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Thursday, September 16, 2004

Mary Cheney is like a drug addict

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The Oregon Republican Party Chairman says Mary Cheney is like a drug addict. These people are truly the gift that keeps on giving.

From AP:
As Vice President Dick Cheney sets foot in this battleground state for the second time in as many weeks, he'll likely talk about terrorism, the economy, jobs — almost anything except gay marriage, campaign workers and analysts say.

Cheney, whose 34-year-old daughter, Mary, is a lesbian, has veered from the Republican party line on gay marriage, saying he is opposed to a federal ban on the practice.

In Oregon, one of 12 states where voters will consider amending the state constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage this fall, the issue is looking like the proverbial elephant in the closet — everyone knows it's there, but no one will be talking about it, at least while the vice president is in town.

Asked four times whether the vice president would address the topic during his appearance in Oregon Friday, Cheney's press secretary Anne Womack declined to answer the question directly, repeating: "I am telling you what he will talk about: He will talk about the state of the economy, he will talk about the president's plan to fight and win the war on terror. He will talk about jobs. About the future."

Although Cheney's comments in support of his daughter initially prompted an outcry from conservatives, the vice president is lionized as a symbol of the conservative right in Oregon, where his stance on gay marriage has the tacit understanding of most Republicans.

"We absolutely love Dick Cheney. But that doesn't mean that Mary Cheney should be allowed to marry anyone she likes just as a brother should not be allowed to marry a sister," said Tim Nashif, one of Oregon's delegates to the Republican National Convention.

Nashif is spearheading Constitutional Amendment 36, which proposes to rewrite the state constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman.

"It's disappointing — but not surprising that a father would stand up for his daughter," agreed Georgene Rice, spokeswoman for the Defense of Marriage Coalition, the group backing Constitutional Amendment 36.

Party leaders described the issue as too private for public debate.

"His family situation involving his daughter is very personal and if you ask me, it's nobody's business. Parents don't get to decide the lifestyle of their children," said Kevin Mannix, chairman of Oregon's Republican Party. "When Betty Ford came out and talked about her drug addiction, no one was making value judgments about Gerald Ford."

Of the 12 states nationally where voters will face ballot measures aimed at banning gay marriage, analysts say the most resources have been poured into Oregon by both sides, raising the state's profile in the gay union debate.

Opponents of gay marriage in Oregon turned in 244,587 signatures — more than than twice the necessary amount and by far the highest number ever submitted for an initiative measure in the state's history.

While Republicans are playing down the issues raised by Mary Cheney's presence in a party which opposes gay marriage, proponents have cited her as a weak link in the Republican's conservative armor.

"It just goes to show that families everywhere are facing this issue — whether it's the vice president or families here in Oregon," said gay marriage advocate Shauna Shindler Ballo, spokeswoman for the No on Constitutional Amendment 36 campaign.

Nationally, gay rights groups have attempted to use Mary Cheney as a lever against her conservative father. One Web site, DearMary.Com, has a cartoon of father and daughter stick figures, accompanied by a political nursery rhyme.

"Once upon a time Dick's daughter was out. Dick's daughter stayed out after Dick was sworn in," it says. "Then Dick came out to help Bush make amends. Dick's daughter sold out to help Dick run again."

The Web site, co-founded by Washington, D.C.-based John Aravosis, includes a "call to conscience" to Mary Cheney, asking her to use her position as a paid member of her father's campaign to influence the administration's "morally hypocritical" stance on gay marriage.

"Her father is helping the administration in its efforts to make people like Mary second class citizens," said Aravosis. Like many in the pro-gay movement, Aravosis noted that Mary Cheney attended the Republican National Convention, but did not join her father on the podium.

"The entire family, including cousins 10 times removed are on the stage — and his daughter wasn't? I'm sorry, but that's a big deal," said Aravosis. "It's almost like she has cancer. It's something secret that has to be whispered: 'She's a lesbian.'"

Womack, Cheney's press secretary, confirmed that Mary Cheney is a member of her father's staff and will appear with her father in Oregon, but said that she will not be on the podium because she plays a "behind-the-scenes role." Womack stressed that it was Mary Cheney's "personal decision" not to appear in the limelight with her father during the convention...
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Top Bush supporter rips Ohio's Republican governor

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Grover Norquist, a late-40-something man who finally recently got engaged for the first time, ripped Ohio's Republican governor to shreds in a private meeting that was tape recorded. Ohio is a key battleground state. This should make things fun.

Kos has the audio, and this is the transcript:
We HAVE to hold OHIO. We have an idiot, stupid, corrupt, dumb rotten republican Governor in that State... who has been busy looting the state, raising taxes, lying to the gun owners.

Ohio is the only state that in the nation that has lost jobs and isn't recovering because he's been beating the economy to death in the state. But he's not on the ballot, George Bush is on the state. It's not helpful, he should be taken out and horsewhipped.
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Bush is drinking again

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That's the only explanation.
"This country's headed toward democracy," Bush said of Iraq. "Today this country is headed toward elections. Freedom is on the march."
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"The Gates Of Hell Are Open In Iraq"

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That sadly accurate quote - from Amr Moussa, head of the Arab League -- comes from an excellent front-page story in USA Today about the swiftly deteriorating situation in Iraq. As John pointed out earlier, even BAGHDAD hasn't been made secure by US troops.

Here's the telling detail that hit home with me:
"Haifa Street, a major artery in downtown Baghdad that is crowded with shops, homes and government offices, is now known locally as "Death Street" because of the constant attacks there, says Munther Mohammed, 26. 'Every morning when I go out, I say goodbye to my wife and daughters because we know we may not be coming home,' he says."
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Love it

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Q. "What do you call CBS News after it loses all its credibility?"

A. "Fox News."

- JAY LENO, on Wednesday's 'Tonight Show'
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Senior military experts say: This is Vietnam

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Just look at who's quoted in this article. Hardly small players:
....according to the US military's leading strategists and prominent retired generals, Bush's war is already lost. Retired general William Odom, former head of the National Security Agency, told me: "Bush hasn't found the WMD. Al-Qaida, it's worse, he's lost on that front. That he's going to achieve a democracy there? That goal is lost, too. It's lost." He adds: "Right now, the course we're on, we're achieving Bin Laden's ends."

Retired general Joseph Hoare, the former marine commandant and head of US Central Command, told me: "The idea that this is going to go the way these guys planned is ludicrous. There are no good options. We're conducting a campaign as though it were being conducted in Iowa, no sense of the realities on the ground. It's so unrealistic for anyone who knows that part of the world. The priorities are just all wrong."

Jeffrey Record, professor of strategy at the Air War College, said: "I see no ray of light on the horizon at all. The worst case has become true. There's no analogy whatsoever between the situation in Iraq and the advantages we had after the second world war in Germany and Japan."

...."I see no exit," said Record. "We've been down that road before. It's called Vietnamisation. The idea that we're going to have an Iraqi force trained to defeat an enemy we can't defeat stretches the imagination. They will be tainted by their very association with the foreign occupier. In fact, we had more time and money in state building in Vietnam than in Iraq."

General Odom said: "This is far graver than Vietnam. There wasn't as much at stake strategically, though in both cases we mindlessly went ahead with the war that was not constructive for US aims. But now we're in a region far more volatile, and we're in much worse shape with our allies."

....General Odom remarked that the tension between the Bush administration and the senior military officers over Iraqi was worse than any he has ever seen with any previous government, including Vietnam. "I've never seen it so bad between the office of the secretary of defence and the military. There's a significant majority believing this is a disaster. The two parties whose interests have been advanced have been the Iranians and al-Qaida. Bin Laden could argue with some cogency that our going into Iraq was the equivalent of the Germans in Stalingrad. They defeated themselves by pouring more in there. Tragic."
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RNC kicker found?

View Comments | Reddit | Tumblr | Digg | FARK thinks they may have found the guy who was videotaped on the floor of the Republican convention apparently kicking a female protester while she was lying on the ground.

Here's the photo of the kicker:

Here's the photo of the guy some think may be the kicker (an intern at the conservative National Taxpayers Union?):

And here's the photo with the guy cropped out - interesting that they didn't want him in the photo any more. Hmmmm...

(As always, thanks to Atrios for linking to this first.) Read the rest of this post...

YET ANOTHER poll shows a statistical tie

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Third poll in a day to show it's a tie. That makes it a tie. Also, note Bush's favorability rating - Kerry beats him.

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The Malpractice President (an Iraq allegory)

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You go to a doctor for a heart bypass. He puts you under, and you wake up to find you have no arms or legs. It seems the doctor fucked up and amputated your limbs by mistake. You go to another doctor who tells you, "Sorry Charlie, I can't put your arms and legs back, they're gone."

Do you say:
A. "Gosh, doctor #2 doesn't know how to fix the problem, so I guess I'll stick with the doctor who negligently cut off all my limbs."
Do you say:
B. "No matter who I choose as my next doctor, I'm certainly not going back to that idiot who botched everything."
Or do you say:
C. "I choose the doctor who honestly tells me what the situation is and promises me that, while even though my previous doctor totally fucked up beyond repair, the new guy will help make the best out of the current really bad situation." (Thanks to Glenn for suggesting this option.)
Just askin'. Read the rest of this post...

Soldiers told: "You'd better re-enlist, or we're sending you to Iraq"

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Atrios discovered this horrendous story of what is very likely a crime.

Hundreds of US soldiers in Colorado Springs, CO were THREATENED THAT THEY'D BETTER RE-ENLIST FOR 3 YEARS OR THEY'LL BE IMMEDIATELY SENT TO IRAQ (i.e., we'll kill you).

I see a few problems here.

1. These are our friggin soldiers they're threatening to kill.
2. Extortion, last time I checked, was a crime.
3. This is a draft, threatening to basically kill someone if he doesn't enlist.
4. Stalin, anyone?
5. The base is, of course, denying the story. Has anyone launched an official investigation of this?
6. If it happened to 100 of soldiers at this one base, it could be happening to soldiers across the country. How do we know it's not?

At the very least, there needs to be an immediate investigation of these charges, and if it's found that the threat was made, the extorter needs to be charged and jailed. Then we need to know if anyone higher up approved of this.

But hey, I'm sure it's an isolated incident that only happened at Abu Ghraib, I mean, Fort Carson. Read the rest of this post...

No supper for those two

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"President Bush You Killed My Son"

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A mom of a recently-killed 24-year-old soldier in Iraq was ARRESTED AND TAKEN AWAY IN A PADDY-WAGON today for interrupting a campaign speech by Laura Bush. She was wearing a t-shirt that said "President Bush You Killed My Son."

They took this mom away in a paddy wagon, folks. I guess Bush only honors the families of those soldiers who actually live.

There's a story and video here. Read the rest of this post...

Cheney tried to weaken US anti-terror laws

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Ok, this is news. Not only was Cheney doing business with Iraq in the late 1990s as the head of Halliburton, but he was also publicly calling for a weakening of US anti-terror laws so he could do business with Iran. What a total creep. Imagine what the Republican response would be if Bill Clinton had tried to help terrorists.

From The American Prospect:
While he claimed during the 2000 campaign that, as CEO of Halliburton, he had “imposed a ‘firm policy’ against trading with Iraq,” confidential UN records show that, from the first half of 1997 to the summer of 2000, Halliburton held stakes in two firms that sold more than $73 million in oil production equipment and spare parts to Iraq while Cheney was in charge. Halliburton acquired its interest in both firms while Cheney was at the helm, and continued doing business through them until just months before Cheney was named George W. Bush’s running mate.

Perhaps even more troubling, at the same time Cheney was doing business with Iraq, he launched a public broadside against sanctions laws designed to cut off funds to regimes like Iran, which the State Department listed as a state sponsor of terrorism. In 1998, Cheney traveled to Kuala Lumpur to attack his own country's terrorism policies for being too strict. Under the headline, “Former US Defence Secretary Says Iran-Libya Sanctions Act ‘Wrong,’” the Malaysian News Agency reported that Cheney “hit out at his government" and said sanctions on terrorist countries were "ineffective, did not provide the desired results and [were] a bad policy.”

Two years later, Cheney traveled to another country to demand America weaken restrictions on doing business with Iran’s petroleum industry, despite Clinton administration warnings that Iranian oil revenues could be used to fund terrorism. “We're kept out of [Iran] primarily by our own government, which has made a decision that U.S. firms should not be allowed to invest significantly in Iran,” he told an oil conference in Canada. “I think that's a mistake.”

Now new reports suggest Cheney’s desire to do business with Iran may have amounted to more than words. Details of Halliburton’s activities in Iran have been investigated by the Treasury Department and were recently forwarded to the U.S. attorney in Houston. Such an action is taken only after Treasury finds evidence of ‘serious and willful violations’ of sanctions laws. Halliburton already admits one of its subsidiaries “performs between $30 [million] and $40 million annually in oilfield service work in Iran.”
(Kudos to Atrios for finding this.) Read the rest of this post...

Hannity says Abu Ghraib was a Democratic plot

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I kid you not. This smug, bullying little asshole is now trying to belittle the torture and rape and murders at Abu Ghraib. Kudos to David Brock for catching this.

Come November, let's revoke Sean Hannity's hall pass to the White House.

PS Now here's a question. Why does Sean Hannity always have such a pretty hair-do? Who does his hair and why does he appear to care so much about it? So that could mean that Sean Hannity -- why does he seem to care so much about his looks? Is he gay too? I mean, there's a lot of questions here. Read the rest of this post...

Watch this

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Just watch it. Read the rest of this post...

KERRY AHEAD in new Harris poll!

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Ye' of little hope, ha! This is great news. Two new polls, both showing the candidates within one point of each other. That means they most likely are.

And even better, as Atrios points out, a majority of Americans say Bush does NOT deserve to be re-elected.

We can with this, folks. :-) Read the rest of this post...

Latest Poll: Bush ahead by ONE POINT

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Gosh, I hate when that happens :-)

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"There is no secure zone in Baghdad now"

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Walter Rodgers on CNN right now. Horrifying. And Jesus, the latest kidnappings were Americans TAKEN FROM THEIR HOMES IN BAGHDAD. Rodgers said that even the Green Zone, where most of the foreigners (including Americans) live, is no longer safe. Think about this - these guys were TAKEN FROM THEIR HOMES IN BAGHDAD last night. Jesus.

And CNN reports that the latest National Intelligence Estimate (a big honkin' US intelligence assessment) says we may get a civil war by next spring in Iraq. (Then again, the last NIE on Iraq said there were WMD, so...) The White Houses' response?
"Is there a threat of civil war? Yes" - Sean McCormack, White House National Security Council spokesman.
And for a real laugh, the White House is saying that this document, saying we might have a civil war in Iraq, "bolsters their case" for why the administration has to stay the course in Iraq. Yes, so we can put our soldiers smack dab in the middle of a civil war. Read the rest of this post...

Gay marriage is GOOD for the economy. Who knew?

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Fundy bigots in Minnesota request a study on gay marriage to PROVE that it will bankrupt the state. What they got was a study showing it would bring lots of money to the state - oops.
There appear to be substantial economic benefits to gay marriage. Forbes magazine estimated that legalizing gay marriage would result in $16.8 billion in extra revenues due to weddings nationally. Using Census Bureau data showing 594,000 U.S. same-sex couples living together in 2000, Forbes assumed that only 85 percent would have formal weddings. If Minnesota's share of gay marriages were proportional to its population of 5.1 million, the weddings benefit would be $247 million. In May, a UCLA Law School study found that same-sex marriages would result in gains to California's state budget of $22.3 to $25.2 million a year. Savings would come mainly by causing the income of a person's married partner to be included when determining eligibility for means-tested state benefit programs.

In other words, from a fiscal perspective, gay marriage is a conservative's dream come true because it takes people off of entitlement programs. Economist and UCLA study coauthor M.V. Lee Badgett noted: "Even if only a small percentage of individuals living with partners register and become ineligible for public benefits, California is likely to reduce its expenditures on these programs by more than $23 million a year."

The California study also predicted increases in tourism dollars and tax revenues -- $100 million per year in increased business revenues and $10 million in sales taxes. Similar findings have resulted from studies of same-sex marriage in Vermont, New Jersey and Connecticut. From a fiscal perspective, Gov. Tim Pawlenty should be leading the gay parade.

One thing is certain: There will be further deep cuts to state program benefits resulting from the coming $1 billion state deficit and Pawlenty's no-new-taxes pledges. What better for his partisans than to blame the resulting losses to individuals and families on gays?

In addition to its bigoted intolerance, the argument has little economic foundation. But I'm glad someone asked me the question. The answer, it turns out, is that gay marriage may be good for the economy, and for state budgets.
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Is Kerry better than Bush on gay issues?

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"Is John Kerry better than George W. Bush on gay and lesbian issues? Absolutely, Absolutely" - Christopher Barron, Political Director, Log Cabin Republicans at a forum at American University, 9/14/04
Let's ensure that NOT ONE of the 1m gays who voted for Bush votes for him again this time. Someone should be dropping BIG MONEY on insuring just that. Read the rest of this post...

What's the excuse this time?

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Less than 2 weeks before the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates is scheduled to have its first debate -- Sep. 30 in Miami -- and still the bush campaign won't agree to actually debate.

I can't understand why. preznit is actually, despite his limitless ability to sound like a moron when he's off the script, an outstanding debater. He beat Ann Richards, beat Al Gore.

I have two theories -- first, he's downplaying expectations. not a bad strategy. Second, he's worried because there's a major difference in this debate. Against Richards and Gore, he was attacking someone else's record. This time, he'll also have to defend his own.

Remember this is a guy that makes people who show up to his campaign rallies sign loyalty oaths. He's not too pleased when someone challenges his point of view.

Coward. Read the rest of this post...

2 Americans, 1 Brit kidnapped in Iraq

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We're giving up ground, we can't maintain the peace, our people are dying, Iraqis are dying, money is being diverted from rebuilding to security, our former friend in Iraq turned over secret intelligence data to Iran, oil lines are disrupted, violations of the Geneva Convention, the elections look increasingly difficult and kidnappings occur every day. Now what was that progress that Scotty Boy was talking about? What am I missing here?
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Another nuke site in Iran under the Bush watch?

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OK, spin this one as "Clinton's fault" George. Maybe it's all part of a new campaign tag line strategy?

Bush: The nuclear proliferation president

Bush: Empty threats because we blew the bank in Iraq and are overstretched but who needs facts

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Judge orders Iraq files to be opened within 30 days

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I'm glad to see it coming but I don't know if anyone is paying attention or cares. So far everything in Iraq seems to be like water off a duck's back for Bush&Co.;
Suggesting the government was acting as if it had something to hide, a federal judge Wednesday gave Washington one month to release records related to the treatment of prisoners in Iraq.

"If the documents are more of an embarrassment than a secret, the public should know of our government's treatment of individuals captured and held abroad," Hellerstein wrote. "We are a nation that strives to value the dignity of all humanity."

"Increasingly, the administration's response to requests has been to stonewall or delay as long as possible until documents are forced out of them by a court," he [Jameel Jaffer, ACLU] said.

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Another spy/mole under Bush watch

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Global political hot spot check list:
  • Middle East - check, thanks neocons!
  • China-Taiwain - check!
  • North Korea - in progress?
What the hell is going on - or not going on - that allows yet another fuckup like this? Now we have someone under Powell who has made secret visits to Taiwan to turn over secret information about China. The Bushies wouldn't know security if it bit them in the ass. It's true what's being said out there that these ownership society people don't want to own up to a damned thing. This has been out there for about a year and nothing yet some idiot Congressman wants to start an investigation on Dan Rather's story from a week ago.
A former high-ranking State Department official who is one of the nation's leading experts on China passed documents to Taiwanese intelligence agents and was charged yesterday with concealing a trip to Taiwan, court papers say.

Donald W. Keyser, who was elevated to principal deputy assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs this year, made the trip last year, according to an FBI affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Alexandria. Keyser, 61, who advised Secretary of State Colin L. Powell on China issues, met with one of the agents in Taipei last September during an official trip to China and Japan, the affidavit says.

On Sept. 4 [2003]...FBI agents saw Keyser pass a document captioned "discussion topics,'' the affidavit says. FBI agents stopped the three men outside the restaurant and took the six-page document, described in the affidavit as something "derived from material to which Keyser had access as a result of his employment with the Department of State."

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A president we can snicker at

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Not to belabor the point, but wouldn't it be cool to live in a universe where the major media had the balls to question Bush as toughly as they question their own. Even when criticizing Rather, they admit, obliquely, that there's now EVEN MORE evidence that Bush screwed around while in the National Guard:
"I know that I didn't type them," Knox said of the Killian memos. "However, the information in there is correct," she said, adding that Killian and the other officers would "snicker about what [Bush] was getting away with."
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Just a quick update on the site's traffic

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Thought you'd enjoy seeing how the site has been doing since we launched in April. The traffic has been growing steadily each month, and as of now we're averaging about 15,000 people a day, which is pretty good. It still isn't Kos' 250,000 people a day, but we're getting there :-) Thanks everyone for making this site a fun community. JOHN

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That'll show Osama not to mess with us

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"Spurred by a federal case in California, a divided U.S. congressional panel voted on Wednesday to prevent federal courts from declaring as unconstitutional the phrase 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance." - Reuters
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