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Stephen King lets CUJO loose on the GOP

steve king

"Tough shit for you guys, because I’m not tired of talking about it. I’ve known rich people, and why not, since I’m one of them? The majority would rather douse their dicks with lighter fluid, strike a match, and dance around singing “Disco Inferno” than pay one more cent in taxes to Uncle Sugar. The Koch brothers are right-wing creepazoids... " Stephen King: Tax Me, for F@%&’s Sake!

This great column over at the Daily Beast is full of righteous anger and naughty language. CUJO has been let loose on the GOP! Mr King is not promoting a 3.2% tax raise on the wealthy by recinding the Bush Tax Cuts, but says it should go up 15% on the wealthy, up to 50%. His argument is that charity giving is all fine and well, and appreciated, but for the most part it goes to the wealthy's whims rather than the poor who suffer the most in a capitalist system.

The contract for Capitalism has from the gitgo been to let the free market play while insuring a CIVILIZED safety net that can at the very least alleviate hunger, homelessness, and poor health to people other than in jail. Which is pretty much the difference between Europe and us. Socialism (which is not socialism but pluralism) versus Jail. 


Colbert: Missouri pretends gays do not exist, do the math

The Colbert Report
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The majority of Americans now think gay marriage is okay. Putting Republicans in the minority on Gay Rights, Abortion, Taxes, Economy, birth control, Planned Parenthood, Afghanistan, Iran, immigration, covering the uninsured, covering pre existing conditions, covering kids until they are 26, President Obama, guns, global warming, climate change, the environment... But sadly they still have a lock on flying invisible sky creatures, UFOs, Ghosts, Bigfeet and ignorance. So go vote or we will all end up living in Dumbo Hollar...


Stephen Colbert and Diane Keaton Laugh it up

The Colbert Report
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Watching this made ME laugh. It was of the funniest interviews on Colbert that I can recall. Good natured zings going back and forth. I dropped by Mediate this morning to find their spin on it was Keaton was ERRATIC and PERVERTED and OUT OF LINE and more or less, what was she on?  They need to get their anals loosened over there.   Watch Diane Keaton’s Bizarre ‘Perv’ Jokes On The Colbert Report

I was also surprised to see Arianna Huffington  go ballistic against the Bin Laden Obama political advertisement. Gee, what was that about? Is she turning once again? Has that $300 million AOL gave her found her naked in a Swiss Bank with Mitt? Arianna: Obama's bin Laden ad 'despicable'


Colbert: Fashion for the concealed weapon

I don't know if concealed is the way to go anymore. More states are going with OPEN carry. I think the fashion statement for America should be cross bandoleers full of ammo, double thigh tied side holsters, a AK47 slung over the back and an over sized black and white sombrero. Not only a fashion statement for American Barbarianism, but who will have the balls to ask anyone in that getup for their papers? 


Rick Santorum denies cadging sneaky photo of hot Lindsay Lohan

The White House Correspondent's Dinner placed disparate personalities cheek by jowl, and Rick Santorum couldn't wait to get closer to polar opposite Linday Lohan. Santorum is said to have asked Lohan to pose for the picture seen here. When asked about his machinations to get Lohan to pose, he offered an extremely lame excuse. I must say he seemed to be visibly beaming, and secretly glad he'd left his sweater vest at home that night.


Letterman: Top 10 ways Mitt Romney hooks up with the teens

Who says millionaire Mitt Romney suffers from a disconnect with the common folk? Here is evidence that Mitt knows how to say just the right thing to start rewarding two-way conversations with the teen crowd  and win them over to the dork side. It turns out that "My friend owns (fill in the blank) " is a sure fire conversation starter for every demographic.


CONAN: Lousy Romney & Obama campaign slogans

The search is on for the 2012 equivalent of Obama's winning slogan, "Change We Can Believe In." In the past week Conan has attempted to help both Romney and Obama cull their speeches and conversations for winning slogans. These are the absolute bottom of the barrel. On the bright side, the out of context bits such as Obama's "Can anyone afford an extra thousand dollars right now?" are pre-edited and ready for broadcast on Fox News. My choice? "I like cars!"


George W Bush Character actor! FOD

How often do you find yourself engaged in a game of " Who's that actor...Where do I know him from?" It's frustrating, the name is on the tip of your tongue, and it's so satisfying when you're the first to remember. The two friends in the sketch find themselves trying to place the actor in 'the Adjustment Bureau' - he's just the 'kind of guy you wanna grab a beer with.' That phrase alone should be the tip off - although why the folks at Funny or Die imply that Dubya's career took off in 2008 is beyond me. He's been acting for years - remember his great role in "Mission Accomplished?"


Jimmy Kimmel White House Correspondents Dinner

It was not easy finding any video of Jimmy Kimmel or Obama that was not REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.

Seems the big moment was Kimmel's joke about Kim Kardashian, all of which have been removed from Youtube.  In fact I would guess the search for anything about the event would have "Kardashian" topping both "Kimmel" and "Obama". And quite honestly I have no idea who Kim Kardashian is other than some women with a big ass who married a white basketball player for a month.   

We men sure like to make fun of the ladies for being so consumed by all that shallow meaningless celebrity crap! While we sit all weekend in front of a TV in the pursuit of the important intellectualism of watching grown men chasing a ball around. And recently the Earth Shattering importance of WHO will get to chase the balls around for the most money!  Hold my calls, bring me something to pee in, its the NFL DRAFT!


Best 5 minutes of Obama at White House Correspondents Dinner

I think it's safe to say that the President got more laughs than comedic host Jimmy Kimmel in a speech that left no public persona untouched including himself, and no topic sacred. From Newt and Romney to party girl Hillary Clinton - and every controversy currently in the news, the President effortlessly entertained the attendees of the White House Correspondent's Dinner, or 'The prom for those who never attended their own.'The full video of the President at the Correspondent's Dinner can be seen here.


FOD: White People Problems: iPods & Rap

iPods can be problematic, especially for white folks with a taste for Rap. It might be wise to take the man's advice. If you're not up for a change of musical taste, perhaps it would be wise to keep the buds and wires visible at all times, lest you too sound like an out of tune racist - or nut.


Kimmel: Romney's ad begs, Please like ME more than ANN

It's not enough that the robotic and out-of-touch Mitt is up against a charismatic President, but to learn that people like his wife Ann, more than they like him must be a two-edged sword indeed! Desperate times, call for desperate measures, and poor old Seamus rises again in Mitt's attempt to curry favor with those who would likely elect his wife instead, were she running.



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Tue, 01.05.2012 21:16
This man has kept me up more nights, and left me [...]
Sat, 28.04.2012 22:58
Don't forget to floss! ; )
Sat, 28.04.2012 22:56
Yes db, it IS getting to be difficult to tell the [...]
Sat, 28.04.2012 15:44
You're kidding right, this is a parody? I know my [...]
Sat, 28.04.2012 06:33
Sorry Lt., Robert Zimmerman not ringing any be [...]
Fri, 27.04.2012 19:43
Martin did a 'Clear the Air' segment today becaus [...]
Fri, 27.04.2012 18:20
But I used ROBERT Zimmerman, and you know who tha [...]
Fri, 27.04.2012 13:07
Err Lt., The Martin shooter is George Zimmerma [...]
Sun, 22.04.2012 13:59
Chicken Hawks... That is way different than dodgi [...]
Sun, 22.04.2012 06:59
But the hypocrisy isn't in the avoiding Vietnam; [...]


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