Eeyores Birthday Party

Volunteer information
Medical Volunteers


Our next (50th annual) celebration will be held on April 27th, 2013.

That's only x a b Days folks

In order to keep up with the times we will no longer be mailing out the volunteer postcards. We have created an Eeyores Volunteer Email List.
To be added to the list send an email to: Volunteer-subscribe
You should receive a confirmation message that you MUST reply to in order to be added to the list.

In addition to the funds generated by the Local Non Profit food vendors, the Friends of the Forest Foundation generated enough funds at our 2011 event to make donations to the following Local Non Profit groups.

Austin German Shepherd Rescue
Austin HARM Reduction
Austin Humane Society
Austin Pets Alive
Austin Zoo
Breast Cancer Resource Center
Blackland Development
Blue Dog Rescue
Cancer Connection
Family Eldercare
Green Corn Project
Hospice Austin
Mother's Milk Bank
Newspapers in Education
Sustainable food Center
Texas Juggling Society
Texas River School - Chatauqua Foundation
Texas Urban Chicken
Wildlife Rescue
Workers Defense Project

Thank you Austin for your GREAT support. See you in April.

Lost and Found

Several items have been placed in our lost and found box, from bicycles to bongos.
If you have lost anything at the the celebration this year you may contact us at:
You MUST be able to POSITIVELY identify your item in order for me to return it to you.
(ie. something more than my bike has 2 wheels...)

Web site donated by Sexton Consulting
This file was last modified on: 29 April, 2012 @ 22:46:18 CDT


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