The Rick Smith Show In Teamster Magazine
06/07/2012 - 2:04pm
Exclusive Coverage of the PA AFLCIO Convention
03/30/2012 - 8:39am
![Rising Tide Rising Tide](
For those who missed our coverage, check out individual segments(still uploading) on our Special Features Page. Right click to download our full pod casts:
March 29th featuring Pat Eiding, President Philadelphia Central Labor Council, Frank Snyder, Secretary Treasurer of the PA AFLCIO, Lou Coppolino of SMWIA 19, Kevin Upshaw, Security Guard in Philadelphia, and Valerie Owes, Worker at SugarHouse Casino on the companies union busting.
March 28th featuring PA AFLCIO President Richard Bloomingdale, Reverand David Bollack ,Jim Savage, USW 10-1 ,Dean Showers, USW 6996 ,Zach Hause, PA Central Labor Council ,Jerry Oleksiak, Vice President, PSEA ,Lorenzo Canizares, Organizing Specialist for the PSEA
March 27th featuring National AFLCIO President Richard Trumka, Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President Emeritus Bill George, Kathy Black, The Coalition for Labor Union Women, Kim Patterson, Secretary Treasurer for SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania on the private prison industrial complex attempting to further snake it's way into Pennsylvania, Mickey Sgro of the PA Central Area Labor Federation, and Darrin Kelly of IAFF Local 1 on the attacks on firefighters and why we see a traditionally republican voting bloc starting to vote for labor issues
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Fight back against Verizon
03/23/2012 - 7:57pm
Voter suppression continues here at home
03/09/2012 - 12:10pm
Tom Corbett: Have a heart
02/15/2012 - 1:01pm
A year ago today
02/14/2012 - 10:56am
I tweeted this. We've succeeded. Where we go from here is anyones guess.
ATU Pres. Hanley on transportation in American
02/13/2012 - 1:41pm
The Pa Budget season begins
02/07/2012 - 1:43pm
Today the PA Budget season began with Tom Corbett's job killing budget. Occupy Harrisburg along with Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Pittsburgh held a Funeral for Fairness and hoped everyone would live in peace and solidarity! Maybe Tom Corbett can do that instead of promoting class war?