. It is also intended to reverse the precipitous erosion of American popularity here, by gaining the backing of a constituency ? stalwarts of Mr. Hussein's old bureaucracy ? who have been embittered by their outcast status since the American-led invasion last year.
6. Israeli Vote Also Deals A Blow To U.S. Policy
(Los Angeles Times)...Mary Curtius
In rejecting Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's plan to unilaterally withdraw from the Gaza Strip, Israel's Likud Party dealt a blow Sunday to President Bush's Middle East policy that he could ill afford after a month of setbacks.
7. Authority Of Iraqi General Questioned By Myers
(Los Angeles Times)...Tony Perry
Iraqi Maj. Gen. Jassim Mohammed Saleh consolidated his military role Sunday, even as Shiites, Kurds and the top U.S. general in Washington questioned whether he was the man to lead Iraqi troops in this predominantly Sunni city.
8. 137 Troops Lost Lives In Iraq During April
(USA Today)...Gregg Zoroya
The deadliest month for U.S. troops in Iraq ended Friday with 137 servicemembers having lost their lives. The overwhelming majority of them were victims of hostile action such as gunfire, rocket attacks and explosions.
9. On Or Off? Odd U.S. Alliance With An Ex-Hussein General
(New York Times)...John Kifner
...But just how muddled the situation has become was underlined Sunday when the general chosen by the Americans, Jasim Muhammad Saleh, declared that no foreign fighters were in the city after all. "There are no foreign fighters in Falluja, and the local tribal leaders have told me the same," he told the Reuters news agency. The situation became even more confused when the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Richard B. Myers, went on Sunday morning television talk shows to say that General Saleh would not be in charge of the Iraqi force.
10. Falloujans Cheer Changing Of Guard
(Los Angeles Times)...Raheem Salman
As U.S. Marines continued their withdrawal Sunday from Fallouja's dusty roads, residents sang and waved their head scarves in joy. Many returned to their battered homes, wondering who would rebuild the rubble.
11. Iraqi Force In Falluja, With City Still On Brink
(New York Times)...Christine Hauser
...Street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood, Falluja is balancing on the brink between conflict and recovery, after weeks of battling between American marines and insurgents. Which way things go may be determined in the next few days, as a new Iraqi security force struggles to bring order to the city after fighting that killed more than 600 residents, according to doctors.
12. No More Troops Needed In Iraq, Says Gen. Abizaid
(Washington Times)...Bill Gertz
The commander of U.S. forces in Iraq said yesterday the fighting in the country has been the toughest in months, but added that no more troops are needed unless fighting there intensifies.
13. New Defense Chief Voices Concerns Over Insurgency
(Boston Globe)...Thanassis Cambanis
Iraq's new interim defense minister, who will seek to build an army and civil defense corps out of an interim force in shambles, said he worries that insurgents will escape from Fallujah and further roil Iraq's fragile security forces before they are properly trained and equipped.
14. U.S. Official: Abuse Allegations Are 'A Big Deal'
(Washington Post)...Sewell Chan
The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff acknowledged Sunday that allegations that Iraqi prisoners were abused at a detention facility run by the Army have set back efforts to cultivate a positive image for the U.S. military in the region.
15. U.S. Begins Prisoner-Abuse Probes
(Wall Street Journal)...Farnaz Fassihi, Greg Jaffe and David S. Cloud
The Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Department have launched multiple investigations into whether U.S. prisoners in Iraq were abused in an effort to elicit intelligence from them.
16. 8 Programs, $40 Billion
(Defense News)...Gopal Ratnam
The U.S. Department of Defense is about to award contracts for a slew of new weapons that could reshape the business portfolios of major American defense contractors and determine winners and losers in the military?s transformation effort.
17. Military Sees No Evidence Of An Increase In Drug Use
(Washington Times)...Guy Taylor
Pentagon officials say they are not aware of an increase in the number of U.S. soldiers using illegal drugs, despite recent reports suggesting a growing problem, particularly among troops in Afghanistan.
18. Military Officials Dismiss Depleted Uranium Fears
(European Stars and Stripes)...Sandra Jontz
Since the war started last March, about 1,000 troops who indicated they might have been exposed to depleted uranium have been tested. Of those, three who have fragments of depleted uranium ammunition in their bodies have tested positive for higher-than-normal levels, but none show adverse health consequences, said William Winkenwerder Jr., assistant secretary of defense for Health Affairs.
19. Guantanamo -- A Holding Cell In War On Terror
(Washington Post)...Scott Higham, Joe Stephens and Margot Williams
The newest prison in the war on terrorism is a multi-winged $31 million complex of gray concrete and steel designed to hold 100 captives for years to come. It stands in stark contrast to the original detention camp here, a collection of chain-link cages used two years ago to hold suspected terrorists and Taliban fighters caught when their sanctuary in Afghanistan collapsed.
20. Tillman Was Killed Saving Comrades
(New York Daily News)...Maki Becker
...Pat Tillman, the NFL-star-turned-G.I., was awarded a Silver Star yesterday for saving fellow Special Operations soldiers last month from a sneak attack by heavily armed militants in Afghanistan, the military disclosed yesterday.
21. Woman To Head Air Force Fighter Squad Unit
(Arizona Daily Star (Tucson))...Carol Ann Alaimo
...Lt. Col. Martha McSally, who once claimed persecution by the military, is now getting a plum position never before awarded to a woman. She's about to become the Air Force's first female fighter squadron commander, the choicest job the service offers for an aviator of her rank.
22. Near Reservists' Base, Disappointment At Accusations Of Abuse
(New York Times)...Sherri Day
Stop anyone in this quaint town surrounded by mountains, and they will have an opinion about the war in Iraq and recent accusations that Army reservists abused Iraqi prisoners.
23. Bush Lauds Armed Forces, Reporters
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Kata Kertesz, Associated Press
President Bush tempered lighthearted remarks to a gathering of journalists Saturday with a declaration that the nation was in a "period of testing and sacrifice" spearheaded by a "new generation of Americans as brave and decent as any before it."
24. Bremer Regrets Criticism Of President
(Los Angeles Times)...Associated Press
L. Paul Bremer III, the U.S. administrator in Iraq, said Sunday that he regretted a statement he made more than six months before the Sept. 11 attacks that the Bush administration was "paying no attention" to terrorism.
25. Outcry Grows Over Abuse Of Prisoners
(Washington Times)...Audrey Hudson
Congressional pressure grew yesterday on the Pentagon to press for a "credible" investigation into the abuse of prisoners of war in Iraq.
26. U.S., Afghan Officials Agree To Fight A New Insurgency
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Unattributed
The U.S. military and Afghan officials have agreed to establish a new militia to fight an insurgency flaring across the south and east of the country, the Afghan Defense Ministry said yesterday. Recruited from militias across the country, the force will consist of 2,000 men, said Gen. Zahir Azimi, spokesman for the Defense Ministry spokesman.
27. U.S. Airstrikes In Afghanistan Kill 4 After Attack On Convoy
(Baltimore Sun)...Associated Press
U.S. airstrikes killed four alleged militants after an attack on a military convoy in eastern Afghanistan, but local officials said yesterday that the victims were policemen killed in a case of mistaken identity.
28. Afghan Faction Reaches Out To Karzai
(New York Times)...New York Times
Senior members of a mujahedeen party allied with Afghanistan's former Taliban rulers and opposed to the presence of American forces denounced violence at a news briefing here on Sunday and said they wanted to join the political process.
29. Pakistani Strategy Worries U.S. Military
(New York Times on the Web)...Associated Press
A top U.S. commander expressed concern Monday about Pakistan's counter-terrorism strategy near the Afghan border and said a ``significant'' number of foreign militants holed up there must be eliminated.
30. Doubts Surfacing On Abuse Of Iraqis In British Photos
(Washington Times)...Agencce France-Presse
Doubts arose yesterday over the authenticity of photos apparently showing British troops abusing an Iraqi detainee, after military sources quoted by the British Broadcasting Corp. said many aspects of the pictures were suspicious.
31. Britain To Send In A Further 4,000 Troops To Iraq Danger Zone
(London Sunday Telegraph)...Sean Rayment
Thousands of additional troops are to be sent to Iraq to take control of the Shia holy city of Najaf in the largest expansion of British Forces since the start of the Gulf war, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.
32. German Protection Of U.S. Bases To End
(International Herald Tribune)...Reuters
Defense Minister Peter Struck said Germany would stop protecting U.S. military bases in the country at the end of 2004 and would not send troops to help a NATO force police Iraq, the newspaper Welt am Sonntag reported Sunday.
33. New Polish Prime Minister Vows To Back U.S. In Iraq
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Unattributed
New Polish Prime Minister Marek Belka promised to push ahead with tough reforms and keep supporting the United States in Iraq as he took the helm yesterday, a day after Poland joined the European Union. Belka, 51, replaces Leszek Miller, who resigned as his government was paralyzed by unpopularity, division and corruption scandals.
34. Many Leaving After Saudi Attack
(Philadelphia Inquirer)...Adnan Malik, Associated Press
American and European families packed their bags yesterday after a deadly attack on foreigners, and traumatized Saudi students recounted how the attackers summoned them to watch them drag a victim's body through the streets.
35. CACI To Open Probe Of Workers In Iraq
(Washington Post)...Renae Merle and Ellen McCarthy
Defense contractor CACI International Inc. said yesterday it launched an independent investigation of its employees in connection with allegations that Iraqi detainees were abused by U.S. soldiers at an Army-run prison in Iraq.
36. War-Zone Security Is A Job For...Private Contractors?
(Christian Science Monitor)...Clayton Collins
For hundreds of foreign companies in the lucrative but perilous pursuit of business in violence-racked Iraq, security - especially the use of private forces instead of military personnel - has become an increasingly vexing issue.
37. The Cruelest Month
(New York Times)...William Safire
...Casualties reached a peak. A Marine commander had to appeal to a Republican Guard general to come to terms with Baathist insurgents in Falluja. President Bush had to express America's disgust at the humiliation of Iraqi prisoners by a handful of sadistic guards. Taken together, that's about as bad as it gets. However, a certain grim logic suggests a turn for the better may be coming this summer.
38. 11-Step Program For Iraq Failure
(Los Angeles Times)...Lawrence J. Korb
The Bush team is repeating the mistakes the U.S. made in Vietnam.
39. Success Requires Patience
(Washington Post)...Niall Ferguson
...Unfortunately, lack of patience has been one of the major flaws of the Bush administration's policy toward Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein last year. This impatience is nothing new. It has been a recurrent feature in the history of American overseas intervention.
40. Refusal To Tally War's Price Costs Public Needed Debate
(USA Today)...Editorial
...Today, the fighting in Iraq has worsened, the Pentagon is keeping more troops in the field than it had planned, and the price tag keeps rising. That has prompted Republicans to join in complaints that the Bush administration has not come clean about the costs.
41. Too Late To Tweak Budget
(USA Today)...James Jay Carafano
Set aside, for a moment, the charge made by some lawmakers that President Bush is playing politics when he says Congress doesn't need to provide more defense money now. They claim he wants to avoid public debate over the cost of the war in Iraq. After all, the countercharge ? that war opponents are the ones trying to score political points ? is just as easily made and just as impossible to prove.
42. The Pentagon And Terrorism -- (Letter)
(New York Times)...Lawrence Di Rita
"How Pair's Finding on Terror Led to Clash on Shaping Intelligence" (front page, April 28) usefully demystifies the so-called Pentagon intelligence unit.
43. The Nightmare At Abu Ghraib
(New York Times)...Editorial
The American military made a strange and ill-starred decision when it chose to incarcerate Iraqis in Abu Ghraib, the prison that had become a byword for torture under Saddam Hussein and a symbol of everything the invasion of Iraq was supposed to end. As United States officials have known for months, some of the American soldiers brought their own version of sadism to the site. Now that the rest of the world knows as well, the Bush administration will have to do more than denounce the scandal as the work of a few bad apples.
44. Abuse And Accountability
(Wall Street Journal)...Editorial
The reported abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. soldiers is disgusting and depressing, not least because it undermines the very purpose for which other Americans are sacrificing their lives.
45. Sadistic Abuse Of Iraqi Inmates
(Christian Science Monitor)...Editorial
Sometimes military justice doesn't do justice. That's the case involving US troops recently caught humiliating and threatening Iraq prisoners in obscene ways. No matter what those prisoners may have done to be locked up, these actions by a few soldiers sent to liberate a nation from the atrocities of a dictator were so inhumane and so damaging to US interests in the Middle East that the Pentagon should not be left alone to punish those involved.
46. Don't Sink 'Law Of The Sea'
(Los Angeles Times)...Editorial
...Under current law, U.S. warships have no right to patrol such waterways as the Malacca Strait, an area in Southeast Asia where piracy is common and terrorists affiliated with Al Qaeda sometimes traffic. The treaty would give U.S. military officials a legal basis for intervention.
All done!
May 2, 2004
My Gift to You
Don't know if anyone's used it or not yet, but here:
Don't say I never gave ya anything!
Have fun!
All done!
Thomas Hamill Escapes
Great news from AP, via Stars and Stripes:
American hostage Thomas Hamill was found by U.S. forces south of Tikrit Sunday after he apparently escaped from his captors, the U.S. military said. Hamill, 43, of Macon, Miss., had been held since an April 9 attack on a convoy.
U.S. military units were patrolling a petroleum pipeline when Hamill, a truck driver for a Halliburton Corp. subsidiary, approached and identified himself, said Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt. Hamill was in "good health," Kimmitt said.
"Mr. Hamill apparently escaped from a building," Kimmitt said. "He has spoken to his family. He is now ready to get back to work."
In Macon, Hamill's wife, Kellie, said she was told about his escape at about 5:50 a.m. during "the best wakeup call I've ever had."
That news was so good the AP had to shoehorn this in as the lead paragraph before telling it:
NAJAF, Iraq ? Shiite militiamen attacked a U.S. convoy in southern Iraq, killing two soldiers and setting vehicles on fire, even as mediators were trying Sunday to find a resolution to the U.S. standoff with the militia's leader. Two other American soldiers were killed in Baghdad.
Headline: Al-Sadr forces attack convoy, kill two; hostage Thomas Hamill found alive
The feel good story of the week - and it's still Sunday!!
Update: I note that I see a good story burried in bad news - others could claim the bad news is being sugar coated. Others will think the story I call "bad" is the "good" one, and vice versa.
What do you think?
UN Story Update
Stephen Schwartz has two pieces in The Weekly Standard (link to other story is in this one) following up on the UN gunbattle in Kosovo. The UN information clampdown is certainly tighter than that exercised by the US at certain Baghdad prisons, but details eek out, including the sad note of the passing of Gary Weston, who was previously listed as wounded.
The male American, who died of his wounds, was Gary Weston, of Vienna, Illinois. The Palestinian, Sergeant Major Ahmed Mustafa Ibrahim Ali, was killed when members of the contingent in which the Americans were traveling returned fire.
In the days since the first reports of the crime were received, more details have emerged, which make what was already a scandal for the United Nations in Kosovo even more alarming. First and most disturbing is that the dead assailant, Ali, is being investigated for connections with Hamas, the Palestinian terror organization. Second is that the same Ali had visited the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, home of the Wahhabi Islamic sect that produced al Qaeda, only a month before he was sent to Kosovo in March.
More thorough descriptions of the incident are horrendous. The group of Americans, along with some Turkish personnel, were leaving a prison in the northern Kosovo town of Mitrovica when the attack began. It was their first day on the job. According to the Associated Press, they were "trapped between a locked gate and Ali's assault rifle."
The Palestinian carried an M-16, from which he apparently discharged 400 rounds, leading NATO investigators to examine whether his four colleagues in a Jordanian detachment assigned to guard the prison had helped him by feeding his weapon as he fired. All four were detained after the bloody events, but three have now been released, while one of them, whose name has not been disclosed, remains under arrest as a possible accomplice, and his immunity from prosecution has been revoked.
The Americans shot back with pistols. An Austrian guard heard the noise and ran to the scene, but was wounded in the legs by the Palestinian.
The Associated Press account states chillingly, "When he had shot all those he could see, Ali paced around the vans [in which the Americans had been riding], searching for more victims."
The carnage continued until Ali's weapon jammed. The surviving Americans then stormed the Jordanians' guard shack, where they found his four comrades hiding. The Americans grabbed their weapons from them and killed the assailant, firing 16 bullets into his body.
Hmmm.. they shot a man whose weapon wasn't functioning? Barbaric! We must assume justice will be swift.
May 1, 2004
Local Culture
The season for various endeavors is in full swing. The demands of local high society keep my keyboard time to a minimum.
Another big MilBlogs project in the works - more to come on that.
Oh yea - defending democracy too.
Voices of the Fallen
Today marks an anniversary, the one-year mark from a moment the American left has forever tattooed in poison ink on the hate glands in their minds; the President's declaration of an end to combat ops portion of the invasion of Iraq. On that day there was (and is) so much work still to be done, but this GI felt proud of that moment, that minor break from the intense task at hand, that pause to say "well done" before continuing on with the battle. In spite of that suggestion of a desire for cessation of hostilities on our part, our enemies at home and abroad have given up none of their violent hatred. Be it this past week's attacks on the Senate floor or tomorrow's in Fallujah, their bitterness likely grows, festering even now, seeking some new low.
The latest attack from the home front? A continuing, desperate and still as-yet futile search for a spokeperson to rise up from among the wounded Iraqi war vets, or from the surviving relatives of a fallen hero, and denounce the war and demand it's end. Perhaps even more importantly to them, to call for an end to the administration of the current President of the United States. Lacking success in getting such a deeply wounded person to champion their cause (their faux "support for the troops") they have tried things ranging from lies about them in comments on this and other blogs (see comment from 'Jody' here)to fabricating them in comic strips.
The photographs of the gruesome mutilations of corpses by 'people' in Fallujah were displayed before the public in a similar desire: turn people against the war. The recent uproar over the images of flag-draped coffins follows the same twisted logic. Both examples also add this bit of wrong-think to the debate: The voices of the dead. The suggestion is that these many fallen would argue a side of a political debate supporting those who would declare a failure and demand retreat.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. No act more heinously in opposition to all those ideals for which so many have fallen. Here, in other words, is the desire most recently displayed by the televised recitation of names of the dead for no other acountable reason: Lacking a voice among the living, the enemy claims the dead speak for them. In another vicious twist of the knife, those false voices will assure us only of one thing: for every American who so aides and comforts the enemy's cause there will be even more joining the ranks of the dead.
But from their perspective, that, we must assume, is desirable. Each flag-draped coffin is another faint hope for a weakening of American resolve. Another voice of freedom silenced, another false voice raised within that silence. Another misplaced desire for a loved one, wracked with pain, to abandon the cause for which their hero fell.
Why has the left failed thus far in this desperate and vile game? It could be because most wounded and most survivors would echo the sentiments of Ronald R. Griffin
The debate, or rather the topic of criticism, had been simmering even before the first of the fallen heroes in their Flag Draped Coffins began to arrive at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.
In a speech on the Senate floor, Dianne Feinstein, debating the resolution to authorize the use of force in Iraq, both insulted Americans by her flat-out prediction that as the numbers of the fallen heroes rose the resolve of the American would evaporate and then pre-insulted the soon-to-come fallen heroes by referring to them in the crudest of terms as "body bags."
Since the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom, opponents of President Bush have used the deaths of soldiers as political fodder, excoriating him as an uncaring man for not attending their funerals and for keeping in place the policy of no media coverage during the transport of deceased military personnel. The simmering debate has become an inferno, for there are now pictures.
The words of criticism are the same now as they were last year. On Friday, Mark Shields criticized President Bush for not attending a single funeral and for his refusal to lift the ban on media coverage at Dover. That same day, the New York Times reiterated its editorial opinion to have the ban lifted, saying that though the "theory" seems to be that the pictures are intrusive to bereaved families, "it seems far more likely" that the Pentagon is eager to check "the impact that photos of large numbers of flag-draped coffins may have on the American public's attitude toward the war."
I have lived through the numbing sadness of going to Dover to pick up my son, and have experienced the body-shaking pain of having to lay to his final rest a member of the U.S. Military.
The idea of criticizing President Bush on his choice not to attend the funerals is ludicrous. The simple fact is that President Bush either attends all or attends none for to attend some could be interpreted as an insult to those fallen heroes whose funerals he is seen to have "spurned." Besides, the logistics are impossible. On the day that my son was being buried in New Jersey his two buddies he was killed with were being buried at the same time at opposite ends of Pennsylvania. What was the president to do when the helicopter crashed and killed 17 soldiers? How to attend 17 funerals without forcing the families to wait for the president?
I would not have wanted the president to attend my son's funeral for it would have changed the entire dynamic of the day. The church service was a "Celebration of the Life of Kyle Andrew Griffin" and had President Bush honored us with his presence that would have all changed. It would have become a media circus. I knew full well just exactly how much President Bush honors my son and I am comforted by that.
The arguments put forth to have the ban on media coverage lifted vary from allowing the American people to bear witness to the sacrifice of the soldiers and thus honor them, to the need to deny President Bush the opportunity to hide the real costs in human terms of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Steve Capus, executive producer of "NBC Nightly News," arrogantly and presumptuously spoke for me when he stated, "It would seem that the only reason somebody would come out against the use of these pictures is that they are worried about the political fallout." Well I am that SOMEBODY and as I looked at those pictures the tears were not running because of my worry about political fallout. In all the criticism there has never once been put forth a single argument of how having the media coverage lifted would be of benefit to the loved ones of these heroes. We are never taken into account. We are the collateral damage in this all so obvious ideological struggle.
During those days between June 1 last year, when we were notified of our son's death, and June 6, when we picked him up at Dover, we were constantly (and privately) informed of the process that was taking place. We were aware that he would leave the evacuation hospital, and be transported to Kuwait and eventually to Dover. But as in all things military, exact time-frames were non-existent. Our Casualty Assistance Officer, SFC Tyrone Russell, who was with us every step of this process and who was to become an individual beloved by all who had the honor of meeting him, informed us on June 5 that we could pick up our son the next morning. That would have meant that our son would have arrived along with his buddies sometime on the later half of June 4. There would have been a certain time-requirement to perform the final identification process and conduct the final military-only ceremony to honor the fallen heroes.
Had the media ban not been in effect, we, the families of fallen soldiers, would not have had these moments to ourselves. Without the ban, it is conceivable that I could have viewed a procession of flag-draped coffins as they disembarked from the aircraft. But how would the families of those other fallen heroes, who would be unable to come to Dover because they lived in Iowa or North Dakota or Arizona, feel when they viewed on TV their loved ones arriving? Would they feel the honor that was being bestowed upon them from all those other Americans? Or would they suffer further when the pictures were used in the context of criticism?
If it is truly the intention of those who support the lifting of the ban to honor these gallant individuals while giving the American public the opportunity to grieve with them -- and if it is truly the intention to bear witness to sacrifice and view at first hand the cost of this war -- then let them visit the families of those who freely chose to join the military family. Let them visit the grave sites, let them journey to Fort Bragg or Fort Campbell or Fort Hood and speak to those who have returned or who might soon be joining the fight.
My son, Specialist Kyle Andrew Griffin, was a hero as a soldier and as a son. He died loving what he was doing with those he loved and respected. He will be forever remembered by those who knew him. The date of his birth will be seared into the memory of all Americans, for he was born on Sept. 11, 1982. But never should the memory of his death be intoned as ammunition on the political battlefield.
Mr. Griffin is the father of Spc. Kyle Andrew Griffin, a recipient of the Army Commendation Medal, Army Meritorious Service Medal and the Bronze Star, who was killed in a truck accident on a road between Mosul and Tikrit on May 30, 2003.
More to come...
All done!
Rooney's Heroes Redux
Do you think Andy Rooney already had copies of the photos when he did his bit a couple weeks back?
From 60 Minutes II:
Frederick told us he will plead not guilty, claiming the way the Army was running the prison led to the abuse of prisoners.
�We had no support, no training whatsoever. And I kept asking my chain of command for certain things...like rules and regulations,� says Frederick. �And it just wasn't happening."
The Army, of course, can't comment. This is a benefit the accused have in such matters. But I'll note this: The Army is not in the business of training people to be human. Generally they should have acquired that skill prior to basic training.
As did the real hero in this story, the Soldier that did the right thing and turned his fellow Soldiers in. Like the other real heroes in this story, the Army legal folks who are busy investigating and preparing to prosecute this issue.
Does anyone out there think 60 Minutes exposed this story? They didn't. (but they want you to think they did.) This was a case of a courageous individual stepping forward and enabling the Army to police itself. But here's a quote from the 60 Minutes II site, accompanying the now infamous photo of the Iraqi prisoner with wires attached:
It was this picture, and dozens of others, that prompted an investigation by the U.S. Army. On Tuesday, 60 Minutes II asked Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, deputy director of coalition operations in Iraq, what went wrong.
Leaving out an inconvenient fact - that investigation was conducted before 60 minutes ever saw that photo. CBS's could easily have focused the tale on the brave troop who actually broke the story and the earnest Army legal team that pursued it, but they glossed over that, and instead are implying it was their efforts that broke the story.
And that leads to coverage like this.
At the same time, the fact that US soldiers are employing methods similar to those used by the Nazis in World War II is indicative of a deep-seated state of demoralization and degradation that the occupation has bred within the US military. Finding themselves in a hostile environment with the vast majority of Iraqis opposing the occupation, many American soldiers have come to see the country�s entire population as the enemy. Fed lies about the colonial intervention in Iraq being part of a global �war on terrorism,� some have also assumed a license to torture and humiliate their helpless captives.
Contrary to Kimmitt�s claims�slavishly echoed by the corporate media�this is the logic and modus operandi of imperialist conquest and colonial occupation. The pictures of torture, brutality and sexual sadism are representative of the entire criminal operation being conducted in Iraq.
Washington anticipated and prepared in advance for the war crimes now being committed against the Iraqi people. No criminal charges can be brought against a US soldier in Iraq because the Iraqi Governing Council has given the American military a blanket amnesty from prosecution. Secondly, with the backing of Germany and a number of other countries, no US soldier or citizen can be prosecuted for war crimes in the International Criminal Court.
The �60 Minutes II� broadcast has provided only a partial glimpse of the crimes being carried out by US forces in Iraq and elsewhere. The conditions in Iraqi jails, where over 18,000 prisoners are being held, are replicated in a network of US-run concentration camps around the world. These include Guantanamo Bay, Diego Garcia, Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. According to current estimates, the US is incarcerating over 25,000 detainees in these hellholes, in violation of the Geneva Conventions.
- From the Teheran Times.
Make no mistake - the torturers are responsible for their actions and the consequences of those actions such as the story above. Those in their chain of command with knowledge of the events are equally culpable. And 60 minutes is doing nothing but gleefully fanning flames.
What none of them seem to recognize is that doing the right thing is rarely the same as doing the easy thing - or the profitable thing. Kudos to those in the Army who've acted quickly and decisively (thus far) for justice in the matter. But above all, kudos to that GI who had the courage to put a stop to this practice. That, good readers, is a typical American Soldier's behavior.
(Note that comments on this and all posts are open and unmoderated, although obscene remarks will be deleted when discovered. No claim is made regarding truth or accuracy of comments, to include identity of the commenter. In all matters the reader is advised to draw his or her own conclusions.)
SOA Finale
An update from Wall Street Journal here and a report from Smash (with links to other good folks) here.
Big thanks to Dean and Michele who got the ball rolling (just the latest in a series of many good things they've done for American Gi's) and to Kevin who was there when needed.
And hats off to John and Beth Donovan who lead the charge from Castle Argghhh! of the Fighting Fusileers!
And if you've got a second or two and haven't done so, please click into the above linked blogs and add your name to mine saying "thanks" in their comments, okay?
And given the behavior of the American media these days perhaps soon we'll get some equipment and start our own American cable/satellite TV network too?
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| June 2004 »