Get traffic, content, and influence by joining the BuzzFeed Network.

To become a member of the BuzzFeed network, all you have to do is add our widget, plugin, or badge to your site. Benefits include:

  1. More Traffic for Your Site.
    When you join our network, our editors and technology pay extra attention to your site. That means you are more likely to get a link from BuzzFeed.
  2. More Content for Your Readers.
    Our widget is continually updating and rotating interesting buzz so your readers will always find something engaging on your site, even if you haven’t posted recently.
  3. More Influence on What Gets Popular.
    Adding BuzzFeed gives your site more influence on the buzz we detect. And your reader’s clicks help influence what grows in popularity.

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  • Javascript Widget

    For blogs, personal web sites, and big publishers. New super easy install for Typepad and Blogger users!

    Build Your Widget →

  • WordPress Plugin

    Running WordPress? Get the plugin! Easy configuration from your Admin panel.

    Get the Plugin →

  • PHP/Perl Plugins

    For Movable Type or those who want total control and know some PHP or Perl.

    Get the Plugins →

  • Image Badge

    When you need a low tech solution for MySpace, email footers, or super simple sites.

    Grab the Embed Code →