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Walking to NATO Protest in Chicago »

By Rebecca Kemble, May 3, 2012

“End your drone strikes, end your support for Hamid Karzai, and provide reparations to the people of Afghanistan.”read more

May Day in Oakland: Immigrant Rights, Occupy Agitation, and a Tank »

By Josh Healey, May 2, 2012

This is the city I love, the movement we need! And then a tank more

Scott Walker's Money »

By Ruth Conniff, May 2, 2012

The whole national rightwing cabal is behind Walker's effort to fight the more

Taylor war crimes verdict incomplete justice »

By Carina Ray, May 2, 2012

While many Sierra Leoneans are relieved to see Taylor finally convicted for his destructive role in their country’s brutal civil war, his wanton destabilization elsewhere in West Africa hardly figured in the criminal proceedings against more

Meet Scott Walker’s Top 20 Biggest Supporters »

By Matthew Rothschild, May 2, 2012

Some usual suspects, like Bob Perry and Foster Friess and Sheldon Adelson, along with obscure roofers, investors, and more

Wisconsin Workers under the Thumb of Walker’s Law »

By Rebecca Kemble, May 2, 2012

One labor attorney says workers in Wisconsin “are now basically wage slaves. They don’t have any real rights.”read more

Things still unsettled one year after killing of bin Laden »

By Rafia Zakaria, May 2, 2012

One year after the killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan on May 2, things are far from settled in that part of the more

How to Rebrand Occupy »

By Arun Gupta, May 1, 2012

“The 99% Movement” has something for everyone, even the Left, but is it Occupy?read more

Women, Take Back Wisconsin! »

By Ruth Conniff, May 1, 2012

Scott Walker made a big mistake by declaring war on the women in more

Arthur Kohl-Riggs Challenges Walker in Rep. Primary »

By Matthew Rothschild, May 1, 2012

“I figured the best way to campaign against Scott Walker was to actually campaign against Scott Walker.”read more

Doug La Follette on Why He’s Running for Wisc. Governor »

By Matthew Rothschild, April 30, 2012

“Wisconsin is broken and Gov. Walker broke it. Walker has not only been a disaster; he’s an embarrassment.”read more

Tucson Schools Slam Door on Ana Castillo »

By Matthew Rothschild, April 30, 2012

“They can take my books out of the schools and they can keep me out of the schools, but they cannot keep me out of Tucson.”read more

Women (and Men) Unite Against the War on Women »

By Nicole Desautels Schulte, April 39, 2012

Saturday’s cold, wet weather in Madison did not deter people from coming out to voice their criticism of the GOP more

20 years after Rodney King verdict, police misconduct still a problem »

By David A. Love, April 29, 2012

Twenty years have passed since the verdict in the Rodney King beating case, and yet the problems of police brutality and racial profiling remain with more

Latino youth and the 2012 presidential election »

By Claudia Sandoval, April 27, 2012

Mobilizing the Latino youth is important not only for the 2012 election but for others down the more

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May 2012

Ed Show: Walker's Economy Worst In The Nation