NEW SHOW & Registration for new peeps & Tweet, Tweet

The Majority Report has relaunched live and via podcast M-F! Visit the show site


As for this site I still post lots of videos here, but because of spambots I am going to have to approve of new registrations- if you have not been approved within 12 hours email me at samsedershow (replace with @ sign) apologies...

I am now tweeting as samseder, follow me here.  To get Tweetable blog updates follow the blog here .

Pakman V Seder

Mitt Reagan

A bad german accent

can sometimes take you a long way...

Peaceful dispersement

Fortunately it sounds as if he's out of life threatening danger

Footage of Scott Olsen being shot by Police at Occupy Oakland from Raleigh Latham on Vimeo.

Occupy Chicago!

our own Jmach1jp shot the below here for more pics and details

Not about the new Golden Eye


in case you missed

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