Gay marriage is wrong. But because I oppose it don't mean I'm against equality and love and all that. People are stupid. WAKE UP! We're all headed for hell.
Response to Vacation Cat:
sexist fail Whitney-smart object because she's making a kissyface. SMART OBJECT? sell out
How the fuck old are you urethra-drips? Shit like this is driving people to masturbate to PETA propaganda.
Response to Poor Gordo:
And this is what Lizzie passed up… (Thank you Google)
this is a rip off of disapproving bunny
Response to Enough With ManBabies In TV Commercials:
In a time where teachers regularly molest students I think it's a bad idea to promote pedophilia in your commercials.
But that might just be me. -
Response to 25 Kids Who Support Trayvon Martin:
wow. your so cool. wearing your hoodie up. you must be a badass. is your master degree in hoodies?
Response to Justin Bieber Being Beaten To A Bloody Pulp:
Response to Birds Are Bullies:
No, birds are TOTALLY AWESOME, and if you don't get that, then YOU'RE THE ONE WITH THE PROBLEM.
Response to Describe Your Ex Using Only A Movie Title:
She like to eat my literal human shit.
Response to Chris Paul Is An Awesome Father:
Response to 10 Fascinating Photos Of Life In China:
All a bunch of communist hipsters.
How hard you (whitey white white) Buzztards must slide off your chairs in wet glee over any and all opportunities to don your Moral Superiority propeller-beanies, spin them in unison, and crow: “RACIST! RACIST! RACIST!”
What bad parents. Because they're in the entertainment business they get away with it, but if normal children had green hair they'd be banned from school.
Response to Dude Passes Out From Being Tickled:
I just thought I would put this out there because the original video poster deletes these sort of comments from the video. The college at which this video takes place is Philadelphia Biblical University. Lest you be deceived by the display of ethnicities in this “study group”, I can assure you that the school is predominately white - although a visit to their website may attempt to sway you otherwise (the marketing department is adept at choosing the right measure of diversity to create elaborate illusions). There are plenty of bright students that go to PBU. There are also students on the daft end of the spectrum that choose to film potentially harmful acts of “tomfoolery”. Speaking of Ms. Tomfoolery, or YO GIRL, or DR. CHECK HIS PULSE YO… You haven't heard ANYTHING until you sit near her in the cafeteria. YO is her way of life. You may be wondering how I can provide you these wonderful details… I went there. Shoot me any questions.
Response to OBEY MY DOG:
i honestly don't even know how to begin to conceptualize how i felt watching this video. thank you. i think.
Response to BRAD SITTMANN:
Response to 1-Year-Old Drummer Shows Great Potential:
child abuse
Just kidding. Say yes.
There's a 40% chance you won't get divorced, anyway.