The American Spectator


The Obama Watch

Obama Steals Mao's Slogan

Jeffrey Lord

"Great Leap Forward" is Americanized to "Forward" -- a socialist campaign blunders.

Special Report

North Korea: The Gulag State

Doug Bandow

Breaching the conspiracy of silence surrounding North Korea's prison camps.

A Further Perspective

Speculators and Manipulators

Ron Ross

Obama's latest blame game contestants.

The Nation's Pulse

The Affections of Wendell Berry

Christopher Orlet

A true Jeffersonian delivers the Annual Jefferson Lecture.

At Large

Down Mexico Way

George H. Wittman

Where are the Earp boys and Blackjack Pershing when you need them? Instead we have growing paramilitary units.

Books in Review

Two Cheers for Tyrannicide

Aram Bakshian, Jr.

Jonah Goldberg catches liberals cheating again -- big time.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ben Stein's Diary

Bad Day in Rancho Mirage

Ben Stein

An extremely bad day, and not just there.

Special Report

Another 'Green Energy' Failure?

Mark Hyman

Another Obama-Biden success story? Mitt Romney blamed.

The Obama Watch

Spiking the Bin Laden Football

Ross Kaminsky

Barack Obama thinks that the EPA's relationship to jobs should be the same as the Navy SEAL's relationship to Osama bin Laden.

The Campaign Spectator

Demography, Destiny, and Delusion

Grover G. Norquist

Liberals' focus on race ignores what really drives voter behavior.

A Further Perspective

The Immorality of Obamanomics

Peter Ferrara

Lying, stealing, and corruption are its fundaments.

Political Hay

Square Deal for America

Lisa Fabrizio

How many rock star presidents can we survive?

Another Perspective

Glamour of Evil or Glimmer of Hope?

Patrick O'Hannigan

Assessing reaction to The Hunger Games.

The Public Policy

A Cynical Process: Part II

Thomas Sowell

Barack Obama may win re-election by turning the United States into Detroit writ large.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Scott Brown's Balancing Act

W. James Antle, III

It's not easy being Brown in a blue state.

Political Hay

Hunger Games Wisdom

Ross Kaminsky

President Obama has yet to understand that the next president will be cleaning up his messes.

Breaking News

Soros Election-Rigging Project Dies?

Matthew Vadum

The mysterious disappearance of the Secretary of State Project.


Ed Schultz: The Third Least Influential Person Alive

Jeffrey Lord

Union money, liberal big donor start-up spiced by a bad case of Hannity-envy.

A Further Perspective

The War on Terror Isn't Over

Aaron Goldstein

Does our president think the Taliban wouldn't give safe harbor to al Qaeda if again given the opportunity?



Special Feature

Better that we become a nation of choosers rather than beggars. Our symposium on choice from the May, 2012 issue:

A Time for Choosing

James Piereson

The Road from Serfdom

Stephen Moore and Peter Ferrara

The Spectacle Blog

RNC Warns Nevada GOP About Ron Paul Supporters

W. James Antle, III | 2:53PM

Jered Weaver No-Hits Twins

Aaron Goldstein | 12:38PM

Economic Data Continues to Disappoint

Ross Kaminsky | 9:08AM

Junior Seau, 1969-2012. R.I.P.

Aaron Goldstein | 5.2.12

Junior Seau, RIP

Quin Hillyer | 5.2.12