Thursday, May 03, 2012

Going on vacation.

Until May 14, I'll be on vacation, so posting will be light -- if at all.

Taking a little trip with Mrs. Instaputz, drinking some wine -- and enjoying the socialism Mediterranean climate.

I'm sure in my absence, Putz will continue to leap in Pavlovian fashion at every faux Obama "controversy" -- like the "fake girlfriend."

Notes Weigel:

Obama lied! Except -- wait, hang on, anyone who reads Dreams From My Father starts with this disclaimer.
For the sake of compression, some of the characters that appear are composites of people I’ve known, and some events appear out of precise chronology. With the exception of my family and a handful of public figures, the names of most characters have been changed for the sake of their privacy.
This has been known for years. Obama's memoir has stymied reporters because characters who might have some insights appear in composite form. The most famous of them, up to now, was a guy named "Ray," who gets all of Dreams's "angry black dude" lines. Is it kosher for a future president to write like this and then be cagey about who was who? Interesting discussion! But in 2012, you can't "admit" something you told book-buyers in 1995.
They're getting awfully lazy over there.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Yet another wingnut who was KIDDING!

Truly awful people.

A Fayetteville pastor says he was joking when he told parents in a sermon Sunday to hit children who show signs of being gay. 
Sean Harris, pastor of Berean Baptist Church on Glensford Drive, said he does not advocate hitting children and wishes he could take back a remark encouraging fathers to punch boys who act effeminately.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

As I was saying about Chris Christie...

It ain't gonna happen.

Whatever his reasons, we conclude that Chris Christie lacks the moral compass and integrity needed to serve as vice president of the United States.
Being insufficiently bigoted against the Moooooslims is a real deal breaker on the right these days.


What a bunch of mouth-breathing idiots.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Paul Krugman vs. Ron Paul

Not much of a debate because they don't agree on the basic facts. But the incredulous looks on Krugman's face are worth it.

Chris Christie?

He's called the anti-Sharia wingnuts wackos, expressed less than denial about climate change -- and is from another northern state.

Don't see it.

Black Jimmy Carter!


Mitt Romney, asked if he would have given the order to go after Osama Bin Laden, as President Obama's new video and his campaign aides have suggested he wouldn't have done, per POLITICO's Ginger Gibson: "Of course, even Jimmy Carter would have given that order."
Funny, Jimmy Carter did give that order -- it was called Operation Eagle Claw -- and it failed. And the right excoriated Carter for it.

And now, they're refusing to give Obama credit for the OBL raid's success.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Glenn Reynolds haz sad: Don Surber quits blogging.

The average IQ of Putz's link buddies just went up by a few points.
DON SURBER HANGS IT UP. “After 7 years of blogging, I am quitting. I am exhausted. It was simply too much work.” You were damn good at it, too, and we’ll miss you. But I understand.
And by "good at it," Putz means "good at blaming Democrats for everything in the feeblest most transparent way possible -- and also, being wrong about fucking everything."

It was Putz, after all, that discovered Surber, a nobody at an obscure regional West Virginia paper, who is easily one of the stupidest people on the Internets.

A little trip down memory lane...

Is your favorite post the one Surber claims the Democrats are "losing the black vote"? Or the one where he blames Clinton for 9/11--and Putz agrees?

I, for one, am going to miss his GOOD and EVIL "Daily scoreboards" in which all of the GOOD in the world comes from -- wait for it -- the suspense is killing you, isn't it? -- the right.

Friday, April 27, 2012

C'mon, Nancy.


Palin Plain vs. Crowley



Ah, thanks Marb. Knew there had to be an explanation.


I still remember him from all those snotty years on "Crossfire." He never recovered from this Jon Stewart smackdown.


This just means that even more upstanding 'Merkins need to own guns.

Nearly 70 percent of all guns found in Mexico came from the U.S. over the past four years, according to data released by the federal government on Thursday.

More than 68,000 of the 99,691 firearms that were recovered between 2007 and 2011, and submitted to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for trace testing, were either made in the U.S. or legally brought into the U.S. at one point, according to the agency.
So, lots of people are getting killed with American guns to sell Americans drugs.

I blame the Mex'cans.

Thursday, April 26, 2012



It's revealing that wingnuts still use accusations of homosexuality as an insult.

And yes, love the obligatory "I was KIDDING!"

Learning the true meaning of "teabagging."

So funny.

"John Dingell is the longest currently-serving member of Congress (and the third longest-serving ever). The acerbic 85-year-old Michigan Democrat had long been contemptuous of Tea Partiers. He found them unruly and difficult to get along with. Dingell tended to refer to them as 'teabaggers,' a phrase that has an alternate sexual meaning. This normally wouldn't have been a problem in the hall of Congress, but when Dingell was booked to appear on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, his staff felt the need to finally warn and educate him. When his chief of staff shared the other meaning of 'teabagger' with Dingell, the Congressman went through three different stages of reaction. At first, he said 'hah,' then said 'that's disgusting,' and finally the octogenarian congressman reached the plain of acceptance and said, 'It's funny and I'm going to keep using it.'"

Paul Ryan thinks you're stupid.

So Paul Ryan told the National Review that he "rejects" Ayn Rand's philosophy.

Who does he think he's kidding?

Paul Ryan's logic.

The federal debt is the biggest threat to America evah!

“The overarching threat to our whole society today is the exploding federal debt,” Ryan said. 
Really? So why does his budget make it worse?
The crucial thing to understand about Ryan is that he is not a fiscal conservative. He’s a small-government conservative. These are very different things. The fastest-growing federal program in Ryan’s new budget is interest on the debt, which nearly triples from $234 billion next year to $614 billion in 2022. He doesn’t even pretend to balance the budget until 2040, and then only under utterly dubious assumptions.

Glenn Reynolds: Secret Service Agents hiring strippers is just more proof we need to gut Social Security and Medicare.


If the federal government can’t keep the President’s bodyguards from drinking and whoring on duty, how likely is it to be able to run anything competently?
So says the man who cheered on the government as it attempted to transform the entire Middle East region with bombings, invasions, gulags, torture and illegal surveillance.