Neat Stuff
This section has a collection of various interesting and useful things we have come across on the Internet that are sometimes not related to economics. Some can be achieved with other technologies, but some are only practical with the Internet. Some are just plain clever.- - jokes about the profession and others | details...
- JokEc - jokes about economists and economics | details...
- Economic Jokes - jokes with a recent emphasis | details...
- American Currency Exhibit - view U.S. currency through the years | details...
- World Currency Museum - view currencies from around the world | details...
- Academic Journals Feedback Project - rate journal experiences | details...
- Antique Insurance & Financial Books | details...
- Apache Web Server Project - freely available and market leading web-server software | details...
- Ask-A-Geologist - ask specific questions about geology | details...
- Building A Transistor - learn how transistors are built and operate | details...
- Cemetery Records Online - find burial records | details...
- CEOExpress - many useful sites | details...
- Clear Sky Clock - cloud cover prediction | details...
- Creative Commons - licenses for creative works | details...
- Computer Bug -- First One - picture of what is now common | details...
- Computer Bug -- Permanent - hard-to-squash bug | details...
- Cuneiform Digital Library - dealing with the oldest form of written communication | details...
- Digital Divide Data - Cambodia based data entry firm | details...
- Earth Impact Effects Program - estimate effects of comets and asteroids | details...
- EDSAC Simulator - simulation of the first modern computer | details...
- Email Address Encoder - make it hard for spammers to get your address | details...
- Environmental Working Group Farm Subsidy Database - list of crop subsidies | details...
- - unique search engine | details...
- Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation - spoof on PowerPoint | details...
- GlobalGiving - eBay-like model for development | details...
- - data and analysis of grade inflation | details...
- Internet Archive | details...
- - innovative method for dealing with intellectual property | details...
- IRS Form 1040 from 1913 | details...
- Khan Academy - academic lectures on many topics | details...
- Kiva - lend to entrepreneurs in the Third World | details...
- Money Origami - a different use of money | details...
- MusicForEcon - songs with economics themes | details...
- Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) - on-line theses and dissertations | details...
- NoodleBib - generate correct MLA or APA style bibliographies | details...
- Portraits of Well-known Economists - ever wonder what they look like? | details...
- Search Systems - search many public record databases | details...
- SpamArchive - find a use for spam | details...
- Teachers Pay Teachers - market for lesson plans | details...
- Travel with Bicycles (Air/Rail/Other) - the Internet brings together people of varied interests | details...
- Verizon Speedtest - test your Internet connection speed | details...
- Web Sites That Shorten Long URLs - sites that let you shorten URLs | details...
- Volunteers Catalog Mars' Craters for NASA - volunteer eyes catalog craters | details...
- Your Disease Risk - estimate your risk of various diseases | details...